In the quiet and empty lobby, everything seemed to have stopped, faded to black and white, only the brown wooden door and the knocking sound of the latch when the door was opened were extremely clear.

Bakugo Katsuki held his breath, and the sweat on his palm was hot——he saw a few cherry pink hair tips exposed through the crack of the door first, followed by the soft shoulder line of a woman and the slightly raised skirt because of the movement.

As if a picture scroll was slowly unfolding, the gap in the door gradually widened, and the faces of the people behind the door were displayed in front of his eyes inch by inch.That beautiful face was familiar to him from the tip of the eyebrows to the corners of the lips, but there was no expression on it.As the door was pushed open, her emerald green eyes slowly lifted up, and finally fixed on him.

——It turned out to be Saiki Mirai.

In Bakugo Katsuki's throat, there was a smell of rust on the tip of his tongue - not because of the injury he suffered in the battle just now, but because the moment he saw Qi Mu's future clearly, he clenched his teeth in shock, and his sharp teeth bit his tongue .

For a long time, the things that he wanted to hide firmly in front of her, the self-esteem that he worked so hard to maintain, just collapsed in front of her at this moment in a form that he did not expect, like a castle made of sand and gravel. , disappeared without a trace after a big wave.

Bakugo Katsuki moved his fingertips with the hand that was originally held by his side, and it fell down feebly.After Qi Mulai opened the door in the future, he stood quietly at the door of the bathroom, looking at him steadily.

The silence lasted for a long time, and the person who broke it first was Chaobao Niuwang—he who was originally sitting on the sofa also stood up and asked politely: "Hello, are you a guest who came to our office for a private commission?" Is it? I checked the registration book at the front desk just now, and your name should not be there."

Qi Mufuli seemed to be waking up from a big dream, and his eyelashes finally moved.

In the empty and trendy Niu Wang office at night, she only felt that she was an outsider who accidentally broke into the forbidden area.The furnishings, smells, and even the air itself seemed to repel her.

"No..." Qi Mulai said softly, in the empty hall enough to hit the echo, the voice is so low that you have to listen carefully to catch it, "I'm here... to find the 'heart-breaking place'..."

"Ah, is that so?" Chaobao Niuwang subconsciously glanced at Katsuki Bakugo—through the narrow field of vision between the long hairsprayed bangs and the pulled-up denim collar, he still only had one The eyes noticed the obvious abnormality of Bakugo Katsuki.

"Sorry, I still have some things to talk about with 'Broken Heart'. Could you please wait a little longer?" Chao Bao Niu Wang thought for a while and replied, "We will go upstairs to talk, and it will end soon It's over. You can continue to wait here..."

"No, I..." Qi Muwei's voice became sharper because of nervousness, "I... just wait outside. I don't need to trouble you to go up. I have been waiting here this afternoon, just now I went to the bathroom, and it was like this when I came out. I didn’t eavesdrop on purpose... Well, the staff at the front desk can testify...or you can watch the surveillance video..."

"Okay, we understand." Looking at Qi Mufuku who was explaining intermittently, Chaobao Niuwang nodded quickly, "We didn't think you were eavesdropping..."

Qi Mufuku's fingers clenched the pendant on the bag.The white plush rabbit that Katsuki Bakugo bought for her at the summer festival was crushed by her.She didn't know where he put his one of the pair of rabbits he bought.

She walked towards the door, and when she passed Katsuki Bakugo, she paused slightly.In a place where Chaobao Niuwang could not see, she cautiously stretched out her hand, and lightly placed her fingertips on the back of his hand.

I want to tell him it's okay.

The moment the hands of the two touched, Bakugo Katsuki's shoulders trembled, and the palms of his hands were slightly retracted almost imperceptibly.All that remained at her fingertips was an impenetrable mass of air.

He avoided her hand.

That's just a matter of a second.In the next second, Saiki Mirai passed by Bakugo Katsuki and walked towards the gate of the office.

The lights in the office soon came behind her.She walked down the steps at the door step by step, and finally stopped at the end of the stairs, holding her bag belt, and turned her head to look.

