The melancholy golden dragons waved their wings and tails lightly, and after sighing in their hearts, they turned their attention to the battle below.

In fact, they didn't care much about whether the battle was exciting or boring, since Trivikon would not win anyway.

And the result was exactly what they expected.

In less than a few words, poor Trivikon was blown away into the sky by the sword in the stone that was shining in the sun, and soon there was no shadow left, only the sword in the stone was left. The white clouds that broke up their path also proved what happened not long ago.

Hey, this familiar fighting style and feeling, it really is that bad-tempered demon king, there is nothing wrong with it.

It's a good thing they didn't step forward to confirm in person, otherwise the ones who got kicked out would be the old ones!Young dragons still need more chances to fight. Seta is still peaceful now, and not everyone who wants to challenge the devil is qualified!

At this moment, Bishop frowned slightly, and slowly withdrew his gaze towards the direction where the dragon disappeared, and looked down helplessly at the sword in the stone in his hand.

He obviously didn't use much force, and he hasn't even started to show that he is working hard!Why does it seem like the battle is over?

The brave man who failed in the performance was a little unhappy, so how could he coax a more intimate reward from his lover!It's all to blame for that giant dragon, it looks pretty strong, why is it so unstoppable!

And Trivekang, who was stuck on a cliff far away in the sky, looked very desperate.

Originally, he could fight for a few more rounds and work hard to make his loss less ugly.But this is just the original, just his own thought.

When he met the ruthless eyes of the Demon King, he seemed to have returned to many years ago when he was young and helpless. As a cub, he slammed into the opponent full of ambition, trying to knock the opponent away with his hard body, and then What greeted him was a thin branch, and the scenes overlapped again, and the branch became a sword in the stone with the power of elements...

In a daze, he forgot to dodge, forgot to defend or attack, and just went straight to meet him like Jiu Yuan did back then, but the result was also the same as before, being blown away into the sky.

It's miserable, it's too miserable, but fortunately, except for a few golden dragon elders, the rest of the same clan are lying on the ground, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Fortunately, Trivikon didn't know that his stalwart image in the eyes of his dear brother had gradually collapsed.

The little dragon cub, Eddie, looked at the tracks on the white clouds in the sky stupidly, and even forgot to flap his wings. If the elders of the golden dragons around him hadn't scooped him up with their huge wings, the whole dragon would have almost fallen Dropped on the floor.

He couldn't believe that his powerful brother couldn't even block the brave man's move!how so?

Is my brother old?That's why he was so careless, or so unable to resist the attack...

Eddie, whose brain was in a mess, couldn't accept this fact, and even started to think wildly, wondering if his dear brother had some physical problems, or suffered some blows.

Except for Eddie, the other teammates of the Brave Team couldn't accept that the Brave hit the giant dragon with one move!

And that dragon is very big, and it is the patriarch of the dragon clan!

Even such dragons can decide the outcome with one move, so what's the point of them staying in the team?

In this trip to the abyss, they are doomed to be useless teammates!

They are too incompetent and really not worthy of the team of the brave!It's true, it doesn't deserve it!

Irene seemed to have ended the battle before he had time to eat one more fruit. He really didn't know what to say.

I can only put all the fruits back into the interspatial ring, put on a smirk, clap my hands and praise: "Good... great!"

There is no way, the gap between the brave and the dragon he imagined is too big, so that he really can't think of any good compliments, and there is no time to marvel and smile from the heart.

Is this exactly the same as the battle of the humanoid dragon clan who was knocked down all over the ground just now?

Bishop really deserves to be the great devil who owns the abyss, no matter what the dragon looks like, he can directly draw it down.

The lover is so good, he is a little bit of psychological pressure as a good-for-nothing mascot!Of course, it's just a little dark and refreshing.Such an outstanding person fell in love with him, just thinking about it is very flattering.

Just as everyone was silently thinking, a familiar figure slowly flew over from the edge of the sky.

It was the black golden dragon that had just been sent flying by the brave man.

Trevikang, who was very frustrated, hadn't even flown in front of the Demon King, when he saw him from a distance and slowly raised the sword in the stone towards him...

Going on like this is not a solution, it is not a good thing to lose face all the time, it will damage the majesty of his patriarch, and it will not be conducive to reprimanding the same clan and juniors who have done wrong things in the future!

Thinking of this, he quickly said, "I lost."

It is not a shame to admit defeat, at least for now, it is not too shameful.

If you continue to fight and get kicked away a few more times, that will be a real shame!

Alas, good Demon King, if you don’t continue to sleep in the abyss, why did you come out and become a hero?Want to experience a different life?

Hearing this, Bishop slowly retracted the Sword in the Stone with some regrets, and said at the same time, "Okay."

He also wants to fight more fiercely, so that his lover can see his strength and hard work!

