Zhou Huo froze for a moment and nodded quickly, "Alright, alright, let's chat, let's go."

Chen Huo gloated, "I haven't been in the right state since this morning, and I deserve to be detained!"

Puppy looked at Chen Huo sadly, and pushed him out, "You can shut up."

Several people left the lounge noisyly, and Zhou Huo closed the door behind them.

Shi Luo took a deep breath, thinking he was wrong, and had nothing to say.

His state on the field today is indeed not good. If it weren't for the unlucky ROD, he would be the one who was scolded by the players for his worst state today.

If this is still in IAC, Zhao Feng will definitely talk to him. Free's situation is special here. The club does not have a so-called management team. Zhou Huo dare not take care of them. If something goes wrong, only Yu Sui can handle it. .

Shi Luo would rather be scolded by Zhou Huo than Yu Sui to discipline him. He was so upset that he wanted to smoke a cigarette, but being disciplined while smoking a cigarette seemed a bit too provocative, it would easily intensify conflicts, and it seemed that his attitude was not correct. Shi Luo frowned, sat on the table and took the chewing gum, pressed a few pieces hard and threw it in his mouth, chewing the gum silently and waiting.

Shi Luo lowered his head, feeling annoyed, not wanting to wait for Yu Xuanxun himself, so he took the initiative to admit his mistake, and said with a sullen face, "I knew I would be affected, but I still read the forum, and then I was affected, I always feel that the next one will be sprayed." What’s more...it’s me. I saw ROD being so distraught during the game, and I always feel that I’ll be the same when I look back. The worse his condition is, the more I’m affected. I lost my mind a few times in the middle, and then…”

Shi Luo randomly grabbed a handful of hair, "Then it was like this."

Shi Luo bowed his head, waiting to be punished.

Half a minute passed, Yu Sui still didn't speak.

What Shi Luo was most afraid of was that Yu Sui would not say a word, so he bit the bullet and raised his head to take a look at Yu Sui, only to find that there was a hint of a smile on the corner of Yu Sui's mouth.

Shi Luo looked at Yu Sui dully, "You..."

Shi Luo said awkwardly, "Don't you say anything?"

"You know the problem yourself, so what else do I have to say?" Yu Sui said in a relaxed tone, "The matter was originally very simple, and you have analyzed it, but the current situation is that you can't stand the pressure yourself, and your mentality is a bit broken. That's all."

Of course Shi Luo himself understood, but he still felt embarrassed when Yu Sui said it so bluntly, he said in a low voice, "Then..."

Yu Sui simply said, "Adjust yourself."

Shi Luo was taken aback.

"It's not your first day in the industry. I don't need to teach you how to adjust in case of emergencies. This is not the first time." Yu Sui looked at Shi Luo calmly, "When I defected from the competition area, You have endured such a big rhythm, can't you handle this?"

Shi Luo pursed her lips and said uncomfortably, "Of course I..."

"I really want to treat you as a newcomer, like two years ago, and tell you every detail, and lead you step by step, but..." Regret flashed in Yu Sui's eyes, and he continued, "You are no longer a rookie. A professional player who has been in the industry for two years has resisted so many big rhythms. How can I underestimate you?"

Shi Luo was stunned for a moment, recalling the various life collapses he had experienced before, and then looking at this trivial matter in front of him, it was really not worth mentioning.

"You can handle it well. I don't want to point fingers. It's disrespectful to your two-year career." Yu Sui looked directly at Shi Luo, then smiled, "Shi Shen, when you were at IAC, you didn't even have a counselor. No need, will you be unable to bear this? Or..."

Yu Sui paused and asked, "Are you acting like a baby?"

Shi Luo's ears turned red, from Yu Sui's point of view, he really seemed to be pretending to be vulnerable on purpose.

Shi Luo was even more embarrassed when he said this.

"I just fell in love, I have no experience, and I haven't slept well in the past few days, so my brain can't turn." Shi Luo blushed slightly, and said quickly in a low voice, "Usually, I can adjust it in less than 5 minutes. gone."

