Half of the box fell silent.

The people in the far distance of the box couldn't really hear what the people at this table were saying, but the dignified aura spread instantly, and everyone vaguely sensed something, and looked sideways.

The room was as quiet as a library for a while.

Everyone doesn't know the details of the matter between Yu Sui and Shi Luo, but the great grievances and grievances are all on the bright side, and they are tacitly understood by each other.

The relationship between these two people is an understatement, to say the least.

If Shi Luo took out a watermelon knife to fight Yu Sui, everyone wouldn't be too surprised.

From the moment they learned of Yu Sui's return to the country, everyone had vaguely expected that this would happen sooner or later.

Everyone who was singing, drinking, and playing dice stopped their hands one after another, and looked at this side with bated breath, their nerves were a little nervous.

Shi Luo was already half drunk, and the redness on his neck spread all the way into the collar of his low T-shirt, making him a little more hostile.Shi Luo raised his hand and rubbed his neck, moved his long legs slightly, hooked a small stool beside him, and sat with his legs bent in front of Yu Sui, looking across the table from Yu Sui.

"It's been so long since I've been back." Shi Luo stared at Yu Sui closely, and said slowly while pulling away the beer in his hand, "I haven't been able to say hello to Yu Shen yet."

Without waiting for Yu Sui to speak, Chen Huo, who understood that Luo was not kind, interrupted with a smile: "Isn't this the fight? Hey, you played too hard last week! I replayed your game, and I saw your The angle of view is clearly arranged for Wawa, let me tell you..."

Shi Luo didn't look sideways, completely pretending that Chen Huo didn't exist, he looked at Yu Sui and asked, "Yu Shen is forming a new club?"

Yu Sui looked at Shi Luo unexpectedly, and then felt relieved.

Shi Luo is really too smart.

Gu Qian looked at Shi Luo who was drunk vigilantly, and said in a deep voice: "Shi Luo, you drank a little too much, may I call your team's assistant for you? Or I will send you back, and we can talk about it another day..."

Gu Gan used to take care of Shi Luo. Although Shi Luo's personality has become more and more withdrawn in the past two years, he has always respected Gu Gan, but now he can't care about him anymore. Shi Luo turned a deaf ear and only had Yu Sui in his eyes: "Yu Shen, Jianxin Club thing, right?"

Yu Sui knew that he couldn't escape today, so he said after a while: "Yes."

Shi Luo nodded and said to himself, "Look, I guessed right again."

Shi Luo took a sip of beer and asked again, "Is there a shortage of assaulters?"

Everyone was stunned.

The players sitting in the distance looked at each other.

What does Shi Luo mean?Could it be that he wants to join Yu Sui's team?Didn't he and Yu Sui have long since lost contact with each other?

How much did this drink actually take the initiative to ask Yu Sui if he lacked a striker?If these two were on the same team in the future, wouldn't they be able to stab each other with a single disagreement?

What kind of team in dire straits would that be?

Gu Qian and Chen Huo looked at each other, but they didn't understand what Shi Luo meant. Didn't the little wolf cub just want to kill Yu Sui with one bite?

Compared to everyone's shock, Yu Sui was quite calm. After a moment of silence, he said, "Quiet."

Shi Luo looked directly into Yu Sui's eyes: "The me now, am I worthy of being your teammate?"

Yu Sui, who thought he had already been shot through with nothing to feel, looked at Shi Luo and suddenly felt a little hard to breathe.

Yu Sui nodded: "Yes."

Shi Luo burst out laughing, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Chen Huo's expression immediately dropped.

Shi Luo smiled for a moment, then nodded: "That's good, just match..."

"Did they play dice just now?" Shi Luo took another sip of wine, looked at Yu Sui, "Yu Shen, do you want to play a game with me?"

Chen Huo's tone was not good, and he said first: "What are you playing with?"

Shi Luo seemed to be the only one left in his eyes. Without squinting, he pointed to the marble table with his long middle finger, and said slowly: "In this plate, there are nine glasses of spirits they use to mix wine, more than 90 degrees. The kind...and a cup of lemon tea."

Shi Luo looked at Yu Sui, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "Yu Shen, you just pick a cup and dry it up, if you choose lemon tea..."

"Fart!" Chen Huo couldn't bear it anymore, "Who is sick to play this with you? There is a one-tenth probability, who will be chosen? Besides, what is the picture if you are chosen? Just a cup of lemon tea for you? Don't be nervous..."

