The courtiers sat cross-legged on the ground.

Each person has a roasted sweet potato and praises the deliciousness while eating.

Such a harmonious scene.

Seeing the change in the world, everyone’s envious eyes are red.

【Lees】: Are baked sweet potatoes really so delicious? I want to taste it too!


Why is he not in another Daqin.


He is the one who feasts!

For this stutter.

Hu Hai was also stunned, and some yearned for another Daqin.

[Hu Hai]: How can I go to another Daqin? Or, do we have such a thing as sweet potatoes here?

[Fusu]: Sweet? Still sweet as preserves?

Fusu’s whole person was stupid.

He didn’t know how sweet sweet potatoes were.


When I heard that baked sweet potatoes are as sweet as preserves.

He knew how sweet that thing was.

Sweet potatoes have not been eaten.

But preserves, Fusu can occasionally taste.

Thinking of that fragrant and sweet thing, Fusu couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

What is a preserve?

That’s honey water from bees!

Even Fusu.

I can’t eat it a few times a year.

But this sweet potato….


One acre of land, more than six hundred catties!

Equivalent to more than six hundred pounds of preserves?!

Although I don’t want to admit it.

But Fusu is also really envious!

As for the victory.

Not to mention.

His envious face is purple!

Sweet potatoes with high yields and sweet tastes, why didn’t he have them?

It was so happy to see the other self eating.

For the first time in his life, he became jealous.

Change the world.

Zhao Ze threw in another sweet potato.

He wiped his mouth and said, “Next, I’ll teach you the third way to eat.” ”

“I think.”

“This way of eating will also be the main way of eating in the army in the future.”

Smell this.

Everyone was taken aback.

There is a third way to eat?!

This is also too much!

You have sweet potatoes that have already made us red-eyed, and sweet potatoes can be baked and eaten as sweet as preserves!


Are there other ways to eat?

In front of the people of two worlds.

Zhao Ze took out the baked sweet potato.

Peel off the skin.


Using a knife with you, cut the roasted sweet potatoes into long strips.

Expose to the sun.

Zhao Ze explained.

“Use the sun to dry the moisture of the sweet potato fries and lock in the sugar inside.”

“Finally, sweet fries will go from soft to hard.”

“Until then.”

“It can be stored for a long time, it will not deteriorate, and it is convenient for soldiers to eat when they march and fight.”


Some of the modern words in it are not understood by people around.


Probably the meaning, everyone can guess.


Ying Zheng is bright again.

“Can this baked sweet potato be used as marching dry food?”


Zhao Ze calculated.

“Count the losses.”

“10,000 catties of sweet potatoes, about 8,000 catties of sweet potatoes can be processed.”


Everyone swallowed.

Ying Zheng looked at the roasted sweet potato in his hand.

The tone is full of excitement.

“This is a fetish that saved the people of the Qin Kingdom!”

When he was a child.

I have also seen scenes of famine.

It’s no exaggeration.

Thousands of miles of hunger, really not talking about playing.

Easy to eat?

It really exists, too.


Do you think that why does the Qin State always change its laws and become strong, always thinking of going east and encroaching on the land?

It’s not that their land is too rubbish!

It’s good to raise horses and cattle.

Used to grow food, this land is too barren, there are few places to use it to farm!

And there are many natural disasters.

The old Qin people were starved and afraid.

They loved the land, but they couldn’t bear the torment of famine.

This is why they want to expand their territory madly.

Occupy the fertile land of the world.

That way.

In the future, the old Qin people have a large area of land, so they don’t have to starve.


With the sweet potatoes that Zhao Ze took out.

The Qin Kingdom will no longer have to fear natural disasters in the future.

As long as there is a good harvest in one year, even if there are natural disasters in the next five years, resulting in no harvest of grain, it can make the people of Qin State eat all at once.


Only then will Ying Zheng have such a high evaluation of sweet potatoes.

Lees swallowed the roasted sweet potato.

“King, with sweet potatoes, this year’s disaster is not a concern.”

“Do we still want to open a warehouse to release grain?”

Ying Zheng shook his head.

“No, although the sweet potato production has decreased, with the current yield, it is enough for the people to eat for another two years.”

It’s not just about no more grain.

There is even an impulse to raise food taxes….

He looked around at the people around him.

Men, women, and children, are all joyful at work.

Their bodies are full of energy and vitality.

This also allowed Yingzheng to see the future….

In the blink of an eye.

Inside the palace of King Qin.

The eunuchs and palace maids ate at noon.

When I saw that it was baked sweet potatoes again.

Everyone complained.

“Baked sweet potatoes again? Tired of eating! ”

“That’s right, two baked sweet potatoes per meal, who can eat them all?”

“I take back my previous words, I don’t want to eat baked sweet potatoes all the time again!”

“Give so many baked sweet potatoes again, do you know how much I’ve gained weight lately?”


There are palace maids with small appetites.

After getting two sweet potatoes, eat a few bites, and throw them away while no one is around.

After all.

Eating the same thing every day will always get tired of eating, and I will feel a little sick to my stomach when I see it.

This scene.

Once again, let the original world’s government break the defense.

I’m hungry in the Great Famine!

Did you eat and vomit during the Great Famine?

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