Girls are really amazing creatures.

The woman Katsuki Bakugo had the most contact with before high school was his mother, Katsuki Bakugo.The hot-tempered Bakugo Mitsuki is far from the Yamato Nadeko in the world's impression. Although she sometimes shows a gentle and shy look to her husband, or shows a loving side in front of her son, most of the time, she still bursts out. In Hao Shengji's eyes, a woman who doesn't save face, and a teenager's self-esteem killer.

Later, Katsuki Bakugo was surrounded by a group of female classmates.Girls who can enter the Hero Department of Heroes are as powerful as men.Being in a highly competitive environment, they rarely show weakness, which has also led him to never have a deeper gender awareness of Xiongying's classmates than "oh yes, she will go to the women's bathroom" over the years.

However, for him, the future Qi Mu in front of him is different.Her movements, eyes, breath, and even every strand of hair seemed to remind him that she was a woman.

A completely different gender than him.

Even that pitted heart she dug out of the ice cream was so fucking cute.

And in her current state, she was completely defenseless.Maybe what he did to her, she won't remember after the fever subsides.

Saiki Mirai withdrew his hand after showing Bakugo Katsuki his masterpiece, and obediently dug up ice cream to eat.The ice cream was frozen hard in the refrigerator, the girl scooped up a little bit with a small spoon and stuffed it into her mouth, then she squinted her eyes from the ice.

Noticing that Bakugo Katsuki was staring at her, she carefully licked the ice cream on the corner of her lips with the tip of her pink tongue, and then wiped it with her fingertips.

"No more." Seeing that Qi Muwei wiped his lips bright red, Bakugo Katsuki reminded in a hoarse voice.

The man's eyes were fixed on the girl's full lips.Qi Mulai noticed his gaze, hesitated for a moment, and moved back holding the ice cream.

Bakugo Katsuki laughed angrily again: "Why, do you think I want to grab your ice cream?"

"'s not that I don't want to give it to you." Qi Muwei hesitated for a moment, and said slowly, "But I've already eaten it. If you eat it again, you will be infected."

Bakugo Katsuki was startled when he heard the words, his pupils suddenly darkened.

"If you are not sick, can you give it to me?" He simply followed her words and asked.

Qi Muwei, who was unconscious from the burn, raised his eyes and stared fixedly at Katsuki Bakugo.

He... seems to be very nice to her.Now that she has a fever, he is also taking care of her.

Thinking about it this way, what is ice cream, she is willing to give even more expensive things.

The pink-haired girl trembled her eyelashes, and nodded seriously: "Well, you can also want other things. Because you are different from them..."

Her gaze moved down slowly, and she remembered the strange smell of sweat, asphalt, and dried plants mixed with the sun that pierced her eyes that day and the subway entrance, and her eyes suddenly blurred.

"Hey, you..." Bakugo Katsuki was stunned—the Qi Muwei in front of him lowered his head, the corners of his eyes and the tip of his nose turned red inch by inch, and there was also a speck of water in his green eyes.

"I waited for a long time that day..." She opened her mouth and said softly, her tone was choked up before she could finish her sentence, "It's so uncomfortable, my head hurts, why didn't he come..."

The hand holding the ice cream box began to tremble, and the small blue box tilted from the girl's palm and was about to fall on the bed.Fortunately, Baohao Katsuki had quick eyesight and quick hands, and picked up the ice cream box from mid-air.

The drops of water on the box wall collided with his palm and dripped onto the quilt, leaving a few circular dark marks.He held the ice cream box stiffly and sat motionless by the bed.

He knew that the person Qi Mulai was talking about was himself.

"I almost died that day..." Qi Muwei said in a trembling voice, curling up his legs and hugging him tightly, his fingers trembling, "If I really died, then what he missed was seeing me for the last time Chances... no, what's the difference between me being dead there now?"

"I don't even dare to search for the names of people I know... I will find out in what year and how they died, right? Even Kusuo... If he is still alive, he will definitely come to look for it My..." She sobbed and buried her face in the quilt, the soft quilt covered her voice and tears, including those emotions that had never been expressed since she came to 95.


——Bakugo Katsuki seldom hated himself for being powerless.He is always proud and arrogant, just like the sun emitting strong light and heat.And the soil that breeds this kind of dark and cold emotion comes from loss.

In order to save him, All Might completely ruined his heroic career in the Battle of Kanno.

He failed to really save Saiki Mirai, and she lost everything around her, and was forced to cut off all connections and come here alone.

And different from All Might that time, this time, Bakugo Katsuki even felt ecstatic when he saw Saiki Mirai—the first thing he thought of was that this was a gift given to him by fate. Finally got the woman who was prophesied to be his wife, the one whom he had loved for years but thought she was dead.

