Shura Emperor

Chapter 684: Origin Sutra

? The Nine Kings will be much more difficult to impact.

Although Shi Hao's foundation is solid, he has already stacked eight layers of royal courts.

How was the royal court built?

Martial arts understand.

The so-called understanding of martial arts is actually the mastery of the rules.

In theory, even if Shi Hao built the royal court with a solid foundation, after stacking seven or eight layers, he should have reached the limit. In fact, this is also the case. After reaching the peak of the eight kings, the nine kings seem to be an impossible achievement.

However, Shi Hao is not only a villain himself, but also has a great advantage.

That is that he has the memory of Yuan Chengmie, and his understanding of martial arts is far beyond the realm.

Therefore, he can use his advanced understanding of martial arts to build the ninth-level royal court.

Because this understanding of martial arts does not really belong to him, Shi Hao also needs to sort it out and turn it into his own.

Day by day, time flies.

After a full half a year, Shi Hao finally understood these martial arts and began to build the ninth-layer royal court.

It was another incomparably long progress, and it was another year before he was done.

Nine kings!

Shi Hao smiled, but now the river of time is less than one-sixth.


Shi Hao extracted the energy from the star core, and after another half a year, the long river of time has dried up.

The pinnacle of the Nine Kings.

Shi Hao sighed, and if he wanted to go further and become the Ten Kings, it would take more time.

Another river of time must be found, otherwise, even if he is so evil, he will not be able to complete it without two or three years.

What if there was a river of time?

one day!

How big is the gap?

Therefore, Shi Hao has to find another river of time, so that he can quickly set foot on the Ten Kings Realm.

Unlike Guan Zizai, he was destined to reach the tenth phase as soon as he entered this realm. In casting the royal court, he even had the qualification to break through when he was a king. Therefore, every layer of the royal court after that was a breakthrough.

If it only reaches the ninth floor, in his opinion, it can only be regarded as a small breakthrough, and only stepping into the ten kings is the real big limit.

If he wants to be a unique existence, he must sharpen every realm to the extreme.

With the disappearance of the river of time, the momentum of Tianpu also slowed down, and soon, it is believed that it will also dry up, or even cease to exist.

Shi Hao looked down and saw that Nangong Zheng was gone.

A genius like this, of course, does not want to waste time here, he has more important things to do.

Besides, Shi Hao can even fly here, and he can't do anything about it, so it's better to do his own thing first, and then it's not too late to meet Shi Hao after going out, and then take his life.

"Don't worry, little stone, let's continue refining the mother of gold!" Zijin Rat shouted, "After refining the mother of gold, we will have the possibility to evolve our physique into immortal gold. Think about it, how much this is Astonishing?"

The most precious role of the Mother of Gold lies in its vitality and unlimited growth potential, which is what makes immortals tempted.

"The river of time has disappeared, we can't waste time, find the next one, and we will refine the mother of gold." Shi Hao said.

"Okay." Purple Rat nodded.

The time here is too precious. If Guangguang is used to refine the mother of gold, it is really a waste. Besides, Shi Hao has Xianju, so he can leave the mother of gold to refine it outside.

After such a long time, it is still quite reassured about Shi Hao's character, but if they exchanged it, the Zijin Mouse would not dare to be so confident in himself.

——It is greedy when it sees treasure, which has been engraved into its blood, and it is completely irresistible to such an instinct.

Shi Hao fell down and continued to search.

However, after the fourth ring, there is no fifth ring.

At the end is a pillar, which seems to reach the sky, and the top cannot be seen from afar.

This column is not thick, and can be hugged by both arms, but it is extremely high, and the body of the column is extremely smooth and does not bear any force. If you want to climb up, it is really a daydream.

"Little Stone, let's go up and see if there is anything good hidden on the top of this pillar!" Zijin Rat urged.

Shi Hao nodded, grabbed the Purple Rat, and immediately flew up.

The pillars are extremely high, but they still haven't pierced the top of the palace, which shows how high the palace is.

After flying several thousand feet, Shi Hao finally came to the top of the stone pillar.

To his surprise, the top of the column was a book.

The book is also a stone book, with no words on the cover. Shi Hao reached out to turn it, but found that the page was so heavy that he couldn't turn it.

You know, with his current strength, he is enough to move several mountains, but now he can't turn a page of the stone book?

"Little Stone, this stone is a dwarf star!" Zijin Rat said on the side, his voice trembling.


What is a dwarf star? A star formed after a large enough sun collapsed.

Like this one under their feet.

At this point, the density of the stars has become indescribably high, and in terms of hardness, it is not inferior to the ten-star precious gold.

But Zijin Mouse actually said that this stone book is a dwarf star?

It has reached the strength of ten-star precious gold, how can it be compressed?

If this is true, how strong is the maker of this stone book?

Shi Hao breathed a sigh of relief, he observed carefully, and soon was sure that the Zijin Rat was right.

This is indeed a dwarf star, and it is a dwarf star that has been compressed countless times, and then carved into a stone book based on it.

Such a handwriting is astonishingly large.

Shi Hao couldn't help thinking, if he stepped into the building ladder, would he be able to do this?

Thinking about it makes people tremble. The diameter of a dwarf star must be thousands of miles. How much power would it take to compress it to less than a foot?

Can such a ladder to build the sky be piled to death by the number?

Tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of building ladders will only be killed in seconds.

Shi Hao is confident that he is invincible at the same level, but if this great master is really building a ladder, he really has no confidence.

Thinking of this, he became even more curious and wanted to see what was recorded in this stone book.

Can't turn over?

He opened Xiaoxingyu and wrapped the stone book in world, I am the master!

Shi Hao flipped through it again, and this time, Shi Shu finally moved.

However, this was still extremely difficult. Shi Hao was sweating all over his head. After struggling, he finally turned the stone book.

Immediately, a line of ancient and incomparable words rushed into his eyes.

Shi Hao obviously didn't know any of them, but the strange thing was that he could actually understand the meaning of it, although it was extremely bitter, and his soul power was exhausted in an instant.

He hurriedly stopped on the stone pillar, sat down, and gasped heavily.

"Original Sutra!" The Zijin Mouse was also like him, slumped on the ground, but his face was full of surprises, and his small eyes were as big as bull's eyes.

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