FOG [e-sports]

Chapter 107

Shi Luo's sharpened kitchen knife briefly maintained the peace in the team.

But he lasted for a while, but he couldn't last forever. After careful calculation, the Free team only lived in peace for less than a night.

At two o'clock in the morning, everyone got off the broadcast, and the base aunt cooked some small wontons for everyone for supper. Except for Yu Sui, they all went downstairs to eat supper.

In the elegant, quiet restaurant full of strong beef bone soup flavor, Chen Huo lowered his head to eat a wonton, then looked up at Shi Luo, ate another wonton, and then looked up at Shi Luo, hesitant to speak several times, Curious to explode.

Chen Huo has been looking at Shi Luo's ears.

Maybe it's to get back to the old self, maybe it's to frighten Chenhuo Puppy and other cubs who don't know how to look at people. Long before everyone in the team came back from Hangzhou, Shi Luo didn't wear him for a while. Earrings are on.

Once earrings are worn, no one loves them.

Shi Luo chose a silver nail with a big tiger head, very fierce and crazy.

Very street, very rebellious.

Shi Luo's thoughts are very simple. He feels that he doesn't need to say anything to remind his teammates that he also had a life in society back then.

Just this earring paired with a kitchen knife, just this simple act, without anger and prestige.

Shi Luo didn't think that there were still people in the team who dared to ask about his trumpet.

But people's sorrows and joys are always ambiguous, and Chen Huo looked at Shi Luo's earrings from time to time, scratching his heart with all kinds of claws, and became even more curious.

What Chen Huo was curious about at the moment was not about the trumpet at all.

"On your ears..." Chen Huo couldn't bear it any longer. After eating a bowl of wontons, he squinted at Shi Luo's big tiger, who couldn't see clearly from a distance, "The ones you wear on your ears The iron nails...the three pieces of gold that Yu Sui gave you? It's a bit did he give you the iron?"

Puppy held back all night and wanted to ask a long time ago, "It's not a new year, what does it mean that you suddenly wear earrings? It just... means you have a different identity?"

Shi Luo: "..."

"It's silver." Shi Luo struggled through his teeth, "Besides, I bought it for myself with my own money."

"Silver?" Chen Huo stretched his neck and tried to distinguish, "Oh, it's deliberately old... Take a closer look, this little thing is actually an animal, what is it?"

Shi Luo looked at Chen Huo coldly, "The king of beasts."

Yu Sui who had just reached the stairwell choked.

Worried that his little boyfriend would be bullied by his teammates, Yu Sui, who took a shower and went downstairs to find Shi Luo, stood by the stairs, almost laughing out loud, his shoulders trembling slightly.

Yu Sui was worried that he would not be able to hold back, so he took two steps up, leaning against the handrail of the stairs on the second floor and listening quietly.

Yu Sui couldn't understand why Shi Luo could be so cute.

Downstairs, Puppy thought for a while and suddenly realized, he patted the dining table, "Yes, Yu Sui was born in 98, which belongs to the tiger."

Shi Luo held his breath, took a sip of soup and said in a muffled voice, "It has nothing to do with him."

"You are not a tiger, so why do you wear a tiger?" Puppy is still counting the lunar calendar, "You are in 00, you should wear a dragon."

Shi Luo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't have a dragon."

"I'll buy one later." Puppy said seriously, "You should wear your own zodiac sign."

"I don't." Shi Luo frowned, "Tigers are stronger."

"Nonsense, dragons are more powerful." Chen Huo said earnestly, "It also has more Chinese characteristics. When you go back to Germany, if you take a Chinese dragon with you, it can be regarded as a cultural export."

"..." Shi Luo tried hard to control himself not to hit Chen Huo, "Don't wear it, shut up."

Chen Huo still wanted to speak, but Shi Luo said coldly, "I can wear whatever I like. I might wear hellokitty tomorrow if I'm happy. It's none of your business."

Chen Huo shut up.

