On the car back to their home base from the Saint arena, the four players rested by themselves. They were speechless for a while. Old Qiao was looking at his phone, clicking screenshots from time to time. After driving for almost half an hour, Old Qiao put down his phone and rubbed Rubbing his eyes, he asked, "Can we start?"

Yu Sui opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

Zhou Huo just used Free's official blog to apologize to his fans, and he asked in a daze, "Start what?"

"Oh, you don't know." Old Qiao said slowly, "Old FS's habit is a necessary part after losing a game, the pot-sharing meeting."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Huo received a lot of harsh comments just after posting on Weibo. He was always tactful, but he couldn't hold back when he heard the words for a few hours. Try to soften your tone, "Although I don't know how to play this game, I can watch it. If it doesn't work, I will still listen to the commentary. It wouldn't be a big sin to lose a game in the regular season under such circumstances today, right? What's the matter? ? Still can't lose?"

The official blog of the team is usually managed by Zhou Huo. Just now since the first round of the regular season, when Free was at a slight disadvantage, there have been trolls commenting on the official blog in private. Tianke Free's tactical arrangement does not consider whether the player is a human or a machine. In short, you lose, and you have to be sprayed if you lose.

The most indispensable thing in the league is the brainless trolls. Free finally lost a game. The sunspots who originally thought that Free was not pleasing to the eye or a few players can finally have a good year. Fans of the team who replied under Free’s official blog Still fast.

Zhou Huo couldn't help getting angry while thinking that it was fortunate that the official blog was managed by him. Now he heard that Lao Qiao was "sharing the pot" in this round, and finally couldn't control his anger after holding it back for a long time, and said, "There is There are losers in the game, who stipulates that our team can’t lose?! Just lost a game, and those who won in front of it are all invisible? Can it work? This is just a regular season! I don’t understand Oh, how come other teams don’t feel bad when they lose, and our team deserves to die when it’s our turn? Did our team get more league money than other teams or something?! Do we owe anyone anything? ! The players are awesome, is it wrong for the team to have good results? Such a team can’t lose, right?!”

After Zhou Huo finished speaking, a needle drop could be heard in the car.

Zhou Huo usually talks nonsense when he sees people talking about people, but this is the first time he is so emotional that everyone in the car is stunned.

"Uh..." Old Qiao looked at Zhou Huo carefully, and hesitated, "Manager Zhou, we didn't know each other very well before, and I don't know much about your resume. You are..."

Old Qiao asked more and more carefully, "I have a big face to ask, is this your first time running a super first-line team?"

Zhou Huo: "..."

Zhou Huo said aggrievedly, "I used to be the deputy manager of NSN, and there is no more famous team than NSN."

Zhou Huo admitted unwillingly, "I have a general understanding of the game, and my professional work is basically in the operation. I really didn't take care of the real game."

"I see." Puppy took off his earphones, stretched his waist, and said, "Welcome to the Realm of the Gods. You are right in saying that the team's good performance is your original sin. Hurry up and hurry up." point."

Old Qiao glanced at Shi Luo, then looked at Yu Sui with consulting eyes, Yu Sui leaned on the backrest, said after a moment of silence, "Read."

Chen Huo took off the earphones and said helplessly, "Come on."

Zhou Huo was still completely out of shape, and looked around at everyone, "What's coming?"

Shi Luo opened his chopper eyes, brushed his short hair, and looked at Old Qiao with a bad complexion.

"Let's start, Puppy's is the most poisonous, let's read Puppy's first." Old Qiao looked at the screenshots of the forum he took, and read aloud without emotion, "666 can't do it when it's live broadcast all day long. It’s too late, the first game is to let a novice go to the sniper position, and you should know that you should support the first time, right? Waiting for the grave later?”

"Puppy originally had the characteristic of being stable with marksmanship, but now it's getting more and more lucrative, and it's too capable. The older you get, the more conservative you play, and it feels like you're treating Free as a retirement team."

"Puppy has a fart feature. How many years have you been blowing impulsively as a dog? How many more years are you going to play? Also, who has used him as a dog?"

"After being sold to Holy Sword, it's not for nothing that Puppy was the first to be listed. Anyone who knows what kind of player Holy Sword only keeps."

"Puppy is really the best one in Free, is it okay? I must say..."

