Shuraba Player

Chapter 1020:

[Professional name:? ? ? (unnamed)】

[Professional Rating: Rare]

[Professional Features: Grab]

[Included entry: black sun, gather and disperse. 】


"One professional feature, two's about the same."

Looking at the relevant information about his unnamed master job displayed in front of him, after thinking for a while, Bai Zhi nodded.

Regarding occupational information, he had learned about it in detail from the relevant departments before.

[Occupation] is quite adaptable. Not only players can find jobs, but even ordinary people who cannot become players can also find jobs. However, unlike players, ordinary people can only work for one job at most, while players There are main and deputy positions.

The deputy position can be changed at will, but once the main position is selected, it cannot be changed.

Among them, the biggest difference between the main job and the deputy job is [professional core]. It is not too difficult for the main job to gather the professional core, but it is basically impossible for the deputy job to gather the professional core. , the difficulty is quite high.

Even though it's been a while since he came back from the Tomb of the World, Bai Zhi still can't forget the black maple leaf in his teammate in the Tomb of the World... Ah no, it's the ultimate torment monster, Qi Guang Meng Xing.

As an extremely rare existence who has condensed his deputy into the core of his profession, even now he doesn't want to face this ultimate torment monster.

The bonus provided by the profession to the player is divided into two aspects, which are divided into "professional characteristics" and "professional entries".

Among them, there will only be one "professional feature". No matter how high your current career rating is, the number of "professional features" will not change, but will grow accordingly with the player's career advancement.

In other words, unless it is an accident with a very small probability, such as Baizhi's [Yin Tianzi], counting the main job and the sub-class, each player has and only has two professional characteristics.

As for the "occupation entry", occupations at the perfect level and below will have a maximum of three entries, and the number of occupation entries will increase by one for each level of occupation rating.

Originally, Bai Zhi had planned that there would only be one entry for his main job, but he didn't expect that there would be one more entry.


[Professional Features: Grab]

[Level: Rare (increases with occupational rating)]

[uniqueness: unique]

【source:? ? ? (unnamed)】

[Introduction: This is a plunder like a robber. Every time you defeat or kill an opponent, you can forcibly grab an item from the opponent. Including but not limited to "skills", "equipment", "props", "money", "attributes", "entries", "professional characteristics", "related talents"... Currently, the maximum value of items that can be grabbed at a time cannot exceed one hundred points. 】

[Remarks: One of the core characteristics of "Doomsday" can grow. 】


【Entry: Black Sun】

[Level: Rare (increases with occupational rating)]

[uniqueness: unique]

[Source: "Doomsday? Black Sun"]

[Introduction: Players gain the ability to control flames. The temperature and types of flames controlled increase with the level of rating. Currently, the number of flames controlled is one. 】

[Remarks: One of the powers of "Doomsday? Black Sun". 】


【Entry: gather and disperse】

[Level: Rare (increases with occupational rating)]

[uniqueness: unique]

[Source: "Evil God? One God"]

[Introduction: You can make your attacks diverge or converge. When diverging, the damage will be reduced to one ten-thousandth of the original at most. When concentrated, the damage will be superimposed to three times the original. 】

[Remarks: One is hundreds of millions, and hundreds of millions is one. 】


One occupational feature, two occupational entries.

After reading the introduction about the "professional characteristics" and "professional entry" of his profession, Bai Zhi sucked in a mouthful of cold skin on the spot.

Whether it's occupational characteristics or related entries, each one is beyond his expectation, especially the occupational characteristics, it can be said that it is completely out of the blue.

As long as he is a little darker, he can use this professional characteristic to plunder countless professional characteristics and entries. As long as he continues to hunt those low-level players, his strength will be rapidly expanded in a short period of time. .

With such terrifying qualities, it's no wonder that "Doom" is said to be the most voracious predator.

A world is patronized by "evil gods", and there may be some lucky people who survive tenaciously in that world, but if this world is targeted by "doomsday", then no one in this world will be able to survive. Because "Doomsday" will chew up this world and take away all value...

That's right, "value" is the only measure of doomsday.

After assuming this main position, perhaps because of this professional characteristic called [grab], Baizhi also understood the meaning of "value" without a teacher.

In the eyes of "Doomsday", everything in the world can be measured by the so-called "value", and the invasion of "Doomsday" is essentially plundering "value".

"Can't the value of a single grab item exceed 100 points..."

After pondering for a moment, Bai Zhi looked at the Liangpi he was eating in his hand at the moment, and as his mind turned, the "value" of this bowl of Liangpi also clearly appeared before his eyes.

"value: 0"

Slightly raising his eyebrows, Bai Zhi then looked at the tablet on the table.

"Value: 0.00001"

"...if the value is too low, it will be displayed as zero?"

Looking at the tablet in front of him, Bai Zhi looked thoughtful.

"What's wrong?"

The pink-haired girl turned to look at him.

"It's nothing, Liangpi is delicious."

Shrugging his shoulders slightly, Bai Zhi buried his head and continued eating noodles.

"Well, after looking at the panel for so long, do you see anything?"

I have to say that when a certain pink hair was here before, it did leave a lot of good things... such as these Liangpi.

