In summer, the sun is dazzlingly bright, and the shadows retreat inch by inch, gradually being swallowed up by the sunlight.The hoarse sound of cicadas was heard in the distance.

"I understand." Bakugo Katsuki held Saiki Mirai's hand in the air, the two of them stalemate for a while, she suddenly whispered, "It's my fault that I want to do something to you."

She struggled hard and pulled her wrist out of Bakugo Katsuki's palm.

"This area is currently being patrolled by your office. I will tell my family. I will cooperate with you in the future." Saiki Mirai covered the right wrist that was grabbed by Bakugo Katsuki with his left hand.She lowered her head, her bangs covered her eyes, Katsuki Bakugo couldn't see the emotion in her eyes, but could only see her beautiful lips slightly opened and closed, "Also, about the previous incident."

"You and I are indeed not suitable." Her voice finally stopped trembling, and quickly returned to calm, as if she was talking about something unrelated to herself, "Now I understand, my thoughts and Bakugou's thoughts , it was different from the beginning.”

"I can't agree with this kind of statement that 'dating or kissing because of the summer festival'." Saiki Mirai finally raised her head——the tears in her eyes had disappeared, and she looked at Katsuki Bakugo quietly, with Gradually, a bit of determination emerged, "At the beginning, I felt that Bakugo's liking for me was just because he liked my novels, so he empathized with me. But after getting along for so long, you should also have feelings for me. Do you understand?"

"I'm the kind of self-righteous, self-indulgent, weak chicken-like woman you hate. You should be disappointed too." She repeated Bakugo Katsuki's previous words mercilessly, as if picking at him with a sharp blade again Opening the existing wound and stabbing it deeper, "Now, my initial thought has been confirmed, and I am relieved."

"The rent will be paid to you according to the contract." Qi Mulai took a deep breath and said, "I hope that in the future, I can get along as an author and a reader normally."

"Before what happened from last night to now, I seem to have a little... fell in love with you." She hesitated for a while, but still suppressed the soreness in her heart, and said, "Although I said those things just now, the explosion Howe, your courageous character still shakes me. But it still doesn’t work. I will treat what happened last night as if it didn’t happen. I’m sorry for the harsh words just now.”

Bakugo Katsuki froze in place, wanting to apologize like Saiki Mirai, but his self-esteem prevented him from saying similar words.It took him a while to open his mouth, his voice hoarse and dry: "Are you going to forget everything that happened last night?"

"Well, I will forget about it." Qi Muwei nodded, turned and passed him, "Goodbye."

Bakugo Katsuki clenched his hand hanging by his side into a fist, and the veins on the back of his hand bulged.It wasn't until he heard that Qi Mu came back home in the future and the door of Qi Mu's house was closed, that he punched heavily on the wall beside him.

"Damn, screwed up again..."


Saiki Kurumi was putting the fried ham on the plate when he caught a glimpse of a shadow at the door out of the corner of his eye.

"Ah, Mirai, where were you just now?" She hurriedly closed the bread and squeezed butter into the small bowl containing corn kernels. "Lunch is ready, come and wash your hands!"

"Yeah." Qi Mulai hung his head in the future, and walked slowly to the sink in the kitchen.While busy, Saiki Kurumi was distracted thinking about the situation just now: "In the future, what did that person come here for?"

"Ah, he..." Qi Mulai gave his hand under the faucet a pause.The cool water was blowing on her sun-burned skin, and she couldn't help squinting her sore eyes.

Nothing to be sad about, they just didn't get along.It's only a matter of time before it becomes like this.

"He is a professional hero of the Chaobo Niuwang Office. Since the area where our family lives is now being patrolled by the Chaopao Niuwang Office, he came to notify all households and learn about the surrounding situation by the way."

"Ah, is that so?" Saiki Kurumi was taken aback - Saiki Kusuo had already injected relevant knowledge about the new era and personality into the minds of people of the old era, so she didn't think too much, but nodded, Put the prepared lunch on the table, "In the future, lunch is ready. And Kusuo, come down to eat!"

Qi Mulai pulled out his chair, sat quietly at the table, and picked up his rice bowl.

The past year was just an episode in her life.Her life was finally back on track.

Nothing to be sad about.This is her own choice.

Nothing to be sad about.

When Saiki Kurumi turned around, Saiki Mirai bit his index finger joint and stopped his tears through the pain.


After lunch, Qi Mulai locked himself in the room.Sitting at the desk by the window for a while, she lifted a corner of the curtain with her fingers and opened it, and carefully glanced out.

After eating lunch for more than half an hour, the street outside is now empty, and the asphalt road is scorched by the sun, reflecting faint light.Bakugo Katsuki and the others are no longer outside.

Qi Mulai let go of his hand and lowered the curtains.She folded her arms, leaned her head sideways on the crook of her arms, let her long hair cover her face, and slowly closed her eyes.

The girl looked as if she was in a deep sleep, but her eyelashes fluttered from time to time, like a panicked butterfly.After a while, she opened her eyes, her green pupils turned slightly, and she was stunned when she saw a row of things on the table.

Those were the cosmetics she bought before going on a date with "King of Explosion".

Qi Mulai kept the posture of pillowing in the crook of his right arm and did not move. He stretched out his left hand slowly, picked up bottles and cans, and held them in front of his eyes one by one for a closer look—except for eyeliner and the like, most of them were The shelf life of cosmetics has not yet expired.


"Auntie, I'm going to the shopping mall." Qi Muwei asked while standing at the door changing his shoes, "Is there anything I can bring for you?"

