It is said that he is a well-known superhuman in the slums, but now it seems that he is just a weak boy who is still young.

——Of course, the word "win weak" needs to be enclosed in double quotation marks.

Just looking at this cute little appearance, who would believe that this is an extremely aggressive, brutal and powerful user?

I stretched out my hand, intending to test the temperature of Ryunosuke Akutagawa's forehead.But before my hand touched him, I had to stop.

It's not that I don't want to touch it, but that this person still retains a little consciousness in this drowsy state. The black substance formed by the supernatural power turned into spikes and attacked me mercilessly.

I immediately manipulated the air to force the sharp black substance to stop in front of me. From Yin's point of view, this was probably because her brother stopped in time, rather than me using my ability to resist.

"Brother?" Akutagawa Gin looked a little surprised, she didn't expect Akutagawa Ryunosuke to be so sensitive and aggressive when he was injured and unconscious.

Akutagawa Ryunosuke didn't continue to attack after the blow. It seems that the blow just now was the attack shown by his last clear consciousness.

After confirming that this weak boy really fell into a coma this time, I gently brushed aside Ryunosuke Akutagawa's forehead hair with my fingertips, and put the palm of my hand on his hot forehead to estimate his body temperature.

...The temperature is so hot that it can be used for teppanyaki, and if it continues to burn, it will either be burned into the crematorium next door or become a fool.

I noticed that Ryunosuke Akutagawa's complexion was morbidly pale, his fingertips were bloodless, and only his face showed an extremely abnormal magnificent red due to fever and coma.

Not only that, but his body also smelled of blood.

I looked down, a little hesitant to do this - after all, we met by chance, is it not good to pick someone's clothes rashly?If Akutagawa Ryunosuke is treated as a rogue pervert, it will damage my image too much.

Forget him, he's in a coma anyway, and when he wakes up—what's my business?

I let out a long breath, and slowly took off the jacket Akutagawa Ryunosuke was wearing, and then the shirt inside.After unbuttoning the hem of the shirt, what was revealed in front of my eyes was the boy's naked body with pale complexion.

His thin ribs are a little protruding, and the protruding marks of each rib can be clearly seen. Compared with his peers, he is weaker and thinner. I really didn't expect such a child to have such a powerful force in his body.

Akutagawa Ryunosuke's body does not lack scars, many of which are wounds from many fights, which have healed at this time, leaving a faint pink scar; fights happen every moment in the slums, every day Everyone dies.

There was a wound on one side of his abdomen. I pressed it lightly and looked at it. The wound was not very deep, but it was not the kind that could be solved by relying on the medicine box at home... Not to mention that he did not It's such a thing as a medicine cabinet.

In the slums, medicine was almost as precious as food.

Food supports people to live, and medicine is equivalent to a second life.

"Although I know a little about first aid..." I said hesitantly, "But I have to find a doctor to deal with it. If I leave it alone, the infection will be more serious."

Akutagawa Gin's eyes were very dim: "But... there is no money."

"I can't see a doctor, let alone afford medicine."


I do have the money to look after a doctor, but the problem is that what I showed Yin just now is just a little bit, and I will definitely be suspected of spending so much money at this time, Yin is not a stupid little girl who doesn't understand anything.

I thought about whether there is any way to get money quickly without being exposed, and finally came up with a good place——

"Is there a casino or something near here?"

"Huh?" Akutagawa Gin was stunned.

It's not that I'm bragging, just because of my computing power, even computers can compare with me, other people?What kind of professor's degree, sorry, I'm all rookie brothers here.

With this ability, I can remember eight decks, sixteen decks, or even more cards, and I am basically guaranteed to win when playing poker games.

Win to the point where the casino boss suspects I'm cheating.

Do you even need to think about it?Why don't I do it if I can get cheated? People who don't like money are fools.Games of chance such as dice throwing are easier to manipulate, and I can use my super powers to flip those dice to the side I want before revealing the result.

In fact, think about it carefully, since I am so awesome, why did I seek refuge with the national government in the first place? ? ?

Bitter and tiring, eating pig food every day, low wages and no raises, and no safety guarantee for business trips, I can't live through this day! ! !

If it weren't for the organization and the port mafia, I don't think it's reliable, and I'm not familiar with Scepter4, I would have quit a long time ago!Whoever loves to do bad work should do it.

Akutagawa Yin thought for a while, and answered me seriously: "There is an underground casino here, but do you really want to go?"

Although this kind of underground casino is set up in a slum, the source of customers will never be the residents of the slum. It is only because the area is chaotic and there are constant fights. Even if someone disappears or dies, no one will care.

