Shuang Daqin comparison, no comparison, no harm

Chapter 196 Cowardly! King Yueshi Shuts His Door And Stays Out!

Two days later, Chekeye set off with his troops.

Seeing the Xiongnu's army, the people of Yuezhi gave way one after another.

The people are not interested in who is the master of the country, and there is no hatred between the family and the country.

They just think that it is enough for them to be safe.

Therefore, very few people stood up to support the Yuezhi Kingdom, which was also the biggest reason why the Yuezhi Kingdom could not recruit soldiers.

Che Keye led five thousand troops and stationed outside the capital.

Unlike the frontier fortress, the city here is very high and heavily guarded, and it is not easy to attack it.

Che Keye called several generals to the camp and quickly discussed the strategy against the enemy.

"Everyone has seen that this city is very high, and it is not easy to attack it. Do you have any plans?"

People looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't think of a good way for a while.

Suddenly someone stood up.

First, he bowed respectfully to Che Keye.

Then he spoke.

"Shan Yu, we can surround them, and when they run out of food, we can win without a single soldier!"

As soon as this remark came out, someone quickly stood up to refute.

"At this time, I am afraid that they have already prepared food and grass, if they are only surrounded, it may change after a long time.

"Don't forget, the Qin army has already marched west."

"Moreover, this will consume a lot of money for us. After a long time, it will be difficult for us to attack again!"

At this time, a man in his thirties stood out from the crowd.

The man was tall and burly, and his back was as wide as a chopping board.

"Mu San, do you have a good idea?"

Che Keye looked at Musan, hope flashed in his eyes.

Mu San's voice is calm and his words are sonorous and powerful.

"Shan Yu, please give me a soldier tomorrow, I will go to call the enemy to fight, if they dare to go out of the city, we will take this opportunity to kill them back, and then kill them in."!"

After the idea came out, many people began to nod.

Next, seeing that there is no business, there is no other strategy.

Che Keye could only nod.

"Alright! Try their strength first, and if they dare to come out to fight, then act according to plan.

The sun sets on the western mountain, and soon the bright moon is in the sky.


King Yuezhi boarded the top of the city.

Seeing a little bit of fire outside the city, I felt a burst of emotion in my heart.

Thinking of the precarious situation of the entire Yuezhi Kingdom.

King Yuezhi frowned again.

"My Yuezhi country is a small border country. The country's land is fertile and the people have enough food and clothing. Such a disaster is about to happen to us!"

"I hate the Huns, they burned, killed and looted like this, and retreated our Yuezhi country into a state of eternal doom!"

"It's also because this king is incompetent, unable to kill the enemy with his own hands, and can only let him be arrogant and domineering, and prey on the people of my Yuezhi country.

Emperor Yuezhi's voice was not loud.

But the tone is full of vicissitudes.

The soldiers guarding the city became depressed again.

King Yuezhi just left.

The two soldiers began to whisper.

"According to our king, it seems that we really have to resign ourselves to fate, and I don't know if we can hold the capital this time.

"What's the point of defending the capital? Being surrounded by others, sooner or later there will be a day when the food runs out. I think that if you don't get beaten to death, you will have to starve to death."

"Shh, don't say that, if this word reaches the general's ears, our lives will be lost.

"Are you confused? The general was chopped off by the Huns long ago, and Hu Miao has not dared to take it back."

This sentence is over.

There was no sound from above the tower.

After a long time, there was a heavy sigh.

next morning,

Mu San led a thousand troops and began to provoke in front of the city.

"Listen, all the men in the city, all of you who are bloody, come out, let's fight."

"Don't be like a tortoise, dare not come out to fight!"

"We can be regarded as ancestors, we are all men on the grassland, don't be so useless!"

After shouting a few times, Mu San's voice became hoarse, but there was still no movement on the other side.

In desperation, he looked at the person behind him and waved his hand.

"You shout!"

A thousand sergeants spoke together and began to yell.

The shouting and scolding spread to the city, and the people could hear it clearly.

"The Huns are coming."

"This is terrible. The Huns burned, killed and looted. If they really let them break in, wouldn't we suffer?!"

"Who did you listen to? What I heard is different from what you said. Those Huns only took the cattle and sheep from the herdsmen and did not kill anyone. They were hungry. No more food."

«Whether what you say is true or not, the Huns will do us no good after entering the city. "

"Didn't you say that we are an ancestor? What's the point of them killing around like this? No matter who is the emperor, as long as we can eat and wear warmth."

The people talked a lot and said everything.

Some people are afraid that they will act mischievously after they enter the city, and they will really occupy the capital and make themselves kings.

Some people think it doesn't matter, it's the same for whoever is the emperor.

Some people even hoped that the Huns would enter the city, hoping that the Huns would occupy the capital and reduce their taxes.

All in all, there are many people with different hearts, and they have everything they want.

Thousands of people outside the city shouted and cursed together.

The Yuezhi army on the top of the city all lowered their heads, pretending not to hear.

Being scolded as a shrinking turtle, those people are dejected and feel aggrieved.

"He was beaten to the door, and he didn't dare to go out to fight, what kind of man is he?"

A soldier gripped his (Wang Zhao's) spear tightly and said something through gritted teeth.

The voice did not fall.

Quickly someone picks up the conversation.

"Stop talking, Your Majesty is afraid that some people will not be able to resist and open the city gate to fight with them, so he specially mobilized his own guards and asked them to guard the city gate.

"Pick your head and see if the guards guarding the city gate are the King's personal guards!"

The man who spoke at first didn't believe it.

Quietly poked his head out and looked underground.

Get shocked immediately!

"Unexpectedly, the king really called out his personal guards!"

"Of course, your majesty has said, now the fire is imminent, no one can act rashly!"

The soldier who was not convinced just now could only frown again after hearing this.

The shouting and cursing continued.

When the Xishan Huns waited until sunset, Mu San and the others stopped clamoring and returned to the barracks full of disappointment.

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