Yu Sui clicked on Friend Agree, and clicked on the in-game friend interface. In Yu Sui's empty friend interface, there was only Shi Luo.

Yu Sui looked at Shi Luo's profile picture for a long time, then continued to enter the queuing interface and clicked on queuing.

The random team formation of teammates in the game is not so random. The system will arrange players who are close to each other in the same game. There are only so many players in the top tier of the national server. It is really not a small probability event. The two have not met in two years , but it was innately isolated by the two servers of the national server and the European server.

On the other side, Shi Luo continued to line up after a while, but the two of them didn't meet each other all night.

But the rhythm of the Internet has taken off, and the tearing is in full swing.

Every player has fans, basically it’s just a matter of more or less. The number of fans is basically ranked according to the player’s personal level. Yan Hao’s fans can be slightly more, but it basically does not affect the overall law. There are only two people exception.

One is Shi Luo and the other is Yu Sui.

Shi Luo didn't have any achievements when he first debuted, but because of his hometown fans in the home dance area and fans of the FS team, he had already attracted many fans when he had zero records, and he was questioned for a long time before. People ridiculed the culture of the fan circle, but Shi Luo managed to win by himself. After changing his job and becoming an assaulter, his personal ability soared. In less than half a year, he was firmly in the first-line assaulter team, blocking others who said that he broke into the e-sports circle with his face The mouth of the players is enough to win the hearts of the fans, and they are basically invincible in online fights.

Yu Sui is even more magical. He has been above the top since his debut, and his appearance is very online. The number of fans has never been in the same order as other players. Basically, he crushes everyone. I have become [-]% fans, so it stands to reason that I don’t have much fighting power, but my own base is too large and those who stay are diehard elites. It’s good to not fight or grab the years, but if you really hit the red line and tear people up, they are all top ten. individual combat effectiveness.

The fans of the two met, and the result can be imagined.

As far as trolling is concerned, the e-sports circle has its own faction that dominates the pinnacle, and has never met an opponent so far. Usually, the output of other circles is crushed by firepower, and the internal fighting is more intense.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that what happened that night was a chance encounter, but Shi Luo fans couldn't bear the fact that it was Yu Sui who Shi Luo took the initiative to add as a friend. His own player felt sorry for himself, and the fans felt that Yu Sui should reveal his identity at the beginning of the show. In the end, I don't say that this is a deliberate deception, but when it comes to deception, it's more about the past. If I don't tear up this scumbag, I'm sorry for the breakfast money that Shi Luo transferred to Yu Sui back then!Everyone turned on the mic enthusiastically, and first blew up Yu Sui's personal forum.

Although Yu Sui's fans have always been flattered and refrained from complaining, it's okay for others to complain, so why Shi Luo?It wasn't our Whisper back then, you Shi Luo is still dancing disco in the live broadcast room, after all, you are a professional guide, don't you miss any old love?Do you still have a conscience at a young age?

Yu Sui and Shi Luo hadn't met in two years, and the fans on both sides hadn't fought on a large scale for a long time. The old and new grudges piled up, and no one wanted to be soft when it was torn apart. It was just that, after all, Yu Sui Shiluo, especially Yu Sui, He has been through many battles for a long time and doesn't care, but the more the team knows the more ruthless things, the fight is like chicken feathers, both sides are spraying and exposing the other side's material from two years ago, why does Yu Sui eat hot pot because the pot can't boil I went to eat the Bison team and got into a fight with the irritable book. When did Luo Ming know that Yu Sui didn't eat breakfast but two years ago he always took Yu Sui out to eat breakfast because he wanted to disturb his biological clock of staying up late and you look at it This little brat really got his way, and Yu Sui later suffered a bloody stomach bleeding and went to the hospital...

The two sides became more and more jealous of their own players, Yu Sui fans ran to Yu Sui Weibo to hate iron and steel, aren't you an assassin medical doctor, why did you suddenly become soft?

Shi Luo was even worse, he was still live broadcasting, Shi Luo's fans ran to Shi Luo's live broadcast room to brush the bullet screen and asked Shi Luo earnestly, why did you still add him as a friend, did Yu Sui take the college entrance examination for you back then, or did you empty-handed Take the atomic bomb...

