Shuraba Player

Chapter 1054:

For example, Hu Lingmeng in the team of the dead zero, or grapefruit in Baizhi's team.

Originally, Phalaenopsis didn't pay much attention to the injury on her hand, but after Huo Lingmeng said that, she couldn't help becoming nervous.

…and it wasn't just her who realized the magnitude of the problem.

"Take off the bandage and let me see."

After Fu Lingmeng left in a hurry with Bai Zhi, Youzi came to Phalaenopsis with a serious expression.

She was basically uninjured, and Li from the mountainside was just overdrawn, so she didn't need to worry too much, but Phalaenopsis...


Nodding weakly, Phalaenopsis obediently untied the bandage wrapped around her right hand.

The bandage itself is also a perfect level of healing item, which she bought at the auction house at a high price, just in case it is needed.

Her right hand was twisted like that before, but now she can move freely as if she had never been injured, all thanks to this bandage.

But just after she took off the bandage from her right hand, not only she, but also Yuzu, or Li, the mountainside man next to her, the complexions of the three of them changed slightly.

On her right arm that was healed by the bandage, a thick bark grew at some point, wrapping her arm completely, as if her arm had been semi-vegetated Same, looks extraordinarily weird.

Phalaenopsis didn't notice the change in her arm. The bark growing on her arm seemed to have completely merged with her, and she didn't feel any discomfort.

"Is it polluted by the ghost... It really is an untouched field..."

Taking a deep breath in her mouth, Yuzu turned her head to look at the various knotted and twisted plants that covered the high platform around her, feeling a sudden chill in her heart.

—At this time, she suddenly understood the origin of the large number of twisted plants that occupied the entire ruins.


"...Is this what you said she was going to die?"

In a fairly clean corner at the northwest corner of the high platform, looking at the dead Ling sitting at the table in front of him, holding a brush in his hand and drawing graffiti on paper intently, after a little silence, Bai Zhi turned his head to look at the evil spirit Dream over there.

Seeing how anxious the other party said before, he really thought that something serious happened to the deceased Zero, but now it seems...Although the accident was said to be an accident, the meaning of the accident seems to be different.

"Eh? Ah Zhi, are you here?"

At this time, the deceased Zero who heard his voice raised his head from the table with some joy.

After finding his figure, the girl happily got up from the chair and threw herself into his arms, then hugged him contentedly and rubbed against his chest.

"Xiaoqiu has been waiting for Ah Zhi, it's great to have you here~"

Bai Zhi: "..."

...He suddenly remembered a certain video that he had kept at the bottom of the box.

"Don't look at me, she's been clamoring for you, what can I do?"

Cursing her lips, Huo Lingmeng pretended to be indifferent and looked away.

"Before, Xiaoqiu was seriously injured in order to protect me. In fact, the injury itself was secondary. It was mainly caused by the pollution of that ghostly corpse. That is the most fatal thing."

"So she was affected by the pollution?"

While coping with the dead Ling in his arms with some dumbfounding, Bai Zhi asked.

Compared with the original situation, the current appearance of the dead zero is obviously more serious.

At the beginning, the other party just took off the superficial disguise and looked directly at the desire in her heart, but now, while retaining the original foundation, her mind is also young.

...another form of koyokero?

"I don't know, and I don't know what's going on with her."

Spreading his hands in front of him, Huo Lingmeng answered very simply.

"When the corpse of the ghostly fairy ran away, I was not qualified to be close to the center of the battlefield. Although the town was not completely sealed, in the end, the corpse of the ghostly fairy was still sealed safely. When I was in When she was found in the center of the battlefield, the pollution on Xiaoqiu's body was quite serious, and half of her body had a tendency to transform into a plant...or it could no longer be called pollution, but because she was too close to the fairyland. Cursed by dead bodies."

"So it is for this reason that when you were inside, you did not hesitate to experience the situation yourself, just to find the corresponding treatment method?"

Thinking of what the other party did inside, Bai Zhi couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Although for the other party, dying inside is escaping from that world, but in that false world, everything experienced is all real.

"It's the method that works the fastest when you're in uncharted territory that you haven't stepped into before."

Shaking his head, Huo Lingmeng shifted his gaze to the deceased Ling.

"Before I entered that world, I tried my best to alleviate her deteriorating condition, and planned to treat her after the seal was perfected. But before I escaped from that world, , Xiaoqiu has already become like this."

"The pollution?"


Reaching out and pressing his forehead, Hu Lingmeng looked distressed.

"I have checked, and I can't find any traces of pollution on her body. Although Xiaoqiu said she still remembers me, her mind has been extremely degraded, just like a child."

"...So, why did you call me here?"

Seeing the deceased Zero in front of him clamoring for him to hold it up high, Bai Zhi's truth is a bit difficult to deal with.

In terms of height, the deceased Zero is slightly shorter than him by half a head. Although it is not impossible to play with the other party, he always feels that the atmosphere is quite weird.

In addition, he was quite worried that after she recovered, he might be hacked to death by the angry opponent...

"Accompany her, otherwise why can I call you over?"

With her arms around her chest, Huo Lingmeng snorted slightly dissatisfied.

"She has been clamoring to find her Ah Zhi, what else can I do besides satisfying her request as much as possible?"

Bai Zhi: "..."

What the other party said made sense, but he was speechless at the moment.

"Okay, you can stay here with her. I'll go and see what's going on with Phalaenopsis."

Putting down his hand, while talking to himself, Huo Lingmeng turned and walked outside.

