Shi Luo looked at this familiar non-mainstream text, and the corner of his mouth twitched, but his throat seemed to be blocked suddenly.

When the two first met, Yu Sui firmly believed that he belonged to the beloved family for no reason, and in order to find common topics, he chatted in Martian language every day.

At that time, Shi Luo felt that this was a non-mainstream psychotic minor, and he should have kept him at arm's length, but for some reason, he just couldn't be at ease.Then the non-mainstream boy turned into the league's number one medical doctor, and he also abducted him from the black Internet cafe for no apparent reason, and entered this profession.

In the past, I only heard that seeing Yang Guo missed his life, so what is this?Burying love at first sight and burying love for life?

Shi Luo looked at the screen of the phone, and was about to reply, when the WeChat group of "Love each other as a family" vibrated.

[Puppy]: [Raise your hand, make a small report, training time, a certain assaulter went out to smoke for almost half an hour. ]

[Puppy]: [At the same time, a certain medical doctor was playing games and playing mobile phones to reply to WeChat, multitasking, which was very inappropriate. ]

【Whisper】: [『Are you fucking sick?Do you like small reports so much? ]

[Coach Old Joe]: [? ? ? ]

[Manager Zhou]: [? ? ? ]

【Whisper】: [...forgot to switch back. ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Shocked, what's going on? ! ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Yu Sui, you are playing burial love behind our backs again! ]

【Whisper】: [Shut up. ]

【Evil】: [I'll go back right away. ]

[Manager·Zhou]: [It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t rush, we’re not that strict. ]

[Manager·Zhou]: [Satisfied, Yu Sui's live broadcast effect is particularly good today, keep it up! ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Hehe. ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Does anyone care about me?After all, I am also an assaulter who has won the championship. For the sake of my brother, I was a training partner for Wawa all night! ]

【Puppy】: [#心感陈火#]

【Evil】: […]

[Manager·Zhou]: [Oh, don't be narrow-minded, let's call for a while, go out for supper at night, I'll treat you, is it okay? ]

[Coach Old Joe]: [No problem. ]

[Puppy]: [No problem. ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [No problem. ]

【Evil】: [No problem. ]

【Whisper】: [No problem. ]

After Shi Luo washed his face with cold water, he returned to the training room to continue the solo row. After twelve o'clock, Zhou Huo happily came up to tell everyone to turn off their phones and go out.

For some metaphysical reason, everyone stopped eating hot pot, and instead went to a private restaurant with good local dishes.

"There is good news and there is bad news."

After everyone ordered the dishes, Zhou Huo said: "Let me tell you the good news first. The regular season schedule is out. I will post it in the group later. You can see it on the official website in two days. I have already read it. For us The schedule is very friendly, it is almost a process from simple to difficult, basically all the weak teams in the beginning of the regular season, such as Saint and NSN, will only meet in the second half of the season.”

"Although we have been teammates for a long time, we haven't played together for several years, and Evil has also switched to an assaulter. We need to get in touch. This schedule is a process of gradually warming up for us." Old Joe said, " For us, the playoffs are still stable, I am not worried about this, but whether we can reach the finals in the end depends on everyone.”

"Old Qiao's words are too conservative. I think we can compare pictures in the domestic finals. I'm not worried about this. I'm going to tell you the bad news." Zhou Huo took a sip of tea, looked at the crowd and said, "I just received it. I got the news that the Holy Sword team bought the old American Secret team and the Korean Magic team together."

"What the hell?" Chen Huo couldn't believe it, "They... bought two teams?!!!"

Zhou Huo nodded: "Laomei's No. [-] seed team Secret last year, and South Korea's No. [-] seed team Magic last year were bought together."

Puppy sighed: "The former club is really rich... I thought it was the limit to buy FS three people at once. This time it was even more ruthless. They bought two teams at once, and they started to form Galaxy Battleship again?"