But this giant dragon, which looks very strong, didn't give him this chance. What happened to the current dragon?Is it just to look great?

As soon as this not-so-exciting battle was over, Irene quickly cast her wind magic and flew down to Bishop's side, opening her mouth to praise his dear lover: "We won again! Well done! !"

Forgive him for really not being able to think of anything else to praise besides 'awesome', the battle was over in less than a few words, and he didn't even have time to think about what to say!Of course, I can only continue to recite what I just said!

But even though his words are monotonous, his inner feelings are very sincere!

Bishop looked at his lover beside him with a smile, and begged, "Really? Is there any reward this time?"

"Of course there is."

Trivikon, who had just turned into a human form, quickly replied.


The smiles of the brave man and the princess gradually disappeared, and Qi Qi turned to look at the damn guy who interrupted the beginning of their beautiful love.

Dragon Valley is really not a good place, not suitable for them who have love at all!

Trivikon, who was stared at by two cold eyes, also realized that the brave man was not asking himself, but he had already answered, so he could only continue to bite the bullet and continue talking.

"As long as the foreign guests win the challenge with the Dragon Clan in Dragon Valley, they can choose something from the opponent's treasure house. If you defeat us, of course you can get your own spoils, which is the reward."

Although the explanation is a bit far-fetched, it is not a big problem.

The nervous patriarch of the dragon clan cast his eyes on the demon king in front of him, trying to slowly resolve the other party's displeasure.


The brave man and the princess responded with one voice, still expressionless.

They lack nothing but a beautiful and happy love!

The atmosphere was tense for a while.

Until the watching golden dragons turned into human figures and stood in front of the brave man. As the guardians of the dragon valley, they certainly couldn't let the bad situation continue to develop.

The Demon King never abides by any rules. If he makes the other party unhappy, even if Dragon Valley is a gift from the Father God, he will not leave any sympathy.

So, after a silent discussion, the golden dragon with short blond hair took half a step forward and said to Bishop with a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you in Dragon Valley. May I ask why you are here?"

If you are thinking about it, it is better to ask directly, as long as you are not here to seek revenge, everything is not a big problem.

Probing or something is not suitable for their Dragon Clan at all.

As for the nonsense about being happy to meet each other in Dragon Valley, it was just talk. If possible, they hoped that they would never meet any gods!None of these gods who have been with the Father God for a long time have a good temper!

"Come find Eddie, our pharmacist."

Bishop felt that the courtesy of these golden dragons came very suddenly. They had already met each other when they came to Dragon Valley a few days ago, but they just greeted each other now, which was a bit weird.But he didn't care much about such trivial matters that had nothing to do with his lover, and he directly answered the other party's question.

"It's a great honor for little Eddie to join your team, but he has some problems with his body. It may be troublesome to use a human form." The short-haired golden dragon tried to keep the little dragon cub away from the great danger of the devil. After a pause, he continued: "Are you going to the abyss? This place is not too far from the abyss. If you need a pharmacist, we can find a more pharmacist for you." Excellent."

"No! I want to follow Bishop! This is my teammate! You can't do this!"

Eddie, who was still in a trance, fell to the ground in a hurry, and arched towards the talking elder with his huge body!

He was very angry. He had clearly agreed to let him continue to go to the abyss!How can you suddenly change your mind!

An angry dragon is terrifying, even if it is a chubby cub, it is extremely dangerous.

Just like at this moment, the ground under his feet trembled!

"Eddie, you stepped on me!"

"It's on me, Eddie, get up!"

"Damn it, Eddie, you're getting fat again!"


Irene had just subconsciously grabbed her lover's arm and tried to take her away from the dangerous area where the dragon cubs might roll, when she heard countless howls.

That's right, there are still many dragons lying on the ground who were sent flying to the ground by outstanding brave lovers!

I don't know why these dragons don't get up, is it comfortable to lie on the ground?

And the other teammates of the brave team who had just landed not long ago were not as lucky as the brave and the princess. They happened to be crushed by Eddie's not-so-small wings!

This is simply too much weight for them to bear!

I don't know how the brave man blocked the dragon with his bare hands just now, but now they feel that it is very difficult to lift their wings!

Those who watched the two battles of the brave were already sad enough, why did this kind of thing happen to let them clearly feel their own weakness!

"Hey, don't make trouble." The golden dragons hurriedly comforted the little dragon cub.

Eddie didn't listen to the words of the elders, and was on the way to realize his dream, but such an accident happened!It was an accident made by the elders, how could this work!

Thinking of this, he cried and shouted: "You lied to me! It was agreed before that I would continue to go to the abyss with Irene and Bishop to defeat the devil! It's not me, it's you who lied to me!"


Defeating the devil in front of the devil, their little bastard can really do it.

The golden dragons were expressionless, and even wanted to pack Eddie up and give it to the devil.

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