Shuang Daqin comparison, no comparison, no harm

Chapter 176 Arrogant? If You Can't Finish Drinking Goat Milk, Wash Your Face And Moisturize It!

"To put it more bluntly, this is a deal that doesn't cost much. It is estimated that many people are willing to try it!"

"Yes, once you go there, you will have a place to live. The country will give you tents, and you can also give them things. There are definitely people who are tempted!"

Zhao Zerong felt a lot of emotion for these people.

Then tell the rest of the plan.

"The market I'm talking about is not simply buying their goods, but transporting their cattle and sheep to the Central Plains alive through the road."

"After selling, we can bring them food on the way back."

"This move is not to increase the income of our Daqin treasury, but to let people realize the importance of settling in the grasslands.

"This is a long-term plan. After decades or hundreds of years, those people will consciously think that the grassland belongs to us Han people!"

What Zhao Ze said is well-founded.

While people were listening, they seemed to have seen the scene of cattle and horses thriving on the grassland.


Ying Zheng spoke suddenly.

One sentence broke the silence in the study.

Only then did people recover from their astonishment.

Immediately afterwards, everyone echoed.

"His Royal Highness, this is a great idea! This is a century-old plan that will benefit the country and the people!"

"With such a good policy, there will definitely be people who yearn to raise cattle and horses on the grasslands and sell them in the Central Plains, which can largely make up for the shortage of cattle in the Central Plains.

"While selling back the cattle and horses, we can also transport the grain produced in the Central Plains, it really kills two birds with one stone!"

Zhao Ze's plan was applauded by everyone.

A satisfied smile appeared on Ying Zheng's face.

"That's a good idea, just do what you say!"

"Come here, formulate the policy that the prince said just now, and implement it from now on!"

The screen changed.

Everyone saw the situation among the people of Qin.

A notice was pasted outside the government office.

People passing by on the street stopped to watch.

"Has the government issued a new notice? What is written on it?"

"It's the new policy promulgated by His Majesty. It says Grassland. I don't know much about it, so I can't read it completely."

"It seems that there is more than one, look, another one has been pasted!"

I heard someone say that.

The person who had stopped just now began to look towards the yamen servant again.


While they were talking, the people from the yamen just now posted two more notices.

"It seems that it should be a big event, otherwise why would you write so much?"

People speculated.

At this time, the yamen servant has already told Yue.

Seeing people coming and going on the street, one of the yamen servants directly picked up a copper gong.




The force of the gong is very strong and solid.

This naturally attracted more people on the street to come and stop.

Saw people forming a circle.

The yamen servant then put down the gong in his hand.

Cleared his throat.

shouted vigorously.

"Listen up, everyone, Xianyang has a new policy announced!"

"Our notice says that whoever is willing to go to the Mobei Grassland to engage in grazing work will be rewarded by the state!"

"This reward is for those who get there. The country rewards tents and cubs. If you don't pay, I will give you the sheep, the cow!"

"Also, when these cattle and sheep grow up, the state will help you sell them at a high price!"

"Now the policy is very strong, and there are active applicants who are willing to go!"

Finish these in one breath.

The person who shouted just now looked at everyone.

At this time, everyone showed doubts on their faces.

They were all thinking about the contents of the notice.

"Go to the grassland, this family..."

"We are in Yandi, bordering on the grassland. It won't take long to get there. How can we ask the She family to abandon their business?"

"We are all planting crops and going to graze. I wonder if I can get used to it?"

"This incentive policy is quite good, co-authoring does not cost money, and you can earn a lot of money.

"This has to be considered, and it's not up to one person to decide."

Everyone whispered to each other, with hesitant expressions on their faces.

"Bang bang bang!"

The yamen servant tapped the gong in his hand again.

"Everyone can think about it. Our policy is not to let one person go, but to bring the whole family."

As soon as the words came out.

Many people really had expressions on their faces.

Someone asked about the policy again in detail before leaving.

It didn't take long, and almost every household knew about this new measure released by Ying Zheng.

After the decree was promulgated, people had mixed opinions about going to the Mobei Grassland.

The slightly wealthier people did not take this decree seriously.

Just let it go and have a good day. However, I ran all the way to the Mobei Grassland, and I don't know what the future holds.

