Shuang Daqin comparison, no comparison, no harm

Chapter 23 Kneeling To The People, Kneeling Disturbed The Hearts Of The People In The World!

"Here, here is ten coins for you!"

The soldier took out the prepared ten coins from his pocket, and handed them to the man along with the processed rice.

"Thank you, Mr. Jun, thank you, Eldest Young Master!"

The man is smiling.

He took the rice and copper coins and turned to leave.


The soldier looked at the villagers again.

"Anyone want to try flour milling?"

He glanced at the ten copper coins and the freshly husked rice in the man's hand.

An old woman stepped forward cautiously.

"I would like to try."


The old woman turned around, ready to go home to carry food.

Seeing the other party's faltering appearance, Zhao Ze frowned slightly, and ordered: "Go, help the old man get food."


The soldiers rushed up and explained the reason.

After that, he helped the old woman bring a bag of about fifteen catties of wheat.

With a single brain, poured into the water mill.

In the tense anticipation of everyone.

The wheat is gradually ground into yellowish white powder, which is squeezed out from the cracks in the millstones.

not for a while.

Fifteen catties of wheat are ground into white flour of equal weight.

Take the flour.

The soldier took out another five copper coins and handed them to the old woman.

I don't know.

The old woman was holding her white flour and five copper coins.

Muddy old tears suddenly slipped from the tip of his nose.

"Thank you, military masters, thank you! Thank you!"

"When I was young, my husband went east with the army and died in Changping."

"Now that I am old, my son has also joined the Lantian camp and served as a soldier under General Wang Jian. Now I am old and weak and have nowhere to go. I can't beat the mortar, so I can only ask my neighbors for help."

"Now, I can finally do it myself without bothering my neighbors."

hear this.

Ripples appeared in Zhao Ze's heart.

"Grandma, if your husband and son fight for Qin and devote themselves to serving the country, I will give you another ten dollars."

Zhao Ze took out ten copper coins from his pocket and stuffed them into the old woman's arms.

Then look at the crowd.

"Who still wants to reward money, there is only one place left!"


in the crowd.

An old man with one leg came out with a cane and a bag of rice on his back.

"Old man, your legs..."

Zhao Ze frowned and asked.

The old man grinned.

"Back to the eldest son!"

"When I was young, I was a chariot standard bearer. When I was fighting in Changping, I fell from a chariot and was crushed by a wheel and broke my leg."

"Fortunately, he didn't die, and he saved his life."

Veterans of the Battle of Changping!

Broken a leg, but not dead.

This life is indeed hard enough.

In front of everyone.

The old man took his own rice, came to the side of the Lianjipipe, and poured his own rice.

In his surprised eyes.

The rice is quickly husked.

The originally yellow rice with husks turned into milky white rice.

at last.

The old man put his rice back into the bag and limped over, begging for a reward.

"I think you made great achievements in Changping back then, and I will reward you with ten qian."

"Being able to participate in the Battle of Changping, you are a hero of Qin."

Zhao Ze paid for it out of his own pocket.

He took out ten copper coins again and handed them to the old man.

"Thank you, eldest son!"

After receiving the copper coin, the old man smiled happily.

"With these two things in the future... I can do something for my family without a leg..."


The old man burst into tears suddenly.

He fell to one knee.

With a crying voice.

"Caomin! Thank you, Mr. Chang! I still remember the Qin soldiers who participated in the Battle of Changping!"

Watch him fall to his knees.

The old woman on the side also knelt down with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you son, I still miss the soldiers who fought for the country..."

Immediately afterwards.

The nearby villagers all knelt and bowed their heads.

in unison.

"Thank you, eldest son!"

Zhao Ze did not expect that things would develop to this point.

His original intention was to increase the production capacity of processed food.

Never thought about it.

But indirectly helped such poor people.

Let out a deep sigh.

Zhao Ze revealed his true feelings: "Then I will kneel down to you too. It is your sacrifices that made Qin prosperous and strong."


Zhao Ze also doesn't care about his image.

He bowed to the villagers with a puff.

"The eldest son is not allowed!"

The soldiers around were shocked.

How can the noble son of King Qin kowtow to the common people!

If King Qin knew about this, all the guards would be punished!

The eldest son of King Qin.

Head-to-head worship with the villagers.

This rare scene shocked the people of both worlds.

: "The son of the dignified king of Qin actually pays homage to the people of Qin to thank the people of Qin for their dedication. This is not what love for the people is like a son!"

: "The invention of Lian Jidu and the water mill is also an ironclad proof that the son Zhao Ze cares about the common people!"

: "Compared to son Fusu crying bitterly, Caomin thinks what son Zhao Ze has done can be called a true concern for the people!"

: "We don't need son Fusu's tears! We only want son Zhao Ze's Lian Jidu and water mill!"

: "My son, Zhao Ze, is the real great sage!"

: "I only hate my Qin country, but I don't have a son Zhao Ze!"

The original world.

See what the people think.

All the monarchs and ministers panicked!


Zhao Ze kneels like this!

It messed up the hearts of the people in their original world!

Fusu's benevolence.

Contrast with Zhao Ze's benevolence.

It was simply blasted to death!

after all.

Fusu just cried for a while, and then let out bold words.

But what about Zhao Ze?

He really took action to benefit the people!

At the end.

I also pay my respects to the people!

It can be said that it was an all-round crushing of Fusu!

[Chun Yuyue]: It's not etiquette! Zhao Ze's move is out of etiquette! As a prince, how can he bow down to common people in public!

Chunyu collapsed sooner.

after all.

Fusu, whom he was so proud of, was killed in a blast!


Or was killed by Zhao Ze who had never learned Confucianism!

This gives him a kind of.

in their own field of expertise.

The despair of being hanged and beaten by a layman!

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