"Okay, don't think too much, come and solve this problem for me first." Abulot stood up, and walked away without waiting for everyone to speak.

What else can the brave team do.

In addition to the very reasonable argument from the other party, the owner of the manor also entertained them with sumptuous food and a comfortable room. In addition, the other party was Irene's uncle, so they had no way to shirk it.

So, colorful cloaks and a princess in a gorgeous dress all followed.

Walk through the corridor, climb up the long stairs, and enter one locked room after another, and everyone will go to an empty room.

To be precise, the room in front of them is not empty, but all kinds of items are hidden under the huge black cloth, which makes them have an illusion when they look at it from a distance, so they think that the slightly dark room is empty.

Abulot avoided the things covered with huge black cloths, and led the crowd straight to the center of the room.

Hearing the footsteps behind him stopped, he raised his hand and lifted the black cloth covering a tall object in front of him.

That is a beautiful painting.

It shows a little blond girl playing in a garden.

The girl was wearing blue and white fluffy lace, holding a large bouquet of bright and delicate flowers in her hands, smiling at them from a distance among the flowers.

The sun was just right, but the smile was even brighter and warmer than the sun.

However, this warm picture has been destroyed. The four corners seem to be corroded by something, making it very uncomfortable to watch.

"This is what I want you to help with. What a lovely brother of mine, he was ruined by unknown things like this!" Abulot was very angry, with a cold tone in his tone. If you can't catch that nasty thief, you can't control your emotions.

After a pause, he calmed down, and then he continued: "Not only this work, but everything in this room was destroyed by the thief in various ways, and there are many places in the castle where the damn guy No matter how powerful the magic circle or other methods I use, I can't find that guy, I hope you will catch him as soon as possible!"

Originally, he planned to invite mages or other professions from outside to take a look, but now that the brave man and his team are here, there is no need to risk being discovered.

After all, every brave man and his team are carefully selected by the Creator God, and they are the best in every profession.Moreover, luck has always been on their side, what can't be done by the team favored by luck?

"Good uncle, we will do our best to help you."

Irene looked at the angry uncle and understood him very well.

My beloved works were destroyed, as an artist who dedicated his life to his ideals, how could he bear it!

However, after hesitating for a moment, he still spoke: "This is your younger brother?"

"Oh, yes, but he's not your father, but your father's father's father's father's... a long time ago."

Abulot's thoughts were interrupted. Thinking of his lovely younger brother, his expression eased a little, and he raised his hand to touch Irene's head: "You look a little like him, and you have a similar personality. When I was young, I thought he was really It was my sister, but that was just my brother's hobby and my mother's prank."


Erin was speechless.

According to legend, the great Emperor Abrot passed his throne to his beloved younger brother.

So... this is his direct ancestor?An ancestor who loved to wear skirts?This is the real lady boss!Forced to disguise himself as a woman to save his life, he couldn't keep up with the opponent's ten-thousandth of his strength.

"I still have some things to do, you guys quickly catch that damn guy! Everything on this side can be used, but if it is damaged, you may never feel the warmth of the sun again the next day, of course, Except for my little Irene."

After finishing the threat with a smile on his face, Abulot stroked Irene's curly golden hair again, and walked out of the room quickly without giving the others time to talk.

Inspiration is a very rare thing, if you don't pay attention, it will slip away, he has to hurry up!

The manor owner left very quickly like a gust of wind.

Even when Irene wanted to say something, she couldn't find the figure of the other party.

"Touch these things carefully, uncle always does what he says."

Irene was very melancholy, and put all her energy into paying attention to the actions of her teammates.

He was not worried about the safety of his teammates, but the safety of his uncle. Although the other party had obtained eternal life, eternal life did not mean that he would not be killed!When confronted with the Demon King, his intuition tells him that the Demon King is stronger.

The princess stared at her friends cautiously.

While others were discussing how to find the 'destroyer', the first step in the discussion was to check the destroyed things first.

Every time a piece of black cloth was lifted, Irene carefully stared at the things in the black cloth.

After seeing all the paintings, statues, musical instruments...even the weird stones, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.Catch the thief second, safety first!

After completing the first step of this discussion, everyone started to continue the discussion.

Finally, it was decided to let Jerry, a great magician, set up a magic circle and try to see if he could find the trace of the other party.

They then exited the room for the third step of the discussion.

However, time told them that no matter the first, second, third, or fourth steps, they didn't find the slightest clue.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and the white-haired butler wearing a mask appeared out of nowhere, bowed slightly, and respectfully invited them to the restaurant for dinner.

The owner of the manor was not seen during this meal, and the atmosphere during the meal was a little more active, at least not so quiet that he didn't say a word.

Finish your meal.

The white-haired butler sent them back to the room.

Irene stood at the door of the room, glanced at Bishop beside her, then turned her gaze to the housekeeper, and said, "Can you change the room for me?"

Taking into account the Black Heart Demon King at the side, he added: "The bed is a bit small, and it's a bit crowded for two people to sleep in."

"Your Highness, your room was arranged by the master long ago. If you want to change it, you have to ask the master." The white-haired butler bent slightly, took out a silver-white bell from his pocket, and shook it gently. , and then continued: "As for the problem of the bed being too small, I think it has been resolved now."