Compared to this ecstasy, he paid disproportionately little attention to her emotions.Until now, he felt a dull pain in his chest because of her crying.

After a moment of silence, Bakugo Katsuki raised his hand and placed his palm lightly on top of Saiki Mirai's head.

"It's my fault." He said hoarsely, "Don't cry, you still have a high fever. Be good and take your medicine."

He almost patted Qi Mulai on the head with the most gentle force he had ever used in his life.The girl had cried enough, and finally lifted her tear-stained face from the quilt.

"Yeah." The leftover half box of ice cream has melted into water, and Qi Mu will not ask for any more ice cream in the future.She obediently ate the antipyretics brought by Katsuki Bakugo, drank another glass of water, and then shrank a little under the quilt.

After the tears were wiped away, her eyes were a little confused, as if she had forgotten the reason for crying just now.Now that Qi Mulai was lying down wrapped in a quilt, his eyes that had been washed by tears became clearer and sleepy again.

"I want to sleep." She said softly, tilting her head slightly, her beautiful eyebrows slowly relaxed.

After hearing the words, Bakugo Katsuki packed up the medicine box and prepared to leave.Unexpectedly, a soft and slender hand was suddenly placed on his arm.

He lowered his red eyes and looked at Qi Mufuture.The girl slightly opened her lips, and said a terrible word.

"Aren't you going to sleep with me?" She asked slowly, looking straight at him without avoiding her gaze, "Aren't you going to hug me, Katsuki?"

For the first time, those soft and moist lips spit out his name without a surname, and the eyes that were almost heartbreaking just now looked very seductive again.

Bakugo Katsuki's throat tightened suddenly, and even his hairs were about to stand on end.He paused, put down the medicine box in his hand, and leaned slightly towards her.

"Want me to sleep with you?" The man asked in a deep voice, staring at her intently with his scarlet pupils, "Will the body temperature become higher?"

Saiki Mirai licked his lips uncomfortably.

"No, I used to just sleep like this." She said, and then added, "My parents used to hug me like this."

Bo Hao Katsuki was stunned by the sudden "Mom and Dad", and it took him a long time to react.The man stared at Qi Muwei for several seconds, then suddenly smiled sullenly, and raised his hand to press her hot forehead.

"So you think I'm your father?" He was smiling, but there was no smile in his eyes, "How old are you now?"

Qi Mulai answered honestly: "4 years old."

Bakugo Katsuki was silent for a moment, stood up, and walked out the door with the medicine box in hand.After a while, he came back with an ice pack.

Pressing the ice pack on Qi Mulai's forehead, he gritted his teeth and said, "Dad sit here with you and sleep with me."


Qi Mulai slept for a long time this time.When she woke up again, she narrowed her sore eyes and looked up.

There was a coolness on the forehead, and the ceiling of the bedroom was divided into irregular shapes.Qi Mulai was a little dazed in the future, and after a while, he realized that a big hand with strong bones was covering his face.That hand was firmly pressing the ice pack on top of her head, motionless.

Qi Mu didn't dare to move in the future, but turned her eyes slowly - she saw that the sky outside the window had been blurred by the setting sun, and even the window lattices were coated with a light and even layer of orange red.And her landlord, Katsumi Bakugo, the demolition hero, was sitting by the bed, sleeping with his head tilted against the head of the bed.The hand on her forehead was his.

Ordinary, a fever, abruptly gave Hao Hao Katsuki the appearance of being accompanied by a serious illness.

Qi Muwei let out a shallow breath, stretched out his hand from under the quilt, grabbed the man's finger and pulled it down gently.But in the next second, she noticed a slight movement of Bakugo Katsuki's fingers.

The man slept very lightly, and opened his narrow red eyes whenever there was any movement.He withdrew his hand, looked down at her, and said without any emotion in his tone: "You're awake."

But if you listen carefully, you can still hear a slight displeasure in the ending of Katsuki Bakugo's voice.

I had a fever, and my body was so weak that I couldn't exert myself.Qi Mulai supported his upper body with difficulty and sat up from the bed, pressing the melted ice pack on his forehead with one hand.She blinked in a daze, and looked back at Katsuki Bakugo.

"Have I been sleeping since last night?" Saiki Mirai confirmed to Bakugo Katsuki with his long and slender fingers sliding on the ice pack uncomfortably, "Have I got a fever? You have been taking care of me all this time?"

"Have you forgotten everything you said?" Bakugo Katsuki didn't answer, but asked with a sullen face.

