With ROD in mind, as soon as the photos of the guild hall came out, they basically clicked the powder kegs of the major forums.

[It's getting easier to be a professional player these days, and it's over if you just mess around. 】

[I understand why I haven't achieved results for several years. I was able to rely on FS to be dismantled before. Looking at it now, it's because the players themselves don't want to win. 】

[Forget about others, just go to play after losing the regular season?These people really gave up, right? 】

[In this state, it is not surprising that the entire competition area was wiped out by the European Holy Sword. 】

[A reasonable guess is that the Holy Sword was so strong in the first two years because of Whisper, or because of the strict management of the club itself? 】

[Whisper went to the clubhouse to play by himself, what else can he prove?Should this fig leaf be torn off?Do you really think that our division will be stronger when Whisper returns to China? 】

[I liked these teams very much at first, but looking at them now...you just have to be happy. 】

[It’s fine if the NSN rolls over, but the same is true for Saint and Free. I’m blind. 】

[If you believe that the clubs are all monk temples, you are an idiot, right?Yu Sui has had so many female fans since his debut, so why is he cheating ghosts by saying he has always been single?Angel Sword is famous for being a warm man, and he has definitely flirted with him a lot. Chen Huo boasted that he had dated no less than ten girlfriends 800 years ago, Evil?Heh, if there is anything good about the anchor's background, he will definitely be better at playing. 】

[The girlfriend fans of these contestants should also wake up from the dream, right? 】

[Don't ask, it means you've been training all day, how can you lie to your fans if you don't say that? 】

[Don't ask, just ask, next year we will continue to work hard and continue to play with peace of mind. 】

The trolls on the forum took advantage of the topic, and their words became more and more ugly. Fans of the contestants naturally wanted to rant back, so it became more lively. Every time Shi Luo refreshed the forum, he was stuck once. I can't even delete it.

After Zhou Huo breathed a sigh of relief, he began to browse the posts. He was a little hesitant. The contestant could be impulsive but he couldn’t. As a public figure, the contestant accidentally stepped on shit while walking. With the host's enthusiasm for Yu Sui, it is absolutely impossible for Zhou Huo to clarify something directly, and there is no time to hide.

Zhou Huo is usually the best at dealing with these problems, but today's incident was caused by him. He knew that he was in a hurry and his mind was not clear at the moment, so he didn't dare to make a decision.

Zhou Huo looked at Shi Luo, and said awkwardly, "The receipt for the meal just now is still there, and there is a payment time on it. I took a photo and posted it on Weibo to prove that we just came back after eating a meal, and then we didn't respond. Come on, let's stop making trouble, shall we?"

Shi Luo shook his head, "No."

Zhou Huo was impatient, just in time Yu Sui rushed across the room and came downstairs.

Sitting on the side smoking, Shi Luo looked up at Yu Sui, and seeing that he hadn't blown his hair, he threw the towel on his shoulder to Yu Sui.

Yu Sui picked it up and wiped his hair. Old Qiao didn't see anything wrong at all, so he gave Yu Sui a general idea about the hall.

"This group of idiots are offending the little gods." Old Qiao handed Zhou Huo's cell phone to Yu Sui, who was also hesitating, "He wants to bring them all over with the Angel Sword, and his head is shaking. You... what do you mean? ?”

Yu Sui was flipping through the taunting post, when he heard the words, he raised his head and glanced at Shi Luo, a smile flashed in his eyes.

Ten minutes later, Saint and Yizhan were pulled into Zhou Huo's temporary group.

[Saint-Angel Sword]: [... I haven't teased fans. ]

[Saint-Illusion]: [I hate them, is it wrong that our captain is a warm guy? ! ]

[Saint·Manager]: [I must say that none of the players in our team has ever been involved in these things. Today is purely an accident. ]

[Free-Handsome Chenhuo]: [The troll is reasoning with you?My mouth hi from 500 years ago has been dug out. ]

【Saint-Illusion】: [My lungs are about to explode!I didn't have time to go home for my mother's 40th birthday last month!I will waste time going whoring? ]

[Yi Zhan-Manager]: [We just lost the game, but if we win the game, we lose. Our results are not good, but our players can't stop eating because of bad results, right? ]

[Coach Joe]: [Okay, I understand. ]

[Yi Zhan-Manager]: [The post came out, our players are all autistic, and we should be criticized if we lose the game, but it's too fucking unfair because of this shit. ]

[Manager Zhou]: [Picture]

[Manager·Zhou]: [I mean, let me send you the receipt for the checkout just now, and show everyone the checkout time. I won’t say much else. Angel Sword, is your receipt still there? ]

[Saint-Angel Sword]: [In. ]

[Saint·Manager]: [In my place, I'll take a photo right away! ]

[Saint·Manager]: [Okay, okay, you send it first, and I will send it later, just transfer it to us with the official blog. Fortunately, the receipt is kept, and it is complete. ]

[Yizhan-Manager]: [Success. ]

[Manager·Zhou]: [Success. ]

【Free-Evil】: [I disagree. ]

[Manager Zhou]: ...

