A few days later, Ji Yanhan flew back to Shanghai, and Yu Sui accompanied Shi Luo to take the next day's exam alone, and started a live broadcast for another day with great interest.

It's been a day since the exam, and Shi Luo's mood has gradually stabilized, and he didn't make any strong emotional resistance anymore. When Yu Sui asked him to say hello to the fans in the live broadcast room, Shi Luo even pulled the corners of his mouth forcibly, barking There was a ferocious perfunctory smile.

Yu Sui was quite satisfied, no matter whether Shi Luo himself was happy or not, he was quite happy anyway.

After Shi Luo came out of the examination room after finishing the last English subject, Yu Sui wanted to take him to dinner. Yu Sui originally intended to let Shi Luo rest for a day, and the two of them would return to Shanghai the next day. He didn't want Shi Luo to leave the examination room and urged, "Call the hotel, we'll check out, go directly to the airport, and hurry back to the base."

Yu Sui didn't understand, "What's wrong?"

Shi Luo was very anxious, "I haven't touched my account for two days! My ranking may have fallen out of the top fifty!!!"

Yu Sui: "..."

Yu Sui was amazed, "Luo Luo, a substitute, it's the first time I've seen someone who loves his job and is dedicated to your job. Your high fighting spirit makes me feel that you are trying to usurp the throne and snatch me as the starter."

Shi Luo couldn't help urging, "I'm not joking with you, hurry up, go back."

Yu Sui had no choice but to nod, he entrusted the car to Ji Yanhan's local staff, and booked a plane back to Shanghai for himself and Shi Luo.

The two went directly to the airport, boarded the plane after eating two casual meals at the airport, they were speechless all the way, when the plane was about to land, Shi Luo finally couldn't hold back, took off the blindfold, hesitantly said, "You...you won't Ask me if I did well in the exam?"

Yu Sui didn't open his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Can I ask?"

For two days, Yu Sui never asked a question such as whether the test paper was difficult or not, and Shi Luo wanted to pretend so much, but there was no room to play, and he was about to suffocate, Shi Luo pretended to be very calm , said reservedly, "You can ask."

Yu Sui opened his eyes, thought for a while and asked, "Is mathematics...difficult?"

Shi Luo tried his best to be calm, shook his head, "It's not difficult."

Yu Sui nodded, relieved, "The question is not difficult."

Shi Luo frowned, and corrected uncomfortably after a while, "...it's not difficult for me."

Shi Luo focused on the word "to me".

Yu Sui raised his eyes to look at Shi Luo, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and finally he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Shi Luo blushed, "What are you laughing at..."

Yu Sui tried his best to hold back a smile, "How many exams can I take?"

Shi Luo tried his best to keep reserved, "Around one hundred and three."


Yu Sui asked each subject one by one, Shi Luo tactfully complimented himself, his little face flushed with joy.

"Hey..." Yu Sui sat up straight, "You did so well in the exam, you're not afraid of checking your score, are you? Why don't you play a live broadcast to check your score?"

Shi Luo didn't even think about it, "I don't, I'm too stupid."

Without waiting for Yu Sui to speak again, Shi Luo said, "Unless you ask Chen Huo to do the math test paper for this year's national exam."

Yu Sui had no choice but to give up, "Kill him, and he will believe you even if you tell him that it is a mathematics paper."

The plane landed smoothly, and the two took a taxi back to the base.

After returning to the base, Yu Sui was no longer Shi Luo's captain alone.

From the day he returned to the base, Shi Luo hardly saw Yu Sui.

The playoffs are about to begin, Yu Sui is bound to win the championship, so he doesn't waste time anymore, he adds two full hours of training time to himself every day, spending the whole day in the training room, Shi Luo, a substitute, has no training games to spare. I didn't bother to go to the training room to watch the four teammates train tacitly. I just stayed in the dormitory and focused on scoring points in the national server.

Shi Luo has always been very satisfied with his ranking in the national server. When he was not a professional player, he could step on many professional players to score points. Now that he has been trained by a professional team, his level has risen steadily, and he has already rushed to the top of the national server. Fifty, when you perform well, you can occasionally break into the top forty.

For a medical doctor, this is basically the capping achievement.

Of course, Yu Sui was not included.

Shi Luo clicked on the ranking of the national server, watching Whisper, who was firmly ranked first, speechless for a long time.

What is a career ceiling?Yu Sui is.

The most frightening thing is Yu Sui's specific data. Shi Luo clicked on Yu Sui's KDA, a healer with an average kill count of 3.2.

That means he takes an average of 3.2 kills per game.

How scary is this number? Chen Huo, who ranks 27th in the national server, as an assaulter, averaged only 6.8 kills per game.

The premise is that Chen Huo, who is an assaulter, has one more heavy gun than Yu Sui, while Yu Sui, a medical doctor, only has a close-fitting pistol and a long military dagger.

In order to leave the public resources to his teammates as much as possible, Yu Sui seldom used pistols, and used more daggers, cold weapons that would not consume any resources.

FOG is different from games that obtain tactical resources while fighting. Most other games obtain resources as players invade the enemy and capture the map. FOG is just the opposite. At the beginning of the game, a total of [-] economy will be directly distributed to the players.

At the beginning, the economy is [-], the sniper is [-], the healer is [-], the two assaulters are [-] each, and the public economy is [-] shared by the whole team.

Of course, the public economy cannot be used casually. Assaulters and snipers can upgrade their equipment and use public resources only after getting a kill, and healers can upgrade their equipment and use public resources only after getting auxiliary points or killing people. .

