Enemies who wreaked havoc in the restaurant shrunk to normal height after passing out.It was the police who arrived about 3 minutes after the incident that finally took him away.

After simply finishing the notes and leaving the restaurant, the five people split into two directions and said goodbye at the exit of the shopping mall.

When getting into the car, Qi Mufuku was still in a daze.She sat in the co-pilot seat with a blank mind, fastened her seat belt, and then stared back at the scenery outside the car window in a daze.

"Why, haven't you slowed down yet?" Bakugo Katsumi noticed Saiki Mirai's state, and moved his hand holding the seat belt, "It's just an incident of ordinary miscellaneous fish enemies breaking into high-population density areas and going crazy."

"I'm fine." Qi Muwei slowly rolled his eyes and said softly.

Bakugo Katsuki glanced at her through the rearview mirror of the car, didn't speak any more, but started the car directly.

The street scene outside the car window swept back quickly from slow to fast.Qi Muwei looked at the scene outside the window through the transparent glass, but what was in front of him was something else.

What appeared most was the battle scene I saw just now, with other pictures mixed in it—sometimes it was the scarlet eyes of Katsuki Bakugo, and sometimes it was the past and the "King of Blast", which was full of words From time to time, the self-satisfied face of the boy who had confessed to her in the past appeared when she was standing outside the classroom door in middle school.Countless scenes were like frames of film with still images printed, wrapping around her like a snake, squeezing the air out of her lungs bit by bit.

Qi Muwei lowered his eyes, silently staring at his nails.Suddenly, she noticed that the car had stopped, and Katsumi let go of the control lever.

She raised her head subconsciously and looked out of the window - the scene outside the window was not the residential area she was already familiar with, but the parking lot in front of a large supermarket.Customers at the entrance of the supermarket walked out carrying plastic bags, and several children chased brightly colored balloons in the air and laughed in the open space at the entrance.

After experiencing the chaos just now, and suddenly seeing this peaceful scene again, Qi Mufu could not help but be slightly lost in thought.

The uneasiness in my heart seemed to be a little lighter.

"Why did you stop here?" Qi Muwei turned his head, just in time to meet Bakugo Katsuki's eyes.

"Didn't you agree just now?" The man frowned, "Didn't you say that you would cook for me? I remember hearing my mother say that the seafood in this supermarket is delivered directly from the place of origin. The freshest around."

Qi Mulai was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said: "Ah, no, that is..."

"Hey." Katsuki Bakugo interrupted her.Hongtong stared at Qi Mufuture, his voice was low and hoarse, and his tone was a bit fierce: "Are you unwilling again? Why are you so heartless?"

Sai Mukui's words suddenly stuck in his throat.

Thinking of it this way, she was indeed a little heartless.Even if Bakugo Katsuki really took care of her because he had plans for her, those things-providing her with a shelter from the wind and rain with nowhere to go, catching the stalker saved her life, He took care of her all the time - and indeed he did it for her.

"I'll do it for you." Thinking of this, Qi Mulai took a deep breath and agreed cleanly.She pinched the seat belt buckle with her slender fingers and pressed it lightly. After she loosened the seat belt, she turned around and got out of the car.

"Just now I ate cod, and Bakugo you ate Tom Yum Kung soup, right? It happens that both of these dishes require seafood, so you can buy them here." Qi Mulai walked towards the supermarket while taking out his mobile phone Searching for recipes, "But I'm afraid I can't make dishes that taste the same as that restaurant... Anyway, I'll find recipes on the Internet and try it out..."

Seeing Saiki Mirai walking forward while looking at the phone, Bakugo Katsuki raised his hand and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him, avoiding the children chasing balloons next to him.

"Ah...thank you." After realizing it, the pink-haired girl thanked her with a little breathlessness.

Bakugo Katsuki looked down at Saiki Mirai.She is only 1.6 meters tall, and he has exceeded 1.8 meters.From his point of view, he could only see the thin auricles exposed between Qi Muwei's hair and the small curls on the top of her head.

The corners of the man's lips curled up involuntarily.

Isn't this the same as newlyweds visiting the supermarket?


