FOG [e-sports]

Chapter 112

The two of them haven't talked since the lottery was drawn, and after watching the lottery, Yu Sui kept chasing his own score without even looking at Shi Luo.

Shi Luo really didn't expect it.

Of course, the fans in Shi Luo's live broadcast room didn't even expect it.


[hhhhhhh, just to remind you, we can see you two chatting in the game. 】

[Some national server players, on the surface, are serious about scoring points, but they are actually listening to the children's live broadcast. 】

[What kind of experience is it to fall in love with a scumbag?Thank you Shizai, I have seen it. 】

[What kind of experience is it to fall in love with a scumbag who is particularly good at teasing?Thank you Shizai, I have seen it. 】

[What kind of experience is it like to fall in love with a scumbag who is especially good at teasing games and playing games?Thank you Shizai, I have seen it. 】

[So Whisper and I are in the same live broadcast room? ? ? 】

[To tell you the truth, I didn't understand at first, what kind of gods and men can conquer our ruthless boy, but now I understand. 】

[Now I understand +1, at first I couldn't figure out how Shishen could be so clingy on the trumpet, give me a boyfriend like Yu Scumbag, I can be clingier than him! ! ! 】

Yu Sui drove Shi Luo's live broadcast room as the backstage, and Shi Luo didn't dare to say anything more. He was too deliberate in wanting to download the broadcast. I can't see myself anymore, and I turned on the camera...

Shi Luo tried his best to manage his expressions so that he didn't seem to care too much. He repeatedly clicked on the game client to watch the queue. The queue time increased a little bit, but he just couldn't get in.

Shi Luo didn't speak for several minutes, and Yu Sui sent him another message in the game.

【Free-Whisper】: [Excuse me? ]

【Free-Whisper】: [I closed the live broadcast room? ]

Shi Luo rubbed the center of his brows, this person started to pretend to be considerate again... He is so considerate, so don't talk in the first place! ! !

The barrage also started frantically brushing Yu Sui to let Yu Sui stay.

Shi Luo cleared his throat and was about to speak when he saw a few unharmonious bullet screens.

[Submitted, is this cute?What's so cute? 】

[The cuteness is sick, it was definitely planned and deliberately shown, the in-game chat can be broadcast live, and the professional player, don't you know? 】

[If my teammate gets distracted and chats with other people in the game when I'm scoring, I'll fuck him...]

[I don't believe this won't delay his game, won't this kind of high-end game be delayed? ? ?Who loses? ? ? 】

[66666, the first few rounds of the national server, paddling and acting, there are still people cute, I am convinced. 】

[He's handsome so he's cute as a teammate, it's fine. 】

[To judge whether a player is useless, first look at whether he is in a relationship, the World Championship...knows everything. 】

[This game is definitely lost, and I feel sorry for my poor teammates in advance. 】

Shi Luo's live broadcast room has always had a lot of traffic, Shi Luo himself also sprays people, and there are usually a lot of all kinds of scams, but now because of Yu Sui's reason, there are more weird and weird scams. The room management of Shi Luo's live broadcast room is limited, It has been sealed and can't be sealed, there are always people copying and pasting and spraying Shi Luo and spraying Yu Sui.

Shi Luo narrowed his eyes.

If it was before, Shi Luo would definitely turn the microphone back and slander, no one owes anyone, you slander me, I slander you, everyone dog bites dog, it is not a good thing, how fair.

Shi Luo is not like Yu Sui who really doesn't care about all bad comments.

but now……

Shi Luo paused, "Don't silence the house manager, no need."

After saying that, Shi Luo hesitated for a moment, clicked on the in-game friend chat interface with Yu Sui, was about to type, remembered that Yu Sui could hear him, and said on the mic, "Whisper?"

Shi Luo said, "Are you still there? If you can hear it, give me an emote in the game, just use whatever you want."

As soon as Shi Luo finished speaking, Yu Sui replied in the game:

【Free-Whisper】: [Listen, speak. ]

Shi Luo said, "I'll send you an OB invitation in the game, okay?"

Shi Luo glanced at the barrage, and said in a deep voice, "Someone wants to see how you played the first five rounds of the national server. I'll broadcast it from my live broadcast room, okay?"

Just as Shi Luo finished speaking, a system message popped up in the game.

[The system prompts that your friend Free-Whisper invites you to watch the game from the same perspective.In the mist, friends follow each other.Do you accept it? 】

Shi Luo nodded to accept.

The queuing in the Shiluo game was automatically canceled, and after a moment of loading, the Shiluo game screen changed to Yu Sui's.

When the OB friend couldn't do anything, Shi Luo simply left the keyboard with both hands, took a cigarette and drank it, looked at Yu Sui's in-game screen on the left, and watched the bullet screen flashing in the live broadcast assistant on the right.

Shi Luo's fans were all saying that it was unnecessary, telling Shi Luo to ignore Hei Zi, and worried that Yu Sui would lose in a while and be led into the rhythm. They were all persuading Shi Luo to turn off the OB, but Shi Luo didn't say anything, just said, "Look. "

In the game, Yu Sui's round had just started less than 10 minutes ago, and both sides took five kills from each other, and the situation was generally evenly matched.

Shi Luo himself continued to interact with the barrage.