Whether it is the personal economy that is credited at the beginning or the public economy that can be consumed by killing the enemy, the total is only [-], which is impossible at all, and there is no way to obtain it.

It's gone when used up.

Therefore, players will be very concerned about the use of economy. Once there is too much waste, when all the resources of the team are exhausted without evening the opponent, the game will become very scary.

All firearms have become fire sticks, and there is no money to buy bullets. What is the use of upgrading the best guns?

At that time, only weapons such as daggers can be used.Using these to fight against the opponent's guns, the result can be imagined.

Of course, occasionally there will be a situation where both sides are in a hard battle and resources on both sides are exhausted, and the game is more fun at this time.

Everyone returned to the era of cold weapons in an instant.

The one who likes this kind of bitter battle the most is Yu Sui.

In the early and middle stages of the game, the two sides have abundant supplies, and Yu Sui's operation can hardly shake the gap in equipment and occupation itself. When all the economy is exhausted, the medical doctor will no longer have occupational disadvantages.

Everyone can only use cold soldiers, who is afraid of whom?

Yu Sui likes to win heads in tough battles, he can only use cold soldiers at ordinary times, and he has practiced the most about this, at this time, few people can beat him.

As a medic, one knife is one assaulter.

Shi Luo had seen Yu Sui's kill highlights, and had to admit that there were some things that couldn't be made up for by training the day after tomorrow.

Shi Luo didn't want to score any more.

Even if you can squeeze up a few places occasionally, it is just luck, and you will fall down again soon. When the ranking goes back and forth and stabilizes at a certain stage, that is your current level.

Shi Luo's current level is around fifty in the national uniform.

Shi Luo pushed the keyboard forward and looked at the time...

23: 35.

The four people in the training room were still playing.

Shi Luo was a little annoyed, for several days in a row, eating, talking and listening by himself in a single row, he almost became an invisible person.

He couldn't even quarrel with Chen Huo, let alone Yu Sui... Shi Luo couldn't see anyone at all.

A week ago, they were obviously together the whole time they ate and lived together.

Now it seems that this is another parallel time and space.

Shi Luo was inexplicable, and suddenly remembered a sentence that he accidentally saw when searching Yusui's ID before:

If you are a fan of Whisper, you must be ready to endure the happiness and pain of suffering.

Yu Sui is not bad to his fans. During the offseason, even if Yu Sui has had enough live broadcast time, as long as the fans make a fuss on Weibo, he will start the live broadcast again, contributing a huge amount of traffic to the live broadcast platform for nothing. .

During the live broadcast, the fans will turn on the mic if they let them, and the camera will turn on if they let them. On his own birthday, Yu Sui would even smile and hum two lines of happy birthday song.

But that's only for a brief offseason.

Once the competition period is officially entered, Yu Sui can bear the punishment of being deducted sky-high liquidated damages by the live broadcast platform, and will not broadcast live for several months in a row. As long as he does not want to be disturbed, he will never move out even if the fans hoarse his voice My son spends time in training to do other things, Weibo is also full of grass all year round, without posting a single post for half a year, the whole person seems to have completely evaporated, completely disappearing from social platforms and media platforms.

During the competition period, Yu Sui was only focused on training, and would not give anyone a look, this has been the case since his debut.

Two years ago, after a game, the host laughed and teased Yu Sui, saying that he hadn’t broadcast live for 170 days in a row, and the fans were worried that he was too aggressive to eat and smoke. Shouldn’t he say a few more words now? He jokingly asked Yu Sui on behalf of the fans if he had forgotten his account password in the live broadcast room, and whether he had worked too hard during this time.

Shi Luo had a deep memory of Yu Sui's answer in that video.

Yu Sui said: I must work hard, if I don't work hard, the people who support me will be very embarrassed.

When Shi Luo watched this video, he couldn't help sighing, how could someone speak so righteously and confidently in the live broadcast of Pigeon?

But the result can be imagined, the complete fans who blamed Yu Sui for disappearing instantly forgave this scumbag with tears in their eyes.

What Yu Sui said was the truth, and it was also a very euphemistic truth.

After all, this is not a fan circle, and if you manage fans, what can you do if you don't get results?E-sports, results speak for themselves.

The unique culture of the e-sports circle is not so smoky, but straightforward and simple. There is only one iron rule, and that is grades.

Yu Sui's unfinished words are that if you don't work hard, you won't get results, fans don't have the confidence to fight for themselves and the trolls, and you can only shut up if you are trampled on your face, who told you to do it?

Gossip teasing no matter whether it is true or not, you can only bear it when people spit on you, that is really embarrassing.

What Yu Sui can and can only give fans is confidence.

From then on, every time Yu Sui played Vanishing, the fans were very indifferent and comforted each other. Yu Shen worked hard for us. After watching the game video, everyone enjoyed watching last year's live video. What?Can you memorize last year's live video?What about the year before last?What about the year before last?Brother is a new fan, right?Do I need a link for you?

It's about to enter the playoffs, the fans are so buddhist, and Shi Luo doesn't expect Yu Sui to give himself any more time, he follows the link in the post bar, and prepares for a while while watching Yu Sui's debut year While eating supper, he can also learn his operation by the way, killing two birds with one stone.

Shi Luo picked up his phone to prepare for supper, but before he could choose what to eat, his phone vibrated, and there was a WeChat message.

【Whisper】: Do you want supper?Help you with some?

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