"The pollution of the ghost corpse is not a joke. If I don't go there to help, maybe it won't be long before Phalaenopsis will be reduced to a pile of rotten wood..."

"Then trouble you... what are you doing?"

Before finishing a sentence, Bai Zhi could not help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he looked at Huo Lingmeng who turned back and placed a camera in the corner.

"Why? Can't you see that?"

Turning his head, Huo Lingmeng gave him a strange look at first, and then pointed to the deceased Zero in his arms with a natural expression.

"Let me ask you, is Xiaoqiu's current situation rare?"


"So I have to keep her dark history, which is quite a rare collection."

Looking at him, Huo Lingmeng looked serious.

"Well, I don't think you have any objections, do you? After all, I don't think you are the one who takes advantage of Xiao Qiu during this time."


Looking at the camera in the corner, Bai Zhi also nodded with a serious face.

— The light of righteousness shone all over his body.

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1613 Chapter 687 Beasts are not as good as Master Bai (4K)

After Fu Lingmeng left in a hurry, Bai Zhi took on the important task of taking care of the deceased Ling.

—In this process, he was physically and mentally exhausted.

Although the deceased Zero is now in a state of immature mentality, her own strength has not regressed, just like a three-year-old child holding a machine gun full of clips, lethality and deterrence directly filled.

Originally, the young? Dead Zero was just tossing the paintbrush that Hu Lingmeng gave her to scribble on the paper before, but now she stopped tossing the brush and tossing him instead.

At one moment they were clamoring for him to be raised high, at another moment they were clamoring for him to stroke his hair, at another moment they were clamoring to ride a horse and fly on a plane, and at another moment they were pulling him to play house together...

The first two are fine, but later, when the other party pretending to be a doctor holds a needle tube as thick as an adult's arm with a serious face and wants to take off his pants and give him a spanking needle, Bai Zhi admits that he wants to escape. .

...That needle seems to have been left here before Huo Lingmeng.

Of course, for some requests that were not excessive, Bai Zhi agreed for the sake of the other party's illness, but for some requests, he sternly refused.

Leaving aside the fact that he doesn't want himself to have an extra piece of black history, the most important thing is that if everything is really done according to the other party's temperament, then what is filmed in the camera left by Huo Lingmeng should be an exciting restricted-level Videos... 18+ kind.

Just like that, after a long day of turmoil, the young? Dead Zero was still full of energy, while Bai Zhi was about to stop eating.

So, when the sweaty dead Ling pulled him and asked him to give her a bath, Bai Zhi, who seized the opportunity, decisively slapped her...

—Everyone who used his bricks said it was good.

"Huh... It's finally over."

Holding the sleeping partner in his arms, he breathed a sigh of relief, and Bai Zhi reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

If it continues, he will be under a lot of pressure... Thanks to his amazing willpower.

"I don't know if she can recover when she wakes up..."

Looking at the sleeping dead Ling Ling in his arms, after a little thought, Bai Zhi took out the demon refining pot.

According to what Huo Lingmeng said before, the other party was severely polluted before, and even with Huo Lingmeng's ability, it could only be suppressed temporarily.

Huo Lingmeng personally experienced that kind of pollution in that false world before, and his purpose was to heal the dead Zero after he came out, but he didn't expect that the other party would be fine... although he is said to be mentally immature.

According to Bai Zhi's own speculation, this abnormal behavior of the other party is most likely the effect of a certain inherited skill or entry of hers, and the temporary mental youngness is used as a side effect to achieve the purification of pollution.

No matter what, she is also an inheritor, and she must have some cards.

…so I did the right thing by letting her fall asleep early.

Well, that's it, yes, maybe she will have to thank me then...

While secretly muttering in his heart, Bai Zhi, who entered the demon refining pot, placed the dead zero on the emerald jade bed in the functional building "Liangmengxuan" in the realm of the pot.

He had slept on this bed once before, and it worked very well.

After casually setting the area where "Liangmengxuan" belongs to a permission that can only be exited but not entered, Bai Zhi left the Demon Refining Pot.

...and then as soon as he came out, he bumped into Reimu who was holding a stopwatch in his hand and was counting time.

"…What are you doing?"

"Remember the time, what if you secretly brought Xiaoqiu back into the pot and did something shameful?"

Looking up at him, Huo Lingmeng's expression was taken for granted.

"You also know what state Xiaoqiu is in now. As her best friend, it's only natural for me to care about her."

"…The results of it?"

"Well, it should be fine in less than three minutes."

Put away the stopwatch in your hand. Huo Lingmeng nodded solemnly.

"Congratulations, you have successfully won the title of Beastless."

Bai Zhi: "..."

...Believe it or not, I will make you five catties fatter someday! ?

"Okay, let's get down to business, come with me, and I will introduce the situation here to you."

Coughing a few times in his mouth, Huo Lingmeng turned his head and looked away.

"From those people in the pure land of mortals, I have obtained a lot of information about the mountains and seas, and some information is very important to us now."

"The world of mortals and the pure land... Is there anyone alive among those people?"

Feeling slightly moved by it, Bai Zhi asked.

"No, it originally belonged to the entire caravan, but on that horrible night, those who were not strong enough died. Our team was reduced by two people, and in order to protect me, Xiaoqiu was also seriously injured."

While walking towards the outside of the platform, Huo Lingmeng started talking.

"As for the surviving monks in the world of mortals and pure land... you will find out when you come with me."

——At the end, she hesitated to speak.

Soon, at the highest point of this high platform, Bai Zhi saw the monks that Fu Lingmeng was talking about.

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