Shi Luo took a deep breath, raised his eyes to look at Yu Sui, and the turmoil in his heart was almost swept away.

Back then, Yu Sui had survived such a thing as running away, so what was there to be afraid of?

I just fell in love with Yu Sui, consensual, who am I sorry?

Even if you get caught, just spray if you like, with a clear conscience, what are you afraid of?

There is no need to worry about Yu Sui, just like what Yu Sui said just now, you have survived everything, how can you be afraid of this?

Hypocritical or not?

Shi Luo felt a little ashamed, Yu Sui didn't underestimate himself, but he underestimated Yu Sui.

He doesn't care at all.

Shi Luo calmed down completely, and said embarrassingly, "I had a brain twitch, and I'm fine now."

Shi Luo glanced at the clock in the lounge, cleared his throat, "Let's go, they have to wait a while."

"Chewing gum." Yu Sui was not in a hurry, and reminded Shi Luo, "Fans will definitely take pictures when you go out later, it's impolite to have chewing gum in your mouth."

Shi Luo looked around, wanting to take a paper towel and spit out the chewing gum, so as not to die. Old Qiao, the thrifty housekeeper, took away the paper towels prepared in the lounge just now when he left.

Yu Sui also glanced around the room, there was not a single piece of paper in the room, so Yu Sui casually picked up the team poster brought by Zhou Huo that was on the table, and tore off a corner.

Shi Luo: "..."

Yu Sui handed it to Shi Luo naturally, "Spit."

"If you are found out...you will be fined at least [-] yuan." Shi Luo said in a low voice, spitting out chewing gum on the paper in Yu Sui's hand uncomfortably, "As a professional player, damage Whisper player's Poster."

Yu Sui smiled, "Let's report to the authorities."

Shi Luo wiped his lips with the back of his hand, and said in a low voice, "It's a good poster, the arms are gone... I'll just stop chewing or blowing bubbles for a while."

"Just kidding." Yu Sui wrapped the gum and put it aside, said in a leisurely manner, "It's not for the fans that I made you spit the gum."

Yu Sui took half a step forward, and said in a low voice, "It's for me."

Shi Luo raised his eyes, and before he could react, Yu Sui kissed him on the lips.

Yu Sui's hands naturally wrapped around Shi Luo's waist, and embraced Shi Luo into his arms.

Shi Luo's eyes widened in an instant, Yu Sui's series of movements were too sudden, Shi Luo was completely unprepared, he spread his hands subconsciously, and his heart exploded.

Is this... a kiss? ! ! !

Shi Luo's mind froze completely.

In fact, Shi Luo wanted to kiss Yu Sui ever since the day when he and Yu Sui communicated with each other. He really wanted to, but he was always blocked by such and other things. Luo thought that Yu Sui was not in such a hurry as himself, but now...

Shi Luo's heart collapsed when Yu Sui tentatively licked the seam of his lips, no matter how anxious he was, he just wanted to kiss Yu Sui's lips to take advantage of it. Yu Sui didn't seem in a hurry, but actually he acted so wildly? !

Is it really two years older? !Not innocent at all!

Shi Luo's face was so hot that he was almost angry, his lips moved, then he closed his eyes, allowing Yu Sui to do what he did.

It seemed that only 2 minutes had passed, and it seemed that half an hour had passed. When Yu Sui let go of Shi Luo, Shi Luo was stunned, and said in an unnatural tone, "You..."

Shi Luo licked his reddish lips and stammered, "You, you..."

"I'm sorry, I've been holding back for too long." Yu Sui rubbed Shi Luo's head, breathing unnaturally, "I wanted to be a gentleman at first, but I couldn't control it."

Shi Luo said awkwardly, "It's okay, let's go... let's go?"

Yu Sui picked up Shi Luo and his peripheral bag, "Let's go."