Through the glass door, Saiki Mirai couldn't see Bakugo Katsuki's figure.


After standing under the street lamp at the entrance of the office for about 10 minutes, Mirai Saiki finally saw the automatic glass door open again, and Katsuki Bakugo walked out of the door.

He had already changed out of that battle suit and put on his usual casual clothes again, carrying the battle suit box in his hand.The light shone through the door behind Katsuki Bakugo, dipping his front face in shadow.Qi Mu could not see his face clearly in the future, only noticed that his steps were slow and heavy.

She paused on the spot, then walked over.

The two stopped at the same time under the stairs.Saiki raised his head in the future, and cast his eyes on Katsuki Bakugo.

At that moment, he almost thought that she was going to ask about what he heard just now, what the trendy bull king said.But Qi Mulai opened his mouth in the future, and what he said was beyond his expectation.

"Katsuki, I'm hungry, I want to eat hamburger meat." She said, paused, and continued to add, "There are also French fries, milkshakes... Should I go to the family restaurant next door, or a fast food restaurant near my home?" ?”

After a moment of silence, Bakugo Katsuki replied hoarsely: "As you like."

"Then go to the family restaurant." Saiki Mirai said while pulling Hao Katsuki's hand.She looked as usual, but her heart was beating violently at this moment, as if trying to break free from the shackles of her chest.

Fortunately, this time Bakugo Katsuki did not avoid it.

"It's the first time I've been here. When I passed by the family restaurant just now, I saw the sign outside. The restaurant seems to be on sale today, and all the set meals with hamburger meat are half price." Qi Mu future held Bao Haosheng Holding his hand, he said as he walked, "What would Katsuki want to eat... Ah, but the dishes in family restaurants are all the same..."

She was rambling on, when Bakugo Katsuki, who had been silent for a long time, spoke abruptly and interrupted her.

"Did you hear that?"

Qi Mulai paused.Soon, she lowered her head and said softly, "What did you hear? Katsuki, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't hide it anymore. Anything like hamburger meat, family restaurant activities, etc., are you just changing the subject?" Bakugo Katsumi suddenly stood still, and the two people's handshake immediately pulled Qi Mu's future footsteps Stop, "You must have heard what I said to Chaobao Niuwang just now, right?"

Saiki Mirai stood not far from Bakugo Katsuki, facing him sideways.She lowered her head slightly, her long pink hair scattered, covering her face.

"Katsuji, can we talk about this after dinner?" Her voice came out vaguely from the thick hair, "I don't want to..."

She shook Katsuki's hand.The man stubbornly didn't move, just looked at her with a pair of red eyes.

"Katsuji..." Qi Mulai raised his head in the future.Under the bright street light, the corners of the girl's eyes were slightly red, and her tone seemed to be begging him, "After I met you in the movie theater that time, you told me that I lost weight and had to eat well...but during this time, you have I even forgot to eat at all. It’s getting late now, shall we go to eat?”

Bakugo Katsuki's chest seemed to be stuffed with a wet stone, even if he tried to breathe, he seemed a little out of breath.After two seconds, he was silent and took another step forward.


This time, Saiki Mirai ordered a table of food for Bakugo Katsuki.

During the dinner, perhaps because they didn't know how to talk to each other, neither of them spoke much.But the food that Saiki ordered in the future was delivered silently and quickly by Bakugo Katsuki.

Looking at his appearance, Qi Muwei's tense mood relaxed a little.

"Actually, I came to see you today because there is something I want to show you." After all the food on the table was eaten, Qi Mulai gathered himself together, opened the bag with the zipper, and took the manuscript inside Come out, "Just finished it and haven't sent it to the editor...I want you to be the first person to read this book."

Saiki Mirai pushed a thick stack of manuscripts in front of Bakugo Katsuki.On the first page of the manuscript, in the middle of the empty white paper is a line of clear title of the book in large font.The moment he saw the title of the book, Katsuki Bakugo's eyes flickered.

"You... finished writing." He whispered, but still stretched out his hand and picked up the manuscript.

"Yeah!" Qi Muwei nodded, with a bit of urgency in his tone, "Katsuji, why don't you just watch it here!"