They don't want to take that risk.

Although the imperial court encourages people to go to Mobei Grassland to graze, it's a bit of a family member who doesn't want to be this early bird.

And the most important reason is that they can maintain their livelihood and have no worries about food and drink.

After dinner.

Wang Fuhu's home.

Mr. Wang was sitting in the room with a person of similar age, discussing the matter of the announcement.

"Brother Zhang, what do you think of this decree issued by the emperor?"

The person called Brother Zhang nodded slightly and answered with a smile.

"Brother Wang, we don't have to worry about food and clothing. Although the law has a reward system, it is unwise for you and me to drag our families away from our hometown.

Mr. Wang showed joy on his face, and gave a hum in approval.

The same is true of my own thoughts.

"I think the same as Brother Zhang, and I'm afraid that the officers and soldiers will enforce it."

The person on the opposite side shook his head in the middle after listening.

"The notice is very clear, it is voluntary, not compulsory.

"This is a good thing for us."

"There are people who want to go, and there are laws and regulations. Those who want to go, let them go. I will wait and see how it changes."

"Brother Zhang said that if this is the case, then I will wait and see. The results will be up to them themselves."

After saying this, the expression on Mr. Wang's face eased a lot.

Next, let's talk about this year's income.

The voice also became louder.

The few big households who had a better life these days began to unite, and they didn't want to migrate, let alone go to the Mobei grassland.

And those people who have a hard time, after getting the decree, they are like a spring breeze.

The most attractive thing for them is the reward system.

Give them cubs for free, and sell them when they grow up, which makes them seem to see hope.

After some consideration, there were indeed several applicants.

I want to go to Mobei Grassland to seek a turning point in life.

Old Yang leaned on a cane and met Xiang Li on the street.

Still haven't stopped.

Old Yang has already opened his mouth to ask.

"Xu Zhong, how are you thinking about going to Mobei Grassland?"

Xu Zhong grinned and touched his head in embarrassment.

"Uncle Yang, what else is there to think about, this is an opportunity His Majesty created for us poor people."

"Our life, Old Man Yang also knows, is really tight, and I hope there will be a turnaround when we go to the Mobei Grassland.

After feeling a lot, Xu Zhong continued.

"I have already decided to go to the Mobei Grassland. If you want to go too, we can go together.

Old Yang nodded.

"Good! There are so many people, so it's good to have someone to take care of you on the way."

The two were talking on the side of the street, and Wang Shun, who was passing by, also stopped.

After chatting briefly, Wang Bian hurriedly left.

Looking at Wang Shun's back.

Xu Zhong spoke.

"Uncle Yang, it seems that Wang Shun wants to go there too."

The voice fell.

Old Yang waved his hand directly.

"His life is better than that of our two families, and he probably won't go that far away.

"Talk to us just now, that is, to ask casually."

Xu Zhong suddenly realized.

Think carefully.

That's right, the life of Wang Shun's family is better than that of their two families.

Although it can't be called a wealthy household, it's not tight.

Xu Zhong has a loud voice, and his voice is loud and clear when he speaks.

Although only briefly said a few words.

But when he got home, Wang Shun's ears were full of Xu Zhong's words.

"The country gives tents, and the cubs are free, and they even sell them."

"Whatever you think is a good thing."

"How can a big man stay at home all day, he still has to go out and rush."

Wang Shun was a little moved, but after looking at the house that had just been built a few years ago, he still couldn't make up his mind.

After thinking about it, I found my brother Wang Qiang.

I want to discuss it with Wang Qiang.

"Brother, some people are planning to go to Mobei Grassland, do you have any ideas?"

Wang Qiang shook his head after listening.

"The Mobei Grassland is far away, and it is very dangerous to hear that there are still packs of wolves haunting it."

Wang Shun thought for a while and then said.

"I heard that as long as you sign up, you will be escorted by Qin Jun."

Wang Qiang opened his mouth.

"Even so, I won't be this early bird and let the predecessors find the way first. If they can come back in the coming year, it doesn't matter if we go again.

Wang Shun nodded.