The princess can't help it now.

He could only put on an elegant smile, nodded reservedly towards the butler, and then followed Bishop into the room.

Look in the direction of the bed.

Sure enough, the problem has been solved. The bed that was considered big yesterday has become even bigger now.And there are several sets of... very 'weird' pajamas on it.

The butler is really caring, and there is no way to be picky about his caring.

Suddenly, Bishop said, "You thought it was crowded last night?"

Erin was stunned.

The desire to survive made him quickly put on an innocent smile.

He quickly answered, "No, I just think you might be more used to sleeping alone."

"It's true that I'm used to sleeping alone, but if it's you, it doesn't matter if there are two of you." After thinking for a while, Bishop added: "However, you think it's okay to be crowded."

After all, the whole night is like a fight, from one end to the other, no matter what bed you change to, it will be crowded.

Irene looked at Bishop's tall and straight figure walking towards the sofa, feeling a little dazed.

Is this... Is this flirting with him?Just listening to it sounds like a love story in a legend!

"Drink water?" Bishop poured himself a glass of water, suddenly remembered the gentleman's etiquette that had been thrown away, and asked the princess on the other side.

Irene who heard the voice looked towards Bishop.

At this time, Bishop's body was covered with that circle of sparkling light again, which hurt his eyes very much.

Standing behind the giant illuminated magic ball of light is so hard to look straight at!

The night passed quickly.

Irene, who had been careful all night, finally forgot about the devil's teasing.

Heh, he is really full and has nothing to do, he thinks too much, how can the black hearted devil talk about love!Even if you like something, you will definitely grab it right away!The love story or something is really whimsical!

The princess who was once again imprisoned in Strong's arms was expressionless.

Enduring the pinching and pinching of her belly, she slowly closed her eyes.

It was just dawn, so he might as well sleep for a while.

Soon, the sun hung high.

The brave team also went to the room from yesterday again.

After checking the items, it was found that the damage on several things had increased a lot.

However, they still had no idea.

For the next two days, Abulot didn't show up, and the brave team didn't catch the guy who destroyed the work.

Irene, who had been hugged like a pillow for several days, couldn't bear it anymore.

Leaning against the wall and thumping his waist lightly, he thought carefully for a long time, and suddenly his mind flashed.

He said, "Why don't I try the prophecy again? This time I cast it on the magic book that the great prophet gave me."

As the God of Creation, the Great Prophet cannot give him a magic book that can only be used as a compass!

There must be other effects, if not, then there is no way.

They don't even plan to give them some cheats. How can this team, which is already biased towards darkness, bring light and hope to Seta Continent?

It turns out.

A magic book made of blank parchment is really not a waste.

Although there were very few words displayed, it still told them exactly when the saboteur would appear.

The brave team with accurate information set up various traps.

Finally, for the third time, Jerry successfully trapped them in the glass bottle!

After a very careful study by the great magician, he also came to a conclusion.The Destroyer is a mutated ant beast with space magic. It feeds on certain special materials, and these items happen to carry that type of material.If you want to ward off these vandals, just put the smell that ants hate in the room.

Jerry was very interested in these ant beasts, and caught batch after batch, from dark to dawn.Of course, they also experimented to find out what kind of smell these ant beasts hate.

Just when the great magician wanted to continue his research, the owner of the manor appeared.

Abulot smiled all over his face. He first praised the team of brave men for their strength, and then everyone gave several small stone sculptures as gifts, and then began to drive people away without any tact.

The quiet castle has become noisy these days, seriously affecting his creation!

"This is the passage to the outside world, just go through it."

Abulot pointed to the huge stone carving with Irene's appearance in the center of the manor. After thinking for a while, he hugged Irene who was on the side, and gently pressed the other's young face, and said: "Come back from the abyss. Sora came to see Uncle, I am lonely by myself."

Remembering how little Irene kept rubbing her waist just now, he whispered in the other's ear: "You can be more indulgent when you are young, but sometimes it is good for your body to be more restrained."

"Good uncle." Irene nodded solemnly.

As long as he can come back from the abyss safely, he will definitely come to see his uncle.

When the time comes, wear the dress that belongs to the prince and surprise your uncle!Fill each other's big, colorful imaginations with surprises!

Abulot looked up at the sky, let go of the cute little Irene, and said, "Okay, it's getting late, you guys set off quickly. By the way, remember to keep the cloak."

It didn't take long.

There are several colored cloaks on the ground in front of the stone sculpture.

At this moment, Abulot stroked his chin and frowned slightly as he looked at the team of brave men who were about to penetrate into the stone sculpture not far away.

Little Irene's lover, the so-called brave man, looks a lot like the devil in the abyss.

Although he had only seen the profile of the Demon King from a distance, it was still very similar.

Does the Demon King also have silver-white hair?The name is... called Bi or something.

So, what is the name of the brave?

The author has something to say: ***

small theater

Bishop: Who am I.

Irene: The Black Hearted Demon King.

Abulot: Little Irene's lover, and... a hero who looks like a devil?


Vest crumbling?

Still can't hold on?

Please listen to the next breakdown.

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