Pressing the gourd to raise the ladle, Puppy thought for a while and then said to Shi Luo, "Hey, speaking of two are quite compatible in zodiac signs, fighting like a dragon."

Shi Luo paused, thinking it was a good word, so he didn't say anything.

Seeing that Puppy had made his point clear, Chen Huo hit the snake stick too, and carefully probed, "You two... when exactly..."

"I won't tell you." Shi Luo served himself another big bowl of wontons, and warned, "Shut up and eat yours."

"I'm curious!" Chen Huo scratched the tablecloth crazily, "Everyone is good as brothers. It was agreed that the monk's temple will go all the way to the dark, and you two will not tell anyone, and suddenly you will get together, which will destroy my base Buddhism. clean..."

"It wasn't sudden." Shi Luo was hurt by Chen Huo's stupid brain, "Are you an idiot?"

"He is." Puppy said coolly from the side, "On the first day in Hangzhou, he mysteriously told me after he woke up..."

Puppy imitated Chen Huo's tone, "Puppy, let me tell you a secret, don't panic, don't be afraid, and don't tell Old Qiao and them, I have an idea, I doubt it... Yu Sui is very sad Maybe it's with Shi Luo's brat."

"It's so stupid that I don't want to talk to you. Really, I suspect that our aunts have already seen it." Puppy took a sip of soup leisurely, then turned to look in the direction of the kitchen, "Isn't it, auntie!"

In the kitchen, the aunt said in Shanghai dialect while packing up the ingredients for tomorrow's lunch, "I knew it earlier, the eyes of the two of them are not right, and they always come to the kitchen together when they have nothing to do. What can the two of them go to the kitchen? Should I wash the dishes... I discussed it with Aunt Sweeper, and the two children are definitely together."

Auntie crackled the choy sum, not forgetting to talk about Shi Luo, "I'll return the knife after it's used up, what are you doing with my knife?"

Shi Luo: "..."

Chen Huo: "..."

Chen Huo asked persistently, "That Zhou Huo..."

"I got it too." Puppy lazily said, "I'm always covering for the two of them."

Chen Huo had a glimmer of hope left, "That idiot, Old Qiao..."

"I know too." Puppy looked at Chen Huo pityingly, "Only you, onlyyou, understand? The sweeping robots in our base may have seen something tricky, only you don't know."

Chen Huo let out a long sigh, looked up and down at Shi Luo, his stomach was sour, "Yu Sui is a good dog, he is a winner in life."

Chen Huo recalled the screenshots of the crazy trumpet uploaded on the Internet, and dared not touch Shi Luo Nilin, so he could only complain wildly in his heart.

After supper, the three of them tentatively figured out each other's bottom line after probing each other. As long as we don't mention the Weibo trumpet that has now become a tourist attraction for Yu Sui's Luo CP fans, before the World Championships, there is still a lot of people in the team. can keep the peace.

When Luo went upstairs after supper, he exchanged a glance with Yu Sui who was in the stairwell. The two of them didn't speak. After closing the door, Shi Luo took off his tiger earrings and threw them aside. When he listened carefully, Shi Luo muttered angrily, "Trash."

Yu Sui tried his best to restrain the urge to do the little god, closed the door, and at the same time, Luo washed up and fell asleep.

The next day, it was still the evil daily supplementary time.

Chen Huo and Puppy woke up two hours early on purpose, Chen Huo was okay, although he didn't play games all the time during the live broadcast, and the time for chatting in between was not long, Puppy was shameless, he didn't open the game client at all, he opened a The camera showed the Free training room to others, and turned the camera from time to time to take pictures of Chenhuo who was live broadcasting, for a while for Shiluo's camera, and for a while to take photos of Yu Sui's camera.

This is exactly what Yu Sui saw when he entered the training room.

"I've always been curious." Yu Sui walked to his seat, "Puppy, is your salary for live broadcasting hot?"