What Wang Qiang said makes sense, let others go to explore the way first, if it is really like what the court advertised, it will not be too late for them to go. "

"Fortunately, big brother is considerate. When they come back next year, if life is good, we will choose to go to Mobei Grassland.

Thus three situations arise.

Those who live in poverty, a large number of people are willing to rush to the Mobei grassland.

They want to change the existing living situation.

And rich people are not interested in this decree.

They have no worries about food and clothing, so there is no need to go so far to take risks.

And the people who are not bad and can make ends meet all choose to wait and see.

Despite the allure of the decree, they remained hesitant.

A few days later.

The time for registration was over, and the people packed their bags, escorted by the Qin Army along the way, and entered the Mobei Grassland in a mighty way.

When the people arrived at their destination, as the policy said, Qin Bing helped them set up tents, gave them cattle, sheep and cubs, and also gave them some food so that they could survive.

Many people dragged their families with them.

The children saw the little calves and sheep.

His face was also full of excitement.

w father and mother, I can hug this lamb!"

"I'm going to feed the lambs, and when they grow up, I'll blast them out onto the grass to graze!"

A four or five-year-old child, grinning and shouting, his voice is immature...

two years later.

It is still the picture of the grassland.

The lives of those who chose to come to the Mobei Wasteland have also undergone great changes.

The cubs of the past have grown up, and there are herds of cattle and sheep in the fence outside the tent.

The lives of those people are also slowly changing.


Several middle-aged men sat opposite each other, and there were two vegetarian dishes and a plate of meat on the table.

one of the men

Picking up the wine, he poured a glass into the man's glass before filling it up for himself.

"Xu Zhong, I really have you. It seems that you have developed a lot. Compared with when some money left, you have gained a lot of weight."

The voice fell.

Another person next to him immediately said: "That's for sure, otherwise, Xu Zhong wouldn't be here to treat us to a drink?"

Xu Zhong was a little embarrassed by what they said.

After taking a sip of the wine, he said with a white face.

"It's all because of my Daqin's good policy. After arriving on the grassland, the government fulfilled its promise to us according to the law.

"Now, I have also saved some savings, so I don't have to live a hard life in the future."

After Wang Shun heard it, his eyes lit up.

The people next to him looked at Xu Zhong with envy.

"Brother Xu, is it too late for us to choose to go to the Mobei Grassland?"

"It's only been two years of hard work, and I have accumulated savings, and I spend so much money, the income must be good.

"Yeah, brother Xu, tell us about this heart-to-heart talk, what's going on over there?"

The two of you asked me one sentence at a time, both of them looked a little impatient.

(of Zhao's) Xu Zhong thought for a moment, then spoke.

"We live in groups there, because there are many wolves on the grasslands, and we must unite to resist the attacks of wolves.

"If you really want to go, then I will go back this time, and you can go with me!"

"As long as you are willing to go to the grassland, you can register with the government.

Wang Shun only swallowed when he heard this.

Getting more and more excited.

After further questioning, Tian Shun understood.

It turned out that Xu Zhong had also suffered.

In winter, in order to protect the cubs, Xu Zhong and his wife alternated on duty around the fence, fearing that the wolves would take the cubs away.

"Brother Xu, going to the Mobei Grassland, will you feel uncomfortable at the beginning?"

Xu Zhong solved the confusion for everyone.

"When I first went there, I encountered many difficulties, such as water sources, which were difficult to solve."

"The grassland is not like the Central Plains. If you drill a well at home, everything will be safe."

"We had to find places with rich grass and near water sources, sometimes for days.

Wang Shun sighed after hearing this.

"Well, if you can't find a suitable place to drive a large flock of sheep, you're also anxious, don't you think?"

"Then how did you solve it [are you still running so many places to find water?"

Xu Zhong shook his head.

"It's been solved a long time ago, and now everyone is used to life on the grassland, herding sheep, and being free, which is pretty good."

"Since the cubs have grown up, we have had a lot of dairy sheep and now the children are used to drinking goat's milk."

Having said that, Xu Zhong added with a smile.

"Sometimes there is endless goat milk, and my wife and children will try to wash their faces with that goat milk, but not often.

Wang Shun and the people next to him looked stunned.

goat milk?!

Wash your face?!

This is too extravagant!!.

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