After all, Shi Luo didn't go to dinner with the team, he went back to the base alone and ordered a takeaway, took a shower and went to the training room.

The dinner party hadn't come back yet, the training room was empty, and Shi Luo sat in front of the computer desk by himself.

Team group activities generally have nothing to do with Shi Luo. He has no friends in IAC, and others dare not isolate him. Shi Luo loves to get along with others, a purely commercial team, and the senior management has no time to communicate with club players. .

Shi Luo prefers to train by himself rather than dealing with the people in the same team. Occasionally, when he gets upset and wants to chat with someone, he won't be a member of the team.

Like now.

Shi Luo sat in front of the computer and clicked on Wawa's live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, Wawa turned on the camera and was tearfully accusing Shi Luo.

"Thirteen kills!!!"

"In the first game of the opening game of the preseason, I was killed by Thirteen!!!"

"What is the concept of dying thirteen times? It means that in this game, I did one thing in the whole process! One thing!!! Running from the reincarnation stone to the front line!!! die, and repeat the process over and over again!"

"I'm like a low-quality power leveling script!!! Keep reviving and giving away heads!!!"

"Really, my mentality has collapsed, ouch, my heart hurts..."

Shi Luo picked up the mouse and clicked a few times.

In the live camera, Wawa covered his face and cried. When he heard the special sound effect, he looked up and sniffed: "Is there a reward? Thank you for the three meteor showers from Dad Shi, wow! Three!!! Thank you Dad Shi Reward... Oh no!"

Wawa said angrily: "Shi Luo!!!"

Shi Luo smiled.

Wawa gritted her teeth: "Someone already thinks that I'm taking money from your IAC today to fight fake matches!!! You still tipped me!!!"

Shi Luo smiled, and conveniently rewarded Wawa with five meteor showers each priced at [-].

"Okay, okay, don't give it away, please treat me to something delicious later." Wawa is an honest person, feeling sorry for Shi Luo's handling fee deducted by the live broadcast platform, and not letting him reward him, said, "If you It's okay, let's line up for a while? Hug your thigh to score points, and you will make me an apology."

Shi Luo didn't respond, and threw the free popularity-increasing gift that comes with the platform to Wawa, closed the live broadcast platform and opened the game client.

Shiluo went to Wawa, and the two lined up in the national server.

Wawa sent a voice request to come over, and Shi Luo picked it up.

Wawa was still whimpering: "You guys are too vicious today, too vicious, I am so ravaged by you that I have no power to fight back..."

The two lined up on the map, Shi Luo said, "On purpose."

Wawa cried and said, "I see, I didn't mess with you."

Shi Luo said, "It has nothing to do with you."

Wawa has only been in the industry for a year, and he really doesn't know the grievances between Shi Luo and Yu Sui. He said at a loss, "Who could it be related to? The fool can see that you are targeting me today."

Shi Luo bought primary equipment: "I made an apology to you just now, isn't that okay?"

"Okay." Wawa sighed, "I don't blame you, I would also target the healers, I played too badly in the early stage today, I can't learn Yu Shen's tricks at all, my skills are not as good as others, and I am convinced. "

Shi Luo paused.

Shi Luo stopped talking and took Wawa to clear the fog.

Wawa is still complaining about himself: "Oh, with the same style of play, Yu Shen can play smoothly. When he taught me, I was dizzy. Really, he is a medical doctor, and he actually presses the opponent's assault position to fight. My blood boiled when I saw it! I went to fight with you so arrogantly, and then I was fucked by you."

Shi Luo took the head of a person opposite, but still didn't speak.

"Yu Shen is really good. Alas, I give up. I don't want to be an assassin medical doctor anymore. I can't afford it. I'd better be a nanny honestly."

Shi Luo seemed to be absent-minded and said: "You are fine now, there is no need to learn other people's routines."

Wawa sighed: "Our captain asked me to learn, how can I not listen? Our captain said that I can try to learn other ways when I haven't completely fixed the number of ways. I really learned it seriously. .”

"I was afraid of Yu Shen at first, but it was a surprise. Yu Shen has a very good temper, and I didn't get impatient when I asked him about things. It must be because of our captain's face." Wawa said helplessly, "Yu Shen is Good teacher, but I'm not a good student, I really tried my best, but if I can't learn, I can't learn."

Shi Luo said: "Forget it."

"Our captain also thinks it's okay, but our manager still doesn't give up and insists on me continuing to practice. Forget it, it's also for my own good, so let me practice as I want." Wawa said pitifully, "Speaking of this... Brother Shi, can I practice with you? I'll play in the front row, take care of me."

