The little boy saw a piece of delicious candy.If he puts it out of sight, he may be able to resist this temptation; but if the candy peels off the candy wrapper to reveal a smooth and sweet candy, just dangling in the boy's eyes, then don't eat it It is almost an impossible thing.

What's more, for Katsuki Bakugo, the meaning of Saiki's future is much greater than the little boy's candy.She was the woman he had been thinking about for the past six or seven years.


In the morning, Qi Muwei stood in the kitchen, looked down at the empty lunch boxes and torn bread bags piled up in the trash can, and counted the number.

A box of more than 400 grams of beef curry bento, plus two bags of pineapple bread, a box of spicy fried dumplings, and an empty milk bottle.

Usually when Bakugo Katsuki threw out the trash, he would sort it directly, but this time, he threw all these things in a mess into the trash can in the kitchen.Even though these are fast foods bought at convenience stores, they add up to enough to fill him up.

Even knowing that he left it for her to see after he finished eating on purpose, and that the food in the convenience store was not as nutritious as the dishes he made himself, she was still a little relieved.

Fortunately, he still listened to the words on the sticky note.

Qi Mulai hooked his long pink hair behind his ears, squatted down, and began to take out these things from the trash can, sort them into categories, and put them in the trash bags.

One by one, like a secret signal he left for her.Even if no one is watching them, the information still has to be disguised as clues left inadvertently, so that it can be passed on like now and deceive oneself.

——Even though they are couples living in the same house, they care about each other but act like they are having an affair.


Saturday is Recycling Day.Bakugo Katsuki is still not at home.

In the morning, Qi Mulai put waste paper, beverage bottles and other garbage in white thin plastic bags and put them by the door.

She washed her hands, turned around and went up to the second floor, picked out a long-sleeved T-shirt and jeans that were easy to move from the closet, put on a thin cardigan, stepped on white sneakers, hung the bag on her shoulder and left go out.

Grabbing a bag of combustible garbage in her hand, she opened the door and walked out.

After putting the garbage at the designated collection point, Saiki Mirai took the subway all the way to the Shinkansen station and boarded the train bound for Shenno.


By the time we arrived at Kanno, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.Qi Mulai was carried by the crowd getting off the train, he got out of the station all the way, and stood on the street full of people.

Seven years ago, All Might met his enemy All For One in Kanno, and what happened after that was the "Battle of Kanno" that is enough to be recorded in history.At that time, a large area of ​​blocks near the battle site was destroyed in the battle, and it took two or three years to rebuild afterwards, but the most central and most severely damaged area was decided by the government to retain the original appearance after the battle to commemorate the incident.

Today, the battle area full of broken walls and ruins has been fenced off, forming an open-air tourist site.A small Kanno War Memorial has been built behind it, housing a number of exhibits related to the event - including All Might's combat uniform, a collection of rare photographs taken by journalists from helicopters. The original, the night vision device used by the hero student who was involved in time at that time, the machine parts used by the enemy alliance manufacturing brain, etc.

When one mentions Kanno, people will think of this place, which has become a symbol of this small city and a milestone for heroes to fight against their enemies.

No matter where you are in Kanno, it's always easy to get to the ruins of the Battle of Kanno.Saiki Mirai walked towards the nearest tram stop while checking the map on his mobile phone.

From a distance, she saw the platform and walked over quickly.At this moment, the next tram quickly entered the station, and the carriage vibrated, making a "boom, boom, boom" sound.

People waiting for the train at the edge of the platform got on the train one after another after the tram stopped.Qi Mulai hurriedly quickened his pace, staring at the incoming train while running towards the platform.

One after another they boarded the car.Suddenly, near the crowded car door, a figure with piercing blond hair appeared from behind.

Qi Muwei's eyes widened in the future, and the pupils in his eyes dilated slightly.

Bakugo Katsuki lowered his head slightly, put his hands in his pockets, and stood on the crowded platform.He was wearing a thin sweater loosely worn, black trousers and boots, and because of his tall stature, his blond hair stood out from a group of passengers.

At that moment, his back reminded her of the scene she saw when she ran after him when he left the family restaurant that day.

Saiki Mirai's heart contracted suddenly, and her pace also stopped—she saw Bakugo Katsuki get on the train, and then his figure appeared from behind the glass window on the side of the carriage, with the lines of his side face clearly visible, the eyebrows There was an emotion of indifference in those red eyes.

