Before the brave team could react to the situation at this moment, the bursts of hunger and sleepiness in their bodies swept towards them like a huge tide, and it was like a stone colliding, hitting them again and again. brains and empty bellies.

This sudden feeling is extremely uncomfortable, like the exhaustion and hunger accumulated for many days, all piled up together, just waiting for this moment to erupt.

In the team, except for the brave Bishop who still maintained his original expression, the expressions of the rest of the people suddenly became painful, especially the ordinary human Princess Irene and the usually shy great magician Jie. Rui.

"Let me see who is so bold as to break into our fleet." An ordinary-sounding male voice echoed in the sea that was so quiet that only the lapping of sea water and the cries of seagulls could be heard.

It didn't take long.

The thin-looking man gently pushed away the pirates surrounding the brave team with a scepter carved with beautiful roses in his hand.

It wasn't until those pirates successfully made way for him that he walked forward slowly, holding the hand of the burly man with half of the rose mask on his face.

The man squinted his eyes and looked at the intruders who were wet and good-looking, smiled and said to his lover beside him: "Look at them, do they look like those poor creatures that fell into the water? For example, wild birds Something like that? See, the hair is still dripping water? Could it be that he offended the Sea Clan, so he was thrown on our deck as a small gift?"

When the burly man heard what the thin man said, he didn't say anything, he just pushed away the hand that had been resting on the elbow, and quickly walked towards these so-called 'poor creatures'.

"No, no, honey, I just want you to take a look..."

The thin man stepped forward quickly and pulled his lover's arm, but was slapped mercilessly by the other party.

"Irene, why are you here?" The burly man wearing a rose mask asked softly in that gentle female voice, just as he was about to step forward to support Princess Irene, who looked obviously not quite right, but was watched by a A man as handsome as a god stood in front of him.

She waved her hand and wanted to hit the man blocking the way as before, but the man blocked her attack, and his expression remained the same.

There are quite a few people who can resist such an attack. It is no surprise that they are all very powerful.

But now is not the time to compete, she just wants to say hello to a friend she hasn't seen for a long time, not to mention that the other party seems to be very uncomfortable now.Thinking of this, he quickly said, "I don't mean anything malicious, Irene is my good friend."

At this moment, Irene also struggled to separate herself from the terrible hunger and sleepiness. He forced his eyelids to close, and raised his hand to press Bishop's back in front of him, trying to control With his head dizzy and his body heavy, he kept his consciousness clear.

Waste Li raised his eyes and looked ahead, saw that not-so-familiar figure and heard a really familiar voice, he quickly stretched out a hand and passed the brave man.

When it landed on the other's wide and warm palm accurately, the princess opened her mouth vigorously and said, "Daphne, I... I'm hungry!"

It's true, very, very hungry.I was so hungry that my stomach seemed to be shriveled, and it was shrinking violently!

Besides, I was still very sleepy and tired, so I just wanted to just go to sleep.But the pain of hunger was hitting his body all the time, making him unable to close his eyes with peace of mind.

"My dear friend, how on earth did you get yourself into this state."

Daphne shook her head helplessly, held her best friend's hand, and took another half step forward, trying to hug him lazily.

But her action didn't go smoothly. Apart from the obstruction from the handsome man, there was also such a familiar hug behind her to stop her.

Daphne, who was blocked, was very helpless.

The handsome man didn't intend to let her have too much contact with Irene, and the lover behind him didn't seem too satisfied with her behavior.

But she still wants to try again. The beautiful princess looks too fragile, so she really wants to do something to help her.

So, she explained: "I just want to take her to change clothes first, it's easy to get sick."

After hearing this, Bishop put his hands on Irene's body expressionlessly, and then the moisture on the other side's body quickly evaporated, and even the golden hair returned to its former fluffy and weak appearance.

At the same time, his whole body became dry quickly, and the speed was unmatched by any magic spell.

Regarding this slightly weird ability, the brave man didn't think too much about it. At this moment, he was using his cold eyes to warn the strong woman in front of him who was trying to snatch her lover away.

change clothes?Ah?This kind of thing, even women can't relax their vigilance!The memory in my mind, isn't Uncle Irene having complicated love affairs with several men?

Daphne regretfully dismissed the idea of ​​changing clothes for Irene herself.

Seeing that his friend's face seemed to be a bit ugly, and even the two-way bright blue eyes were slightly revealed at this time, he quickly said: "If that's the case, what are you waiting for? Take Irene to the restaurant for dinner Come on! She's hungry!"

