At the headquarters of the FOG China Division League, Yu Sui submitted the cross-division transfer materials of himself, Puppy and Chenhuo, and sorted out the information of the new team. The procedure was rather cumbersome. After submitting a bunch of materials, Yu Sui and Puppy sat aside wait.

When the senior management of the headquarters heard that Yu Sui was coming, they rushed out to chat with him, enthusiastically.

Yu Sui's return to the local competition area, no matter what the trolls say, the staff of the Chinese competition area league sincerely welcome it. Although the clubs in the competition area do not distinguish between nationalities, everyone still prefers local players to play for the local competition area. A player like Yu Sui.

The higher-ups gave Yu Sui the green light, and they were not strict about submitting the materials of the new club for approval. They even repeatedly asked Yu Sui if he needed help, saying that they could help deploy staff, and they could also second a few people to help the new team. If the team members are missing, they are also willing to help contact other teams and negotiate the transfer of players who are willing to transfer.

Old Qiao had retired in the local competition more than half a year ago. His hand injury was serious, and it was impossible for him to come back. Now that Yu Suichen and Puppy are back, it is obvious that he still needs an assaulter. The meaning of the higher-ups is obvious. Sui contacted a strong and suitable striker.

The executives were very positive, "The qualifiers are about to start, you can't play with three of you?"

Puppy said aside, "I have already negotiated with NSN and seconded their people."

The executives were very surprised, and said in a daze, "Uh... Then I need to remind you that you are a secondary team now, if you are not transferring players, but only seconding players, then you can only secondment players of the same level as your team, that is to say You can only second the players of the NSN second team."

"Neither from the second team." Puppy said, "One of their youth trainees, a kid who performed well among the NSN youth trainees, doesn't have many opportunities for rookies to compete. Both NSN and him want to participate in a few more games. Yes, it has been agreed that if he performs well in the qualifiers, he will be able to go to the second team after returning to NSN after the secondment."

"You... are you training newcomers for NSN?" The executives were dumbfounded, "Isn't this too dangerous? What if the qualifiers fail..."

Puppy shrugged, "Then Whisper will be going to a minor league team for the first time."

The executive couldn't help laughing, "That's impossible... Even if a newcomer is added, the qualifiers will be stable, but NSN will owe you favors this time, and they will train for them again."

The executives are still very curious, "After the secondment is over, you are still three people, and there is still a lack of an assaulter. Has it not been selected yet? The qualifiers will end soon, and the regular season of this season will start soon. The time is still very tight. of."

Yu Sui paused, and before he could speak, Puppy said, "We already have our own secret weapon, but the other party is still in the contract period, so it's inconvenient to disclose it."

The higher-ups looked clear, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, that's good, then we will wait and see, and one last time, Whisper, welcome back."

Yu Sui nodded, got the approved materials and left with Puppy.

The new base has been sorted out, Yu Sui and Puppy left the headquarters to go to the new team base.

On the way, Yu Sui continued to close his eyes to rest his mind, Puppy slowly took out his earphones and continued to listen to the cross talk, the two of them were speechless for a long time.

Half an hour later, Puppy took off his earphones, looked at the roof of the car for a while and suddenly said, "Yu Sui, I've always wanted to ask you one thing... I wanted to ask you two years ago, but before I could ask, it came out." Forcing things, it will be inconvenient to mention this later, since you are back now, it should be fine to ask, I just want to know, you..."

Yu Sui closed his eyes and said, "I like him."

Puppy didn't want Yu Sui to admit it so quickly, he was stunned, touched his chest, and sighed, "Several tortures."

Yu Sui said calmly, "There were too many bad things at that time, but it's really not because of this, so you don't have to torture my heart for me."

Puppy asked again, "Does Shi Luo know?"

Yu Sui shook his head.

Puppy clutched his chest again, "It's too cruel."

Puppy knew the situation at that time in his heart, it was better for Shi Luo not to know, but he still felt at a loss for Yu Sui, "It's better to be impulsive back then."

Yu Sui didn't speak.

Puppy turned to look at Yu Sui, "What? You don't regret it?"

"I don't regret it, I'm very glad." Yu Sui said lightly, "I was too young back then, and when I encountered that situation... I didn't handle many things well enough, too impulsive, too intense."

Yu Sui's tone was calm, "It's unnecessary to think about it now, obviously it can be more peaceful, we sat down with Ji Yanhan and talked about the contract while drinking tea, anyway, the result is the same, there is really no need to toss yourself to the hospital."

"Who said it wasn't." Puppy sighed, "I was in the second year of middle school back then, and I didn't experience the beatings of society. It was the first time I encountered such a dog. Really... a person who cherishes my life like this, I wanted to die with him in the past, So stupid."