"This is not a team of battleships, this is raising Gu!" Old Qiao gasped, "Three teams fight for one, relying on the constant rotation in the regular season, come one by one, start well, and substitutes who are almost meaningless , and even more almost listed for sale, after a few months of regular season rounds, the rest is the most powerful lineup."

Unpleasant memories were brought back to Puppy, and he covered his face in pain and said, "I was the one who was listed back then. Fuck, I have played in China for so many years as the first starter. I have never seen the water dispenser. When I went abroad, it was resold... What a shame."

Chen Huo said coolly: "I was a substitute back then, so I'm not much better than you."

Zhou Huo was stunned: "It is indeed rich, and this trick is indeed easy to use. The only ones left in this hell mode are ruthless characters who can play psychologically and strong characters, such as the previous Gu King."

Everyone looked at Yu Sui, Yu Sui drank tea silently: "Thank you, I really don't think this is a compliment."

"Yes, look at Yu Shenyang, his hair has mutated." Chen Huo said sadly, "The Holy Sword Squad is really poisonous, too cruel."

Old Qiao looked at Yu Sui: "You don't seem surprised at all?"

"No surprise." Yu Sui said while drinking hot tea, "Before I returned to China a month ago, the senior management of Holy Sword let me off the hook."

Shi Luo raised his eyes: "What cruel words?"

Yu Sui put down his teacup, and said slowly: "The translation is probably... Whisper, why do you insist on leaving? If you go back, we won't let you win the world championship. If you stay, you are still the world champion. Why do you want to go?" Can't you go with yourself?"

The room fell silent.

It was also the first time for Chen Huo to know about this. He asked cautiously, "What did the manager tell you? How did you reply to him?"

Yu Sui said expressionlessly, "What's the matter with Nong."

Shi Luo thought about the scene for a while, and couldn't hold back, he burst out laughing.

Yu Sui smiled: "The accent is wrong, I can speak a few words of Shanghainese."

"Why are you mocking him!" Chen Huo laughed and then beat his chest and stamped his feet, "You see, they are so angry that they bought two teams to attack you!"

"They will buy whatever Yu Sui says, and this club has this tradition." Old Qiao said coldly, "I asked when they wanted to buy FS. Since the club was established four years ago, it has never trained players by itself. They don't care about nationality, whoever is awesome will buy them, but they won't cherish them after they buy them. No matter how many trophies the players have won after playing for them for a few years, as long as the operation deteriorates, they won't even be given a substitute pension, and they will be sold directly. .”

Old Qiao shook his head: "It's not humane, but it does produce results."

"Yeah, it depends on their posture..." Zhou Huo sighed, "I feel like I'm sure of this year's World Championship. This time, I have absorbed players from three teams and supported a four-person team. Isn't that strong?"

Everyone was speechless, but Yu Sui still had that indifferent expression.

Zhou Huo thought for a while and said optimistically: "But in the first year of our team building, we don't have to think so far. It's just a gossip with you, and it has nothing to do with us."

Zhou Huo said with a smile: "It's hard to say whether I can enter the World Championship this year. If I can't enter, I won't even see them. Let's base on the present and think about the league in our local division first."

"NSN has waited for last season's most powerful sniper ROD this year. Although he still has some shortcomings as a medical doctor, his overall strength is even stronger." Yes, last season's championship team in our division. There are also Bisons, which should not be underestimated. Their boss has the same temperament as the boss of the Holy Sword team, and whoever buys whoever is awesome. This season has been integrated again, and the strength has also improved a lot. Hey, the more I look at it, the more I feel..."

"Don't talk about it." Chen Huo said with a bitter face, "Besides, our team should be disbanded, so stop praising them!"

Old Qiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly said: "Don't talk, don't talk."

Everyone concentrated on eating, and after they were full, Zhou Huo settled the bill, and several people got into the car and returned to the base.

On the way back to the base, Zhou Huo said: "On Monday, three days later, our first game of the regular season, um... guess who? Your old acquaintances."

Everyone was a little sleepy and drowsy. They said "hmmm" perfunctorily. No one came to guess, but Old Qiao raised his eyelids and said, "Who is it?"