Death is commonplace and commonplace for them.

"I know someone who will experience countless successes in the casino or lose everything." I understand what Akutagawa Yin means. She simply doesn't believe that a child as young as me has the ability to win money from the group of croupiers, "but I can't do anything else, I have this."

I nodded my head and said to Akutagawa Silver with a smile.

"So don't worry."

"...Okay." Akutagawa Yin was silent for a while, then nodded slightly in agreement.

"You don't want to die there."


This underground casino is really impressive.

The two young ladies standing at the entrance of the casino to greet guests are really hot. They are the kind of girls with smooth satin skin and a goblet on their hips. They wear erotic bunny girl uniforms. A customer who seemed to have a lot of money showed a delicate smile.

——For a kid like me, these two beautiful sisters don't bother to show a smile.

Since Akutagawa Gin is an ordinary person without supernatural powers, even if she matures precociously and has stronger fighting power than ordinary people, she is still as fragile as paper in front of people with supernatural abilities, and she is too fragile to crush her easily.

So I let her hide quietly outside the casino and wait for me, just watch the signal I made when I ran out, and then run away, it's completely OK.

I exchanged 21 yen for the least chips, and I directly set my sights on a blackjack table.

Due to lack of height - don't ask me how tall I am now, I won't tell, absolutely not! ! !

In short, I managed to sit on the chair placed in front of the gaming table by humiliatingly stepping on a small bench.

If this store has an online store, I must give a bad review. Is it so difficult to install a child seat?Consider the feelings of some gifted and beautiful girls with super high IQs!

After seeing a little girl like me struggling to sit on a chair, the people around the gaming table were so shocked that they fell silent for three seconds.

Then there was a very greasy and obscene voice, "Little girl, it's better not to come to this kind of place. After you grow up, you can wear a cute bunny girl costume to deal cards."


Is this person an idiot?fuck you?

"Uncle, it's better to wash off the oil on your face and brain first. Now you cook it like sweet potato noodles with too much chili oil. It can only be dumped into the trash can by customers."


I didn't even look at him, naturally there would be bodyguards everywhere to stop him and let this greasy man calm down - even without these bodyguards, this man would not have rushed up.

This is Yokohama, the city with the highest concentration of people with supernatural powers in Japan, a veritable [City of Supernatural Powers].

This is the reason why I acted so arrogantly and confidently.I hope they can treat me as the kind of kid who has superpowers and is a little bit smart, and don't bother me in the first place.


I looked up at the man sitting opposite the long gaming table, with short silver-white hair, a strange side-parted bang covering his right eye, and a light purple iris.In front of this white-haired man was a huge amount of chips neatly piled up. I aimed at this point before I found this gambling table.

The white-haired man on the opposite side raised his eyebrows, his lips curled up in a strange arc, "No problem."

With my ability to memorize and count cards, my first few hands can be said to be smooth sailing.The white-haired man on the opposite side seems to be able to count cards, but unfortunately, he probably didn't learn well since he was a child, and he can't do me at all.

I didn't intend to win to the point of angering the boss behind this casino. The first time I was so high-profile, wasn't it because I was afraid that people would not know that you had a huge sum of money?It's a complete death-seeking behavior. I'm afraid only a pig with a mental retardation or a strong show off will do it.

Gambling also needs to master a degree.

Winning too little is not enough.I also have to lend money to Yin, and indirectly build a good relationship with Akutagawa Ryunosuke. As the saying goes, many friends have many paths... Although I don't think I will definitely end up in a slum.

If I win too much, the casino owner will be the first to let me go, and the person who gets my money may jump the wall and jump the wall in a hurry, and force me to die. Wouldn't that violate my original intention?

Who is interested in fighting to the death with these stupid pigs?Also wasting my precious brain cells to calculate, no matter how you look at it, it is a loss-making business.

I just want to show my "supernormal ability" without any trace when people find a little trouble. I am a special gambler, and I will definitely be paid attention to - so that the research institution always Can you notice me, a poor little lamb with supernatural powers?

Hey, think about it carefully, in fact, if the research institution took me away as I planned, it would be completely lured into the house.

They're the little lambs I'm going to tear up.

The author has something to say: Who is the mysterious gambler who played against Yayoi in this chapter——?

There is a prize quiz, the top six guessers will get the author's love red envelope (.)

The author's logic is dead, and he writes the plot every day:) So there will definitely be bugs, you can raise them in the comment area, and I will modify them if they make sense.

Then these few days are quite busy... I have been filling out volunteering matters, the update is not stable, sorry otz


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: 1 peach jam jumping around;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

1 bottle earlier;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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