"Why do you just hold a cigarette and don't smoke...they don't smoke, it's impolite for me to smoke."

In the game interface, Yu Sui's teammate accidentally gave away a head.

"What if Yu Sui loses? If you win the game, you lose, but you haven't lost yet..."

In the game interface, Yu Sui cooperated with his teammates to make a feint attack, causing the two teammates to put down six purification dishes in one go.

"Are you afraid that Yu Sui will blame me if he loses...not afraid."

In the game interface, Yu Sui dragged the bloody skin back and hid back in the bunker to replenish blood.

"Are you afraid of quarrels...not afraid."

"Have you ever quarreled... have you quarreled, fought?"

"Who did"

"Why didn't Yu Sui do anything? It might be because the Law on the Protection of Minors was still protecting me at that time."

As soon as Shi Luo finished speaking, Yu Sui couldn't hold back a laugh, the characters in the game all trembled, and Yu Sui's low laughter was clearly transmitted into the live broadcast room through Shi Luo's microphone.

In the live broadcast room, Yu Sui could faintly be heard whispering while playing games not far away, "Talking about you well, is it cheating if you always make me laugh? Are you sent by the other side..."

Shi Luo's ears turned red, and he continued to chat with the barrage.

"Why are there so many live broadcasts today... because there will be no entertainment bureaus to broadcast after today's end."

In the game interface, Yu Sui's two assault teammates were a little aggressive and the opponent seized the opportunity. Yu Sui quickly added a shield to a teammate, then went around and cut to the opponent's back, relying on his tricky positioning to end the opponent's attack One of the healers and Yu Sui's teammates died, and the other harvested the battlefield. It was a one-for-three exchange.

"The live broadcast should be after the World Championship..."

In the game interface, Yu Sui's surviving assault teammate originally wanted to replenish blood first, and Yu Sui signaled him to get off the purification dish first, while he himself used as a cover for the assault while replenishing blood and shields for his teammates.

"Puppy? He can't play either."

In the game interface, after the opponent was revived, he went to the side to clean the poison secretly, but Yu Sui's sniper hadn't found it yet.

"The content of the practice match must be kept secret. During the practice match, except for the coach and analyst team, managers are not allowed to enter the training room casually, and live broadcast is even more impossible."

Yu Sui had heard the voice, and made a mark on the map to signal the snipers to cooperate. Yu Sui and the assaulters outflanked, three hit two, and once again wiped out two opponents. Before the opponent revived, Yu Sui signaled his teammates to leave the map alone. Edge, mainly attacking the middle of the map.

"Is this kind of game difficult for professional players? Of course it is difficult."

In the game interface, Yu Sui's two assault teammates kept putting purification dishes, Yu Sui suddenly turned to the bush on the right side of the teammate, kicked out the opponent's assaulter who was squatting in the bush waiting for an ambush.

"It's hard...but divided."

In the game interface, Yu Sui spins the kick and then throws out the knife, finishing off the opponent's assaulter cleanly.

Shi Luo looked at Yu Sui's script-level operations, his eyes lit up.

In the game interface, Yu Sui's side is unreasonable, taking advantage of the huge disadvantage brought about by the opponent's continuous reduction in staff for ten minutes, and rushing forward, crushing all the way to the reincarnation stone, an assaulter on Yu Sui's side can also be a striker. If he is high, it may be that he is of average quality, does not break the reincarnation stone, but steps on the opponent's reincarnation stone to kill, Yu Sui ignores him, inserts a dagger into the reincarnation stone, and the game is over.

In the game, Shi Luo refreshed the ranking of the national server, and Free-Whisper ranked third in the national server.

The black fans are naturally ashamed to use the barrage now.

Shi Luo bit his cigarette butt, glanced at the bullet screen full of "[-]", and there was no need to say anything.

What kind of experience is it like to fall in love with a scumbag who is especially good at teasing games and playing games?

That's the experience.

Originally, Shi Luo just wanted to clear up the rhythm for Yu Sui, so as to prevent the bad guys from complaining about Yu Sui's high-end national costume acting or something. After exiting the friend OB interface, Yu Sui popped up another OB invitation.

Shi Luo frowned, took off the earphones and looked at Yu Sui, "Still OB you?"

In the training room, Yu Sui also took off his earphones, hung the earphones around his neck, unscrewed the mineral water bottle and drank a couple of sips, "You've played enough today, OB has a rest."

Shi Luo pursed her lips, thinking that you are not letting me rest, you are killing me.

Shi Luo did play a lot of high-intensity consecutive games today, he thought for a while, stopped queuing up, and turned on the live broadcast to watch Yu Sui play.

Shi Luo exhaled lightly, wishing Yu Sui not to overturn in his heart.

Yu Scumbag is here to support his little boyfriend, so naturally he won't overturn.

That night, Yu Sui won three high-end rounds of the national server in a row. Before the time set by the team to disembark, after two years, he steadily and smoothly rushed back to the first place in the national server before the end of the season. one.

After the last match, Yu Sui killed people, and did not forget to send Shi Luo a friend message:

【Free-Whisper】: [How difficult is it? ]

Shi Luo's ears were completely red, and the expression management was really impossible. Shi Luo raised his hand to cover the camera, and reluctantly said, "We will work hard in the World Championships, see you after the game", and the shame spread.

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