Yu Sui's sparring service was too good, and he took the blame for Shi Luo, but Shi Luo had nothing to worry about, so he sent Yu Sui a double row invitation and waited for Yu Sui to accept.

In the game, Yu Sui hasn't responded yet, but first sent Shi Luo a WeChat message.

The two eat and live together all day long, and they can hear each other if they have something to say. They send messages to each other either to avoid the live broadcast or to avoid teammates.Training is too busy during this period, Yu Sui is afraid that Shi Luo will feel the gap when he was in love, so he always finds time to send Shi Luo WeChat to tease him.Shi Luo thought that Yu Sui had sent another private message between the two of them, so he picked up his phone and took a look...

【Whisper】: [Do you regret not making it public? ]

【Whisper】: [If it is made public, there will be no BB. ]

[Whisper]: [Double row with my boyfriend, what is there to spray. ]

The corner of Shi Luo's mouth instinctively wanted to twitch upwards. Thinking of the camera, Shi Luo restrained himself, barely maintaining a cool expression, and replied.

[Evil]: [I didn't do anything just now, I just didn't want to follow the rhythm of the trolls, so I deliberately asked you to double row. ]

【Evil】: [They just think that I always drag you down...]

[Evil]: [Some of your fans don't like me, and some of my fans don't like you, that's normal. ]

【Evil】: [I don't care. ]

Just as Shi Luo finished typing, the phone vibrated again.

【Whisper】: [I care. ]

When Shi Luo watched Yu Sui send his own message, his heart felt warm and at the same time he was very frantic, why is there a camera?Why did I really turn on the camera in my obsession?I dare not laugh!The barrage actually thought that he was still playing a stand-alone game while looking at his mobile phone. Where did the stand-alone game come from? !Tell you that Whisper is flirting with you, do you believe it?You don't believe it! ! !

Shi Luo rubbed his face, and before he could reply, Yu Sui sent another message.

[Whisper]: [Also, why don't your fans like me?What's wrong with me? ]

[Whisper]: [Haven't I been cleansed a long time ago? ]

Shi Luo looked at the phone screen, couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Shi Luo typed for Yu Sui, and before he finished typing and sending, Yu Sui's message popped up again.

[Whisper]: [...Not sure if you will be angry, but I want to bring a wave of rhythm. ]

【Whisper】: [If you are really angry, you can find me to vent your anger after training at night.I've been holding back for several days, and I can't do without waves. ]

Shi Luo raised his head to look at Yu Sui's plane not quite understandingly, not knowing what Yu Sui was going to do.

What is a wave of rhythm?

But it took less than half a minute for Luo to know.

Yu Sui also started a live broadcast.

The popularity of Shi Luo's live broadcast instantly dropped by a third.

Yu Sui did not turn on the camera during the live broadcast, but only turned on the voice. He adjusted the microphone and said, "Let's line up."

Shi Luo stood in line in a daze, and heard Yu Sui on the other end of the earphone say in his usual unhurried tone: "Let's talk a few words..."

There were a lot of people playing the high-end game of the national service at night, and they entered the map within half a minute of queuing. Shi Luo clicked OK, and his attention was still on Yu Sui's side.

Shi Luo could see from the game client that Yu Sui also clicked on the confirmation immediately, and the two of them teleported into the map together. Coincidentally, the opposite side of this round was full of acquaintances.

The angel Jianchen Huo Xiaojun had hallucinations and actually assembled a professional team.

Others forget it, and seeing the Angel Sword again, Shi Luo immediately cheered up 12 points.He glanced at his teammates, except for Yu Sui, the snipers on his side are also professional players, only one assaulter is a passerby, there is one less professional player than the opponent, but they can still fight.

Shi Luo's side is ready to fight, but Yu Sui's side has clearly seen the configuration on the other side, but he is still preoccupied with two things, and his tone is relaxed: "... Let's talk about Shishen's gossip."

Shi Luo gritted his teeth, if it wasn't for the live broadcast, he would have wanted to yell, the opposite is the Angel Sword!Gossip about yourself at this time?

Before Shi Luo reminded Yu Sui to concentrate, the countdown to the game was over, Shi Luo was very serious and rushed out directly.

In the game, Yu Sui reacted quickly, while keeping up with Shi Luoka and giving Shi Luo a shield, without delaying his live chat: "How many people know Shi Luoka used to be an anchor?"

Shi Luo has already met with Chen Huo. The two have been on the same team for several months and are in the same profession. They are very familiar with each other's style of play. Shi Luo took the lead in predicting Chen Huo's move and swept away more than half of his blood. His own assaulter didn't keep up with the rhythm, but Shi Luo had run out of bullets and needed to reload, so he quickly turned around to make way, and Yu Sui, who was behind him, went down with a dagger to take away Chen Huo's head.