Victor in the story finally got rid of the shackles of the abyss, and truly gained the freedom he had longed for.In the future, Saiki only hopes that after reading the novel, Katsuki Bakugo's mood will become a little better.

Bakugo Katsuki hesitated for a few seconds, but in the end he couldn't resist the desire to read. He turned to the first page and scanned the text quickly.


This reading lasted until ten o'clock in the evening.

After turning over the last page of the manuscript, Bakugo Katsuki's fingers stayed on the page for a long time, his expression slightly dazed.Qi Muwei, who was sitting on the sidelines waiting, was always watching his expression carefully, and there were already three empty drinking glasses on the table in front of him.

"...How?" She tilted her head slightly and stared at his face, asking nervously.

Katsuki Bakugo let out a long breath as if he had finally come to his senses.When he let go, there was a slightly darker sweat stain on the page.

"I like it very much." He said, his voice hoarse and deep after the long silence.

Qi Mufuira's heart was like a big stone falling to the ground, and the green eyes reflected the lights, shining like stars.

"That's great..." She involuntarily pinched the corner of her clothes under the table, and her breath became short of breath, "You like's really great..."

"This... will be published in the future?" Bakugo Katsuki raised his head, looking at her calmly with red eyes, "I will definitely buy it."

"Actually, it's unnecessary..." Qi Mulai raised his hand, buried his cheeks in his palm, and only showed smiling eyes from between his fingers, "Anyway, when it's published, the sample booklet of Baiye Society will also be sent home. At that time, I will leave a few copies for Kusuo and his uncles and aunts, and I will give you the rest."

"That's a sample book that no one else has." She said with a smile.

Bakugo Katsuki lowered his eyes.

"About this matter..." he whispered, "In the future, I have been hesitating about what to do, and I finally made up my mind just now. So, now, I have something to tell you."

The man's tone aroused a rare strange feeling in Qi Muwei's heart.The smile on her face gradually faded, and she put down the hand holding her cheek.

"Let's talk, Katsuki..." She said softly, but the heart in her chest hurt her sternum, "As long don't want to break up with me."

Bakugo Katsuki was silent for a few seconds, seeming to be sorting out his words.

"In the future, your summer vacation at university will end soon, right?" He finally opened his mouth, "After school starts, you should go back to your home first."


This state has been going on with Katsuki Bakugo for a long time since the amusement park incident.

That night in Sendai, he embraced the woman he liked, and he also had the idea that these things would eventually pass in his heart.But at the moment when he saw All Might again, Bakugo Katsumi saw his future.

A future that can never escape this sense of guilt.

This feeling of being able to see a lifetime at this moment is too desperate. Despair eats away at Bakugo Katsuki's heart inch by inch, and finally leaves him with a question.

All Might has become like this, but he can become a professional hero like his childhood dream, and even cross the obstacles of more than 90 years with the woman he likes.

Does he really deserve it?

This question lingers in Katsuki Bakugo's mind every time he performs a mission, maintains his combat uniform, and eats the supper made by Mirai Saiki himself.While enjoying all this greedily, he was also enduring heart-piercing pain.

Until now, he saw Qi Mu Mirai's novel.

After reading it, it is impossible for Bakugo Katsuki not to understand that this is a unique sequel that she wrote especially for him.Victor, who has the blood of the dragon and fell into the abyss, is the one who triumphed over himself.And Victor finally got rid of all the shackles that imprisoned him and gained freedom, which is also the ending deliberately arranged by Qi Mu in the future.

She was like his light, like someone sent by fate to save him.

Because of this, he couldn't pull her into the abyss together.

It's impossible for him like this now.He forgot to turn off the lights, to maintain his combat uniform, to fasten his restraints against the enemy.The more anxious he is to make amends, the easier it is for him to make unforgivable mistakes in simple details.And the road to make up stretches to the sky, he can't see the end, and he doesn't know what will happen on the way.

He can't——


Qi Mulai opened his eyes wide in the future, his eyes flashed with astonishment and bewilderment.