The man went straight to the back of the train and sat down, with his back to the glass window on Qi Muwei's side.All she could see was the back of his head.

Everything seemed to be at a standstill, and the world froze into a motionless picture, only Katsuki Bakugo sitting at the rear of the tram in the tram, and Mirai Saiki standing in place outside the tram in a daze.

Suddenly, the girl's heel lifted slightly, and then she left the ground——she ran towards the tram again, as if she was chasing something.The long, silky pink hair fluttered up behind his head, drawing swaying tracks in the air.

In the last few seconds before the tram closed, Saiki Mirai boarded the previous carriage.Seeing the car door closing slowly amid the ringing of the bell, she panted heavily, and subconsciously looked in the direction of Katsuki Bakugo.

There was a whole car between the two, and there were many passengers standing in the car because the seats were full.Through the crowded shoulders of the passengers, Saiki Mirai saw Katsuki Bakugo through the gap.

In the crowded tram, Bakugo Katsuki sat there with his legs bent, his head lowered quietly.Earphones were still hanging on his ears, and a pair of red eyes quietly looked at the ground in front of him.

Qi Muwei breathed a sigh of relief.She has never been more thankful that there are enough passengers in the car.


Shenye is a quiet small town, and within half an hour, the tram stopped at the station closest to the ruins.

Katsuki Bakugo, who had been sitting at the rear of the car, raised his hand and pulled off the headphones on his ears, got up and got out of the car.Qi Muwei, who had been watching him all the time, also stood up quickly, and followed carefully under the cover of the crowd getting off the car.

In the afternoon, the autumn sun began to be vicious.Bakugo Katsuki walked in front unhurriedly, while Saiki Mirai tied his long pink hair into a ball on the back of his head as he walked, and took out a sun hat from his bag and put it on, to block the glare of the light, and to be on guard Bakugo Katsuki turned around suddenly.

The open-air ruins can be seen hundreds of meters away.The location chosen by All For One was located in the center of the old city, which also led to the undestroyed outermost buildings surrounding the ruins maintaining the past style, and the inner buildings closer to the battle center were destroyed and rebuilt , more brand new and modern buildings.The most central ruins are like the wasteland scene in the postmodern apocalypse.The cityscape spreading like annual rings is a scenery that only Kanno can see, silently telling the epic of heroes.

On weekends, tourists come to visit in groups of twos and threes.Stepping on the pale golden ground covered by the sun, Saiki Mirai followed Katsuki Bakugo step by step, walking towards the ruins of the Battle of Kanno, which became an important turning point in his life.

The broken walls and ruins gradually encroached on all Qi Mufuku's field of vision.She watched Katsuki Bakugo approach the entrance of the ruins all the way, lined up at the end of the line like ordinary people, and quickly hid in the distance.

This is the place where Bakugo Katsuki was involved in the incident. She didn't know how many times he came here, and she didn't know how he would feel when he lined up here like an ordinary person and waited for a visit.

Or maybe he... wants to hear what others think of him.

Soon, three or four more people stood behind Katsuki Bakugo.Seeing this, Qi Mulai lowered the brim of his hat and followed silently and quickly.

The girl carefully twisted the brim of the hat with her fingertips, turned sideways, and glanced secretly.

The tourists queuing up ahead were talking and laughing, only Katsumi Bakugo stood quietly in place like a statue.


The visiting team moved forward quickly, and soon, Qi Mufuture also entered the ruins.

The ruins visit implements a free tour system, and tourists who have already entered visit in groups of twos and threes at will.Bakugo Katsuki came in one step ahead of her.As soon as he entered the ruins, Qi Muwei looked around carefully for him.Soon, she saw him walking on the wreckage of the street not far away at a moderate pace.

She pressed her hat and followed.

Soon, Bakugo Katsuki stopped on a slightly open ground.Also standing there were several men ranging in age from 40 to [-], and one of them was explaining the situation of the Battle of Shenye in the past.

"At that time, All Might was there, fighting with the notorious All For One. The wind of fists traversed the entire area, like that...Moses divided the sea! But the ground of this place is relatively flat... Guess why?" The oldest middle-aged man wearing glasses paused pretending to be mysterious, "Because the people from the enemy alliance were standing here at that time! There was also the kidnapped Xiongying student 'Bakugo Katsuki'! "

The introduction of the middle-aged man attracted many tourists nearby.Soon, seven or eight people came towards this side, and Katsuki Bakugo stood still near them without saying a word.While talking, the middle-aged man looked back at him, probably thinking that he was a tourist who wanted to come and explain, so he couldn't help but speak more vigorously.

