Shi Luo looked at Yu Sui, his Adam's apple choked, and without saying anything, he turned and left the conference room.

Zhao Feng sent Yu Sui out the door, and Shi Luo went back to the training room of the second team by himself.When I saw Zhao Feng coming over just now, he only turned off the live broadcast, and the game client was still logged in. Shi Luo slowly sat in front of the plane, and when he was hesitating between continuing to score points for the queen and turning off the phone for sleep, the friend channel of the game client was on. up.

Shi Luo opened it and saw that it was Wawa.

【Awa】: Brother Shi, can you play a few rounds with me?humble.jpg.

[Awa]: Brother Chen originally said that he wanted to lead me to a higher score, but he stopped playing with my team after three rounds. He said that if he played again, he would retire QAQ.

【Awa】: Brother, I made another surprise attack.

The troubles in Shi Luo's heart were instantly cleared, and he felt a pain in his head when he looked at the chat records.

When Wawa was a nanny for medical treatment, Shi Luo especially liked to team up with Wawa. Wawa had a good temper and worked hard to be Shiluo's nanny. The skills were also good. After starting to learn Yu Sui's style of play, Shi Luo randomly arranged for Wawa and wanted to retreat.

Shi Luo wanted to pretend he didn't see it and go offline, but he had already slept all day, and now he couldn't sleep when he returned to his room. Shi Luo weighed between lying dry and insomnia and platooning with Wawa, and chose the latter.

Shi Luo was typing on the game friend channel, [Evil]: I'll change the trumpet.

Wawa replied right away, [Awa]: Thank you Brother Shi!Kowtow to Brother Shi!Bang Bang Bang!

Wawa quickly said again, [Awa]: But Brother Shi, is your trumpet divided enough?Can you arrange with me?

When Luo typed, [Evil]: The trumpet is also in the top 200 on the national server, how about you?Are you still in the top 1000?What I'm worried about is that your tuba can't line up with my trumpet.

Wawa was autistic, Shi Luo got off the tuba and changed to a trumpet to type for Wawa.

Shi Luo got on his garbled account, [Jyhbdhs]: Group me.

Wawa quickly formed a team with Luo. He found it troublesome to type, so he sent a voice invitation to Shi Luo.

Shi Luo hesitated to pick it up, frowned and said, "I'm upset today, I don't have anything good to say, don't broadcast the live broadcast if you don't even have the audio."

"No problem!" Wawa agreed very happily, and he greeted the fans in the live broadcast room, "That's all for today, I'll download the broadcast first, see you tomorrow night!"

Fans of the live broadcast channel were wailing and begging to stop the broadcast when they heard that they were in the same group as Evil. Wawa smiled and calmed down the fans or turned off the live broadcast.

After the live broadcast, both of them relaxed a lot, and Wawa dared to speak casually, he whispered: "Brother Shi... Are you okay?"

Shi Luo was quiet for a moment and said, "What can be the matter?"

Wawa hesitated and asked: "Yu Shen went out tonight, Brother Chen said he was looking for you, have you guys... finished the talk?"

Shi Luo lit a cigarette.

After a while, he said: "There should be an official announcement in less than a month."

Wawa let out a long sigh of relief: "That's good... To be honest, although I heard that you and Yu Shen had some bad things before, but in comparison, Yu Shen's new team must be much better than IAC gone."

The two lined up in Tuli, and Wawa put primitive shields on Shi Luo and another assaulter teammate and said: "I heard from our captain that he didn't really recommend you to go to IAC when he transferred. Our captains have the same opinion, how should I put it... This kind of purely commercial club doesn't always feel very good."

Shi Luo took a puff of cigarette, and said slowly: "Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Although I am sometimes upset, I like IAC a bit."

Wawa asked, "What?"

Shi Luo said, "Relax."

