Shuang Daqin comparison, no comparison, no harm

Chapter 336 Qin State Has Good Wine!

Zhao Ze kept the re-released wine this time, and he gave it to Nuo Erliang with a wooden bowl: "Taste it!"

The strong smell of wine lingered constantly on the tip of his nose. After taking a sip, Nuo Erliang was pleasantly surprised: "This wine is so strong!"

The wine-making technology of their era has not yet reached the level of 100% purification, and all the wine they drink is brewed, and generally the alcohol content is not high.

The alcohol content extracted like this is basically dozens of times that of the wine they usually drink.

"Well, this wine can still be put in a jar, and it can be turned into fruit wine if you put some green plums in it."

Hearing this, Nuo Erliang was a little puzzled: "How does the prince manage this kind of thing? It seems that it has nothing to do with our marching and fighting."

Zhao Ze didn't know if it was possible, "It's useless, but it is of great help to Hedan's economy.

The people around didn't understand, and Nuo Erliang didn't understand either: "Please tell the prince clearly, the general doesn't understand."

Hedan's local economy has always been developed by local agriculture, but after being exploited by the Kushan Kingdom in the past two years, even agriculture has not developed.

Compared with the nearby Golden State, the local economy is almost half that of the Golden State, or even less.

The local people live in poverty.

If you want to change the local economy first, unless there is a big development in a short period of time.

What Zhao Ze can think of to use now is the freshly dug local sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes are high in sugar, which is one of the wine-making materials, but today's Qin Shijie does not have modern distillation technology, and sweet potatoes cannot be used for wine making.

Locally, rice and wheat are generally used to make wine.

If the distillation technology can be used, the high-concentration wine produced can be turned into fruit wine through other processing, and the wine can be replenished.

At that time, as long as a suitable seller can be found, this wine can be bought at an excellent price, which can be said to be several times higher than that of directly making sweet potato powder from sweet potatoes.

Basically, it can be said that the worthless sweet potato has been turned over hundreds of times.

Upon hearing Zhao Ze's idea, all the soldiers in the army applauded.

After confirming that the distiller could be used, Zhao Ze immediately asked Nuo Erliang to go to the city so the blacksmith shop arranged for mass production.

Zhao Ze directly asked the blacksmith to produce nearly one hundred stills in three days.

He went to the carpenter and produced five hundred wooden stills.

After all, the stills are used in hot and humid conditions all year round, but considering the limited budget of the people in the city, Zhao Ze still produced some wooden ones.

The price of wood is almost only one-fifth of that of iron.

After three days of production, Zhao Ze called hundreds of soldiers and asked them to go to the city to spread the news that every household could buy a distiller at the gate of the city.

The military will send people to teach until the local people learn how to use it.

The brewed liquor will be recycled at a reasonable price in the military.

Upon hearing the news, the people in the city were skeptical, but Zhao Ze directly lowered the price of the distiller to the lowest.

In the morning, he also had someone demonstrate how to use the distiller at the gate of the city.

The people couldn't believe it when they saw the wine coming out of the still.

"The thing that comes out is like water. Can it really be drunk? I'm afraid it's not a trick. It's not cheap. It's not a trick to buy it."

"Yes, I have never seen such a wine making method before."

"Can you taste it?"

"If we buy this thing, will you really recycle the wine when it comes out? You won't lie to us, we won't be able to drink this thing if we keep it, so don't fool us common people."

Li Xin stood by, and when he heard the news, he asked the soldiers to give the drink to the common people.

Baixin came to grab it one after another.

After taking a sip, they were all shocked.

This taste is really strong, belonging to strong spirits.

Some people who are too strong to drink get drunk immediately after drinking, and even those who pour a glass of alcohol directly fall to the ground.

The scene was ridiculous, but no one said the wine was bad.

Anyone who knows a little bit about wine knows that if they want to drink this kind of spirit, they must have at least five or six years of good wine.

But as soon as this wine came out, it directly caught up with the wine that had been put for five or six years.

It can be said that they were surprised for a while.

Seeing that the common people knew about the container, Li Xin showed them how to use the container.

After that, I reiterated to them that the army will buy this batch of wine, and there are only 600 containers, and they will not wait until the expiration date.

That's why someone is willing to buy it.

The distiller Zhao Ze was sold to the common people at the lowest price.

Because of the willingness to mass-produce, and because it is required by the military, carpenters and blacksmiths did not dare to ask for a price.

Zhao Ze also sold directly to the common people according to the price demanded by carpenters and blacksmiths, without earning a penny.

Under Li Xin's repeated assurances, many people were willing to pay.

Zhao Ze’s container is also purchased under a real name, and the user who buys it must write down the home address and name, and each household can only buy one, not more.

The container is relatively large, and it is almost impossible for the people to move things back by themselves. Use Zhao Ze to ask them to leave an address for the soldiers to send them home.

With this thoughtful delivery service, the enthusiasm of the people to buy has obviously increased.

In one morning, more than two hundred pieces were sold.

Zhao Ze returned the sold containers to after-sales service. Those who don’t understand can come to the army, and soldiers will go directly to the people’s homes to teach them by themselves.

The news spread throughout Hedan City the next day. .

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