Shi Luo gritted his teeth: "Beat someone first!"

"No delay, don't worry, I'll give you the next head." Yu Sui got the head and directly upgraded his equipment, and put a three-sided photon shield on Shi Luo. The set of movements is smooth and smooth so that he can talk about the past, "He didn't think Playing professionally, being an anchor and not signing a contract, it's all just playing tricks for the young master, why would I go to him..."

The assaulter from the same team was in place, and Yu Sui also put a shield on that assaulter. There was no assault on the other side, and after a wave of shock, Shi Luo paid attention with keen ears, and noticed that the angel sword had retreated, so he turned around and left. The bunker began to put purification dishes.

Accompanied by the slight "chichi" sound of the purification vessel, it was Yu Sui's voice: "A buddy of mine who has a good relationship told me that his cousin doesn't learn well...Let me try to persuade him, and see if it makes him Continue to go back to school, or really play professional."

Chen Huo had already revived, Shi Luo sensed the sound of the three people trying to cover his footsteps, and quickly retreated, just after arriving at the bunker, he saw Yu Sui clicking a signal on the map, Shi Luo and another assault touched it, and there was It's the hallucination of the sniper on the opposite side!

Angel Sword and Illusion want to play four-on-three again, but there are two outsiders in the team, so it's so easy without getting used to it, especially Chen Huo, it's okay to play double row with Angel Sword, but said Fit is almost nonexistent.Yu Sui bullied the sniper to reload slowly, relying on coquettish movements to stab the hallucination until bloody, and then gave the head to Shi Luo as promised.

With a gunshot, Shi Luo took down the hallucinated head.

"I really didn't take it seriously at the time, I just wanted to be perfunctory."

"But the first time I saw him in Shishen's live broadcast room, I just..."


Shi Luo was startled, and suddenly looked at his camera.

He was still in the live broadcast, so he couldn't lose his composure. Shi Luo pursed his lips, loaded his bullets, and tapped on the map to signal another assaulter in the team to follow.

In the earphone, Yu Sui was still talking slowly——

"At that time, I wanted to pull Shiluo to play professionally, but Shishen ignored me... I applied for a trumpet and pretended to be a game idiot. If I had nothing to do, I harassed him and asked him to take me to play."

"How to harass? Have you ever seen the kind of cheeky chasing girls... I was almost done then."

"I have been pretending to be a game idiot, non-mainstream, and poor."

"Why pretend? To attract his attention and make him pity me."

His own assaulter followed, Shi Luo and another assaulter quickly released the purification vessel, his own sniper was discovered, and the photon shield was broken, Yu Sui didn't want the opponent to take his own head, so he sneaked over to replace the sniper's shield, While operating, he said slowly: "I also have a bad conscience."

"one day……"

"I just finished a game, and it was a great win. My boss at the time took a few of us to eat at a restaurant with thousands of dollars per person. We were eating... Shishen sent me a message."

"Ask me if I can't play the game at night, and if I need him to take me flying."

"Ask me again, do you have money for dinner, have you eaten dinner, and are you hungry?"

"I was..."

"I think I should be shot."

"When I think about it, God knows, killing me is not an exaggeration."

"I was still young at that time, and I wasn't so thick-skinned... I watched Shishen send me a message, and I didn't eat the rest of the meal."

"Why can't I eat it? Because I think I'm in trouble..."

"I grew up in the professional circle, and I'm not used to speaking the truth. At that time, I told a lot of lies to God of Time. I didn't expect it... Accidentally, I offended a good boy."

"He believed everything I said blindly."

While staring closely at Chen Huo and Xiaojun, Shi Luo seized every opportunity to put the purification vessel, when listening to Yu Sui's words, Shi Luo's hands trembled carelessly, almost interrupting the reading of placing the purification vessel.

"It's the first time you know? Oh yes... Shishen himself may not even know."

Yu Sui set up the shield for the sniper and came back to look for Shi Luo again. He happened to meet Angel Sword in the middle, and Angel Sword was also alone. Uneasy, the more I can't let him go, I always want him to take me to play... I almost overturned the car several times."

"I lied to him that I was skipping class to play games in an Internet cafe. Sometimes I had to turn on the mic. I was afraid that these things in the team would spoil my business. They would talk nonsense while I was on the mic... They all went to the building of the base at that time. Play games secretly in the meeting room."

"At that time, the manager of the team still suspected that I had an online relationship."


Shi Luo and Chen Huo hid behind their respective bunkers and confronted each other, Shi Luo couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Those days were actually quite happy. It was really like engaging in online dating behind everyone's back."

