Who is "that person" referring to, who was the person Shi Luo didn't even want to mention at that time, one can imagine.

"Shi Luo is really young." In the lounge in the afternoon, Old Qiao didn't notice the slight change in Yu Sui's expression after hearing that sentence, and was still sighing, "The game was about to start at that time, and the four players of the NSN second team No one left the waiting room. The organizers of the competition were in a hurry, and asked them to compete first, no matter what the situation was. The three players of the NSN second team hesitated, saying otherwise, they would play first, just in case Didn’t the opponent play a match-fix just now? What if they are punished for this later..."

"Shi Luo said that there was definitely something wrong with the opponent, and it was useless for anyone to persuade him. He sat in the lounge and smoked and didn't go out. It was because of his refusal to make things worse that the secondary league began to thoroughly investigate the match-fixing. "

"Pull out the radish and bring out the mud, a group of messy players were suspended, and all three of Xiaojun's teammates were banned for life. Xiaojun was hit very hard at that time, and almost went to fight with his former teammates, but fortunately, in the end It's still slowing down."

"His personal ability is still there. He was troubled by the orphan teammates before, and then he lost the orphan teammates. He trained hard and played well, and he played better and better. A year ago, he played Tianxiu in a cup match, and he was all of a sudden. The top management of Zhongshan took a fancy to him, bought it directly and joined the first team, and played as a starter when he joined the team. Now...Xiaojun entered the league, the top management of Wan Zhongshan valued him, and his teammates also worked together to play well. .”

"Xiao Jun has always been very grateful to Shi Luo, but later he didn't have much contact with Shi Luo. Shi Luo, you know, it's not that easy to get close, so the two of them are not friends, but they have such an old friendship."

"Shi Luo himself doesn't like to mention these things, but after the refusal at the time, the NSN executives and Gu Gan were very satisfied when they found out, and later told me that he is indeed a professional player from FS, the holy land of e-sports, with his own pride. "

After eating the hot pot, it was not too late. The place where the hot pot was eaten was next to Hongya Cave, so everyone didn't go back to the hotel directly, but walked around Hongya Cave.

Yu Sui walked very slowly. Looking at Shi Luo's tall back, recalling what Old Qiao said, he thought to himself that this had something to do with FS.

Although Shi Luo mentioned himself later, Yu Sui didn't think it had anything to do with him.

Shi Luo was born like this.

It's my own overthinking.

With or without himself, Shi Luo would never give up on himself, would not give up on himself, and would grow into an admirable player.

Yu Sui didn't feel that he had any credit for this, Shi Luo was born to be proud, and he was born to eat this bowl of rice.

"What's wrong with you?" Old Qiao walked two steps behind Yu Sui, looking at Yu Sui's face, "Your expression has been calm since eating just now, what's wrong? Are you still thinking about Shi Luo? No, it's been so long, Shi Luo probably has forgotten about it."

Yu Sui shook his head, put his hands in his trouser pockets: "No."

"But to be honest, there is one thing I haven't figured out." Old Qiao asked bluntly, "Who was the 'that person' that Shi Luo was talking about? He looked at me as if he were a stranger. I listened to what he said, and didn't dare to ask."

Yu Sui slowly turned his head to look at Old Qiao, and through Old Qiao's sincere eyes, he confirmed that he was not deliberately stabbing himself twice to mess with his mentality, but that he really didn't see anything, so he couldn't help laughing out loud. .

Straight men are a fucking horribly dull species.

Yu Sui was too lazy to explain to him.

Old Qiao was still out of the situation, and whispered: "Is that so? Aren't you curious about who Shi Luo is talking about?"

"I'm curious..." Yu Sui nodded for a while, and tried to help analyze calmly, "First of all, we can get rid of Chen Huo..."

Chongqing's regular season was won without any suspense. They were waiting for training and other regular seasons. Everyone only stayed in Chongqing for one night, and hurriedly flew back to Shanghai early the next morning.

After returning to the Free base, everyone washed up and went back to their dormitories to rest for a while. They slept for less than three hours. They woke up one after another in the evening, went to the first floor for dinner, and prepared to continue training at night.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was eating dinner, Zhou Huo took the time to say: "I have something to tell everyone, don't worry, it won't take too much time for everyone."

Everyone was so sleepy that they hummed perfunctorily without raising their heads. Zhou Huo chuckled: "That's right, other teams have an assessment system. We just established a team before, and you use all the teams you just found. Back to the old account, so I have not mentioned this matter here. It has been so many days now, we have to perfect the assessment. "

There is nothing wrong with what Zhou Huo said. Every team has to evaluate the record of the main account of the players every month. Everyone is used to it, and they still eat their own. Puppy pushed Chen Huo: "Give me another plate of siu mai."

"As you all know, I used to be the deputy manager of NSN. The assessment standard of NSN is the top 500 in the national server. If you fall into the top 500 in the national server, your salary will be deducted. The monthly bonus will be directly deducted, which is basically one-third of their salary." Zhou Huo looked at the crowd and continued, "However, this was before being provoked by the holy sword, and after being provoked by the holy sword across the sea, now NSN's assessment standard has been adjusted to the top 200 in the national server, and Saint has been adjusted to the top 100 in the national server. I originally wanted to draw the line according to the Saint standard, but these two days have made the idiots of Holy Sword angry, and I am also a little anxious, considering that we have to be in line with the international standards, so I want to ask..."