Spicy and spicy, it tastes extremely refreshing.

As for why I suddenly started eating Liangpi... It is normal to eat when I am hungry.

"...The reason why the level of this profession is a rare level should be caused by the characteristics of "Doomsday"."

After some careful thinking, she turned her gaze away from the panel that was shared with her in front of her, and the pink-haired girl answered with some hesitation.

"I don't know much about the special existence of 'Doomsday' at all. 'Evil God' somehow caught a test product, but in my era, 'Doomsday' was rare."

— While speaking, the pink-haired girl's tone was full of regret.

"Why, is it possible that you still want to catch a "Doomsday" and put it in the eighteenth floor of hell?"

Looking up at the other party, Bai Zhi was a little speechless.

"[Yincao Difu] is now being imprisoned in the 18th floor of hell. You don't know what happened to the "evil god". The inside is already chaotic enough, so why not add a "doomsday" to it?"

"Risks and opportunities always coexist. Although the "evil god" imprisoned in **** has brought a lot of risks, it is undeniable that we have gained enough from that "evil god" Lots of results."

Secretly picked up a French fries and put it in her mouth, looked up at Bai Zhi, the pink-haired girl spoke seriously.

"According to my speculation, if you hadn't added the material of that evil god's power before, maybe your profession will only have a normal level up to now."

"…"grab"? "

Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"According to what you said, if I want to increase the level of this profession, I need to grab enough value according to the "doomsday" thinking?"

"It's very likely."

Facing Bai Zhi's betting gaze, the pink-haired girl nodded seriously.

"In fact, it is very simple to verify this, we only need to make a little experiment."

"How to verify?"

Suddenly, Bai Zhi became interested.

"If it's a pure "Doomsday", the other party should be able to absorb and transform the value of everything he touches, but if you want to grab the value, there is a prerequisite..."

While speaking, the pink-haired girl sat up straight.

"Come on, Your Majesty, try to knock me down, and then grab value from me."


Looking at the serious pink-haired girl sitting in front of him, after thinking for a while, Bai Zhi tentatively stretched out a finger and poked her sleeve.

Immediately afterwards, under his stunned gaze, when he poked his finger, the partner fell over to the side table in slow motion in a very cooperative manner.

"Ah, I lost, Your Majesty is amazing."

While saying this in a stick-like tone, the other party quietly took this opportunity to stuff a lot of French fries into his mouth by taking advantage of the blind spot.

Bai Zhi: "..."

——From the perspective of God, all the small movements of the other party can be seen clearly.

But let alone, although the other party's acting skills are amazing, the effect is quite good.

Almost at the moment when the other party fell down, a long list of values ​​was listed in front of his eyes, and the number of pages in this list of values ​​reached 99+.

It's just that soon, a large number of lists disappeared in front of him, and finally appeared in front of him, only a short list with a value in the range of 1~100 remained.

...The relationship turns out that the other party is a rich woman?

With a rather complicated mood, Bai Zhi randomly chose a ghost crystal marked with a value of 50 points.

And just after he made his choice, several black crystals in the shape of a regular rhombus appeared in his hand in an instant.

"...Is this the 【Mighty Crystal】that Fenmao wants?"

Looking at the black crystal in his hand, Bai Zhi suddenly thought of the crystal of shadow produced in the shadow world.

"How about it, are there any new changes in the occupation column?"

Getting up from the table, not paying attention to the few crystals he held in his hand, the pink-haired girl asked him seriously.

In some respects, the other party was more impatient than him.

...provided that the ketchup sticking to the corner of her mouth is ignored.

"let me see."

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly to look away, Bai Zhi opened his attribute status bar, and then quickly flipped to the career interface.

The difference from before is that the original vacant main position has been filled, but because Bai Zhi currently does not have this new occupation to name, three question marks are displayed in the occupation name column.

In the last row of the main job column, Bai Zhi discovered a brand new sub-column.

【Value points: 50/10000】

"That should be it."

She didn't notice the ketchup on the corner of her mouth. After listening to Bai Zhi's narration, the pink-haired girl nodded seriously.

"When the value points that His Majesty has grabbed reach 10,000, you should be able to achieve professional advancement, so let's continue."

"In a short period of time, it is impossible to repeatedly grab a person, or each person can only be grabbed once, and I don't know what the situation is."

Looking at his attribute bar, Baizhi shook his head slightly.

"Otherwise, it would be too easy to cheat...Let's do this first. For me, it is not difficult to improve the level of this profession."

"All right."

Nodding with some regret, the pink-haired girl then reached out and took out a few professional manuals with gray covers from her chest, and handed them to Bai Zhi together with a dozen Mingjing.

"This is what she wants. If you cultivated it in the early stage, these ghost crystals should be enough. Due to the decline of the underworld, there are not many ghost crystals in stock. Your majesty should recover the ghost as soon as possible, otherwise sooner or later, you will sit back and eat the mountain. .”

—When she said these words, the pink-haired girl had a serious expression on her face.

But it's a pity that, with the ketchup on her mouth at the moment, the other party's earnest words and serious expression are true, but they are not convincing at all.

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