"Everyone doesn't know, only I know what's going on."

Shi Luo took Chen Huo's head away, and was startled when he heard the words, remembering that Yu Sui had admitted when he confessed that he fell in love with him at first sight.

Shi Luo couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart.

"Engaging in online dating behind everyone's back", this includes everyone, including myself.

Chen Huo had already been taken away, Shi Luo was not afraid of Xiaojun, and directly pressed on with another assault, Xiaojun on the opposite side retreated, Shi Luo continued to purify.

"Why do you want to carry others behind your back... There are too many reasons."

"I didn't want to delay him at the time. Actually, I didn't really want him to join my team at that time, so I didn't want my team members at that time to know about him."

"I'm afraid they will forcefully sign Shishen."

"Of course I'm also afraid of overturning the car. Shishen actually has a big temper. He really got angry... Maybe he just disappeared. Where can I find someone?"

Shi Luo and another assaulter in the team drove straight in, and Yu Sui also followed.

"In order to hide it, it's no less embarrassing."

"I'm playing the regular season here, and Shishen suddenly sent me a message, asking me to be in the double row and taking me to take off. I said I couldn't, Shishen asked me to give a reason, I haven't compiled it yet The reason is that the mobile phone was confiscated by the referee. If you look through the 17 regular season, you may be able to find that game. I forgot which team I played.

"When I was training at the base, he suddenly called me. I felt like my house was on fire. I quickly ended the game and told my teammates to pick up the phone. My teammates asked me who called me in such a hurry. Now, what can I say..."

"I told Chen Huo, your grandfather and my father have urgent matters with me."

"Then take the phone and go to my own dormitory."

Shi Luo couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

He really didn't know any of these things.

Back then, Yu Sui's idol had a heavy burden, he was injured and hospitalized and refused to snort in front of Shi Luo, and he was even more unwilling to go into details about these embarrassing details.

In the game, the trio in the front row reunited again, with the early advantage already, Yu Sui didn't bother to write any more, and after filling up the status of the three of them, he sent a signal to the back row sniper, and directly charged in the face.Yu Sui and Luo cooperated perfectly. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he surrounded Chen Huo and took his head away. Then Yu Sui and Xiaojun dealt with each other. Another assault in the team quickly released the purification dish, and once again cleaned up a large area of ​​the map, forcing the opponent to reincarnate. stone.

"What's wrong? Oh..."

"It's okay to call him dad, what's the matter, I even called him ancestor."

Shi Luo snatched Xiao Jun's head, and then, without giving Chen Huo the power to breathe, he forced a decisive battle ahead of time, and rushed forward, relying on the thickness of his own shield, to shoot directly.As soon as his shield shattered, Yu Sui took back the angel sword's head and replaced him with a new photon shield at the same time.

"I did so many embarrassing things at that time, Shishen himself didn't even know about it, and I didn't want to talk about it."

Yu Sui Shiluo's side didn't have any downsizing, and everyone didn't retreat, and directly pushed their heads flat.The opponent was too disadvantaged in the early stage, and now he couldn't hold it at all, and he fought and retreated, and was directly crushed by Shi Luo to the reincarnation stone.

"Don't worry about the Angel Sword, just hit Chenhuo and Xiaojun." Yu Sui spoke a little faster, "Just hit it, and you won't be able to recover."

Shi Luo did as he said, rushing forward recklessly, the assaulter in the team was killed by Chen Huo, but Shi Luo didn't care, and using half of Yu Sui's body as a shield, he put down the last purification vessel by himself. The second the purification vessel took effect, it bombarded the opponent's reincarnation stone.

game over.

"So, do you know how much thought I put into duoing with the God of Time and how many people I lost?"

Yu Sui made a mocking expression at Chen Huo in the map, exited the map, and continued to say calmly: "I don't know why, but some people think that the God of Time is pestering me, so I'll tell you about our acquaintance back then. "

"Shishen, Luo back then was the one who got into my team so easily."

"When we first met, I was already willing to do this for him."

"Let's not talk about it now?"

"I'm happy to double row with him, I'm happy to wait for him after the game, I'm happy to see him face black and go over to coax him."

"I'm not like this today."

Shi Luo's throat choked, and he took a deep breath, still a little uncontrollable, so he raised his hand to cover the camera.

In the game client, Shi Luo could see Yu Sui tapped to wait in line again, and in the headset, Shi Luo heard Yu Sui calmly say to the live broadcast room: "So don't stand in my position and do it for me in the future." Spray him, untenable."

"Those are the words I've wanted to say since the day the game ended."

"Although we are not twin medical doctors anymore, and no one remembers this old title, our relationship has not changed. We are very close...it started two years ago."

"I've always been like this to him."

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