Before the broadcast was finished, Shi Luo couldn't bear it anymore and sent Zhou Huo a message: [Do you care about it? !Can't you get some navy to brush it up? ! ! ! ]

Zhou Huo is on the phone with Yu Sui.

Yu Sui, who had been queuing alone all night, had rushed to the national server 158. He picked up the phone and listened to the general idea. Zhou Huo carefully asked, "Should I let Evil post a Weibo message saying that the car crashed? It's nothing, the call was pretty good." comfortable or something?"

Yu Sui exited the game interface, "Why do you have to force him to act?"

Zhou Huo laughed dryly, "How can you say it's forced..."

Yu Sui said, "Isn't this coercion? I know that he is not embarrassed by me now, why do I have to force him to express his opinion?"

"It doesn't hurt to express your opinion." Zhou Huo and Si Ni said, "Isn't it because you have been sprayed too much?"

"Don't you say I've always been a scumbag?" Yu Sui said calmly, "I'm not afraid of being sprayed."

Zhou Huo was speechless, and he tentatively said, "I asked without hope, Yu Shen, what was your original plan? I understand that you don't want to put pressure on Shi Luo. You can't always be like Shi Luo, right? It's your appointed manager, can you tell me that it's okay?"

Yu Sui was silent.

Zhou Huo said vigilantly, "Let's talk about it first. If you two want to keep doing this, I really can't do it. Do I have to arrange two cars for you two when you go out to play in the future?"

"The relationship is not that tense yet." Yu Sui said, "I can separate public and private matters, and I will get in touch with him on the matter of the competition so that there will be no problems."

Zhou Huo was a little relieved, as long as he had grades, he could talk about everything else, but he cared about Yu Sui sincerely, and gossiped about it, so he couldn't help asking, "Then...in private? What do you think?"

Yu Sui said, "That's my business."

Zhou Huo smelled something unusual and said with a smile, "What? Are you finally ready to repair the relationship?"

Yu Sui lowered his eyes.

How could he not want to repair the relationship with Shi Luo?

When he first went to Europe, although Yu Sui was still invincible in the arena for a long time, his private state was very bad, so bad that his boss at the time was a little worried.

At that time Puppy once asked Yu Sui if he missed Shi Luo a little bit.

Yu Sui said no.

What do you think?Want him to call him brother?Want him to pour himself hot water?

But what Yu Sui said was a lie.

Although the time spent with Shi Luo was short and there were many external pains, that time was indeed the best time in Yu Sui's career.

Zhou Huo didn't know what Yu Sui was thinking, but hope had been rekindled, and he eagerly asked, "How are you going to fix it? How far is it going?"

Yu Sui looked at the computer screen quietly, and said after a while, "He will take whatever step he thinks of."

Zhou Huo choked.

This is too ambiguous.

Especially when Zhou Huo is very clear about Yu Sui's aptitude.

But it’s good that the relationship won’t be so deadlocked all the time. As a manager, Zhou Huo’s pressure has been reduced a lot. He sighed, “That’s fine, let’s ferment it on the Internet. Anyway, the rhythm of live broadcast or live broadcast is indispensable. By the way, Lao Qiao will also contact you today. Me, I just added a friend, I haven't added Puppy yet, you can push his account to me."

After Yu Sui agreed, he hung up the phone.

Yu Sui pushed Puppy's account to Zhou Huo, and not long after, his phone vibrated.

Zhou Huo formed a group, and there were five of him, Yu Suichenhuo, Puppy and Lao Qiao, and it was full.

With the qualifiers coming soon, Zhou Huo may want to create an atmosphere of love and peace for everyone, and the group name is also very unique: love each other as a family.

Yu Sui looked at the group business card and thought for a moment that he was drawn into one of his seven aunts and eight aunts' family groups.

Yu Sui's phone vibrated violently, and Chen Huo sent several messages in succession.