When Shi Luo listened to Wawa's words just now, he was thoughtful, and said, "Success."

During the day, Shi Luo had just abused Wawa on the field, so Shi Luo felt a little bit ashamed in his heart, so now Wawa wanted to use him to practice, Shi Luo agreed without thinking, but within 10 minutes Shi Luo I regret it.

There is no other reason, Wawa's Assassin Healer is really fucking good at playing!

Except when playing trumpet live, Shi Luo hadn't met such a good healer for a long time!

Shi Luo hadn't sprayed a healer since the first day he played this game, but today he almost relapsed.

"You..." Shi Luo gritted his teeth and held back the words, "It's too aggressive... Can you judge the number of people on the other side a little bit?"

"You m... walk slowly, can't you?"

"I c... Grassland, go to the west of the grassland, did you hear that?! Go!!! Didn't you hear me?!!!"

The two lined up in pairs for three hours, and Shi Luo's tuba ranking quickly dived from the number one in the national server to the seventeenth in the national server with a bungee jumping gesture.

After another round, Shi Luo opened the top [-] ranking interface of the national server, and looked at himself who was ranked [-]th, speechless for a long time.

Shi Luo didn't want to curse, so he lit a cigarette.

Wawa cautiously: "Brother Shi? Shall we... still fight?"

Shi Luo took a puff of cigarette, and said after a long time: "Do you know how many high-scoring games I have to play every week in order to maintain the number one in the national server?"

"I have maintained the No. [-] ranking for four consecutive months. As long as I don't lose today, I can break the record if I maintain it for half a month..."

Shi Luo began to doubt Wawa, an honest man: "You play me?"

Wawa wanted to cry but had no tears: "I'd rather I play you, but I'm the real one. You smoke first to calm down."

Shi Luo shook his head with a cigarette in his mouth: "No, no, you can ask Captain Gu to practice with you, I won't accompany you."

Wawa was heartbroken: "He didn't accompany me a long time ago. As an assassin medical doctor, I repelled another assaulter."

Shi Luo said: "Since you are one of my few friends, I sincerely advise you to give up."

"I also think that assassin medical treatment is hard to come by, and I don't want to work hard... Hey!" Wawa suddenly remembered something, "Brother Shi, before you changed jobs, weren't you an assassin-type medical doctor?"

Shi Luo took a drag on his cigarette and hummed vaguely.

"Such a rare talent! Why did you change jobs at that time? What a waste!!!" Wawa thought for a moment, and then said, "But you also reached the top in the assault hand, so it can't be said to be a waste, but good medical treatment is already It’s a pity that assassin medical treatment is even rarer.”

Shi Luo exited the map: "It's nothing to regret."

Wawa still feels painful: "I am really favored and fearless ... Why is it transferring? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Shi Luo ignored Wawa, and was about to turn off the computer after smoking a cigarette, but Wawa was still screaming and asking endlessly, Shi Luo laughed: "I don't feel sorry for myself, you feel sorry for me What about you?"

"I just think it's a waste..." Wawa beat his chest and stamped his feet, "If you didn't change your job, you definitely didn't transfer. Now NSN's first medical treatment is you. It's not bad for me to be a substitute for you! Shoes..."

Shi Luo sneered.

Wawa was suddenly aroused curiosity: "Tell me, why was it at that time?"

Shi Luo lit another cigarette.


Shi Luo annoyed: "There was an official announcement at the time, check it yourself."

Wawa said anxiously: "You just tell me directly, I entered the industry too late, and I don't know many things about the past."

Shi Luo said: "The official statement..."

Shi Luo recalled the past, and slowly said: "Because the Evil player's own understanding of the game and the career goal of the healer have already contradicted, continuing will be torture for both of them, so..."

Wawa tentatively said: "Wait a minute, let me translate it in a straightforward manner. This means... Evil is playing healer and quick-eyed, and decided to abandon medicine and become a martial artist, right?"

Shi Luo said, "You can actually speak more bluntly."

Wawa re-translated: "Go to your mother's medical doctor, I'm not breastfeeding anymore."

Shi Luo agrees.

"Awesome, really awesome." Wawa applauded slowly, admiring sincerely, "In fact, I have this idea every once in a while, but I haven't dared to do it until now."

Shi Luo smiled and continued: "...After the full and friendly communication between the management of the FOG branch of the NSN club and the Evil players, the club and the players unanimously decided that the Evil players will be transferred to Assaulters from now on."

