Shuttle Seventy: Sweet Wife

Chapter 500: Bad mood, ancient tomb agency

If they are not in the same team, the assigned tasks are naturally different, so they have never found a suitable opportunity!

Now, their **** team and their stormtroopers have stayed behind, and the tomb is dimly lit and the space is not very large. It is most suitable for doing some small things in private!

Zhao Guoqing and Lin Qiang exchanged glances, and nodded slightly in agreement with each other.

In order to restore the ancient tomb as much as possible, a group of soldiers did physical work, cleaned up the damaged stones, and put some ornaments back in their original positions.

In the ancient tomb, there are indeed many ancient jewelry and artifacts buried with them, but the superiors have given orders that they cannot hide the ancient tomb items at will. These busy soldiers, even if they want to take them, have nowhere to hide!

If you are found, you will be punished! Besides, this is a burial object in the ancient tomb, and they don't have the courage to dare to think about it! Therefore, the entire group of soldiers stopped and thought carefully, and they were honestly tidying up!

The so-called, wealth and silk move people's hearts, this sentence is not false!

Most soldiers are upright, and even for a moment, they want to get something valuable, but they are nothing more than wanting to improve their life at home!

This kind of careful thinking is normal, but they are of pure character and have no bad thoughts. After thinking a little, they will feel condemned by their conscience, so they will not continue to have crooked thoughts!

But in the world, there are such a small group of people, who are like rat **** in a pot of porridge, with a bad mind and a narrow mind. They always put their own interests above everything else, but they always have valid reasons to convince themselves!

Just like Zhao Guoqing and Lin Qiang!

Both of them belonged to people with bad minds. When they saw the gold and silver jewelry in the ancient tomb, they could no longer see other things in their eyes! For them, it is simply foolish behavior to put gold and silver jewelry without taking them, but to put them back!

For the superior's order, the hearts of the two are full of countless resentments! After such a hard trip, I didn't eat well, I didn't wear well, I suffered a lot of sins, and in the end, I got nothing!

Such a result, the heart of the two of them is naturally strongly dissatisfied!

So, the two of them carried people behind their backs and secretly checked the gold and silver jewelry in the ancient tomb. Slowly, the two gradually walked deeper into the ancient tomb, because the two felt that the closer they were to the coffin, the more certain the burial objects would be. More precious!

If they can bring one or two little things along, their lives will surely be easy to eat and wear!

A group of soldiers outside was busy, and fifteen or six people were walking back and forth in the cave. Therefore, no one noticed Zhao Guoqing and Lin Qiang's actions for a while.

The ancient tomb is very long, and there are a lot of bronze ornaments along the way. Zhao Guoqing and Lin Qiang are watching and stroking with their hands, wanting to feel the touch of the ancient objects!

I don't know if it was Zhao Guoqing or Lin Qiang, who touched something, and suddenly there was a 'boom' sound in the ancient tomb! As if something was moving!

Immediately, they were so frightened that they retracted their hands!

But the sound continued, getting louder and louder. The group of people in the ancient tomb couldn't help but stunned, stopped what they were doing, and looked around, as if trying to find out where the sound came from!

Just when everyone was stunned for a while, suddenly, the stone wall of the entire ancient tomb began to tremble! The sudden change made everyone who had no experience in tomb robbing not react in time!

And Gao Shen happened to be standing in the middle of the ancient tomb. Seeing this phenomenon, Gao Shen's expression flashed a hint of shock, and more of a look of anger, and he couldn't help roaring: "Who moved the mechanism! The tomb is about to collapse! Run away! !"

With a sudden roar, everyone immediately came back to their senses, hurriedly threw away the things in their hands, and ran outside. At this moment, the tremors of the stone walls and the ground of the ancient tomb became more and more obvious, and everyone who escaped was unable to run and walk normally!

The sudden tremor of the stone wall made the ground sway, and the soldiers couldn't run out quickly at all, and their bodies could not be controlled and swayed!

What's more terrible is that because of the trembling of the stone wall, many scattered stones above the ancient tomb also fell one after another. Stone!

"Ouch!" A soldier was hit by a stone and immediately ran out, covering his head with his hands.

"Walk along the wall, there are injured people, everyone supports each other!" Gao Shen walked behind and shouted loudly.

Hearing the sound, everyone immediately leaned against the wall, leaned against the wall, and walked outside shaking. At this moment, more and more stones fell in the ancient tomb cave, and the stones became bigger and bigger, falling on the ground. It also hindered the escape of the group!

When Zhao Guoqing and Lin Qiang heard the high-level shouting, their hearts clenched in fear. The two couldn't help but glance at each other with a hint of panic in their eyes. They suddenly understood in their hearts that it might be the two of them who had no intention of touching them. What kind of mechanism did you encounter in the ancient tomb, so the ancient tomb is about to collapse? !

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