Goddess of Fate adjusted her mood, and after a long time, she returned to the original indifferent and elegant deity.

After thinking for a moment, she decided to go back and report to Father God.

She can't control this matter anymore, it's beyond her domain.

Regardless of whether Bishop recovers his memory or not, it's really difficult for Seta to continue to live in such a peaceful way with such a temperament to raise a little god.

And whether the little god can pass the level of Bishop's recovery of memory seems to be very difficult...

Rubbing her forehead with a headache, Goddess of Fate turned around and left this place she didn't want to recall very much.

And the brave team in the abyss started their journey of riding a cat to continue their journey.

Why did they let the abyss cat take them away?

Because the brave team doesn't know where they should go!

The abyss cat looks very clingy, and it can intimidate other abyssal creatures with its aura, and save them the time of fighting. Thinking about it this way, there is no loss in letting the abyss cat be a step-by-step monster first.There is nothing to lose, why not do it!

Thus, the Brave Team obtained a giant abyss transport cat.

The brave team sitting on the abyss cat did not wait foolishly, they began to sort out various clues about the abyss.

Except for the 'simple' map that couldn't be read together and didn't need to be paid attention to, everyone told all kinds of fragments in their memories.

For example, City Lord Leonard said that multi-element magic orbs can help the brave walk better in the abyss, and the high priest of the elves also said that multi-element magic orbs are also needed to deal with the giant beasts of the abyss. As well as the information I learned from the old witch and the picture book drawn by the previous brave, which is incomprehensible and directly hits the soul...

To sum it up, use the magic orb to exchange and communicate with the creatures of the abyss.

Well, that doesn't seem to work either.

Because they are now living in peace with the abyss cat without any exchange.

Maybe give some magic beads to Big Cat and ask him to take them to the residence of the Demon King?

As soon as this idea came out, it was affirmed by all the team members.

Probably thinking is a very troublesome thing, indeed there are not many in the brave team who like to think, almost as long as they have new ideas, they will be recognized.

Bishop, who implemented this idea, put a large number of magic beads of various colors in front of the abyss cat, and said lightly: "These magic beads are for you, and you take us to the place where the devil lives."

The cat froze.

Its big eyes were full of disbelief.

His Majesty the Demon King actually gave it so much 'light'!

So it is His Majesty the Demon King's favorite pet?

Bishop, who waited without a response, thought the cat refused to agree.

He grabbed a large handful of colorful magic balls from his space ring, and said improvisingly, "Are these enough?"

This time the cat reacted.

It nodded its head frantically, and half-kneeled at the feet of His Majesty the Demon King. At the same time, the little paws didn't forget that Balabala pulled all the 'light' into his arms.

Sure enough, it is His Majesty the Demon King's favorite pet!It's not that big and stupid bad guy!

"It seems that it's not as difficult as it was said in the last brave man's notebook!"

Leslie muttered softly, looking back and forth at the abyss cat, thinking about whether to pluck a few cat hairs and sell them.

Thinking of the shape of a cat that is so huge that half of its paw can crush him, he silently gave up this idea.

Wealth must be saved to spend!

After hearing this, Irene secretly drank the milk for the cub, and looked at Bishop with a complicated expression.

Can it be simple?

How difficult can it be for the devil to communicate with his pets?

How hard can it be to follow the devil in the back garden of your own home?

I just hope that this simple road can be longer and longer, so that he can experience Bishop's tenderness and love again.

After the rest, the brave team embarked on their journey to the abyss again.

Now that there is a way to find the residence of the Demon King, it's time to think about other things.

In addition to defeating the devil and some small personal needs when coming to the abyss, there are also some entrustments.

The old witch can let them find her son for her!

The unlucky brave man who was originally destined.

So here comes the question, what is the name of the unlucky brave man?His old witch mother hadn't told them her name!

Such an important thing can be forgotten, it is really a real mother!

No matter what, the brave team is still slowly moving towards the destination.

In order for Leslie and Jerry to collect all kinds of weird things in the abyss, they had to move forward slowly.

Just walked for ten days.

Irene finally relieved the sadness and urgency of his about to lose love, and looked at the surrounding environment with a little mood.

Only then did I realize something was wrong. Why did I not even see a flower in the abyss after walking for so long?

Did you say that roses are a specialty of the abyss?Let alone the Abyss Rose now, there is not even a single flower!

What can I give Anna as a present now?

It just so happened that the team of brave men ran into an... abyss businessman who was sitting on a bare slope.

The big robe, which is extremely black in the dark, is engraved with the blood-red "Shang" symbol, the abyss merchant is right.

To be precise, the abyss merchant is not a human being, but a human soul assimilated by the abyss into an abyss creature.

Of course, it is not just a 'person', it represents a huge team of merchants.

It is rumored that the leader of the Abyss merchant is a very famous strongman in history, but no one knows who it is except Abyss.

After discussing for a while, the brave team still decided to say hello to the abyss merchant.

After all, I haven't encountered anything in such a long time, so it's good to be able to talk.

"Master Cat, His Majesty the Demon King, hello!"

The dazed abyss merchant greeted them from afar.

Well, cats are bigger, and there's nothing wrong with saying hello to them first.