"It's not hot, just paddling, I'm not as young and resistant as Shi Luo, live broadcasting the game for a whole day will die..." Puppy looked back, seeing that Shi Luo hadn't come to the training room yet. At the end of the day, he turned the camera to Yu Sui, and said, "Come on, say a few words, and expand my traffic. At worst, I'll give you some salary for this month's live broadcast."

Yu Sui ignored Puppy, sat down and turned on the phone by himself, "I don't make dirty money."

"Tsk..." Puppy said impatiently, "I won't be able to talk for a while! Hurry up."

There was an unconcealable smile in Yu Sui's voice, "Be careful with your words and deeds, what are you talking about?"

Sure enough, before Puppy finished speaking, the barrage in the live broadcast room became excited.

[Why can't I talk for a while? ? ? 】

[I understand everything. 】


[A certain player's team has really hammered. 】

[Can you still ask questions when giving gifts? Puppy please look at me. 】

Puppy glanced at the barrage, and said hurriedly, "You ask you, I tell you, you have to ask quickly, you won't make any dirty money after a while, you know."

Puppy covered her microphone and asked Yu Sui, "Is Shi Luo awake? When will he come?"

Yu Sui opened the game client, "Wake up, I've been playing with my mobile phone on the bed as early as the time, I guess it's almost here."

Puppy let go of the mic, "It's only 3 minutes, don't wait until the expiration date."

Just after finishing speaking, someone sent a gift and sent a barrage to ask: [How long has Yu Sui been in love with someone? ]

Puppy read the barrage to Yu Sui, Yu Sui ignored him at all, Puppy turned around and pushed Yu Sui's shoulder, "Hurry up...cooperate, what's the matter with me when you fall in love? Are you still a brother?" gone?"

Yu Sui was so pushed by Puppy that he couldn't control the mouse, so he could only say, "Nearly three years."

There is no need for Puppy to retell it at all, and it can be heard clearly in the live broadcast room.

[Take notes and take notes, three years, three years, three years, I know the fuck...]

[Sorry Whisper fans, we really shouldn't have pinched for so long in the past three years, so why bother. 】

[I'm crying to death, it's really been three years. 】

[Yu Shen kills me... I have long said that this scumbag is super affectionate. 】

Another person gave a gift: [Cough...apologize to Yu Shen, I scolded your love partner's Weibo, I was young and ignorant at the time, now I only want to fuck myself, I want to ask if your love partner has ever been angry?We scolded so badly at the time QAQ]

Puppy read it to Yu Sui, Yu Sui said, "I've never been really angry, but..."

Yu Sui chose his words carefully, trying not to speak plainly, "But I doubted myself, once I was scolded too much by you, he sent me a WeChat message in the middle of the night, asking me..."

Yu Sui queued up for the game, he entered the map and bought the initial equipment, and continued, "It's dead of night... Suddenly asked me, is he a bitch, why is someone calling him a bitch on Weibo."

Puppy: "Pfft."

Yu Sui regretted, "You guys...Really, he was coming and going in the wind and rain, licking blood on the edge of the knife...It's the first time someone says that, and he's dead."

The bullet screen apologized wildly, and a group of people kowtowed.

[If you have eyes but don't know Taishan, please let your love partner continue to post daily. 】

【I hate myself……】

[I was wrong, really wrong this time. 】

[I actually scolded the person I love the most for months, and my heart is bleeding these days... I finally understood how Qiao Feng felt when he accidentally killed A'Zhu a few days ago, I hate it! ! ! 】

[Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, please continue to update that trumpet. 】

[The content of the trumpet has been regarded as the bible by us, and I can recite it after studying hard day and night, please update it. 】

Puppy's stomach hurts from laughing at the barrage, and she turned her head to remind Yu Sui to urge Shi Luo to update the trumpet, but the door of the training room opened before she could speak, and Shi Luo walked in with a blank expression on her face. The front end was sitting upright and didn't ask a single question.

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