Wawa was full of question marks: "Why relax? You don't even have a friend you can talk to, especially your manager... You have to leave anyway if you don't start the live broadcast. I'll just say, how did your manager let you relax ?During the playoffs last year, they were all four to three! The day before the knockout round, I organized a wave of offline fan handshake meetings for you! The handshake meeting had more than 1000 tickets and hundreds of fans! He made a lot of money in one go After I had enough, I said it very nicely, saying that this is to let the fans swear to you, you are really a marketing genius."

Wawa couldn't believe it: "That was the day before the fourth and third! Do you know how happy we are as IAC's opponents after hearing the news?! I think the four and three knockouts will definitely crush you to death, cough ...Although I was crushed to death by you in the end, it did affect your state, right?"

Shi Luo admitted: "It was affected, and I didn't make it to the final... Maybe there was some reason."

Wawa said contemptuously: "So I don't look down on him, I don't regard the player as a person at all, even a tool is not so useful, there are too many similar things that I can't count... how easy it is."

"Let me ask you." Shi Luo loaded the bullet, marked a point on the map and said, "If your manager did the same thing, what would you do?"

Wawa instinctively defended the manager who regarded himself as his own son: "Impossible! Our manager never tosses us! We can't do a few activities a year, and the activities are all during the offseason!"

Shi Luo was smoking a cigarette: "I said hypothetically, what would happen to you?"

Wawa hesitated for a moment: "...I'm going to be disappointed, I'm going to die of grief."

Shi Luo said, "Look, I'm not sad."

"No matter what kind of blood mother operation is in such a club, you will only be angry, not chill." Shi Luo said, "Believe me, being angry is ten thousand times better than chilling."

Shi Luo assisted Wawa to let him accept a head: "Everyone is not involved in any emotional relationship. If we get together, we will get together and then we will separate. We are relaxed with each other, so I actually have no complaints against IAC."

Wawa was quiet for a moment, then whispered: "Did I mention something that shouldn't be mentioned again?"

Shi Luo smiled: "You think I'm talking about myself? About my leaving FS? It's really not."

Wawa doesn't quite understand, what else could it be?

Wawa recalled what happened in the clubhouse last night, full of curiosity and heart-wrenching, but dared not ask.

The two chatted one after another. After playing two games, Wawa left for a while, and Shi Luo waited for him while playing with his mobile phone alone.Wawa came back after a while, and said in a low voice, "Yu Shen is back, and returned to his own room."

Shi Luo seemed to have never heard of it: "Continue to line up."

Wawa agreed, and after a while Wawa whispered again: "Brother Shi, I have a question I want to ask, but I'm afraid you will beat me up after I ask."

"Ask." Shi Luo was indifferent, "I have nothing to be afraid of asking."

Wawa groaned for a long time, then lowered his voice to a very low voice: "Brother Shi, have you and Yu Shen ever been together?"

Shi Luo was silent for two seconds when he heard the words, and asked back: "What do you mean by being together..."

Wawa lowered her voice: "That's what it means, understand."

Shi Luo smiled.

Wawa was terrified: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you pretend I didn't ask!!!"

Shi Luo asked, "Why do you want to ask this?"

"Just... you know." Wawa tremblingly said, "I follow a lot of players' super chats, and I sign in every day... I recently watched you and Yu Shen's super chats, and I saw a lot of people who didn't know the truth or not. Thinking back to the state of the two of you last night, I suddenly had such a bold idea..."

Before Wawa finished speaking, Shi Luo said, "No."

Wawa was dumbfounded: "...haven't you?"

Shi Luo said, "No."

Wawa relaxed and said: "That's good, that's good, otherwise it would be too bloody, but..."

Wawa couldn't hold back the little excitement in his heart, and said eagerly: "Brother, can I ask another question?!"

Shi Luo thought he was frank and upright, and there was nothing he couldn't answer: "Anything you want."

Wawa tried her best to suppress her voice and asked: "Someone in Chaohua said that Brother Chen and Yu Shen were together, is it true or not?!"

Shi Luo: "..."

The story gradually turned into a thriller and suspense, and Shi Luo suddenly wanted to go to that super chat.