After leaving the lounge, passing through the fans who were still waiting for the two of them with a light sign, followed the staff to the underground garage, got into Team Free's nanny car, and when the car started up, Shi Luo was in a daze.

Two years ago, Yu Sui let himself take the first kiss and first kill.

Two years later, Yu Sui let himself take the first kiss with tongue again.

I... have to be responsible to Yu Sui.

Chen Huo carefully observed Shi Luo's face, and whispered to Puppy, "I deserve it for being scolded for being stupid."

Puppy sighed tiredly, too lazy to explain to the fool.

Zhou Huo was like a mirror in his heart, and he didn't puncture it, but he also gossiped. He couldn't help observing the expressions of the two people from the rearview mirror. The more he watched, the more excited he became. Really... I really feel that ROD is wronged, what's wrong with falling in love."

Old Qiao sighed, "Who said it wasn't?"

"I haven't asked you before, just to chat." Zhou Huo pretended to ask casually, "Have you ever been in love?"

Old Qiao shook his head, "No, I was worrying about my family's debts all day before I became a professional. I don't have that kind of thought. After entering the industry, I don't have time."

"No." Chen Huo shook his head and sighed, "Every day, except for the aunt who cooks for us, I don't meet a woman, who should I talk to."

Puppy said quietly, "No, no luck."

Zhou Huo looked at Yu Sui expectantly, Yu Sui pretended not to hear, and closed his eyes when he got in the car.

Shi Luohun on the side didn't keep the house, he really didn't hear it, Zhou Huo couldn't hold back, and urged, "Shi Luo, what about you?"

Shi Luo woke up like a dream, "What?"

Zhou Huo asked again, Shi Luo glanced sideways at Yu Sui, and said vaguely after a while, "Talk... talked about it."

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Huo and Qiao Chenhuo instantly looked at Shi Luo.

Chen Huo patted his thigh, "Yes! You said back then that it wasn't your first kiss, okay Lolo, how old were you then? You're not even an adult!"

Old Qiao was equally astonished, dumbfounded, "Does he have so much emotional experience at such a young age? This...it's really different."

"Oh, what's the matter." Zhou Huo interrupted Old Qiao and asked anxiously, "What stage has your relationship reached?"

Shi Luo gritted his teeth and glared at Zhou Huo. This person knows everything, and he just wants to know the progress of himself and Yu Sui.

"Wait, don't say it yet!!" Zhou Huo interrupted Shi Luo loudly, impatiently reminding the follower in the car, "Is the camera on? This is Evil's first love publicity, quickly record it as a material."

Shi Luo gritted his teeth, and reminded in a low voice, "ROD just got caught up in a relationship, are you trying to cause trouble?"

"He was talking about it, you are in the past." Zhou Huo impatiently wanted to take some pictures of Yu Sui and Shi Luo's memories, and said, "Hurry up, talk about it, and take a picture of it all."

Shi Luo looked at Yu Sui begging for help, but a certain person who had just taken advantage of him was still pretending to be asleep, with only the corners of his mouth slightly raised.


Shi Luo couldn't help it, blushing and said harshly, "Just... to the point of kissing."

"Wow." Zhou Huo used it for private use, excitedly wanting to know the situation, "Who took the initiative?"

Shi Luo held his breath, and said for a long while, "He."

Chen Huo enviously said, "So proactive?!"

Zhou Huo suppressed a smile, and continued to urge to ask, "At that time... did you really like him?"

Shi Luo glared at Zhou Huo, refraining from taking the camera, so he endured it and said, "I like it."

Zhou Huo's eyes lit up, and he wanted to ask again, but Yu Sui, who was satisfied at the side, came out and pretended to be a good person, "Okay, that's it."

Zhou Huo had no choice but to give up.

After the follower put away the camera, Yu Sui sat down, and while no one was looking, he gently slipped his hand into the cuff of Shi Luo's team uniform.

Yu Sui gently took Shi Luo's hand, and wrote stroke by stroke in Shi Luo's palm: I like it too.

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