What is your mother doing? ? ?


I can't help but start to exhale the fragrance.

Fushimi Saruhiko took a look at me, and said with a half-smile in an indescribable tone: "Yayoi Amuro?"

My heart skipped a beat.

When Fushimi Saru Hiko said this, I immediately remembered that there was another stubble - when I met Fushimi Saru Hiko for the first time when I was 12 years old, the name I told him was actually a pseudonym.

Fushimi Saru Hiko told me his real name very innocently.

When I think about it like this, I suddenly feel a strange sense of guilt for bullying a child...

"That, that..." My eyes wandered, "I was carrying out some relatively secret missions at that time, how could such things as real names be said casually!"

"But we met once after that." Fushimi Saruhiko hit the nail on the head, "Liar."

The word liar not only did not touch my heart, but also allowed me to mock Fushimi Saruhiko with confidence: "Who told you that you are a monkey head and deserve to be deceived by me."

Fushimi Saru Hiko scratched under his collarbone irritably, and clicked his tongue impatiently: "Be clear, you bastard, I'm your boss now."

What's wrong with the boss.

I smiled arrogantly.

"I'm sorry, I'm just working here as a short-term job, and I'm not my long-term immediate boss. See what you can do." I paused and squinted my eyes, "But you, if I don't If I remember correctly, you are clearly from the Red Clan, right? Have you changed jobs?"

"...That's right." He was silent for a few seconds, and the ending sound that overflowed from his throat was dull.Fushimi Saru Hiko lowered his eyes, showing a faint expression of resistance, obviously he didn't want to answer my question.

In some respects, the Blue Clan and the Red Clan can be called "death enemies."

If it is the kind of "dead ground" that is always fighting for life, it seems to be a bit close, and "Youmeng" is even more impossible. The behavior of elementary school students who move their mouths is called a "dead enemy".

Therefore, someone like Fushimi Saruhiko who jumped to the opponent halfway, will definitely be insulted by thousands of people for climbing the wall of the opponent, hang on the wall and be permanently blacklisted like some celebrity fan circles.

Since Fushimi Saru Hiko was just a kid back then, I don't guess he is a [-]-year-old boy like me-I don't think there is any secret society that sends such an arrogant and foul-mouthed person as a Go undercover.

After excluding this reason, there is no need to think about it, he must have had some conflicts with the boy with red hair last time.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Having conflicts, leaving the organization and running to the opposite house to love and kill each other, this is completely childish behavior of elementary school students.

"?" Fushimi Saru Hiko's face darkened, "What are you 'tsk'? Are you scolding me?"

I put on a very sincere look: "Not really."

I'm just mocking you.

"...to get down to business." Fushimi Saru Hiko made it clear that he didn't believe me, he tapped his finger on the wooden tabletop of the desk, "If the head of the office arranges you here, I will be your direct supervisor in the future. "

Fushimi Saru Hiko slowly showed a terrifying demonic smile.

"I'll take good care of you, newcomer."

"I thank you."

Let me translate, my sentence is basically equivalent to "grass".

When he was about to continue talking to me, the terminal on the desk rang immediately.Fushimi Saru Hiko picked up the terminal accurately without even looking back. Even if Fushimi Saru Hiko and I were at a safe distance, I could still hear the voice in the terminal.

Because of the super power, the voice in the terminal seems to be speaking in my ear.I could tell that it was the voice of Seri Awashima, the deputy head of the department. After the current passed through the terminal, it seemed a little distorted, and it sounded quite cold.

"Assemble immediately and find outsiders."

Fushimi Saruhiko turned off the communication in the terminal and looked up at me.

"You are very lucky, you can meet outsiders when you first come here." For some reason, he showed an inexplicable smile, "Although you are a newcomer, but you are capable enough, follow me to see Scepter4 How to carry out the mission."

"Okay," I agreed, "do I need to bring any other equipment when I go out to perform tasks?"

"Just bring your sword."

I hesitated to speak.

How did you manage to wear such shameless clothes on the street with such a thick skin?Wouldn't it really be considered crazy to carry a saber to enforce the law?

No matter how you look at it, these people don't look like serious civil servants, do they? ? ?


I'm wrong.

I feel a deep remorse.

I was too naive before and underestimated the Scepter4's mesodimension scale.

I'm so stupid, really.I only know that the clothes of the Qing people are special, and the swords are also very confusing; I didn't know that they would shout such shameful slogans, and the movements of drawing their swords became more gaudy than the other. Go to busking.

Is such that.

Of course they found the outsider who was being targeted without a doubt, but the first time this group of people met was not to fight, but to stand in a row and draw their swords one after another, and there were fucking lines when they drew their swords!Let me give you an example——

"Fushimi, draw your sword."