"Katsuji, what do you mean?" She seemed unable to understand what he meant, her eyelashes trembled, and she said in a daze for a long time, "I think it's... very good like this? It's only five o'clock in the afternoon..."

Saiki Mirai's voice gradually lowered.Bakugo Katsuki didn't speak, but looked straight at her with his scarlet narrow eyes, as if trying to remember her appearance.

The more silent he was, the more flustered she became.In the end, Qi Mulai clenched his fists tightly. He wanted to firmly express his opinion, but when he spoke, he unconsciously cried: "I won't leave. If I leave, I will never be able to be with you again. It's back to how it was before..."

Bakugo Katsuki's heart ached.Facing the weak Qi Muwei, who obviously wanted to be tough, but whose tone was like begging, he couldn't say more serious words, so he had to grit his back molars and squeeze out a few words: "Then I will live Go to the previously rented apartment closer to the office. If you want to continue living there, that's fine."

"What are you talking about?" Qi Mulai stared straight at him, with water in his eyes, "Do you mean you don't want me?"

Katsuki Bakugo's temples throbbed.He clenched his fists tightly and then loosened them, and finally roared in a hoarse voice: "You should understand, right? I can't do it now!"

"I'm... not as easy as you imagined right now!" Bakugo Katsuki was panting quickly and heavily, and bright red bloodshots clearly appeared on the whites of his eyes, "Actually, I... can't deal with these things! All Might boiled his body dry while rescuing me, although the others kept telling me that it wasn't my fault, it just happened that I fell into the calculation of the enemy alliance that time, All Might and It will be a matter of time before All·For·One meets, and sooner or later his body will be exhausted... Teachers, classmates, and even my parents have told me this! Over and over again..."

"But he did that to save me after all. And what was I doing then? I was like that in the middle of the bugs, I couldn't do anything, like a finger-licking brat Waiting for him to save me! How can I live with the thought of 'I have no responsibility for this' with peace of mind!" He slammed his fist on the table, the blood vessels on his neck protruding obviously, breathing They all smelled of rust, "Now it's me again! It's me again... I personally handed over an enemy organization that could produce a drug that can greatly strengthen a person's body and personality! Continue to develop that drug , Maybe it can restore All Might's body... Damn it! Damn it!"

Qi Muwei looked at Bakugo Katsuki, his face was as white as new winter snow.Her body trembled slightly, but she still stretched out her hand firmly without hesitation, and held his fist that was pounding on the table.

"Katsuki..." She wrapped her hand carefully around Bakugo Katsuki's fist, and whispered, "It's okay, there will be a way... there will be a way..."

"There's no way." Bakugo Katsuki's hands stopped, but his eyes were still red, and a hoarse and broken syllable came out of his throat, "I'm not strong enough, if I could be stronger then, All Might I won't retire...the only way to make up for it is to let me take the responsibility he has taken in the past and become a stronger hero than him, but now I am still far from it..."

"Let's figure out a solution together!" Qi Mulai hurriedly interrupted him.The tears in the girl's eyes fell down her cheeks, and a small drop of water hung tremblingly on her eyelashes, and was gently shaken off when she spoke, and disappeared without a trace.

Bakugo Katsuki took a few quick breaths, and suddenly raised his eyes to look at her.

"In the future..." He calmed down a little, and clenched her palm with his backhand, "Don't stay by my side anymore. I can't make you happy now. If you stay with me like this By my side, I... will definitely hurt you."

The distinction between arrogance and inferiority has never been as clear as it seems.Sometimes, people with low self-esteem are conceited to the extreme; but sometimes, people with conceit will easily fall into the whirlpool of low self-esteem.

"I don't know what's going to happen... don't know what else I can do, but you... shouldn't suffer more because of me." He said, "You should be better off. "

Saiki Mirai held his breath.

"In your heart, am I such a person?" She asked tremblingly, "When encountering such a thing, I will throw you aside and care about relaxing myself... Do you think I will do this?"

Bakugo Katsuki was silent for a moment, and suddenly pulled his hand out of Saiki Mirai's.

The palm suddenly became empty, as if a piece of the heart was also empty.