"You have won." Shi Luo interrupted Chen Huo, "I will join your new team for free."

The box was instantly silent.

Shi Luo's eyes were sharp: "I don't want a penny, I will work hard for you, and I will play for you for a whole season, do you want to play?"

Chen Huo was stunned, a little dazed by this sudden gift, and instantly forgot what he was going to scold, and stammered: "But what if the choice... the choice is wine?"

Shi Luo looked at Yu Sui who remained silent all this time, and could hardly hide the hatred in his eyes, he said slowly through the gap between his teeth: "If you pick something, you have to drink it up."

"Drink it clean?!" Chen Huo exploded completely, "Are you crazy? This big glass has at least [-] milliliters! [-]-degree wine can cause trouble for normal people to drink so much, you let him drink it?! Others I don’t know, you don’t know about his illness?!”

"His life is valuable, but my signing fee for a season is not worth much?" Shi Luo said calmly, "High risk, high reward, it's fair."

Gu Gan looked at Shi Luo with warning: "Evil."

Shi Luo turned a deaf ear to it, took out a cigarette by himself, and lowered his head to light it: "Yu Shen, one tenth chance, do you want to play?"

Shi Luo took a puff of cigarette, and his tone became less impatient: "If I don't play, I'll ask the waiter to remove the wine."

Chen Huo said irritably: "Don't play! Withdraw!"

Shi Luo was about to get up...

Yu Sui said, "Play."

Shi Luo's fingers trembled slightly, almost burning his hands with soot.

"Are you okay?!" Chen Huo became completely angry after a moment of sluggishness, and snapped, "You fucking court death? You don't know what's wrong with your stomach? Do you want to go to the emergency room again?!"

With a calm face, Yu Sui said again: "I'll play."

Shi Luo took a puff of cigarette and cursed silently.

Shi Luo threw half of the cigarette in his hand into the beer can he was drinking just now: "Let's talk first..."

Shi Luo looked up at Yu Sui: "Repeat the rules of the game again, no matter what you choose, you have to drink it up."

Yu Sui nodded: "Understood."

"Yu Sui." Gu Gan never expected to come out like this tonight. If he had known that Shi Luo would be like this, he would never call him here without authorization. Gu Qian frowned, "Stop making trouble, everyone is drinking today There are too many, I can’t count the jokes, let’s break up.”

"Thank you." Yu Sui took a can of milk that someone put by the table, unscrewed the bottle and took a few sips, "Don't persuade me, I'll play."

"What are you playing?! What's the use of drinking so few sips of milk temporarily? It's vodka! It can be used as explosives!" Chen Huo wanted to strangle these two people to death, and he gave Yu Sui a hard look. , took a step forward, lowered his voice and gritted his teeth, "You...you really want him, we can go to IAC to buy it! How much, we will buy! How much is more important than life?"

Yu Sui shook his head slowly: "I can't buy it."

Shi Luo heard it clearly, and he laughed mockingly: "Want to buy it now? Sorry, after leaving this door, I can't join your team again, forever."

Chen Huo was so angry that his lungs were about to explode: "You bastard!"

Wawa on the side couldn't sit still anymore, he timidly whispered: "Brother Shi...it won't happen, even if there were any conflicts and misunderstandings before, there is no need to really make trouble and go to the hospital, right? It's been a while..."

Shi Luo ignored Wawa.

Yu Sui lowered his head and picked up his mobile phone to send a message to his private doctor in China, then put the mobile phone aside, looked down at the ten glasses of transparent drinks on the table.

Shi Luo had ordered the waiter about a long time ago to put a layer of fresh mint leaves for cocktails in each glass, tightly covering the possible air bubbles on the upper layer of the drink, and disturbing the color of the liquid, as if he was afraid According to the smell of wine, the tray containing ten drinks was also filled with vodka, and the smell of wine was mixed together, making it impossible to tell the difference.

Yu Sui watched in silence for a minute, and gave up choosing based on experience.

Put ten glasses together like this, even the bartender can't tell the difference.

Chen Huo was so angry that his face turned red, he gritted his teeth and said, "Are you crazy? The probability is so small, it's impossible to be selected! Still don't understand? This little wolf cub is taking revenge! He just wants to send you there Hospital!"

Shi Luo opened another can of beer for himself and did not refute.

Yu Sui raised his eyes and looked at Shi Luo, who was very skillful in smoking and drinking, and was lost in thought for a moment.