"Wait a minute." Zhou Huo interrupted Old Qiao dumbfounded, and said in a broken voice, "What are you doing?! When other teams lose the game, they ask the players to block all public platforms and open social software. Don't look at it or listen to it. You're paying yourself back! Read it to them?! The mentality of your own team?"

"That's right." Old Qiao asked back with a normal face, "Otherwise? They couldn't stand the sudden collapse when they accidentally saw it when they were surfing the Internet? What if they came into contact with this before the next game? Who would be responsible for the sudden crash before the game? "

Zhou Huo was speechless, and said for a while, "That can't be..."

"Do you think..." Old Qiao paused and asked, "Today's first game encountered such a big accident and they lost. How did they manage to get rid of their negative emotions quickly in the second round?" ?”

"How do you think all of us villains have a big heart?"

Zhou Huo suffocated.

Recalling the scene in the early days of the team's establishment, when everyone said they didn't need a psychological counselor, Zhou Huo's throat suddenly tightened.

Old Qiao said calmly, "It is said that he is a veteran of the first team, but the oldest one is actually only 21. How can he be so young and old? A few years earlier, when we had a team of minors, the oldest player in the team I'm only 17 years old, and I need to adapt to any situation as soon as possible, and I rely on being big-hearted and able to pretend."

"Why are you so big-hearted?" Old Qiao shook the phone in his hand, "Half born, half practiced."

"Are you still afraid that they will be tempted by the trolls?" Old Qiao laughed, "It is true that some players have poor psychological quality. After being told by a thousand trolls that they are bad guys, they really lose confidence in themselves. You're badass, but don't worry, the few of them won't be limped by the trolls, they can bear it."

Zhou Huo's throat choked. He instinctively wanted to protect his family's players, but he endured it for a while and didn't speak again.

What Zhou Huo is good at is the operation of the team. He is an outsider in the part that is really related to the game. As a manager, he really has no right to intervene in how the coach trains the players.

According to what Old Qiao said, this is the team's consistent training mode, so it can't be commented on.

Zhou Huo gritted his teeth and turned his head to wink at the team's camera.

Old Qiao continued, "The bottom is Chen Huo's..."

"Chen Huo can only rush without thinking now? In the second round, he rushed endlessly. Did the angel sword green his wife?"

"Although I haven't played the game a few times, I have watched a lot of games. Anyway, I didn't see any tricks in the two rounds, so I just watched Chen Huo donkey charge like a head."

"Free in the second round was consuming Saint's economy in the early stage, but I always felt that Chen Huo was on top, and it wasn't consuming the economy at all."

"It's a waste of money. Chen Huo is impulsive. No one will let him rush. It's his own pleasure."

"I rushed to the end and didn't win. What's the point? Don't blame Angel Sword for luck. Luck is also a kind of strength, okay?"

"So can Chen Huo be more detailed?"

Old Qiao flipped through it again, and said, "The Chenhuo is gone."

Chen Huo sneered, "This year's trolls are not good, just one sentence back and forth, no one sentence can really pierce my heart after scolding so much."

"Then it's Shi Luo's..." Old Qiao paused, looked at Yu Sui again, and asked hesitantly, "Read it?"

Shi Luo said coldly, "Read."

Yu Sui didn't speak, and acquiesced.

Old Qiao took a deep breath, and said slowly, "One thing to say, is Shi Luo a cancer of the team? In the second game, he had the worst face."

"With Shi Luo's mentality, is he sure that he can go to the World Championship? After losing the game, his face is so dark that he can't see it."

"Show face to his fans, otherwise why would the female fans feel distressed? Shi Zai is the darling of sister fans. Since he was sold by Whisper that year, he has attracted enough female fans in the fan circle. Just by letting female fans We feel sorry for being popular."

"I don't know how long I can last because of my handsomeness."

"Although Shi Luo didn't make any mistakes in the second game, who can guarantee that if he has a better mentality, he won't be able to show off for a long time? It's not like he can't show off!"

"The other three people adjusted their emotions quite quickly, but Evil couldn't. It's not that I'm being mean. It's clear that he can't stand the World Championship."

"Reasonable analysis, Whisper bought Evil into the team with old feelings, yes... yes..."

Old Qiao glanced at Shi Luo, coughed and said, "There's nothing else down there..."

Shi Luo said, "Finish."

Shi Luo was the youngest, and he had never experienced this kind of psychological training in FS before. Old Joe was still a little soft-hearted towards him. Seeing Shi Luo insisted, he continued to grit his teeth and read, "Whisper bought Evil into the team because of old feelings. Is there any help?"