The place that Bohao Katsuki took Qi Muwei to was a large supermarket with clear internal functional divisions and a wide variety of products.After entering the supermarket, Qi Mulai pulled a shopping cart and pushed it towards the fresh food area.

"Hey, are you only buying ingredients this trip?" Bakugo Katsuki stopped her from behind.Waiting for Qi Mu to turn around in the future, he raised his hand and pointed his thumb at the household goods area beside him: "You haven't bought any supplies since you moved in. You tried your best to avoid going out because of that stalker before, right? Now that bastard I was caught, so it's time for you to buy something, right?"

Saiki Mirai hesitated for a moment, and looked along the area where Bakugo Katsuki pointed - the man was pointing at the glass products area in the supermarket.Looking at all kinds of glassware, Qi Muwei held the shopping cart tightly.

If, as he said, she really bought enough of the things she wanted to buy and left too many traces of herself in the house, it would undoubtedly mean that she was planning to live in the mansion for a long time.In this way, if she wants to leave one day, things will become much more troublesome.

Thinking of this, Qi Mulai just wanted to refuse, but when his eyes passed over a gradient glass vase, he was a little bit reluctant.

"Then... just buy something light and easy to carry." After hesitating for a while, she said with a guilty conscience, and carefully glanced at Katsuki Bakugo from the corner of her eye.

"Anyway, I drove here. It doesn't matter how much I want to buy. If I don't have enough money, I can cover it for you first." Bakugo Katsuki put his hand back into his belt belt and replied in a casual tone on purpose, but his palm was in his pocket Rubbing, wiping the sweat off his palms.

He knew that Qi Mu could not resist the gadgets here in the future.Katsuki Bakugo still remembers the time when he was caught by Katsuki Bakugo to accompany her to the supermarket to carry things.At that time, his mother just couldn't walk when she saw all kinds of exquisite little things, and every time she came over, she would take a bunch of little things with her.

The man narrowed his red eyes slightly, and glanced at Qi Mufuture.

Bakugo Katsuki can see it—Sai Mu Mirai seems to be aware of his pursuit of her, but now he has a mentality of resistance.But he will not let the meat that has already entered his mouth escape again.

The more attractive something is, the more patience is needed to win it. The position of the No.1 hero is also the same, and so is the woman in front of me.

Saiki Mirai pushed the empty shopping cart close to the shelf of glass products.She hesitated to pick up the gradient glass vase she saw just now, and rubbed her fingers against the smooth surface of the vase to compare it with other vases.

After taking a look at the price, she couldn't resist the temptation of the vase after all, and put it in the shopping cart.Afterwards, she pushed the cart and walked a few steps forward, and she took a fancy to another cup with a unique shape.

After recovering from his senses, Qi Mulai discovered that there were a lot of things in the shopping cart that was originally empty—vases and cups made of colored glass, and a glass of colored glass that was the same as the one she hung in Qi Mu's house in the past. Wind chimes, small ceramic fox ornaments, a stack of bone plates printed with hydrangeas, solid-color storage boxes, decorative hanging paintings, plush carpets... Even the succulents on the shelves in the green planting area, she took three or four pots in one go, and took them by the way. A set of gardening tools.

Looking at the half-filled items, the pink-haired girl fell silent, and the hand holding the push rod of the shopping cart trembled slightly.

Aware of Bakugo Katsuki's gaze, Saiki Mirai bit the bullet and said to himself: "It's so strange, why did these things fall into my car by themselves?"

After a while, she heard the man sneer in a low voice, she was immediately discouraged, and planned to put most of the things back.But looking at the items in the car, she couldn't decide which one to give up.

Seeing the girl tangled on the edge of the shopping cart, like a sleepy kitten melted by the summer sun, Katsumi Bakugo raised his hand, grabbed the shopping cart and walked forward.

"Why do you think so much? Just buy it if you like it." He said without looking away, "I don't have money for you, so don't worry about the future."

Saiki pursed his lips in the future, walked a few steps quickly, and snatched the shopping cart from Katsuki Bakugo.

"I have money." She said sullenly, "If I show you the savings, I will scare you to death."

"Oh?" Bakugo Katsuki raised his eyebrows, "How did you, a college student, get so much money?"