"Hey, is this Irene?" The thin man looked at Irene from Daphne's neck, and after confirming that the other party was indeed the beautiful princess, he said to the surrounding pirates: "Let's all go away!" , by the way let the chef prepare the food immediately, this is my dear friend who is far away."

And the companions of friends can barely be counted as friends.

He also couldn't attack Irene's human companions who looked like drowning puppies, if they were indeed human.

Anyway, according to his intuition, it doesn't look like it.

Thanks to Irene, it didn't take long for the brave team to sit down in the restaurant on this apparently pirate ship.

And enjoy the delicacies they haven't tasted for a long time.

This is definitely the most delicious food that the brave team has ever eaten, but at this time their condition is not very good, no matter how delicious the food is, it is just something to fill their stomachs.In addition to hunger, exhaustion is also hitting their drowsy brains.

Even if there is no rest for five days and five nights, they should not be so hungry and tired.

Obviously, that piece of darkness is not as simple as it seems.

In addition to affecting their emotions inside, even leaving brought them a lot of remaining symptoms.

This unbearable tiredness, sleepiness, and hunger may be one of them.

The thin man holding a rose scepter looked at the brave team's rough meal like a tiger eating, and asked in surprise to the only brave man who ate slowly: "Did you escape from the slums?"

Yes, as early as just now, he discovered that this man who was a little bit more handsome than him was wearing the sword in the stone.

The entire Seta Continent knows that the Sword in the Stone is the sword of every brave man, and wherever the brave man has walked, there will be a portrait of the brave man's sword.After many brave men brought that hope and light to Seta, almost as long as there are living creatures, they all know the appearance of the sword in the stone.And of course he knew it, and went to Sia with his lover to try to pull out the Sword in the Stone.

But clearly, they failed.

This damned sword was set firmly in the huge stone in front of the Siya Holy Church, and it couldn't be shaken at all.

"No." Bishop replied coldly.

But he didn't focus on the person who was asking him, but focused on Irene beside him who was about to fall asleep after eating.

With a slight frown, he searched for some food on the dining table that didn't require much effort to chew, and replaced the steak in his lover's hands that seemed to be eating very laboriously.

Irene, who tried to hold up her eyes again, smiled tiredly at Bishop, and said in a hoarse voice, "You eat too."

Bishop wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, looked at the hands of the other party who were struggling to lift the knife and fork, then stretched out his hand and half embraced his lover, then took the other party's knife and fork with both hands, and said softly: "I'm full, Let me feed you?"

Although it was in a questioning tone, he had already cut the food into small pieces and handed it to Irene's mouth, waiting for her to open her mouth to eat.

The princess originally wanted to refuse.

But he was really tired, and his body was so heavy that holding a knife and fork with both hands was like lifting a heavy iron.

After thinking about it, he blushed and opened his mouth to bite the brave man's feed.

I have to say that the food you eat from your lover is much more delicious than what you eat yourself.

Maybe it's the seasoning of love?

Irene, with a swollen head, thought about it nonsensically, and with difficulty opening her eyes, she happened to see Jerry who was sitting directly across from him, stuffing something into his mouth with both hands.

He swears, this is the most exaggerated eating scene he has ever seen!There are about seven or eight large steaks and three or four large breads piled up in the upper hand. It seems to be the size of half a head. Open your mouth and swallow it directly?

In contrast, Eddie's way of eating two or three steaks next to him was actually quite elegant!

"Hey, open your mouth." Bishop concentrated on feeding his lover, and didn't pay attention to other unimportant things.

After hearing this, Irene also slowly opened her mouth, waiting for the fluffy-looking piece of meat to be put into her mouth.

While eating, he closed his eyes when he was tired, and fell asleep without knowing it.

"Irene? Irene?"

After calling softly a few times, the brave man couldn't get a reply from his lover, so he put down the knife and fork in his hand, picked up a napkin and pressed the corner of his lover's mouth.

Then he adjusted his posture for the other party, let the other party's head rest on his chest, while gently playing with the other party's hands, while half-embracing the sleeping little lover, he lay on the bench.

Today's brave team is hungry and exhausted, so the rest of the teammates don't have time and energy to pay attention to the damn love between the brave and the princess. At this time, they are concentrating on eating with their heads down.

But this love did not spare other bystanders.

For example, Daphne, who was sitting on the sidelines waiting, and her slightly thin lover holding a rose scepter.

The two looked at each other.

Then quietly depended on each other.

Oh, isn't it just love?They have them too, and they are much more exciting and beautiful than others!

Is there anyone more suitable than them in this world?

No, no, even the handsome brave man and the beautiful princess in front of me are not as good as they are.

Anyway, they don't admit it!

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