[Yizhan-Manager]: [Evil? ]

[Saint·Manager]: [No, you... what do you want to do? ]

[Free-Evil]: [No official blog, I post it myself, no need for staff to give me copywriting, I can say whatever I want. ]

[Yi Zhan-Manager]: [Uh...you don't have to be so rigid, do you? ]

[Saint·Manager]: [It's a bit too rigid. ]

[Manager Zhou]: [Shi Luo, really, listen to me, it's not necessary. ]

[Yi Zhan-Manager]: [Yes, yes, there is no need. Although we are also angry and want to kill people, there is really no need to cause trouble for your players. We are also unlucky today. Just clarify. ]

[Saint·Manager]: [Yes, let us handle this, you should train and train, don't worry about it. ]

[Manager·Zhou]: [Our manager came to clarify, people with brains will naturally understand, so of course we won’t spray it. ]

【Free-Evil】: [It's over if you don't spray it? ]

【Free-Evil】: [Why do you always finish the job without spraying? ]

【Free-Evil】: [Those who scolded us before, let’s just pretend it’s nothing like this?Why? ]

[Saint-Illusion]: [Why? ]

[Saint·Manager]: [? ? ? ]

[Saint·Manager]: [Illusion why are you joining in the fun! ! ! ]

[Saint-Illusion]: [When those people scolded me just now, my mother was fucked by them, and it's over if they don't spray it?Will anyone apologize to my mother? ! ]

【Manager Zhou】: […]

[Saint·Manager]: […]

[Saint-Angel Sword]: [I don't agree either. ]

[Saint·Manager]: [? ]

[Saint·Manager]: [No, Angel Sword?What's the matter with you? ]

[Free-Handsome Chenhuo]: [I listened to Shi Luo this time. ]

【Free-Puppy】: [I also listen to Shi Luo this time. ]

[Free-Yingjun Chenhuo]: [I've been through a lot of trouble. I used to be afraid of Yu Sui's affairs and didn't want to cause more trouble. What's so scary now? ]

【Free-Puppy】: [+[-], we don't cause trouble, but I'm not afraid of trouble. ]

【Manager Zhou】: […]

[Manager Zhou]: [Whisper, say something! ! ! ]

【Free-Whisper】: [? ]

【Free-Whisper】: [I've been listening to Shi Luo's. ]

【Manager·Zhou】: [You...]

[Yi Zhan·Manager]: [Yu Sui, please leave. ]

[Saint·Manager]: [What happened to you today?Don't mess with us! ! !Zhou Huo, take care of your players!Don't take our players crazy! ]

[Manager·Zhou]: [If I can control it, there will be no such group today...]

[Free-Evil]: [I was almost affected by the rhythm of the forum in the morning, I don't want to be taken away by these trolls. ]

[Free-Evil]: [I shouldn't be disturbed by these people. I can stand it if I can. If I can't stand it, I'm trash. There's nothing to hide from or be afraid of. ]

Free base, only Yu Sui and Shi Luo are on the first floor of the base, Yu Sui looked at what Shi Luo said in the group and smiled, "Have you finally figured it out and started to prepare for the future release?"

Shi Luo was still typing, and after sending the last one, he grabbed a handful of dry hair and whispered, "Not only."

Shi Luo glanced at Yu Sui, paused, and said softly, "A few days ago, I was timid, and I always felt that I have to be cautious in my words and deeds in the future, otherwise I will drag you down if I'm not careful, and it's hard to clean you up. You can’t be hacked again because of me.”

Yu Sui's heart warmed when he heard the words, he looked at Shi Luo tenderly, "What about now?"

"I figured it out now." Shi Luo locked the phone screen, "I shouldn't underestimate myself, let alone you."

"As long as you play seriously and have a clear conscience, what is there to be afraid of? Just being sprayed and sprayed back."