Qi Mulai opened his mouth in the future, but still held back the words that were about to blurt out.Even though Saiki Kusuo told her that he used mind control to rationalize her existence, she still dared not say that she was the author of "The Will of the Dragon" published more than 90 years ago.

"I wrote the book." She finally said vaguely, and turned around to pick up the things on the shelf in a disguised manner, "But I can't tell you the pen name."

On the shelf next to it was the Coke that Domabuki used to invite Qi Muwei to drink.She took a large bottle of Coke from the shelf and put it into the shopping cart. Just as she was about to push the cart to continue walking, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the slash and grabbed the edge of the shopping cart.

"You just drink this kind of carbonated drink?" Bakugo Katsuki frowned, squinted his red eyes and glanced at the Coke in the shopping cart, raised his hand and put it back, "If you don't buy this, drink it if you want of."

Qi Mulai paused for a moment, then turned around to get a Coke again: "I just want to drink this. I have loved it since I was a child."

"You will get osteoporosis when you get old, do you understand?"

"Then I'll drink Coke and milk to replenish calcium!"

Bakugo Katsuki laughed angrily: "How dare you use this fucking solution that minus one plus one equals zero?"

Just as Qi Mulai wanted to refute, he caught a glimpse of a mother and child abducted from the other side of the shelf from the corner of his eye.The young mother pushed the small car, and the plastic child seat board in the car was pulled down, and a three- or four-year-old boy sat on it.

Seeing the stranger, she immediately fell silent.

"Mom, I want to drink this." When passing the Coke, the little boy sitting in the shopping cart raised his finger to the Coke bottle, and turned his head and said to his mother in a childlike voice.

"Xiao Jian, drinking too much of this will affect bone development." The woman gently raised her hand and touched the little boy's head, "Don't Xiao Jian want to grow up well and become a hero in the future?"

The little boy hesitated for a moment, put down his hand, and nodded obediently.

"Then I'll drink milk." He said in a childish voice, "Drink milk to grow taller and become a hero in the future!"

The mother and son passed the row of shelves talking and laughing like this.When passing Mirai Saiki and Katsuki Bakugo who were also standing between the shelves, the woman smiled and nodded at them.

Qi Mulai blushed and bent slightly.When the mother and son passed by, she turned her head and looked at their backs, feeling a sudden sense of loss in her heart.

"I used to sit in the child seat in front of that shopping cart when I was a child." The girl said softly, not sure if she was speaking to Katsuki Bakugo or talking to herself, "Later, Mom and Dad passed away..."

Bakugo Katsuki's heart suddenly tightened.He watched the backs of the mother and child disappear behind the shelf, and couldn't help but take a breath.

"I understand." He whispered, raising his hand to put everything in the shopping cart aside.Then, the man turned around, passed Qi Muwei's armpit with his hands accurately, and hugged her like a kitten.

The author has something to say: the future: what do you understand?

Future: (after three seconds) Bo Hao wins, I'll hit you!I!knock! !you! ! !

Future: (half a minute later) It smells so good.

Recently, AI Xiaomei is crazy about waiting for me, and then sent me to wait for a high-level trial... I am also drunk, what use is such an AI for you?

In the future, I suggest you to watch the update as soon as possible, otherwise you will be locked by mistake one day...

Thanks to Mo Jin Weiliang for the rocket launcher!Woohoo, I can't let go of it!Bobo!

Thanks to Chi Yan (cracking glasses with a bang, exchanging eyes→w→←w←), Ah Yan (holding hands with Yan Zai and turning around and grunting), xosha (climbing on top of Sasha’s head and looking into the distance), Xiao Ye (duck facing Xiaoye came, with the steps of the devil), Yiyihua Belle (make a dirty braid for Belle), Moqiu (longtimenosee, come see me again), Zhiyi (Duck and duck will take you to fly over the fish pond) mine!

Thank you for the silver crisp silk flowers, Yang Nuanyang W, Golai Golai Golai Golai, Nether Orchid (Lan Lan saved me another 40 bottles of rations, Lan Lan has lost weight, distressed), Wannian dead wood firefly is not moth , The buzzing of the snow!

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