[Yingjun Chenhuo]: [Whisper, come out to me, ah, ah, ah, I'll kill you! ! ! ! ! ]

[Yingjun Chenhuo]: [@Whisper, @Whisper, @Whisper! ! ! ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Come out, come out! ! ! ]

Yu Sui typed.

【Whisper】: [? ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Video link. ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Smile, may I ask, who is on this account? ]

What Chen Huo posted was the live broadcast video of Yu Sui and Shi Luo's car crash just now, and Yu Sui wanted to quit the group instantly.

3 minute later.

[Puppy]: [After watching the video, Yu Sui's trumpet was stolen? ]

[Coach·Old Qiao]: [After watching the video, Yu Sui's trumpet was stolen? ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Obviously not. ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Yu Shen, do you have anything to say to your brothers who have been fighting with you for several years?Won't you clarify? ]

There is so much ironclad evidence, there is nothing to clarify, Yu Sui typed: [It's me. ]

[Puppy]: [I slowly typed a small question mark. ]

[Old Qiao]: [... the mood is a bit complicated. ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Smile, smile, smile. ]

[Yingjun Chenhuo]: [Yu Shen, it's not easy, you've hidden it well for so many years, so you know how to play tricks. ]

[Puppy]: [+1, I just found out today that my medical practitioner knows how to play with milk. ]

【Old Joe】: […]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Here is the microphone, Old Qiao, you and Yu Sui have been on the same team for the longest time, please turn on the microphone. ]

【Old Joe】: […]

[Old Qiao]: [When Yu Sui first joined the team, I once asked him if he would play as a traditional healer. ]

[Old Qiao]: [Yu Sui said, no. ]

[Old Qiao]: [If you talk about playing hard, the operation is very eye-catching. ]

[Old Qiao]: [At that time, everyone was very young and innocent. He said it, and I believed it. ]

Yu Sui typed: [It's true that I don't play as well as Assassin, am I wrong? ]

[Old Qiao]: [It’s not as good, but that operation is called hot eyes? ]

[Old Qiao]: [Am I unworthy? ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Am I unworthy? ]

[Puppy]: [Am I unworthy? ]

【Whisper】: […]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [How did I know this?Because Yu Sui Shiluo's fans sprayed each other enough just now, and Ming Jin retreated. I don't know which big brother is so considerate, and suggested spraying enough. In the end, the brothers went to brush Chen Huo with "Distressed Chen Huo" before going to sleep. ]

[Handsome Chenhuo]: [Everyone responds, the old buddies ran to my Weibo together, and each of them posted a "Distressed Chenhuo", and they have already sent me [-] comments. ]

[Yingjun Chenhuo]: [Thank you, I am grateful to the two gods fighting for bringing me to the hot search. ]

[Puppy]: [Be content, no one gives me distress, low popularity and no human rights, so angry. ]

[Old Qiao]: [... I can give you one. ]

[Puppy]: [It’s not necessary, there is only one, which will only increase the loneliness, or nothing. ]

[Yingjun Chenhuo]: [The more I watch this video, the more angry I get, Whisper, tell me, is nanny fun?happy? ]

Yu Sui stretched his neck and typed: [It's fun, I've never beaten like this before, you can't kill people during the whole process, and you have to hide to avoid getting in the way of other people's affairs, I don't know how Angel Sword has endured all these years. ]

The moment before Yu Sui pressed send, Zhou Huo, who had just talked with Shi Luo on the phone, also pulled Shi Luo into the group.

The first message that Shi Luo Jinqun saw was Yu Sui's.

【Evil】: […]

Yu Sui silently looked at the group chat interface, and really wanted to ask God how much evil he had committed in his previous life.

Killing is nothing more than nodding your head, even if you made some mistakes when you were young and frivolous, don't be so stubborn, right?

Chen Huo was heartless, and when he saw another party coming, he even asked a sour question.

[Yingjun Chenhuo]: [Evil, being milked by Yu Sui, are you happy?happy? ]

After a while, [Evil]: [That's it. ]

The corner of Yu Sui's mouth twitched slightly.

He chatted privately with Next Week Fire.

"Send all the chat records in the group to Shi Luo."

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