"The contestants are not allowed to fall in love? Are they not allowed to go out to eat? Who made the rules?"

"ROD handled it carefully, and only asked the team manager to explain, the handling was gentle enough, have the trolls spared him?"

"You shouldn't forget who I am just because you're in a relationship." Shi Luo looked at Yu Sui, and said with a cold face, "I can spray 1 yuan on my teammate once, and I can do it. I'm the kind of person .”

"If you don't compromise, you won't suffer from this kind of anger."

Yu Sui looked at Shi Luo who was squatting on the sofa, and for a moment seemed to see Shi Luo when he was still working as an anchor.

Always with a cold face, a look that is not easy to mess with.

Covered with thorns, he is always on guard against everyone, but when he really gets close, he can find out how many cute little tricks this kid has in private.

This kind of Shi Luo has always been fascinated by Yu Sui.

Shi Luo saw that Yu Sui was silent, with a hesitant expression, "You..."

"Of course I'm the same as you." Yu Sui sneered, "All the villains, did they call you for nothing?"

Five minutes later, Shi Luo first posted a personal Weibo.

@Free-Evil: [No whoring, no one to sleep with, no one else can control who will really sleep with in the future.If you want to spray it face to face, we practice it, but if you don't dare to spray it face to face, it will all rebound, because we are not used to this broken problem. ]

Seeing that Zhou Huo couldn't be persuaded anymore, he hurriedly posted the official blog, posting the receipts for their dinner in the guild hall to testify.

As soon as the evidence came out, the wind direction instantly reversed.

There are always a lot of normal players who have been tempted by the trolls. Seeing that this may be a misunderstanding, calm down and secretly delete the forum's own reply post, and the comments of previous troll players on Weibo can also be deleted An Rubo, who couldn't delete it, apologized.

The proof of the small ticket is still hard, not to mention that the party at the guild hall is not over yet, and the Internet celebrity who posted photos of Yu Sui on Weibo before was still posting selfies. The red party still met by chance, and I understood it when I thought about it.

The trolls couldn't hold their ground anymore, and they stopped dragging the contestants to the clubhouse, but turned their guns on Shi Luo in a moment:

【What's your tone?Is that what public figures say? 】

【Awesome, it's not cool enough to spray people in the live broadcast room, so here it comes. 】

[No grades, no temper. 】

[For those who have never entered the World Championship, I don't know what they are doing all the time. 】

But before the trolls concentrated on Shi Luo's firepower, Zhen · Angel Sword, who had participated in the world competition, immediately posted on Weibo.

@Saint-Angel Sword: [I haven't slept, teased, or provoked fans, and I don't want to get used to this bad habit. I testify for all the members of the three teams. No one has done anything to discredit the professional ethics of the e-sports industry. Temper It’s good for normal people, not trolls,]

The hallucination also posted on Weibo: [So now someone will apologize for the Internet explosion before?Trolls? ]

As soon as a few people posted on Weibo, not mentioning others, the fans of the three teams were stunned.

What kind of rhythm is there usually? It’s a blessing to be able to calm down quickly. There is evidence to explain clearly that it is the club’s base that is emitting green smoke. What is the situation now?After calming down and explaining clearly, can the original contestants spray it back? !

Can it be so cool?Are you not afraid of being said to have a bad attitude?

Of course, after the remaining members of Free posted on Weibo, no one would worry about the bad attitude of the previous players, because the one with the worst attitude will always be at the bottom.

@Free-Puppy: It turns out that people who have played in the World Championship can have a bad attitude?Okay, wronged me, I sprayed me with sb.

@Free-陈火: What about people who have played in the World Championship and won the World Championship trophy?Trolls?Can I date you guys?

@Free-Whisper: Is being slapped in the face addictive?

Zhou Huo was timid at first. After all, it was the first time he led such a team that all members were not afraid of death. Now that it was done, and Weibo was posted, Zhou Huo simply followed suit, and directly pointed out the vain attempt to fish in troubled waters in this incident. The holy sword to engage in the mentality of others in the competition area:

@Free E-Sports Club:@Holy Sword, is your team afraid of our competition area, and cares about our players' eating and drinking every day despite the jet lag?

As soon as Zhou Huo posted on Weibo, Saint and Yizhan Club retweeted it immediately, and NSN came too late, and also retweeted it. In less than half an hour, Holy Sword quickly deleted the previous incident of mocking Chinese players going to the clubhouse on Twitter.

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