"how did you do that?!"

Edogawa Conan stretched out his hand, went around my waist and touched my back. Of course, he only touched the clothes on my body, and there was no other strange things on my back.

The look on his face was very surprised, "Is this magic?"

With a dark face, I patted his hand that was stroking behind me, "What are you doing? Don't just take advantage of me, a big sister, okay? I have a boyfriend!"

I took Conan Edogawa by the back collar and carried him a little further away.

I didn't bother to pay attention to this little devil who had a lot of shit, so I turned my attention to Kaitou Kidd, "Do you think this is magic? Mr. Kaitou?"

The man I questioned was Phantom Thief Kid - the flamboyant Phantom Moon Thief known for his mysterious magic tricks.

The phantom thief in white who had always maintained a poker face seemed unable to hold back the expression on his face at this time.

Through the clear glass of the monocle on the bridge of the nose, I can see the meaning of "shock me" in those beautiful blue eyes.

"You mean magic?" Even he himself repeated the word in surprise, as if he didn't realize it.

——Hey, what's the matter with you two?Anyway, one is a famous magician under the moon, and the other is a high school student detective with a super IQ, right?

I didn't expect the psychological endurance of these two people to be so poor.

"...Obviously you are the magician, right? What do you mean by asking me the other way around now?" I replied speechlessly.

The airflow in the sky was not stable, and suddenly a wind blew over, and my mischievous mentality emerged, and I calmly controlled the airflow to blow towards Kaitou Kidd.

Kaitou Kidd's hang glider is not equipped with an engine device, it can only fly with the wind, if there is no wind, it can't fly very far, and of course there is no way to stay in the air properly and fixedly.

The sudden airflow caught him off guard, and even if he tried his best to control the direction, he was blown all over the place, like a poor grass in a storm.

In the end, he gave up, controlled the hang glider and flew towards an island under the airship.

I glanced up at the blimp as it sailed into the distance, and had a final thought about throwing the man back on the blimp—a thought I dropped after a few seconds.

It would be great if I could rush out to save this little devil, okay?Even send it back, I'm not his exclusive nanny.

I took Edogawa Conan and flew down together in the direction of Kaitou Kidd.

When I swooped down, Edogawa Conan kept a terrified look on his face, "Hey, hey! It's very dangerous to do this! If you are unreliable, we will die here!"

"Shut up!" I even had time to squeeze my hand into a fist and hit the kid on the head, "If you don't believe in my ability, I'll throw you down and feed the fish right now!"

I was very close to Kaitou Kidd, and when I threatened Edogawa Conan with the words "Throw it down and feed the fish", I was keenly aware that Kaitou Kidd was also shaking, and his face froze for a moment. He showed an indescribable expression.

...isn't it?This guy is afraid of fish?

The famous phantom thief is afraid of fish? ? ?Speaking of this, I am afraid that it will collapse the world view of a large number of Kidd female fans.

And Edogawa Conan recognized it very quickly, "Sorry! You think I didn't say it just now! I'm sorry!"

There was a lot of noise in the ears during the flight, and Edogawa Conan apologized very loudly.His last word was stretched into a long sound with electronic sound in my sudden acceleration, and finally turned into a scream.

Kaitou Kidd's white hang glider circled a few times in the air and then slowly fell down. After the hang glider was put away, it turned into a cloak.

I held the little ghost with one hand, and slowly landed from the air, as if the wire was hanging behind me, and stood firmly on the ground.

I violently threw the kid into Kaitou Kidd's arms.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Phantom Thief Kidd shook Edogawa Ke twice as if he had touched something hot, before pinching his armpit and lifting the kid up, "This kind of weird thing Why are you throwing it at me?"

"You guy," Edogawa Conan was dissatisfied, "What is this kind of weird thing?!"


Kaitou Kidd and Edogawa Conan sat cross-legged on the rocks by the beach, and I floated in front of them and looked down at them.

The three of us fell into an eerie silence for a moment.

It was the two of them, with a weak look of doubting life, as if I had done something to them.

The faces of Kaitou Kidd and Edogawa Conan are full of loveless expressions of the world view being shattered and the three views reorganized.

"Magic, is that magic, right?" Edogawa Conan was a little bit broken, and he still wanted to struggle, "It must be magic, right? This kind of thing...is completely impossible? It's a lie!"

He scratched his hair twice with his fingers in annoyance, and the originally well-groomed black hair was turned into a messy bird's nest by him.

Mr. Detective seldom has moments of breakdown that are so inattentive to image.

"How is that possible?" Phantom Thief Kidd, who is an orthodox magician, subconsciously objected to Edogawa Conan, "How can such things be done by magic? Even I can't do it, okay?"

