Shuang Daqin comparison, no comparison, no harm

Chapter 286 My Woman Was Hijacked? !

He continued, "Follow me.

He led Nuo Erliang out of the camp and came to the gate of the barracks.

At this moment, the refugees from Yangjiang were still entangled at the door, their voices were like thunder, as if they had spotted the Qin army and dared not really kill them.

After Zhao Ze came out, he immediately attracted the attention of those refugees.

They saw that Zhao Ze was wearing golden armor and looked majestic, and Nuo Erliang followed him like a subordinate.

Someone shouted at Zhao Ze: "This should be the general. We want to join the army. We have been waiting here for a long time."

"That's right, they said recruiting before, but now they say no, we're all here."

"That's right, we can't let us come here for nothing!"

Zhao Ze saw that they were talking nonsense with their eyes open, and they didn't expose it. He knew it was righteous and said: "The recruiting in the army has been decided before, and the number is now full. No more recruits. It doesn't matter where you are from. Leave me alone."

"Otherwise, I will take you as a crime for disturbing the march, and directly arrest you and send you to the river.

His words made the refugees guarding the door silent for a while, and they were all weighing whether to leave or not.

But this silence only lasted for a moment, and there was a rebuttal that was not afraid of death.

"It can't be like this, general, we are all here to serve as soldiers, it's fine if you don't recruit us, but you still want to put us in jail, what's the reason for that!"

"According to you, it doesn't make sense. We came here sincerely. Can't you accept us mercifully? Anyway, recruit more soldiers, and when the time comes to repel Guishuang Kingdom, won't you be more confident. w?"

I like to look at these refugees, and I can't help but sneer in my heart.

All of them were yellow and emaciated, as skinny as a stick, and they might not have the strength to lift a knife. If they were asked to serve as soldiers, they might become deserters when they went to the battlefield.

Moreover, the place where they came from was plagued by plague. If they were really recruited, the entire Qin army might suffer.

Zhao Ze didn't want to waste too much time with them, so he didn't just look at the person who took the lead in speaking.

His eyes were cold and stern, looking straight at the man like a icy glacier.

Touching Zhao Ze's eyes made people tremble all over, and dodge with guilt and fear.

Zhao Ze stepped directly towards the crowd, pushed away the person in front of him, and dragged him out of the crowd by grabbing that person by the neck.

"Hey!" the man howled loudly: "Killed, killed, the general killed innocent people."

The man kicked his feet on the ground, intending to resist.

Zhao Ze picked him up, grabbed his neck with one hand, and lifted him from the ground with one hand.

Suddenly being strangled by the neck, he could no longer howl.

Unable to breathe, he struggled subconsciously. After a while, his whole face turned red, and then turned from red to purple, and his struggling strength gradually became weaker.

His eyes widened, staring at Zhao Ze fiercely.

After a while, the struggling man stopped moving, he stuck out his tongue, his eyes were wide open and he was out of breath.

Seeing that the person was dead, Zhao Ze directly threw the person to the ground.

The people watching around sighed for a while, but no one dared to say anything.

At this time Zhao Ze turned his head and saw the crowd, "Whoever dares to make trouble again will end up like him."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Nuo Erliang again: "Clean up the scene, remove all these civilians, and enclose the land, and no one else within 500 meters of the barracks will be allowed to approach."

Norlean ordered to lead troops to expel these refugees again.

With deterrence, they were reluctant to leave for a long time, but they broke up this time.

It's just that they didn't leave immediately, but stayed in Jinzhou City.

Back in the tent, Zhao Ze saw the maid next to Li Yan being stopped by soldiers before Zhao Ze's butt was hot.

"My lord, my lord, save my young lady!"

With a wave of his hand, Zhao Ze withdrew the soldiers blocking the maid.

Zhao Ze asked: "What's going on?"

The maid was very anxious: "My lady went shopping in Jinzhou City this morning, and she hasn't come back yet. I just went to inquire and said that the lady was kidnapped by the one who came from Yangjiang."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Ze also jumped up from his chair, "When was she arrested?"

"Noon! It was almost time for dinner, and I just rushed over from Jinzhou City, so I came to look for you, young master.

It was already a quarter past noon, which meant that Li Yan had been taken away for more than an hour.

Zhao Ze had a bad feeling, and immediately took the maid to the place where Li Yan was taken away.

According to eyewitnesses, the person who kidnapped Li Yan took Li Yan to the north of Jinzhou City.

The area north of Jinzhou City has also been occupied by refugees from Yangjiang in the past few days.

That area is a suburb in Jinzhou, with few people, and the land is barren, and there is not even cultivated farmland.

Zhao Ze hurried on and brought Li Yan's maid and a few followers to Jinzhou Chengbeinan.

This area in the north of the city is sparsely populated, and there are barren hills and fields everywhere. (Wang Hao) Zhao Ze followed the traces of the horse on the ground.

There are few people in this area, but the traces of horseshoes on the ground are very messy, indicating that several people passed by on horseback, and they should have just left for a long time.

Zhao Ze guessed that it was most likely the group who took Li Yan away.

After tracking for half an hour, Zhao Ze finally saw Li Yan, who was abandoned to a corner with her back against a big tree.

A group of people bound Li Yan with hemp rope and gagged her mouth.

After the maid who followed Li Yan saw her young lady was tied up, she was anxious to go to rescue her.

Zhao Ze flew off his horse and stood in front of the maid: "Those are refugees from Yangjiang. They only want money now. If you go there, not only will you not be able to redeem your lady, but you may even be robbed."

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