"The future, that's my decision." He looked at her and said in a low voice, "Don't you want to learn from the annoying Chou Jiu, no matter how many times I've said it, you'll stick to me like brown candy no matter what ? Don't do something that disgusts both parties."

"Ah?" Qi Muwei still maintained the posture of holding something in vain, with red eyes, and it took him a long time to repeat softly, "Disgusting...?"

"That's right." Bakugo Katsumi repeated through gritted teeth, "I don't want you to follow me anymore. Don't let the you in my heart... become disgusting."

After the voice fell, Bakugo Katsuki took a deep breath and stood up.He lowered his head, covered the gap between his eyes with his bangs, and took a last look at the manuscript on the table, the story she wrote to him alone.

Afterwards, he turned around and walked out of the family restaurant without looking at Qi Mumeirai again.

Qi Mulai sat in his original position, staring blankly at Bakugo Katsuki's back, his lips opened and closed, but the word "Katsuki" in his mouth could not make a sound.It wasn't until Bakugo Katsuki pushed open the door of the family restaurant that she grabbed the manuscript and bag on the table as if she had just woken up from a dream, and chased them out while wiping her tears.


The night was dark, and the street lamps flickered with colorful lights.There is a lot of traffic on the road, and the flashing lights converge into a river of stars.

Bakugo Katsuki and Saiki Mirai walked on the street one after the other, climbed the overpass, crossed the intersection, passed the shopping street, and walked into the residential area... Along the way, he walked very fast, as if he had made up his mind It's like getting rid of her.But Qi Mulai kept trotting behind, stubbornly unwilling to stop.

Walking into the familiar residential area all the way, seeing Katsuki Bakugo open the door of the house, Saiki Mirai hurried up the steps and grabbed the doorknob a second before the door closed.

The door did not move.Seeing Bakugo Katsuki take a step back through the crack of the door, she quickly opened the door and got in.

The door closed behind Saiki Mirai.She pressed the door panel with the palm of her hand, because she ran too fast, her pale face was flushed with blush at this moment, beads of sweat were dripping from her temples, and her breathing was a little unsteady.

"I...will not leave..." The girl panted intermittently, her tone was still firm, "No matter what you say, I will... stay by your side..."

Neither of them had the time to turn on the lights, and the room was plunged into darkness, only the faint street lights from outside made it possible for people to barely see.Bakugo Katsuki stood in front of Saiki Mirai, lowered his head, staring at her with scarlet eyes, expressionless on his face.And she also raised her head, panting, and stared at him with wide eyes.

Suddenly, Bakugo Katsuki raised his hand, grabbed Saiki Mirai by the shoulder, and pulled her towards him.

Saiki Mirai staggered unexpectedly, and fell towards Katsuki Bakugo involuntarily.Then, she noticed that he wrapped his arms around her and pressed down on her.

When he reacted, Qi Mulai found himself lying on the smooth wooden floor at the entrance.Her hair was scattered below her body, and her wrists were pulled to the top of her head by Katsumi Bakugo to hold them down.The manuscripts that were originally held in her arms were scattered all over the floor, spreading around her like white snowflakes.

For some reason, Saiki Mirai suddenly remembered the scene where she spread a thick layer of thin strips of colored paper in the gift box after returning from Sendai.For a moment, she felt that the white paper around her was like the colored paper on the bottom of the box, and she was the gift that was manipulated by others.

In the silence, the sound of tires running over the road suddenly came from outside the window.Someone's car passed by on the road outside, the snow-white light moved, penetrated through the glass window, quickly illuminated the room, and then disappeared quickly.

The house was once again plunged into darkness.But with that flash of light, Saiki Mirai could clearly see the red eyes of Bakugo Katsuki faintly surging with despair.

"Even if I do this to you, do you still want to stay here?" In the darkness, he lowered his head hoarsely and asked in her ear.


Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 without sleepwalking;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: xosha, 桜月めい 2; No Sleepwalking, Mo Jin Wei Liang, Chi Yan, Qi, Qiu, an ordinary cat, and Xiao Ye 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 50 bottles of Yaoji;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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