The brave team still walked towards the abyss merchant as planned.

"Eh? Is it human? You guys have such a good relationship with Mr. Cat!"

At this time, the abyss merchant also noticed the team of the brave team. He stared at the past with his soul, always feeling that the depths of his soul were trembling.

A cold wind blew past his empty robes from some unknown source. The abyss businessman, who had no body or much thought, continued to look at the empty slope and sighed very sadly.

Probably someone finally communicated with him, and he said sadly: "The abyss rose I was guarding is gone, the dark god's men harvested and snatched all the flowers in the abyss, including the abyss rose, which made us I can no longer sell Abyss flowers outside. Alas, I can’t even keep a piece of rose land. How can I keep my certificate of apprentice businessman? It’s too difficult to be a good businessman. Grandpa won’t let me be, he Say I am not suitable, why am I not suitable, am I not for the excellent..."


The brave team just approached, and then moved away.

The businessman didn't seem to be very smart and talked a lot.

But now that they are here, the accusations of being brave cannot make them leave easily.

"I'm thinking, I often think, thinking about why I appear here, I don't think I should appear here, but I appear here, this is really an incredible thing..."

The Abyss Merchant was still chattering.

And the brave team just wanted to lift the skull under the businessman's black robe to see whether it was stone or water hidden inside!How can you think so many useless things!

Facts have proved that there is nothing under the abyss merchant's robe, and this is a poor merchant who is so 'naked' that he can't even fit a skeleton.

"Oh, I'm so weak, but I always feel that I am extremely powerful. In fact, I seem to have seen His Majesty the Demon King. Although I don't remember it, I think I have really seen him..." The more the abyss merchant spoke, the more energetic he was, the whole soul They all seemed to be shining with black light. From when the brave team had lunch to when the brave team finished dinner, the voice controlled by the soul never stopped. Maybe it was because he had nothing to say, so he reluctantly slowed down. Slowly muttering: "My abyss rose land, I can't keep it, grandpa is coming to take back my trainee merchant certificate. Hey, do you want to meet the respected Majesty the Demon King? I have something here, maybe You are helpful, follow it and you will definitely meet His Majesty!"

The businessman pulled out from the empty robe, and finally pulled out a human leg bone...

"Thank you for chatting with me for so long. It's been a long time since no one chatted with me. Thank you very much."

The brave team, unable to insert a word from the beginning to the end, directly took the human leg bone and said 'goodbye', turned around and left.

too frightening.

They had never met such a formidable opponent.

Not to mention a bone, even if it is an explosive scroll that will kill them, they will immediately take it and leave!

Hell gentlemanly elegance, they shouldn't cling to this useless gentlemanly elegance.

The Brave Squad who left the Abyss Merchant feels the air is fresher, and the teammates are more beautiful and handsome!

And this time.

The lonely abyss merchant was looking at the direction where the brave men left and sighed.

"When will I be able to become a qualified abyss merchant?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an abyss businessman also wearing a black robe suddenly appeared behind him, and he slapped his empty hood.

"Being a fart abyss merchant, you brat is a human! You are a human!"

"I'm not! I'm a trainee abyss merchant, and I want to guard my rose..."

"Shou Shou Shou fart, now your certificate has been revoked! You are no longer an abyss merchant, and this land is not the one you were guarding at all! You have found the wrong place! Now, go back with me to condense Your soul!"

The leader of the abyss merchant was so angry that he even forgot the gentlemanly demeanor he had guarded for tens of thousands of years.

If this poor kid wasn't his last descendant, if it wasn't for his sporadic blood, if it wasn't for lying half dead in some corner, he really wanted to treat this guy as a flower fertilizer, why did he just do that? Can say!

Having been knocked on the head twice, the soul of the abyss merchant was no longer very sad. He said in pain: "Grandpa, you can't do this, I can become an abyss merchant..."

"You are human! You are human!"

The leader held the brat by the back collar and shook it vigorously in the wind, trying to wake up the guy's soul.

"I'm not human, I'm not, I'm...I'm a brave man!"

The soul that was so shaken by the fall recalled some fragments, but soon forgot all of them, only thinking about his rose land.


The leader couldn't help it anymore, this brat was getting crazy day by day, and now he can even say that he is a brave man.

The whole abyss knows how miserable and pitiful it is to be a hero.

"How hard are you to think about it? Can't you just be a good person?"

The team of brave men who had gone far had no idea that they were getting farther and farther away from their entrustment.

Even with the speed of escaping, he avoided that terrifying businessman whose mind was full of words.


Nameless Hero: I'm really strong.

Brave Squad: Yes he is really strong.


Gugucao: None of us know the name of that brave man, Mister Unlucky, let me interview you, why do you want to steal the tower alone?

Nameless Hero: Why?I also want to know why!I just followed the map and walked and I went to the dark place and I hit and hit and hit the abyss and I was lonely and I just talked and talked and scared everything away and I Walking around and talking alone alone woke up the devil.Then it is to predict the details, please listen to the next chapter to break it down.

Team of Braves and Cuckoo Grass: You are really strong.


Ah, today's Demon King didn't even have time to recover his memory!

But is it too soon?

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