Saiki Mirai thought about it for a while, and seemed to only think of a few vague images of Katsuki Bakugo taking care of her, so he nodded slowly.

"When I have a fever, I sometimes... become a little silly. And I don't remember what I said when I woke up." Thinking of the performance that his parents said after he had a fever when he was a child, Qi Mulai looked away in embarrassment , "It hasn't happened since middle school. I'm really sorry to cause you trouble... If I said something offensive..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Katsuki Bakugo.

"Do you want to know what you said?" He stared at Qi Mufuku and whispered.

Bakugo Katsuki's tone was a little subtle.Qi Mulai instinctively fought a cold war, trying to stop him from continuing, but it was too late.

Thinking of the situation at that time, Katsuki Bakugo frowned, "You think of me as your father."

Saiki Mirai: "..."

The author has something to say: To celebrate the launch of the fourth episode of Little Heroes, today's originally scheduled one update has changed to two!Have you been very happy!

Although he is a different father from the copywriter, he is still a father after all.

new word:

【Acknowledge explosion as father】treatbaoasdad

The description made a huge mistake.

Example sentence: Xiao Ming decides to join Xiaoqiang's small group which is said to be very popular in order to improve his reputation.As a result, he accidentally mistook Xiaogang for Xiaoqiang, and he didn't find out until a long time later.This behavior of acknowledging his father made him waste a lot of effort, but he failed to get any results.


Thanks to Beibo (today is bel canto: Beibo oh oh~), Lao Gong's leg pendant (cute pendant is cute and shaky), Yi Hua Bei Er (the mood is free), xosha (2 thunders, put salsa The thunder stuffed under the duck's stomach), see me, please let me go to review (have you reviewed? Have you fished?), an ordinary meow (ducks suck cats, can't extricate themselves), Xiaoye (pinched for Xiaoye Pinch the duckbill) mines!

Thank you for the nutrient solution of Shenkeng, who has never been mothed by dead wood for thousands of years and gnawed on beef jerky!

Odd~ hey hey hey comment~

Xiao Ye: Draw your heart with ice cream!By the way, this chapter is full of benefits!Are you happy, Ka Jiang! (pasted backhand into the wall)

Zhiyi: May I break through the wall between the two of you? ? ? ?Let me hug and sleep together!quick!

Summer Tree: Hey - what a cutie in the future! ! !Don't say it's explosive, even I'm going to fall! ! !

[Banghao delivering ice cream]: Describes the things that are handed out at random and get unexpected surprises in return.

Example: Kusuo threw the stone picked up by Kusuo to prevent the gas station from exploding and threw it to Shun Kaito. Unexpectedly, Shun Kaito handed over the ice cream. Shun Kaito named the stone "DarkStone" and thought it was a symbol of their alliance. Kusuo got In return, Kai Teng Shun gave three super coffee jelly.

AKASHI: Oh oh oh!Not taking advantage of the fever to do something is simply wasting a great opportunity! !Durian head rush! !

momo: The future of fever is soft, but the witness is hard?

Dead fish eye game high: [Bakugofindclothes] (Bakugofindclothes)

Describes eagerly looking for something, and later extended to the things or items found by accident are very pleasing to oneself.

Xiao Ming wanted to buy a gift for Xiao Hong, and saw a pair of sneakers.Xiao Ming went crazy looking for clothes, thinking that Xiao Hong didn't like him anyway, so he spent the budget for buying gifts for Xiao Hong to buy sneakers for himself.

(In this way Xiaohong really won't like Xiao Ming)

Hot and sour sauce: (touched the inside, touched the little hands and fed ice cream) Baohao’s self-raiding progress is 100% and it is ready to eat (bushi)

Kageyama Shigeo: After reading so many Chache articles, I have summed up one characteristic of the explosive articles.If you want to attack this group of little heroes, you just need to show up around them to make more sense of presence, hook up with a small hook from time to time, and you're done.Because next group of brain-hole emperors will attack themselves, and then you just need to lie flat and enjoy the fast fall of being attacked by them, hehe

Huanshui Liuhua: Baohao's father is so cute, he is really just like his father, in the future you can call him father 2333.The ka sauce in this chapter is still out of the sky, which makes people unable to control~~.I just want to ask Kachan, are you disappointed when you see that you have changed into a nightgown in the future? ?

Late Banquet: Bao Hao's strategy method: the future is a start, and the rest is left to Ka Jiang's own strategy.

Whoooooooo sick future is so cute who can bear it! ! !

Piaoxue: The self-propelled self-propelled seduction machine Kajiang, who has already achieved self-exploitation without the assistance of others, is facing a huge test of human nature at this moment

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