"Fuck! Help fuck!" Zhou Huo finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Last season's No. [-] attacker in the national server, can you tell me if there is any help?! Tell me! No, I can't help it, you send the screenshot I'm going to use the trumpet to tear him apart! Fuck it, you give me a screenshot!!!"

"No one said it was right for the trolls." Old Qiao said helplessly, "Isn't this desensitizing them? Why are you fighting with a brainless troll? I have something even more outrageous and nonsensical here, I don't even think it's necessary to read to Shi Luo, do you want to listen?"

Zhou Huo said angrily: "No!"

Shi Luo took a light breath.

From getting in the car to now, Shi Luo repeatedly thought of a sentence in his heart:

"This is what Yu Sui has experienced."

Now I am eating the pain he has suffered and suffering the crime he has suffered.

My boyfriend, long ago, single-handedly resisted these.

At that time, Whisper was still very young, alone, without himself or his current teammates, only Sima Ji Yanhan.

What about yourself?He was several years older than Yu Suixu at that time, he had a team he could live in, a teammate he could trust, and a boyfriend who was always trying to comfort him...

What else can't stand it?

When her boyfriend was his age, he was already able to confront Ji Yanhan's badass.

It's too cheap for me to force things like this.

Thinking about this repeatedly, Shi Luo has almost resolved his negative emotions.

It's disgusting to listen to the trash talk of trolls directly, but it's really effective for exercising your mentality.

My team is full of heartless big hearts, full of perverts who can quickly adjust their status during the game, and I can't be worse than others.

Shi Luo is really not afraid of anything now, he looked at Old Qiao, and said, "Keep reading, the one who can't stand it is the grandson."

"Don't read!" Zhou Huo turned pale angrily, "I slaughtered these idiots, why should I scold my contestants like that?! He didn't pay the contestants!"

Shi Luo frowned, and said coldly, "Read, I hear there is something even more outrageous."

Old Qiao looked back and forth between Zhou Huo and Shi Luo, and finally looked at Yu Sui.

Yu Sui lowered his eyes, "Read."

Others don't know the relationship between the two, but Zhou Huo is very clear about it, he couldn't help but get angry, "Yu Sui! You can! No one is as hard-hearted as you!"

Yu Sui opened his mouth, but Old Qiao didn't care. He flipped through the screenshots and continued to read: "Evil can stop spraying if he doesn't make a lot of mistakes? What kind of mentality does he have? He can't lose easily like the other three. A bit? Smile? A bit like a first-line team? Mental quality is not good at all."

"After the second round, Evil's mentality collapsed at the sight of it, and he couldn't make people feel at ease. The most speechless thing was that he had to let Whisper wait for him behind. What's wrong with the young master?"

"Seeing Evil's sullen face makes me angry, and Whisper looks at him worriedly from behind. I don't know if anyone is paying attention. The two of them keep making eye contact. Damn, I don't know what the hell they're doing."

"Anyway, I'm now more and more convinced by those female fans, Shi Luo and Yu Sui may already be together!"

Shi Luo choked suddenly, he turned his head to cover his mouth with the back of his hand, and coughed a few times.

Zhou Huo: "..."

Yu Sui's expression also became unnatural for a moment.

Old Qiao spread his hands, and said frankly, "You still want to listen to such angry words? This is completely nonsense."

"He's so paralyzed..." Shi Luo's lips moved slightly, and he murmured silently to himself, "It's a shameless pen, blinding a pair of eyes that discover beauty..."

Zhou Huo's anger was halved in an instant, he moved uncomfortably, and said, "It's alright, you...you can think about Yu Sui again."

"I was about to read, didn't you interrupt me?" Old Qiao said dissatisfied, "Yu Sui's."

"Although Yu Sui didn't make any obvious mistakes, he didn't expect Saint's prepared tactics, shouldn't he be complaining? Besides, why didn't he leave after the game? He actually went to wait for that young master of Shi Luo! Damn it, you son of a bitch !Pooh!"

Old Qiao looked at a few people after reading, with a blank expression on his face, "You...why aren't you angry anymore?"

Yu Sui, one of the dogs, said sincerely, "The trolls scolded well, with good reasons, and I have no face to be angry."

Old Qiao nodded, feeling a little relieved, "Keep this mentality, it's fine, it's fine after you've heard it, and you'll be at the base soon, what should everyone do?"

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