Shura Emperor

Chapter 669: chase


Hearing Shi Hao's words, everyone was shocked.

How dare you say such a thing to the prince of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Haven't you come out of the ancient world?

Although it is said that when the ancient world is closed, everyone will be thrown out and appear near the entrance that they entered, instead of coming out directly from the entrance, but "nearby" is only, how far can it be?

It's enough for people to block the city directly. As soon as you come out, you will be arrested and tortured as much as you want.

Bring the seed!

However, everyone admired it.

Although they were also very unhappy with Jin Chongwu's behavior, who dared to say anything?

This casting royal court is really awesome, and, is this really casting royal court?

Which casting royal court can take a single blow from the big sacrifice to the sky and not die?

Not only did they not die, but they just vomited blood.

Jin Chongwu stared at the entrance with killing intent in his eyes.

If it wasn't for him being a great sacrifice to the sky and being rejected by the ancient world, he would definitely pursue him, take Shi Hao down, tear off his limbs in front of everyone, and brutally execute him.

However, he couldn't get in.

Wait for Shi Hao to come out?

He shook his head, it was too late, how could he wait so long according to his temper?

"Xu Yue, you go in, take down the lowly dog ​​just now, and bring it to this king!" He said behind him, "If you can't appear in front of this king within ten days, then you don't have to come back and kill yourself. Bar!"

"Yes, my lord!" One of them immediately knelt down and took orders respectfully, with a hint of joy on his face.

He is Xu Yue, the existence who lit the incense, and the guard commander of Jin Chongwu's mansion, who handles some trivial matters for him.

Although the Imperial Dynasty has a lot of places, it is impossible for him to be a guard commander no matter how many. However, Jin Chongwu gave him a big chance with one word.

For ten days, he could completely find some opportunities for himself after winning Shi Hao.

Hey, he jumped out and walked towards the entrance.

Everyone else was watching, with anger on their faces, but they didn't dare to say anything.

——Look, just now Shi Hao didn't offend Jin Chongwu at all, so he immediately shot and killed him. If he dared to express his dissatisfaction now, he would definitely be killed by Jin Chongwu.

They are not Shi Hao, and they could have escaped with their lives under Da Jitian's subordinates.

After Xu Yue entered, they attacked again.


A big hand slapped them down, shaking them all back.

"What's the hurry?" Jin Chongwu said coldly, "None of you are allowed to enter until the villain is caught."

If more people enter, the entrance will definitely reach the limit and explode, so how will Xu Yue come back?

He could only wait for the ancient world to close, so what was the point of him sending Xu Yue?

Therefore, he must keep the entrance unobstructed now so that Xu Yue can bring people out.

It's only ten days, you can't wait?

Besides, what about wasting time, would he care?

Everyone dared to be angry but did not dare to speak, and many people did not dare to hate Jin Chongwu, but instead turned their anger on Shi Hao.

If it wasn't for this guy, how could they be blocked out now?

You can't escape a dead word, why bother them?


When Shi Hao entered the ancient world, he immediately discovered that the rules of this world were completely different from the outside world.

The so-called emperor and courtiers of one dynasty, the world has changed its face, how can it be possible to continue to apply the rules of the previous world?

So, this is normal.

Shi Hao tasted it and found that the rules here were so damaged that he couldn't understand it at all.

The world is the foundation of the rules. Since the world has been destroyed, how can the rules still exist?

Shi Hao looked around, although he was stepping on the ground under his feet, he was in a starry sky.

How is this going?

Because the world has been shrunk infinitely, there was originally a habitable star under his feet, and there were buildings that were destroyed to the point where only the foundation was left, but the star had shrunk to the size of a city.

From here, the distant stars are almost within reach, at most thousands of miles away.

But under the Great Sacrifice, you can't fly, so how can you run to other stars?

It doesn't matter, there are no rules here, that is to say, the rules of gravity do not exist. As long as the warrior prepares enough things in the space spirit tool, and then jumps and keeps throwing things, he can generate a reaction force and move towards The stars in the sky flew away.

Things are too easy to find. There are many gravel here, and it is thousands of miles away anyway.

Because the distance is not too far, Shi Hao saw that some stars were broken and scattered in this dead star.

Will Xingyu die too?

Shi Hao said in his heart that all things have life and death, even Xingyu is no exception.

Is that only by becoming an immortal, can one transcend death?

As he thought, he strode.

In this dead star universe, there are still many treasures.

——There is no need to think about the elixir. Life can no longer be bred here, so it is impossible to find elixir.

But in addition to the elixir, there are more precious treasures here.

For example... a star core.

The star core is the core of a star, and it is also the source of power and life. It can be seen how precious it is.

However, this star is destroyed, and the star core is of course damaged and destroyed. Only by being lucky enough to defy the sky can one find a star core with energy. Once it is refined, it will improve the cultivation base and strength. Naturally it is terrifying.

In addition, there is a very precious treasure.

- The river of time.

In the river of time, time will pass in an accelerated way. Maybe you practice for a year, and the normal flow of time is just one day.

According to Da Neng's speculation, the river of time is formed by the origin of the world, so it has such an amazing effect.

However, this world has been destroyed, and of course the source is constantly passing, and it will only become less and less.

Therefore, there was a river of time countless years ago. Now, it would be a miracle to find a small pond of time.

Shi Hao took out the spirit-exploring compass. At this time, this treasure was shining.

However, the spirit-exploring compass was blank.

Is it because there are no treasures here, or because this is the world of the previous generation, so the compass can't work?

Just as he was thinking, he sensed someone coming from behind.

He turned his head to see It was someone he didn't know, but he had glimpsed once.

——A guard beside Jin Chongwu.

Well, Jin Chongwu is really careful, he couldn't help sending someone in here to kill him?

"Are you going to capture it yourself, or let me do it?" Xu Yue said lightly, in his opinion, although Shi Hao escaped Jin Chongwu's blow by unknown means, but casting a royal court is always just casting a royal court, and he can Where is the strength going?

"Your ending is doomed, but if I do it, you will suffer more."

He said again, with his hands behind his back, with a calm expression.

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