Then there is a set of sword-drawing movements with smooth and smooth visual effects and very fancy.


Will Ning not pretend to die?What kind of human delusion is this?

What's more, they even chanted the slogan - "Using swords to make swords, our righteousness has no haze."

I admit it's a cool line, but without the atmosphere, all I can feel is embarrassment... and shame in the air.Fortunately, I didn't join their team because I was a newcomer. If someone I knew saw it, it would definitely become a dark history for me.

I secretly covered my face.

The next thing seems to be nothing to me. With the strength of the Qing clan, of course there will be no trouble dealing with such an outsider.Before we felt it, the Qingzu contacted the specialized department to block the traffic in the nearby area, and all irrelevant personnel were emptied.

Having said that, I have to say with emotion that the government's violent organization is awesome.

After the successful capture, the Qing Clan released the blockade of the surrounding area, and Fushimi Sarubigu gave me some simple explanations—the explanations for their bewildering behavior just now.

"You see your sword, don't you?"

"...If you don't mean seeing beyond reality," I rolled my eyes, "I'm not blind, of course I can see."

"In a way, you are no different from a blind man." Fushimi Saruhiko replied without the slightest pause, "That thing has a lock, and you can't pull it out casually."

"Hey?" I stretched out my hand to hold the hilt of the saber, and tried to pull it a little bit, but I didn't pull it out.

"Generally speaking, you need to apply for permission before you can unlock it. Call out the phrase 'draw the sword' and draw the sword in order." Fushimi Saruhiko explained, "But everything has emergencies, shouting 'emergency draw the sword' It can also be unlocked. You can try it."

I blinked and said in an uncertain tone, "Urgently draw the knife...?"

Immediately, I heard a very slight sound - this may be the sound of unlocking.After unlocking it, I tried to draw the sword again, and I was able to pull out the saber smoothly.

The blade of the saber is thin and long, which is slightly different from the traditional Japanese sword, and the hilt is a European style with a gorgeous style.In the sunlight, the point of the sword reflected dazzling light.

I tried to swing the sword, and it unexpectedly went smoothly.

But when I looked up, I met Fushimi Saruhiko's schadenfreude smile.I immediately had an extremely bad premonition, I suspected that I had been tricked, and asked him in a very bad tone: "Are you kidding me?"

"I forgot to tell you." He said slowly, "After the 'emergency draw', you need to submit a [-]-word report."


Fushimi Saru Hiko smiled: "Good luck."

I killed Fushimi Saru Hiko——! ! !How could this bastard forget such an important thing? ? ?

He just wants to cheat me! ! !


Who would have thought that I would be forced to write a report on the first day I reported to a new company?

The boss is either a ghost or a soul chef and a bad-mouthed programmer. I am so tired from life, and I want to play Chopin in the rain sadly.

I returned to the apartment where I was wearing the uniform of the Qing clan, and Accelerator came to Tokyo with me.The farming chief expressed his understanding of our cohabitation situation, but when he finally arranged a place for the two of us, he arranged a two-bedroom apartment.

...But what is confusing is that the two bedrooms are opened through the closet, and there is an extra door.

Damn it, I really admire the miraculous brain circuit of the farming chief. What kind of idea is it to come up with this kind of apartment? ? ?

"I am back."

When I opened the door and entered the hallway, I said this out of habit.In fact, I didn't expect anyone to answer me. In a way, Accelerator is actually busier than me.

"Oh." Accelerator held a can of coffee, and a thin figure appeared from the other end of the corridor.When he saw me, his eyes suddenly became subtle, and he glanced up and down several times, which made me wonder if there was an X-ray in his eyes.

"...Why are you wearing this kind of clothes?" Accelerator's tone was filled with deep disgust, "You didn't report to a nightclub with drinks, and that place also liked you?"

"Why do people look down on me? Is it because my breasts are not big enough or my butt is not upright enough?" I was dissatisfied, "This is the uniform of Scepter4—that's what, the government's underground superhuman management organization, the full name is ' The Fourth Branch of the Household Registration Division, Tokyo Legal Affairs Bureau.'”

Accelerator had "?" written all over his face.

I guess he didn't expect that a good government agency would be so unreliable from the uniform.

"Forget it, I'll bear it." I sighed, "Have you eaten yet?"

"I'm waiting for you."

When Accelerator didn't breathe out fragrance, he spoke unexpectedly softly.

I'm a little cautious.

I don't know when... the atmosphere between me and Accelerator suddenly became strange.

I'm a bit overwhelmed by this strange change.

The author has something to say: I originally wanted to rescue the stock market, but it seems that one side has an overwhelming advantage... The author gave up struggling :).

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