"Are you going out again? That's just right, we don't have enough green onions and soy sauce at home... and the coffee jelly that Kusuo asked for and this issue of the magazine..." Saiki Kurumi raised her head subconsciously, and when she saw Saiki Mirai Can't help but startled.

"Future, are you starting to put on makeup?" Qi Mukui stood up involuntarily, trotted to Qi Mu Mirai on her slippers, and looked at her face carefully - the girl herself was beautiful enough, and with a little modification, it was almost unbelievable. Can't look away.

"Hmm..." Qi Muwei's eyes flickered for a moment, and after a few seconds he smiled, "Because the cosmetics I bought before are still in the shelf life, so don't waste too much..."

She raised her hand, pinned some of the soft and smooth slightly curly hair behind her ear, and continued with a smile: "I practiced a little in the room these few days. If Auntie is free, you can also teach me some Makeup skills..."


The makeup is not because I am afraid of wasting cosmetics, but after learning that the Chaobo Niuwang Office where Katsuki Bakugo works is in charge of patrolling the surrounding area, I want to convey a feeling of "I am living a very good life now" when I meet Katsuki Bakugo. OK" message, and that's it.

In the past few days, Qi Mulai sat in front of the mirror whenever he was free, tinkering with cosmetics, and practiced many times before he thoroughly mastered the several makeup looks she chose.The same goes for her hair. She learned a lot of new hairstyles and lost a lot of hair during this period.


All the way to the shopping center not far from home, Saiki Mirai still failed to meet Bakugo Katsuki.

She knew that Bakugo Katsuki had rarely accepted patrol missions since his qualifications reached a certain level, and he was all focused on capturing the enemy. It was not a surprise that he could not meet him.

Mirai Saiki stood for a moment outside the automatic glass doors of the shopping mall.The hair on the top of her head was hot from the sun, she paused, and finally walked in.

The glass doors slowly opened towards both sides.Qi Mulai took out his mobile phone from his bag, opened the memo and glanced at it.

"The green onions, soy sauce, and magazines that Aunt Kurumi asked for, and the coffee jelly that Kusuo likes..." She glanced at the shopping list, turned around and took the elevator leading to the large supermarket on the basement floor.

When pulling out a shopping cart at the entrance of the supermarket, Saiki Mirai saw the scene of Bakugo Katsuki pushing her forward with a shopping cart in the supermarket.She looked down at the child seat in the shopping cart and sighed involuntarily.

This thought continued until she walked into the dessert aisle.Qi Mulai saw the coffee jelly on the shelf in the future, so he pushed the shopping cart and walked over.At the same time, a figure suddenly appeared at the other end of the shelf.

When she saw the man's familiar piercing blond hair, she was startled for a moment, and her steps stopped.But Bakugo Katsuki didn't notice Mirai Saiki at all, passing by with another man of the same age.When passing by the shelves, he kept his eyes fixed, with a conceited smile on his face, but he was talking in his mouth.

Saiki Mirai was startled - she recognized the person beside Katsuki Bakugo.That green-haired young man with a baby face and freckles on his cheeks is the hero "DEKU".

"...Are you an idiot? How can it be done like that? Forget it for a long time, let me take over this kind of high-level task..."

The figures of Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya quickly disappeared from the end of the narrow shelf, and their voices gradually faded away.Qi Mulai stood between the shelves in a daze. After a while, he regained his composure and took a look at the three coffee jellies on the shelf.

He deliberately put on makeup, but he still couldn't see it.He seemed to never see her again.

Thinking of this, Qi Mulai felt a sense of frustration that could not be dissipated.


In the distance, Bakugo Katsuki withdrew the smile on his face and fell silent.

"Xiaosheng, what happened just now?" Izuku Midoriya followed him for a long time in a daze, and finally asked anxiously.He met Bakugo Katsuki by chance not long ago in the supermarket, and Bakugo Katsuki has been picking his nose and eyes at him since then, but when he passed by a shelf just now, the two obviously had no conversation, Bakugo Katsuki suddenly Started to say some inexplicable things.

"Where...was anyone there just now?" Midoriya Izuku guessed in a low voice.When Bakugo Katsuki heard his words, he immediately exploded.

"None of your business! Shut up! You didn't see anything! Skunk! Miscellaneous fish! Nishiuchi!" Bakugo Katsuki spat out a string of words like a cannonball, then quickened his pace and turned his head away.

The scarlet eyes flickered, and he ignored the stunned repetition of "Xi Nei?", instead he stopped talking and raised his hand to cover his mouth.

After a long while, Bakugo Katsuki muttered to himself: "So... put on makeup? Damn it, doesn't it look more beautiful like this..."

The author has something to say: Bahao, a childish brat, tries to attract the attention of his future wife by increasing his volume... like a boy in elementary school. (and he succeeded)

Blast player, +1 point!

Next chapter: A beautiful counterattack by future players!

A chapter was updated in the morning. If you haven’t read it, remember to go to Kangkang!

Because tomorrow's chapter has more than 4000 words, so let's just update it in one chapter, darlings.

The copywriter said it was a story in the style of Japanese shoujo manga. If you have read Japanese shoujo manga, you probably know what kind of shit this story will be... But I promise to add a lot of sweet stalks!

We will meet in the next 10 chapters!According to my update frequency, it will be next week!Can wait LE soon!

Thanks to Chi Yan (drunk duck has started dancing with Yan Yan's legs), Big Kun (raised a fish in autumn, and harvested a huge Kun in winter), Bai Ling (hanging on Ling Ling's skirt and not moving) , Xiao Ye (Why your comment can be so interesting! Duck ducks must know the secret!) mines!

Thank you hee hee, please call me salted fish, Xiao Ye (20 bottles of love from Xiao Ye!) Nutrient solution!

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