Shuang Daqin comparison, no comparison, no harm

Chapter 321 Hanging Corpse! Warning To The Whole City!

At the same time, Qin Shijie, the common people and the officials of the Qin Dynasty couldn't help clapping their legs and sighing after seeing the scene in Qin Shijie.

"What's going on here? The soldiers are approaching the city, are they withdrawing again? Such a good opportunity, even if there is a risk, as long as they capture Hedan City, they will win."

"Seeing it makes me anxious, and I want to go to battle to kill the enemy."

"How can we retreat at this time? Shouldn't we just force our way in? As long as we conquer the city, Hedan will belong to our Daqin.

Ying Zheng: "Fusu, what do you think?"

Ying Zheng's comments suddenly appeared on the screen, and the common people didn't dare to speak out for a moment. After all, the comments are all real-name, and if this offends Ying Zheng, they will lose their heads

Fusu has been raised by Yingzheng recently, so he often looks at the situation in the Qin world.

In the screen, Hedan fights and Zhao Ze fights Guishuang. There are many things he can learn from and learn from, so Yingzheng completely let him pay more attention.

Unexpectedly, Yingzheng would call names suddenly at this time. After thinking about it for a while, Young Master Fusu replied sincerely: "I think it is right to take care of them. They only have 120,000 elite soldiers. Next, besides attacking Hedan, he will also attack them." There are plans to directly attack other cities, so it is best to be cautious.

"The Guishuang army has been defeated by 30% now. As long as he brings the mechanism technique tomorrow, he can directly attack the city. There is no need to worry."

Ying Zheng: "That's right, you can't rush to lead troops to fight for a while, you can take a long-term view."

Fusu: "Father Huangti reminded me that my son must learn more from Swamp."

Li Si: "What the emperor said is reasonable, and the minister thinks so too."

Hu Hai: "What the emperor said is that we have to learn more."

Since he planned to give up today's attack on Hedan City, Zhao Ze directly led his troops back to Linguan.

After leaving 4,000 elite guards at Linguan, he returned to the Jinzhou Qin Army Barracks.

The Qin army won today, and the whole army cheered.

Inside the tent, singers sang and danced, and beside Zhao Ze sat Li Xin and Nuo Erliang.

Same as usual, but different, there are two more people in the camp today, one is Bian Que and the other is Liu Baiting.

Liu Baiting was next to Bian Que, and they were whispering, as if they were talking about something.

Liu Baiting leaned over to Bian Que, stared at her face and said, "Why do you want to disguise yourself as a man?"

Liu Baiting recognized Bian Que's identity immediately when she saw her, but she had no chance to get close to Bian Que, nor did they have a chance to talk.

Tonight was the right time, so she asked out the doubts in her heart.

Bian Que has been in the army for more than a month, except for Li Xin and Zhao Ze who know her identity, no one has noticed her difference.

Now that she was pointed out by Liu Baiting, she didn't panic, she just asked, "How did you see it?"

Bian Que pointed to her neck, and then pointed to her face: "It's not like this on a man's neck, and I'm very sensitive to human faces. I can see through you at a glance. Men are still different."

Bian Que smiled lightly and didn't mind her rudeness, just picked up a glass of grape drink in front of him and drank it, and then said: "Since Miss Liu has seen my identity, I hope you can continue to hide it for me. .”

"But don't worry, Zhao Ze knows about this matter, but the people in the army don't know it. It's convenient for me to act like this in the army as a woman."

Liu Baiting expresses her understanding. As a woman, she deeply feels the unfairness between women and men.

Although Qin Shihuang has now advocated equality between men and women in Qin State, the idea that men are superior to women is deeply rooted.

For example, I was ridiculed by the enemy when I went to the battlefield today. If I didn't prove my strength, but now they also think that I am just a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken.

On the stage, Zhao Ze didn't ask when he saw the two talking with each other's ears, but his eyes lingered on the dancing girls in front of him.

He has been in Jinzhou for more than a few months, and these days he has lived a salty life.

Recently, I have to sigh when I see the dancing girl in front of me. Compared with Xianyang, this beauty is far behind.

If these dancers were before, he might not even look at them, but now in Jinzhou, these are already the most beautiful singers and dancers sent by the local prefect.

After a few glasses of strong wine, Zhao Ze's mind is still clear, and the generals are still flattering him.

Zhao Ze got tired of hearing it, and suddenly asked Li Xin who was beside him: "..." How about Lin Beinan, is the picture of the mechanism formation ready?"

Zhao Ze still kept Lin Beinan now just for the defense plan, if he dared to play with himself, he didn't mind letting Lin Beinan know what regret was.

Li Xin nodded: "I have already started painting, the general urged me, and he said that it will probably be finished the day after tomorrow."

Only then Zhao Ze nodded in satisfaction (Qian Hao Zhao), at least Lin Beinan's kid didn't play tricks on him.

When the celebration banquet came to an end, most of the food and wine on the table was reduced by half, and the singers and dancers below changed batch after batch.

The lieutenants below were all a little drowsy, and many of them were already drunk.

Zhao Ze got up and left the table, and the other generals left one after another.

Lin Customs missed, and the Guishuang Army directly retreated to Hedan City to station.

This defeat greatly reduced the morale of Kuishuang's army.

Unexpectedly, they had just retreated to Hedan City, and the next day they saw Lin Haijunmiao hanging at the gate of Hedan City.

The corpse was divided into two sections, the head was separated from the body, and hung upside down in the sun for a long time.

Not long after the person died, the blood from the wound seeped out and fell down. .

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