Edogawa Conan said: "You are not a famous magician, are you?"

"Are you looking down on me?" Phantom Thief Kidd reached out to pinch Edogawa Conan's face, "Just kidding, Master Kidd's name as a magician is not a joke! Actually, you have the answer in your own mind about what it is! "

He elongated the ending with a mocking tone: "The self-deceiving big-detective-detective-"

I easily turned around in the air, and then slowly fell and floated in front of them, "This is not magic, but an ability different from ordinary people."

"...I don't believe it." Edogawa Conan is still dying here, wanting to save his world view that is about to break down, "Then no matter how you think about it, it's impossible..."

Although there was disbelief on Kaitou Kidd's face, he didn't seem to be unacceptable.

He sighed with emotion in a low voice, "Such unscientific things really exist..."

"Really?" I keenly grasped the two words in his words.

"It is said that there is a gemstone that can make people live forever." He was silent for a while, and then gave me a very unbelievable answer, "I am quite curious about what it is."

"Well... this gem of immortality sounds really unreliable, but what I have to say is indeed in line with the scope of superpowers. After all, it is impossible for ordinary gems to have such effects." I touched my chin Said.

"'Gem of Immortality'?" Edogawa Conan retorted, "How could such a thing exist? It's just a fairy tale used to deceive children."

After he finished speaking, the expression on his face froze suddenly.

After all, my example of "should exist in fairy tales" is standing in front of him alive.

Human beings can fly freely in the sky-this kind of thing should have been just a fairy tale, and should not appear in the real world. It is against the rules and unreasonable.

In ordinary times, it will probably become a new urban legend and be talked about by high school girls.

But if superpowers are real, then all the rules of society around the world will be broken, and people will panic, right?

"You still don't believe me?"

The look on Edogawa Conan's face has become numb, "I don't want to believe it."

—It probably means that he almost believed it.

I nodded, stretched out my finger and hooked the two people, Kaitou Kidd and Edogawa Conan kept sitting cross-legged and slowly floated up into the air.

Kaito Kidd: "Wow."

Edogawa Conan: "???"

"About whether I'm lying or not," I said cheerfully, "you can prove it freely, I don't care if you believe it or not."

Being able to bully Phantom Thief Kidd and Edogawa Conan, and seeing how deflated they are, I feel a sense of joy in my heart.

It's really interesting to watch the collapse of other people's world view being completely shattered.


"When you were in the air just now, you all know that, right? I didn't make any preparations at the time, and even I couldn't predict that you would be thrown down by that person, Edogawa-kun, right?" I don't mind completely smashing their worldview, "So of course magic is out of the question."

Phantom Thief Kidd agreed with me: "That's right, any magic trick needs to be prepared in advance. In that case, it's impossible to do it."

Excluding magic and blindness, of course there is only one possibility, and this is the real superpower beyond the scope of scientific common sense.

"This is really..." Phantom Thief Kidd glanced at his suspended body, "It's incredible."

There was no expression of fear on his face, but he was excited and eager to try because of such a miraculous sight.

I said, "Eliminate all the impossible, and the rest, no matter how unbelievable, is the truth—you must know the words of Sherlock Holmes, right? Edogawa-kun."

Edogawa Conan was silent for a while, and looked at me seriously, "Since you have such abilities, why do you still want to join that organization?"

When he mentioned the organization, he didn't shy away from the presence of other people. I subconsciously glanced at Kaitou Kidd, and there was no surprise on this person's face.

... When did the two of you start to communicate with each other secretly? ? ?

Phantom thief and detective cover each other, no wonder Nakamori Landscape hasn't even encountered a phantom thief in the past ten years, you two are really good at it.

"You care about me?" I gritted my teeth in displeasure, and immediately withdrew my superpower.

Phantom Thief Kidd and Edogawa Conan immediately fell from the sky and hit the rock hard with their buttocks. Both of them grinned in pain.

Kaitou Kidd felt wronged: "Why did you bring me with you? Are you still messing around?"

"The two of you are in the same boat." I said confidently, "So you two are in the same gang."

"...Are you being reasonable?"

"What's the point with the thief?"

"Your purpose is not that simple, is it?" Edogawa Conan looked very depressed, "How could the organization have such a weird member like you..."

"What's the matter?" I arrogantly pinched the kid's face, "I'm dissatisfied with you and complained to me?"

Phantom Thief Kid put his hand on Edogawa Conan's head, pressing his whole body down.Mr. Phantom Thief had a coaxing expression like that of a kidnapper.

"In that case, Ms. Yagisawa, why don't you jump ship and join me?"

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