"No." Puppy was taken aback, "I'm asking you if you don't regret falling in love with Shi Luo, and if you don't regret not telling Shi Luo, what are you talking about Ji Yanhan? Who asked you?"

Yu Sui said, "I don't regret it, I said it."

Puppy looked at Yu Sui carefully, "You really don't regret it?"

Yu Sui shook his head, and said lightly, "Although there is nothing wrong with it, I have always cherished the few months I have known him. He was...very good at that time."

In just a few months, many details are still hidden in Yu Sui's memory. Two years ago, Yu Sui was tortured by these memories and wished he could forget Shi Luo. Willing to accept the good and the bad, "Shi Luo is my first love, and the only person I have ever liked, who would regret liking his first love?"

Puppy thought about it, and he nodded, "Where is Luo at that time? Does he like you? No... he's so fucking straight?!"

Yu Sui closed his eyes again, not wanting to talk anymore, "I don't know."

Puppy covered his chest again, "FOG's torture drama...but if you don't like him anymore, it doesn't matter, hey, hey?"

Puppy pushed Yu Sui, "Don't you like it? You were so calm just now, maybe you didn't like it? You've let go of what you said, so I feel better."

Yu Sui ignored Puppy.

Puppy has no choice but to say, "Let's talk about it, alas... Luo will move here in less than a month, why do I feel worried and have a little bit of expectation when I think of the picture of you two under the same roof... "

Yu Sui said coldly, "There won't be the kind of bloody drama you think, so take it."

"I hope not, I've had enough of tormenting." Puppy slumped on the back of the car seat, "Now I want to play peacefully for a few years and then retire at the end of my life. It's really dangerous! I'm famous for a lifetime, almost too late If you don't guarantee that the guest will die in a foreign country..."

Yu Sui ignored Puppy, and Puppy said a few boring words to himself, thought for a while, and picked up the phone to type.

At the IAC base, Shi Luo's phone vibrated.

Shi Luo picked up the phone to look at it.

[Puppy]: [Let's talk about the past. ]

Shi Luo was startled.

A few hours ago, it was Yu Sui who sent a voice message from the Puppy.

So who is sending the message to yourself now?

Yu Sui... want to reminisce about the past with him?

Shi Luo hesitated and didn't reply, but another message came over there.

[Puppy]: [Can we chat? ]

Holding the phone, Shi Luo calmed down.

Not Yu Sui.

The other party typed very quickly, [Puppy]: [I’m coming back, it’s okay if no one picks up the wind, and I haven’t seen a former friend. There are many things that no one talks about. We have been on the same team before anyway, listen to my complaints ? ]

When Luo was typing, [Luo]: [You said. ]

[Puppy]: [It's really not easy for me to come back. ]

[Puppy]: [Do you know?The first year we left, of the three of us, only Yu Sui remained in the Holy Sword team. ]

[Puppy]: [Chen Huo sat on the bench for a few months anyway, I didn't even make it to the bench, I was listed after only two training games in Holy Sword, and then I went to another European division in less than a month a clan. ]

[Puppy]: [Do you know how colorful the team I went to is?There are only four fucking people in one team, from three countries!One German, two Koreans and one me. ]

[Puppy]: [The four of us have signed sign language for half a year. ]

[Puppy]: [I met the Holy Sword team in a match, Yu Sui cared about his old teammates, do you know how he cared? ]

[Puppy]: [During the public interview, Yu Sui asked the host to ask me if I had been given dumb drugs, why I didn't speak and only gestured. ]

Shi Luo held the phone, endured it hard, but still couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

When Yu Sui's mouth is poisonous, it really makes people want to strangle him to death.

[Puppy]: [I wanted to kill Yu Sui very much at the time, but unfortunately he couldn't get out and I couldn't get in through the soundproof room. ]

[Puppy]: [It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the language. If you can speak a few words in English, you can communicate and compete, but you can’t chat in daily life. The German teammate and I have always suspected that those two sticks scolded us secretly every day. ]

[Puppy]: [Facts have proved that they have been scolding us both in their mother tongue. ]

[Puppy]: [You can’t stand the food you beat, and you can’t bear it. The two sticks were finally sold, and two Germans came, okay, three Germans and one of me, I became the one who was secretly scolded by three people . ]

[Puppy]: [Finally, after another year, I made it to the top three in the regular season. Because of my outstanding performance, I was bought back to the holy sword, can you believe it? ]


[Puppy]: [Chen Huo is similar to me. When we first arrived in Germany, we really couldn’t perform well because of language problems. God damn it was bought back by Holy Sword, the three divisions reunited, I really convinced their team. ]

[Puppy]: [When we won the championship last year, it's good that the three of us were all in Holy Sword, but before, Chen Huo and I were really tossed a lot. Many people don't know this part. I think I need to say something. ]

【Puppy】: [Lolo, if you came out with me back then...]