It's only been two years.

Across the wide table and nine glasses of deadly spirits, the two looked at each other for a moment.

It's only been two years.

"I was in a hurry when I left before, and I kept forgetting to say something."

Yu Sui looked at Shi Luo: "Brother is not good, words don't count."

Shi Luo's eyes instantly turned red.

Shi Luo's Adam's apple moved with difficulty, and said in a hoarse voice, "Drink."

Yu Sui nodded, and didn't pick any, picked up a large glass of drink casually, raised his head and took a sip before Chen Huo and the others snatched it away, he was startled.

"What is it? You spit it out! Spit it out if it's not lemon tea!" Chen Huo was anxious to go to the room, "What's wrong with your face? The car is downstairs, get up and I'll take you to the hospital..."

Yu Sui took another sip slowly: "...lemon tea."

All the people in the private room breathed a sigh of relief instantly, and they were sweating coldly from fear.

Chen Huo still couldn't believe it, so he snatched it up and smelled it, and murmured: "Fuck...what kind of European luck are you."

Yu Sui slowly drank the lemon tea.Shi Luo took a deep breath, threw the beer can in his hand aside, and was willing to admit defeat: "I will contact you about the transfer, and let your legal counsel draw up the contract in advance."

Everyone in the box whispered, and couldn't help but marvel at Yu Sui, this was not just pure luck, he signed the No. [-] striker in the national server without spending any money!

Gu Gan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Afraid of what might happen again, he stood up and said, "Okay, how should I deal with your private contact? It's getting late today, so let's do it this way."

After watching such a big show, everyone was not in the mood to sing any more. They all nodded and said that they started to go out. Only Shi Luo sat silently at the table, quietly looking at the remaining nine glasses of vodka on the table.

"Let's go!" Chen Huo's back was covered with sweat, he was shocked and urged Yu Sui, "Let's go, go back and discuss how to make arrangements."

Yu Sui moved slowly, got off the elevator with the flow of people, and followed the flow of people to wait at the lobby entrance of the club.

Chen Huo's heart was still beating, and he touched his chest: "Scared me to death...you too! He is crazy and you are crazy too? Usually you are so life-threatening! What happened just now? If you really go to the hospital again One month is as simple as that!"

Yu Sui didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't say a word.

"Do you think it's a good thing to win him over? He was holding back his energy just now and wanted to kill you." The more Chen Huo thought about it, the more frightened he became, "It was not a good thing before, but now it is even more difficult to deal with, directly killing people. This is the little boy you brought back to raise!"

A flash of light flashed in Yu Sui's eyes, he turned around and walked back.

Chen Huo was anxious: "My God, what happened to you?!"

Chen Huo was about to follow Yu Sui, but Gu Gan, who had gone to the underground garage on the other side, came back and asked him for the car keys. Chen Huo couldn't help but hurriedly rummaged through his bag for the car keys that someone had thrown in by mistake, and quickly gave it to Gu Gan sent it over, and Yu Sui had already entered the elevator on the other side.

The elevator ascended to the top floor, and with a ding-dong sound, Yu Sui strode out of the elevator and returned to the box just now.

In the empty box, Shi Luo still maintained the movements just now.

Shi Luo looked up and frowned uncomfortably: "You won't leave, come back and see my jokes?"

Yu Sui stared at the remaining nine drinks on the table, his fingertips trembling slightly.

Shi Luo realized something, and said sharply: "It's over, get out!!!"

Yu Sui turned a deaf ear to it, and without waiting for Shi Luo to stop him, he stepped forward to pick up an untouched wine glass and took a sip.

Yu Sui's expression changed instantly.

Yu Sui's eyes trembled, and he turned his head to look at Shi Luo in disbelief.

Shi Luo's eyes were red as if he was going to kill someone, he stepped forward and grabbed Yu Sui's wrist, his voice was hoarse, and he said each word: "I, said,... Get out."

Yu Sui's lips trembled slightly, he slowly and firmly pushed away Shi Luo's hand, and took another sip of the untouched "vodka".

Yu Sui froze in place.

After a while, Yu Sui picked up a new glass again, took a sip and put it down, picked up another glass and took a sip, then put it down again.

Shi Luo gritted his teeth tightly.

Yu Sui just took one cup after another, picking up the wine glasses one by one with trembling wrists, and drank all the remaining nine cups.

Ten cups of drinks, each cup is lemon tea.

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