Shuttle Seventy: Sweet Wife

Chapter 829: Cause and effect

Of the two rescued, the most seriously injured were not the victims who had been trapped for three days and three nights, but the people who participated in the rescue!

When they were rescued, both of them were covered in ashes and fell into a coma, but after some examinations, the victim, Zhu Lianhua, was just starving and fainted due to physical weakness. problem!

There were multiple wounds on the back, blood mixed with plaster, and the color of the blood had changed. Fortunately, there was no internal injury, but an external bruise. The military doctor did a hemostatic bandage and gave medicine.

At first, everyone thought that Gao Shen would wake up soon! After all, that Comrade Zhu has already woken up and is eating!

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, two days have passed, and there is still no sign of Gao Shen's recovery, which can make all the comrades anxious!

Especially the members of the first team, everyone is from the same military region, so naturally their feelings are different!

They called the military doctor again, and after a careful inspection, they found that there was a small swelling on Gao Shen's head, which was bulging. At this time, the military doctor also realized that something was wrong.

Because the head did not notice any major wounds at the time, but there was a blood opening on the forehead, but it was not very big, and the bleeding was stopped in time, so everyone did not think about the problem of head injury at all.

The military doctor did not dare to delay, and immediately reported the situation of Gao Shen. The top commander at the disaster site immediately sent someone to contact the person in charge of the 101 Military Region in Panshi. Detailed examination and treatment.

After eating and drinking, Zhu Lianhua learned that the soldier who rescued her was injured and still in a coma, and immediately ran to the medical tent set up by the military doctor to take care of Gao Shen.

Originally, there were not enough manpower at the scene. There were still many wounded and trapped people waiting for treatment and rescue. There was indeed no extra manpower to take care of Gao Shen. Therefore, when Zhu Lianhua proposed to take care of Gao Shen, both the doctor and the officer agreed. !

When they learned that they wanted to send Gao Shen back to Panshi for treatment, Zhu Lianhua did not hesitate and offered to take care of Gao Shen all the way. Because there were no nurses accompanying him, the commander agreed.

After all, Bingdanzi is no more meticulous and thoughtful than women when it comes to taking care of patients, and, if Gao Shen saved her, she will definitely take care of Gao Shen carefully.

After Gao Shen's situation is stable, let the two soldiers accompanying him send Zhu Lianhua back to Tang City!

In this way, everyone can feel more at ease, because they can't take care of Gao Shen, and naturally hope that he can be taken care of!


After listening to what the two soldiers said, Jing Qing nodded clearly! Sure enough, it's almost the same as my guess!

"Thank you both! Go and rest too! I'll take care of it here!" Jing Qing thanked her heartily.

"No, our original duty is to be responsible for the safety of battalion commander Gao!" the soldier said immediately.

Jing Qing said with a small smile: "You have come all the way, and you haven't had a good rest. Go to rest for a night before coming over! Don't worry, this is a military hospital, and no one will come to make trouble!"

"That's good!" The two soldiers readily responded. From their initial participation in the rescue to the time they escorted Battalion Commander Gao to Panshi, they really didn't have much rest.

Moreover, what my sister-in-law said also makes sense. This is not a random place. On this floor, as early as when Battalion Commander Gao checked in, the hospital had already done relevant protection work, and there were also personnel on duty at night.

Jing Qingxin sent the two soldiers away and closed the door of the ward!

Back at the bedside, Jing Qingxin took Gao Shen's hand and immediately entered the bathroom in the space.

Jing Qingxin took off his high clothes and pushed him into the bath to soak him. No matter whether his body was traumatized or internally injured, he could be nourished and healed by Lingxi water.

Jing Qing is not worried, the deep wound will disappear immediately, which arouses suspicion, because the biggest effect of Lingxi water is to nourish slowly, it is a very gentle way, a little bit of relief, as long as you control the time, You don't have to worry about the wound being healed!

After ten minutes of soaking, Jing Qingxin dragged Gao Shen out of the pool with all his might, wiping off the water droplets on his body. In this way, Jing Qingxin also clearly saw that the injury on Gao Shen's body was as they said. , The injury on Gao Shen's body is indeed not very serious, it can only be regarded as a traumatic injury. After more than a week of maintenance, he will fully recover.

It seemed that the real key that caused her family Ah Shen to fall into a coma was the head injury. Jing Qingxin carefully looked at Gao Shen's head with her hands, and there was indeed a small bulge protruding.

It is estimated that there was congestion in the brain and a blood clot was formed. Because the clot was not properly dredged, it caused Gao Shen to fall into a drowsiness. After some examinations, Jing Qingxin also had a bottom line in his heart, and immediately, Dressed for Gao Shen.

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