Shi Luo lowered his eyes and remained silent.

If he had gone to Europe with him back then, it would have been worse than Puppy.

[Puppy]: [I can't tell what happened before, and I have no purpose, just want to tell you about my situation in the past two years. ]

[Puppy]: [There was a reason for leaving you and old Joe back then. ]

[Puppy]: [I heard a little about your family later, and I also understand that there are reasons for your fierce resistance at that time. ]

[Puppy]: [It's not easy for everyone, we're going to form a team soon, the past... let's go, how about it? ]

[Puppy]: [I just had a chat with Yu Sui, he almost meant the same thing, the past, the past is the past, no matter it is good or bad, everyone will never forget it, I can understand, but it is not necessary Old things are brought up again, and it is impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong. ]

[Puppy]: [We moved to the new base today, waiting for you to come over. ]

[Puppy]: [After we come here, let's just pretend that nothing happened before, okay? ]

Shi Luo looked at Puppy's messages one by one, and determined that he was overwhelmed in Europe.

Catch someone who can understand Chinese, so you can bb.

Shi Luo read the chat history again and typed.

【Luo】: [No way. ]

【Luo】: [The things in the past happened as they happened, I can't pretend. ]

Shi Luo glanced coldly at the chat history, put the phone aside, continued to watch the substitute's practice match, and ignored Puppy.

Yu Sui and Puppy finally arrived at the new base, Puppy looked at the chat records and sighed, "Nie Yuan..."

Yu Sui frowned, "What's wrong?"

"Look for yourself." Puppy handed the phone to Yu Sui, got out of the car and opened the trunk to get the suitcase, "I want to be a peacemaker for you, but little Luoluo is upright and doesn't accept it."

Yu Sui quickly glanced at the chat records, and said in a low voice, " don't need to talk about this."

"I thought that after two years, he would become a Buddha, and he could turn a blind eye to live like me." Puppy pushed the luggage and walked to the new base, "I didn't expect that, I have experienced the beating of society , and still so jealous."

Puppy shook his head, "It feels like the base will not be peaceful after Shi Luo comes over."

Yu Sui took his luggage and didn't talk, Puppy said again, "Oh, by the way, Lao Qiao told me yesterday that he would have to wait two more days to come, so the position of coach will be vacant for the time being, and the new manager Zhou Huo is almost the same as him. Come here at the same time."

Yu Sui hummed, and Puppy was speechless, "This Zhou Huo used to be the deputy manager of NSN, right? Back then, he tried his best to help you get Shi Luo to NSN? Back then, Shi Luo made such a fuss, and the NSN executives didn't want it at first. , or he kept saying that Shi Luo had high commercial value, so he was reluctantly signed."

"Yes, we have known each other for many years, so you can rest assured about him." Yu Sui thought that Puppy had post-traumatic stress disorder, and said, "Regardless of his character, now that I am the boss, what are you afraid of? Who can't?" who to drive?"

"I know him too, and I know he's good, so I'm not afraid." Puppy said quietly, "I just want to remind you, I heard that Zhou Huo is quite smart about operations, and his wrists are very flexible... I heard It is said that when Wawa first joined NSN, he was not very popular, and the sponsors didn’t even need him to shoot promotional videos, do you know how Zhou Huo dealt with it?”

Puppy tsk tsk, "He took a video of Wawa and Gu Gan's daily routine at the base. In the video, Gu Gan took care of the newcomers very carefully. The relationship between father and son was earth-shattering, and Wawa's popularity soared instantly."

Yu Sui didn't think there was anything wrong with this, "The newcomer's popularity isn't good, and the commercial value can't be realized. He just sits and ignores it as a manager? The players only care about the competition, and the manager only cares about the team's operation. This is what he should do. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just want to say, unlike Zhao Feng's managers who only pull players to the platform to make money, he doesn't bother people, but he has more ideas." Puppy looked at Yu Sui up and down, "Guess, he How will you deal with this situation between you and Shi Luo?"

Yu Sui's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

In the evening, the new manager Zhou Huo carefully sent a message to Yu Sui.

"Whisper, after Evil comes over, for the first month, can you accept to arrange a live broadcast with him for an hour every day?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't play games, you two can live broadcast in the same frame."

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