Zhou Huo looked at the three players of the original Holy Sword, and asked, "What is the assessment standard of the Holy Sword?"

Yu Sui: "500."

Puppy: "300."

Chen Huo: "200."

The three of them spoke quickly, counting one by one, and there was an awkward silence at the table.

Zhou Huo suppressed the anger of beating up this group of people who didn't have a word of truth in their mouths, and resignedly went to the Internet to search for the assessment standards of the holy sword.Coincidentally, a player of Holy Sword revealed in an interview a month ago: the assessment standard is the top 30 players in the European server.

Zhou Huo was heartbroken: "As for it?! They are all making up nonsense to avoid the assessment! Alright, let's match up with the holy sword, and we will also set the top 30."

"Come on, what's the comparison with that kind of club that doesn't treat players as human beings?" Chen Huo hurriedly sold his food while eating, "When I was working for the capitalists in Holy Sword, I didn't get the full score in a month. Salary, why do you have to suffer this crime when you return to the arms of the motherland? You will fall down the rankings when you meet orphaned teammates a few times, not to mention sometimes you have to help people with friendship, please forgive me."

Zhou Huo hesitated: "Didn't you all rank quite high before? Why..."

"It's accumulated slowly after playing for a season. It's all cleared at the beginning of this season. It's not so easy." Puppy took the opportunity to ask to lower the standard. A little bit."

Zhou Huo hesitated and looked at Yu Sui.

Yu Sui took a sip of the soup: "Top 100."

Zhou Huo reluctantly agreed: "Okay, the implementation will start this month, and the score will be counted at midnight on the first day of next month."

Assessment is a rule for every team. The top 100 in the national server is much easier than the top 30 in the European server.Everyone didn't push forward anymore, and went to the training room after dinner.

"Look at Dad's ranking..." Chen Huo opened the game client to log in to his account, opened the ranking of the national server, and hahad bitterly, "After so many days, why can't I take a good look at the ranking? Why? Where has my self-motivation gone? ...Heh, I suspect that it was Yu Sui and Shi Luo's conspiracy to push Wawa to me before, national uniform 346, who is inferior to me?"

Puppy sighed: "I'm 288."

Puppy pulled up the ranking list: "Whisper ranks 196, Evil ranks 168..."

None of them met the standard, Puppy instantly regained his balance, and lazily said: "There are still ten days until the end of the month, I wish you all the best."

Shi Luo has already opened the client, and he also took a look at his national server rankings, he feels that the problem is not too big, there are still ten days, as long as you don't jump off the cliff and lose points, it will not be too difficult to break into the top [-].When Shi Luo was considering whether to start a live broadcast, Chen Huo on the side begged Yu Sui: "Yu Shen, look at your brother, can you do double row for a while? Don't ask for your help, just play normally, operation fans There are too many passers-by with medical treatment, and they can't afford it."

Shi Luo subconsciously looked at Yu Sui, missing the two computer screens, and their eyes collided.

Shi Luo looked away, and before Yu Sui agreed, Chen Huo began to kidnap morally again: "Yu Sui, you are the one who said to set the standard to the top 100!"

It's fine if Chen Huo didn't say anything, Yu Sui nodded and said, "I just wanted to deduct your salary on purpose, get out."

"Don't, don't, ask for a double row for one night." Chen Huo hesitated, "Just one night, and I will get off at midnight."

Yu Sui formed Chen Huo, and Chen Huo hurriedly agreed.

Wawa, who was suddenly adjusted to the top 200 in the national server, also came to see Shi Luo and cried. After Wawa vowed again and again that he would never learn from Yu Sui again, and wanted to be a medical queen who was better than an angel sword, Shi Luo also asked Wawa Get in the car.

The fact that the holy sword crossed the sea to provoke the Chinese division was because Zhou Huo's previous Weibo post could no longer be hidden. Although Zhou Huo never disclosed the records of NAN and Saint, other teams almost guessed it.Immediately after these three teams raised their assessment standards, the remaining nine teams adjusted their assessment standards one by one, and the lowest line was also set at the top 300.This stabbed a hornet's nest, and the national server ranking list instantly became a Shura field.

Chen Huo, who suffers from being in the top [-] of the national server and has not been there for a long time, can't wait to go to the other eleven teams to scold the streets, and join in the fun!

Passers-by players looked at the hot national server rankings and were curious, what's wrong?The leaderboard is changing almost every moment, and it is full of professional players with team names. What ultimate KPIs are the twelve teams in the local league pursuing?

After the other teams raised their review standards one by one, Free's score was not as fast as before.Fortunately, their personal abilities were online, and all four of them passed the passing line at the end of the month.

It's just because of the recent increase in the evaluation line of the major teams, they will always be squeezed out of the top 100 if they are not careful.Chen Huo has always liked to shoot recklessly in passerby rounds, but now he doesn't dare to play tricks, and plays every round seriously.