Zhou Huo hehe: "Team Buffalo."

Shi Luo opened his eyes and closed them again.

"Quick Book has been doing well in the past few years. I heard that he is already the captain." Chen Huo said slowly, "It's been a long time since I met him on Monday and taught him how to be a man."

"Okay, we have to play in the regular season, don't go to the Buffalo lounge!" Zhou Huo warned, "The irritable book is very stable now, so don't pick things up. Puppy, if they want to mess up Remember to tell me the little trick."

Puppy, who is addicted to snitching, is very interested in this: "No problem!"

Shi Luo curled his lips, he is now more stable than the irritable book.

"There's nothing to do next." Zhou Huo arranged his work, and began to look at Weibo happily, "Today's live broadcast is good. Our official blog edited a highlight version, you can go and have a look."

Chen Huo and Puppy were not interested and didn't go to see it.Sitting alone in the back row, Shi Luo raised his eyebrows slightly and picked up his phone.

Free's official blog is probably here to make things happen, and the title of the video is very straightforward: "Whisper's Scumbag Teaching Bureau".

Shi Luo turned the phone video to silent before clicking on the video. The beginning of the video is Gao Neng, followed by the conversation between Yu Sui and Wawa.

Although he took a quick look at Yu Sui's live broadcast room before, but he was not careful after all, Shi Luo glanced at everyone to confirm that no one was paying attention to him, and pulled the video progress bar to watch the conversation between Yu Sui and Wawa several times.

Shi Luo coughed guiltily and closed Weibo.

Nothing to see either.

Shi Luo's phone vibrated, and Gu Gan sent him several messages on WeChat, all of which were pictures.

Gu Gan doesn't like to chat, so he doesn't contact Shi Luo very often. Shi Luo clicked on it and saw some screenshots of chat records.

After seeing clearly whose chat record it was, Shi Luo's Adam's apple twitched.

[GU]: [Wawa has always been like this, he is familiar with a few good assault players, it’s okay to often score together, it’s okay if you can’t make an appointment. ]

[GU]: [He is a little afraid of me, basically he doesn't fight with me, and he doesn't like to fight with our team's assaulter Xinran, Xinran owes his mouth to him and loves to bb him. ]

[GU]: [Small things, if he can't date Evil, he will go out with someone else, no one takes it seriously. ]

【Whisper】: [It’s okay if there’s nothing to do. ]

[GU]: [I have something to ask you. ]

【Whisper】: [? ]

[GU]: [Your nursing nurse is a little bit 6, it's not as good as the Angel Sword. It can be seen that you don't play much, but you are pretty awesome. ]

[GU]: [This move is your hidden big move? ]

[Whisper]: [...It's sort of. ]

[GU]: [Is it? ]

[GU]: [Isn't the regular season going to catch us off guard? ]

【Whisper】: […]

[Whisper]: [Thinking too much, the nanny doesn't play well, so she won't be in the official competition. ]

[GU]: [Can I trust you? ]

[Whisper]: [Usually, don’t believe me when I talk about tactics with you, but what I said today must be true. ]

[GU]: [Why am I still skeptical, since I don’t know how to play with a nanny, what do you practice? ]

【Whisper】: [I didn't practice. ]

[GU]: [Video link]

[GU]: [It's not for playing, what do you do as a nanny? ]

【Whisper】: [In order to coax the children. ]

[GU]: […]

[GU]: [Are you afraid that I will take a screenshot for Evil to see? ]

【Whisper】: [I'm scared to death, so don't miss it. ]

【Whisper】: [Shi Luo, I'm about to get off the car. ]

Shi Luo blushed when he saw the last sentence. It was obvious that Yu Sui was talking to him through someone else, but he looked forward guiltily as if someone had discovered him while peeping.

At the base, the car stopped.

Yu Sui, who was sitting in the front row, put on his team uniform and said with a normal expression, "Don't even look at WeChat, just download it."

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