Shura Emperor

Chapter 474: Incarnate Shura

? Everyone is going crazy!

What did they see?

Shi Hao, that shameless guy, actually stretched out his hands and pressed Zhang Zixuan's chest.

Looking at Zhang Zixuan again, her pretty face was as cold as ice, and her eyes could kill.

And her **** were obviously shrunk.

This was smashed to pieces.

God, how can you, a thief, get such a ruthless hand?

However, everyone immediately saw that Zhang Zixuan's chest had actually swelled up, not only had it recovered, but it was even taller than before.

Uh, it's not recovery, it's swollen.

Nima, you actually swelled the goddess's chest!

Shi Hao was also stunned. His attack happened to be the weakest point of Zhang Zixuan's defense, so he definitely didn't even think about it, he just shot.

Who would have thought that this was someone's chest?

It doesn't matter, he didn't mean to be frivolous anyway.

"Haha." He laughed dryly and walked towards the table where the bitter tea was placed.

No one spoke, but everyone's eyes followed Shi Hao. As long as someone climbed up and shouted and attacked first, the others would definitely follow the wind.

Fortunately, Zhao Minglei spoke in time and poured cold water on everyone.

As for the competition, although the principle is to avoid casualties, but after a real fight, who can guarantee that they will be able to stop it?

Everyone is vying for victory, and they must go all out. It is normal to be unable to hold back.

——If you are afraid of getting hurt, why would you set foot on the martial arts?

So, although Zhang Zixuan was hit in the chest, it was a bit indecent, but if it was really going to be a life-and-death battle, who would care?

Once the battle begins, there is no gender distinction!

For this reason, everyone is still angry. Who made Zhang Zixuan the goddess everyone admires?

Shi Hao put away the painstaking tea. He now has 120 pieces, so he is naturally the biggest winner of this tea ceremony, even more than the Zhao family, who only own 36 pieces.

very satisfied.

He smiled and turned to leave.

Now that the bitter tea has been obtained, he should hurry to refine it to promote the perfection of the sun dharma.

He walked out, and many people, including Zhang Zixuan, followed behind him.

It's not convenient to do it at Zhao's house, but are there any rules after going out?

Zhang Zixuan was even more furious. The beauty on her dignified list, her chest was shrunk in public, and now it was swollen to twice its original size, and she almost burst her clothes. What a shame?

If she didn't take care of Shi Hao, the lecherous thief, how could she swallow her breath.

Zhao Minglei originally wanted to stop it, but after thinking about it, he laughed.

After leaving the Zhao family, no matter how big things happen, it has nothing to do with him, and the martial artist's affairs are of course handled by the martial artist himself, and he doesn't need to get involved.

Soon, Shi Hao walked to the door. He turned around and said, "Everyone, it's enough to send it here."


This made everyone angry. Do you think we came here to see you off?

How brazen you are!

"Young Master!" At the door, a man dressed as a servant was waving desperately.


After Guan Liuqing was stunned for a moment, she walked over to the family and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"Young Master Qing, your mother-in-law and brother-in-law were all killed!" The family member said quickly, "He is the murderer!"

Guan Liuqing followed Jiading's hand and looked over, who was it if it wasn't Shi Hao?


Guan Liuqing couldn't help but feel murderous. He loved his wife very much, but once he let his wife know that her mother and younger brother were all killed, what kind of grief would she feel?

Thinking of this, he couldn't bear it any longer, and strode towards Shi Hao.

"Shi Hao, you dare to kill my relatives, I want your life!" He was murderous.

Shi Hao glanced at him. This person was one of the ten people who stood out in the third round. He was nine-phase, and his combat power was not bad. However, why suddenly accuse him of killing his relatives?

After he came to Xiyan Continent, he killed him—oh, this guy is Shen Houping's brother-in-law.

Shi Hao smiled lightly: "Your brother-in-law and brother-in-law are doing bad things, and I will kill your relatives for you righteously."

"Presumptuous!" Guan Liuqing shouted and killed Shi Hao.

Although Shi Hao won the competition, no one acknowledged his strength.

——They are all taking advantage of other people's mistakes to send people out of the battle area.

But now, there are no regional restrictions!


He held a long spear and banged, and the dharma image was also sacrificed. The same nine long spears shot down at Shi Hao.

Shi Hao sighed, do you really think that he only owns the realm?

He only uses the field because it allows him to win in the easiest and least effortless way.

That being the case.

Shi Hao shook his head, took a step forward, and punched Guan Liuqing.

This punch is absolutely domineering.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't believe it. The one who punched this it really Shi Hao!

Isn't this guy who only picks cheap, actually attacking from the front, it's like a different person!


Shi Hao's punch was simple and rude, and Guan Liuqing's attack was tough. Under the impact of the punch, Guan Liuqing's spear was immediately sent flying, and the Nine Paths of Dharma were also shattered at the same time.

"Hmm!" Guan Liuqing groaned in pain, his hands were cracked and blood dripped.

However, Shi Hao's punches lost their strength, and he slammed him again, slamming Guan Liuqing out.

Everyone watched as Guan Liuqing crossed a curve in the and fell down again, only to feel that a stone was pressed against his chest, which was indescribably uncomfortable.

Who said that Shi Hao was not strong in frontal combat?

Mad, one punch knocked down the master of the Nine Elements, isn't that strong?

So what does it mean to be strong?

Everyone lost their voices, but Zhang Zixuan was even more angry.

You are obviously so strong, but when you fight me, you deliberately show weakness and hit me in the chest?

It's abominable!

Dengzizi! Thief!

"Look at the sword!" Zhang Zixuan couldn't bear it, and immediately killed him with the sword.

"Let's do it together!"

"Yes, help Fairy Zhang take down this thief!"

"We don't need any rules to deal with shameless people."


Everyone took action one after another. Some people really just wanted to please Zhang Zixuan, but some people had ulterior motives, the purpose was to steal the bitter tea from Shi Hao.

Shi Hao could see clearly, and could not help but breed killing intent.

Want to kill people and get treasure?


He no longer showed mercy, and instantly transformed into Shura.

Poof! puff! puff!

The seven fists blasted out, and seven people were immediately blasted out of their heads by him, turning them into seven corpses.

Once this killing ring was opened, it finally made everyone shudder.

The opponent is too strong, and he is not afraid of public anger at all.

For a few pieces of bitter tea, or to please the goddess, it would be too much of a loss to give up your life.

Thinking like this, many people quit the battle group.

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