"Actually, it's not bad." At the end of the month, Puppy finally broke into the top [-] and sighed. "Now everyone wants to play the trumpet and the tuba. It seems that they are serious. Pretty good too."

Puppy looked at Shi Luo, who was killing people in the national server with a trumpet, and said bitterly: "People who have passed the examination line a long time ago are so leisurely... hey!"

Puppy looked left and right, glanced at Yu Sui's empty seat, and raised his eyebrows: "Where's Yu Sui? He just got in line."

Shi Luo glanced at Puppy, didn't hear clearly, and frowned, "What?"

"Yu Sui seemed to be called away by Zhou Huo just now." Puppy slowly pointed to Yu Sui's seat, "He forgot to cancel the queue, and he's already queued in, and the countdown is about to begin."

Chen Huo, who is still struggling to keep his ranking in the national server, said with satisfaction: "If you enter the high-score game, you will be deducted 100 points directly. 100 points is so cool, and I may not be able to increase 100 points in a day. Thank you Yu Shen, thank you for your help. There's a spot."

Shi Luo took off the earphones and frowned: "Hold him for a while."

Puppy spread his hands: "I don't know how to be a medical doctor, how can I say no? He didn't bring his mobile phone, so it's too late to call him..."

Shi Luo's hands were fast, and he got up after destroying the opponent's reincarnation stone in the game.

Puppy smiled, and continued to hit himself.Chen Huo let out a regretful "Hi", and complained while hitting himself: "Evil, what's the matter with you? Don't bring NSN's set of solidarity and friendship to our team. Why do you always destroy the atmosphere of our team?"

Shi Luo ignored Chen Huo, hurriedly put on Yu Sui's earphones, and bought him an initial photon shield and a long dagger.

It's been a long time since I played as a healer, and Shi Luo's movements are a little slow.Fortunately, the foundation of the year has formed muscle memory, and Shi Luo got started quickly and kept up with the rhythm.

Yu Sui probably completely forgot that he ordered the queue, and he still hasn't come up after 10 minutes.Shi Luo looked at the cell phone in front of Yu Sui's desk and was helpless, he couldn't make a call, Chen Huo and Puppy were also making a call and couldn't do without, so they had to keep calling.

Just now I came here in a hurry and didn't feel anything. After typing for a while, Luo gradually realized that he was using Yu Sui's number, typing on Yu Sui's keyboard, holding Yu Sui's mouse, and wearing Yu Sui's earphones, trying to get used to it. Yu Sui's keys...

Shi Luo gritted her teeth and scolded herself in her heart, why are you so shy all of a sudden! ! !

Time passed by, and this round was still very stalemate. Shi Luo couldn't wait to type and spray a few passer-by teammates who made frequent mistakes. Can you just leave it? !I can’t even nurse you guys, if the real Whisper comes in a while, it will be embarrassing, anyway, it’s not you, right? !Also send! ! !

Fortunately, passers-by teammates seem to feel the impatience of "Whisper", and they cooperated well in the later stage.Ten minutes later, the opponent was successfully bulldozed, ending the game.

Fortunately, Yu Sui has not returned yet.

Shi Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

The chat interface in the team was all about confessing to Whisper. Shi Luo didn't type, and just about to quit, he saw a teammate chatting.

[Free Forever nb]: [Yu Shen, I am your fan! ! !I'm so excited, it's not in vain. After so many days of playing, I entered the top 500 and finally met you. My buddies in our dormitory and I both like you! ! ! ]

[Free Forever nb]: [Whisper is awesome, Free is awesome! ! ! ]

[Free Forever nb]: [Tell Evil for my lower bunk, time is amazing! ! ! ]

[Free Forever nb]: [Yu Shen, have you retired yet?Can you still see it?I adore you ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...]

If it was his account, when he met such a loyal fan, Shi Luo would usually post an emoticon.But this is Yu Sui's professional account, and he did not get his consent to log in. Shi Luo was inconvenient to say anything, and was about to quit, when the other party said——

[Free Forever nb]: [Oh, by the way, ask for my girlfriend, Yu Shen Yu Shen, you don't like that EE anchor that day, do you?She is very concerned about this matter. ]

Shi Luo frowned, typing——

【Free-Whisper】: [I don't like it! ]

Shi Luo felt a little guilty after typing, and was about to leave when a passer-by quickly said——

[Free Forever nb]: [Very good!My girlfriend is very satisfied!She also wants to ask you, do you have someone you like? ]

Shi Luo paused.

Shi Luo looked at the computer screen, his slender fingers seemed to be bewitched, and lightly swept the letter between the number keys 3 and 4 just below it.

Shi Luo pressed it, and quickly deleted it.

"Fuck, I'm sick..."

Shi Luo felt that he was really bewitched, frowned and cursed, took off his earphones and was about to get up, when he caught sight of Yu Sui who had been standing behind him for an unknown amount of time.

Shi Luo's heart skipped a beat.

Yu Sui's face remained normal, and he said softly, "Thank you."

Shi Luo's ears turned red in an instant, he quickly put Yu Sui's earphones back, said vaguely that it was all right, and returned to his seat as if fleeing.

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