"Because NSN is currently full of first-team assault slots, the club will make the next arrangement based on the individual wishes of the Evil players regarding the future of the Evil players."

Shi Luo smoked a cigarette: "Above."

While chatting with Luo at the same time, Wawa opened the official website of the FOG China Division League, entered Shi Luo's game ID to search for his announcement two years ago, and finally found it now.

Although Shi Luo was a rookie at the time, he was already a half-star player. The league official made the transfer announcement back then very formally, and even drew a special poster.

In the poster, there are two game characters standing behind Shi Luo. Standing in the shadow and holding a three-sided six-sided photon shield is Shi Luo's previous medical character. Standing under the lamppost with a submachine gun is Shi Luo's new assaulter. game character.

Wawa hesitated and said: "Although I can understand that you are in a hurry to play medical, but at that time you didn't know that you would be able to reach the top after switching to Assault, so you just switched rashly... This is too stupid... …Um."

Shi Luo said for him: "Too stupid."

Shi Luo took another puff of cigarette: "It's true that I was an idiot at the time, but that's not the reason for changing jobs."

Wawa became even more curious in an instant: "Then why?!"

Shi Luo stubbed out the cigarette butt: "I won't tell you, I'll download it." After saying that, Shi Luo turned off the computer and went to sleep.

Shi Luo left as soon as he said that, and the fans in Wawa's live broadcast room who were listening to the two chatting enthusiastically immediately exploded. Wawa was afraid that he would accidentally say something wrong and bring Shi Luo's rhythm, so he hurriedly turned off the live broadcast.

In the training room of the NSN team, the captain Gu Gan got up to pour water, and Wawa took off his earphones and asked casually: "Captain, when Shishen was in our team, why did he suddenly switch to the assaulter?"

Gu Gan paused, turned his head to look at the person by the window who had been playing with his mobile phone: "He did it."

Wawa was dumbfounded: "Yu Shen?"

Wawa thought: "That's not right, didn't Yu Shen already go to the European competition area at that time? How could..."

"It's because we're not on the same team anymore." Gu Gan said with a calm face, "At that time, our division had an appointment with the European team for a practice match. It happened that we played with the new team formed by Yu Sui, and Shi Luo was my healer. We played three times. We lost three rounds, Shi Luo was targeted throughout the entire three rounds, and in the last round... Shi Luo seemed to have never been able to produce a rebirth stone except at the beginning of the game."

Wawa was terrified: "Isn't that worse than what I am today?!"

"What are you doing today?" Gu Gan said, "Back then, the European team stepped on our reincarnation stone and tortured us, killing them when they were resurrected, and killing them when they were resurrected. They also deliberately asked their medical practitioners to kill people, just him, Yu Sui."

"At that time, we had already voted and retreated on the map in the last game. We really couldn't beat it. There was no point in wasting time. Only Shi Luo didn't vote. He was alone in the map. He stood up when he died, and he died after standing up..."

In the FOG game, after the player character is injured, there will be scars and bloodstains. Even if he is resurrected in the same game, the scars and bloodstains on the character will not disappear. If you are repeatedly killed and resurrected...

Wawa thought about the scene for a while, and then asked with difficulty: "How many times have you died?"

"34 times." Gu Gan looked at Yu Sui who was still playing with his phone, "Right?"

Wawa couldn't believe it: "34 times?!!!"

Yu Sui was still looking at his phone, when he heard this, he hummed.

In that game back then, Shi Luo's game character was covered in wounds, half of his face was soaked in blood, beyond recognition.

Wawa said with difficulty: "...he was just sold by you at that time, Yu Shen, you are going to be a villain."

Yu Sui was in a trance for a moment, then smiled and said to himself: "If I wasn't in Hot Blood, I would have been a villain long ago."

"That's right." Gu Gan said, "In my impression, the trolls in the domestic e-sports circle have only fought against each other twice. The first time was because Yu Sui led the team to transfer to Europe, and the second time was because of the three Shi Luos. It was sold twice within a month."

"The trolls in all the forums made a concerted effort to publicize it, making a rhythm video and posting photos to smear it everywhere... All they had to do was raise money and hire murderers to go to Europe to destroy Yu Sui's hand."

Gu Gan summed up silently: "The No.1 of unified e-sports trolls, Whisper, Yu Sui."

Yu Sui smiled: "The face of the card."

Wawa looked at Yu Sui in embarrassment, but didn't dare to follow along with the teasing, and continued to arrange the game by herself.

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