Before Shi Luo could answer, Wawa whispered again: "Actually, everyone was discussing whether Yu Shen had a girlfriend in the past few years. After eight hours, no trace was found, and then they started gossiping about you, and found that you are even more upright! I don’t have any female friends, and there aren’t many male friends. I was the closest one among them, and then they started flirting with us. Oh, that little joke was so embarrassing…”

Shi Luo had a complicated expression: "Skip this paragraph..."

"Okay, okay." Wawa continued, "Then someone said that you and Chen Huo are actually a little unclear..."

"Stop!" Shi Luo's head hurts, "I'd rather have sex with you! Skip this too."

Wawa hurriedly agreed: "Okay, here comes the important point, and finally an old fan of FS broke the news, saying that Brother Chen and Yu Shen are a couple, the reason is... Yu Shen's first kiss was Chen Shen."

"It was said that FS used to have a party very late. The next day, Chenshen joked that Yushen's first kiss was gone during the live broadcast. It seemed that Chenshen was drunk at the time, and was spread a lot at that time. of."

Wawa didn't dare to ask more questions and couldn't hold back: "So... is it true? Are they joking, or..."

In the game, Shi Luo destroyed the reincarnation stone on the opposite side, and he said, "Do you also believe the revelations in Chaohua?"

Wawa hesitated: "He said it so well that he even knew the place where the party was held at that time..."

"I'll go to your NSN Chaochao tomorrow to break the news, saying that Captain Gu actually has ulterior motives for you, and he also said it clearly. Do you think there will be letters from your fans?" Shi Luo sneered, "Or I will go to Chenhuo Chaohua to break the news in a while. , said that Chen Huo got too drunk and made a fuss on the grape rack yesterday, did some people believe it?"

Wawa snorted, holding back her laughter until her stomach ached.

Shi Luo exited the map: "I don't usually look at these things, it's all boring."

Shi Luo lined up with Wawa all night, and at two o'clock in the morning, Wawa couldn't bear it anymore and went to bed. Shi Luo quit the game and stared at the computer screen in a daze.

The old fan's revelations are not fake.

Just some details are off.

Two years ago, on Yu Sui's birthday, he was admitted to the hospital due to acute gastric bleeding, so the birthday party that had been planned for a long time naturally fell through.A month later, everyone in FS made up for Yu Sui's birthday.

It was said that it was Yu Sui's birthday party, but Yu Sui came last, everyone was bored waiting, and under Puppy's instigation, they played truth or dare.

Shi Luo was unlucky and lost at the beginning.Chen Huo punished him for drinking, but at that time, Shi Luo didn't drink any alcohol and didn't drink anything, so Chen Huo changed his punishment method, and Shi Luo didn't agree.But everyone in FS was booing, and Shi Luo couldn't help being excited at that moment, when he was forced to do nothing, Yu Sui, who had arrived belatedly, pushed the door open and entered.

Yu Sui, who was still a little pale, was kissed half-forcibly by Shi Luo just like that.

Chen Huo's other punishment: just find someone to kiss.

Shi Luo still remembers Yu Sui's astonished expression at that time.

After the two of them kissed that day, the whole private room was booing wildly. Chen Huo never expected that Yu Sui would come at this time, either sooner or later. He laughed half-deadly and said that this was definitely Yu Sui's first kiss. His teammates burst out laughing, Can't wait to post on Weibo to tell Yu Sui's fans that their Whisper is no longer an untouched land.

Yu Sui wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb, then turned to ask Shi Luo if this was his first kiss.

At that time, Shi Luo saw everyone laughing at Yu Sui, who was laughing so crazy, the young man's inexplicable shame suddenly came to him, he poked his reddened neck and said, "Of course not."

Yu Sui was stunned for a moment, then smiled and picked up the pillow and smashed Shi Luo.

The old things, because they came out of Chen Huo's mouth, were passed on, and the story gradually changed to the protagonist.

Whether it's true or not, it's hard to tell.

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