Qi Mulai quickly stood behind the crowd and listened with his ears up.

"At that time, the helicopter the reporter was riding was shaken by the air current, and the picture was blurred, but who am I? I am 'Dynamic Vision Kubo'!" He raised his hand and pointed at himself with his curved index and middle fingers Slightly protruding eyeballs, "This is the place! Look carefully, there are burnt marks from the explosion on the ground! This is made by that 'Bakugo Katsuki'!"

The man with eyes stomped his feet vigorously as he spoke.The other two looked down, and sure enough, they found well-preserved scorched black marks on the ground.

"Really!" Someone said in surprise, "The battle here was also very fierce at the time, right?"

"Intense is quite intense, but it's still incomparable to All Might's side." "Dynamic Vision Kubo" replied, "And All Might was still worried about Bo Hao's victory in the battle, and he didn't know how to use it when he played. Hands are tied. Both sides are in a hard fight."

After hearing this sentence, Qi Mulai raised his heart subconsciously.She glanced at Bakugo Katsuki, but found that there was still no unnecessary expression on his face.

"But that 'Bakugo Katsuki' was only a freshman in high school at the time. All the members of the enemy league surrounded him." Someone said, "It's not easy. When I was a freshman in high school, I was probably still thinking about it. How can I get into the sports club and catch up with Senior Ewha, who is in the second year of high school?"

There was a burst of scattered laughter.Suddenly, among the tourists who gathered later, a skinny man with fluorescent green hair, studs on his ears, and protruding cheekbones raised his eyelids carelessly, and said abruptly, "Even if you say that, that Bakugo Katsuki is still a burden." Bar?"

The laughter stopped suddenly.And the fluorescent green hair didn't just notice it or didn't care, and then said: "It was because he was taken away that this series of things happened. At that time, there were so many heroic students living together in the forest, and the only one who was taken away was He's alone, doesn't that mean he's the worst? He really should reflect on himself. I wouldn't be arrested if I were to go."

"According to me, that Bakugo Katsuki is a thorn in the outside. At that time, he won the first place in the sports festival because of an inside story, right? Including Xiongying, there must be something tricky, maybe the so-called "Hero Cradle" 'It's all a scam, and they are secretly doing defrauding of money..."

The fluorescent green hair was still chattering, but Katsuki Bakugo, who was standing aside, turned his head, turned and left in the opposite direction.

Qi Mulai clenched his lips tightly, and the fingernails that were pinching Bao tightly turned white.She endured desperately, until Katsuki Bakugo walked away, and then pushed aside the crowd, squeezing all the way to the back of the fluorescent green hair.

Fluorescent green hair suddenly didn't realize it, and was still talking nonsense.With red eyes in the future, Qi Mulai raised his hand, suddenly grabbed his back collar, and pushed hard.

The body with fluorescent green hair suddenly staggered backwards, swearing out of his mouth suddenly, he couldn't stand still in an instant, and fell heavily on the ground.

The people around them subconsciously retreated to make room for a large area.Qi Mulai gasped, looked down at the fluorescent green hair, and said bitterly: "Even a small man like me can knock you down in one fell swoop, so you have the nerve to say what would happen if it was you?"

The fluorescent green hair lay on the ground in a daze for a long time, and finally came back to his senses, blushing and yelling: "Where the hell are you, a stinky woman..."

He got up while swearing and baring his teeth and claws. A pair of triangular eyes stared at Qi Mufuture, and he was about to rush over.And the girl clenched her fists with red eyes like a fierce lion cub, without any intention of retreating.

At this moment, Qi Mufu's arm was suddenly pulled back by someone.

She took a step back involuntarily, but her shoulder hit the hard chest of the person behind her.

A familiar breath enveloped Qi Mufukui.She was startled for a moment, and then tears fell down involuntarily.

The author has something to say: a chapter was updated at 12 noon

Thanks to Xiao Ye (touching Xiao Ye's bangs) and Chi Yan (poking Yan Yan's face) for mine!

Thank you He Yan Zi Miao for the nutrient solution!

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