After groping along the artificial traces of the cave at the foot of the mountain for a while, everyone found the entrance to the tomb.It was extremely quiet along the way, so quiet that one could hear the sound of the wind passing through the hall, as well as the occasional sound of water dripping from the rocks.The light of the flashlight scanned the door of the tomb room, and Wu Xie took a rough look. This should be a tomb of the Ming Dynasty.The flashlight continued to scan the door of the tomb, and a long and thin gap suddenly appeared in the smooth light. I stretched out my hand to caress it, and I could feel a slight cool wind blowing from it, and the door of the tomb was not sealed.

The little brother's visual angle is different from Wu Xie, but he also found the same answer as Wu Xie.He groped for the bricks beside the door of the tomb, pressed one piece like a hopping grid, moved to another one, and finally poked his finger on one of the bricks, and the whole brick was pulled out abruptly.As the bricks were pulled away, the door slowly opened, like opening an old picture scroll, and a unique smell from the ancient tomb rushed over.Everyone moved to the side vigilantly, and only walked in after the dust inside had almost dissipated.Everyone proceeded a little cautiously. After all, the whole journey was quiet as hell, and we didn't encounter any traps or anything.This can't help but make people tremble: so calm, is this an ancient tomb?

"Strange, why is there no lamp in this section of the tomb passage?" Huo Xiuxiu looked at the surrounding walls in doubt. There were symmetrical and neat traces of lamps on the wall of the previous section of the tomb passage, but there was nothing in this section.

"Yes, above the head." Xie Yuchen shone his flashlight upwards, and the traces of the wreckage of the lamp were clearly visible. In fact, he also found that the positions of the lamps were different in every place he passed. "The person who designed this tomb is really unprofessional."

"The owner of the tomb is a little princess who died young. I remember that the epitaph at the door seems to have mentioned that the little princess likes rare and exotic animals, and has no interest in girls' toys. But the ancients' writing is really exaggerated Yes, it is said that the little princess raised a unicorn, and with the death of the princess, it disappeared into this spiritual mountain." Wu Jie continued, "Doesn't the unicorn only exist in mythology? How is it possible for mortals to raise gods and beasts."

Kirin? !As soon as Wu Xie said this, Wu Xie couldn't help but shift his gaze to his little brother. His unicorn tattoo, could it be the unicorn blood pattern?

The tomb passage walked seven turns and eight turns, and finally came to the tomb with only stone statues.The entire tomb was so empty that only the stone statue remained, and there were some murals around it. It seemed that this was the place where the information about the bronze door was recorded.Everyone turned around, and after making sure there was no danger, they began to study the murals.The vast snow-capped mountains, the people transporting things, and the huge bronze door, Wu Xie couldn't help frowning when he saw the abstract place in the photo.The abstraction in the photos is not abstraction, but a trace of destruction, as if someone had scratched it.

"Damn it..." Wu Xie patted the wall, and the most important part was destroyed, as if the battery suddenly went out halfway through the movie. He could know something, but there was no clue.

"Wu Xie." Wu Xie was stunned, and suddenly regained his senses after being so excited by the fat man's voice, "Look there!"

There is a person standing in the place of the stone statue, it is my little brother.He stared at the stone statue intently, causing other people to gather in front of him in unison.It was discovered that this stone statue has only one eye, and the other eye is empty.The little brother pondered for a while, then took out the stone from Wu Xie from his pocket and pressed it up.Click, it fits perfectly.

"This stone is the key." The little brother blocked the crowd and stepped back, only to see that the stone statue moved as if it had come to life, and the mountain he was looking at slowly opened.

A coffin, lying quietly inside.

"Wow, so advanced!" Fatty couldn't help applauding the exquisite skills of the ancients, "I wish I could live in such an awesome grave a hundred years from now, Fat Lord."

"I think it's good, why don't you live in now?" Wu Xie complained.

"Cut~ you fat man, I haven't enjoyed a perfect life yet, why should I live in it now?" The fat man waved his hand, "But if this coffin is opened, there must be many rare treasures inside."

"Your pocket needs to be big enough to carry around." Wu Xie patted the fat man's bag, this time he really felt that the fat man's bag was too small.

"If you don't have enough bags, put them in your pockets and under your armpits. No matter what, you have to get some valuables back!" The fat man unloaded his tools and began gearing up to start work.

The fine wind seems to be flowing, and it seems to be mixed with the sound of some falling stones. The little brother looked around and felt bad: "Not good!"

"It's not good... ouch, I'm going!!"

Seeing more than one wolf with green eyes coming out of the tomb passage just now, the fat man couldn't help pulling out his gun and going on alert, because a wolf with one head is easy to deal with, but what about a wolf with two heads?

"Your grandfather's is really a rare beast!" Fatty's gun was already loaded and ready to go to war at any time.

"Xiaohua, take them away first." Wu Xie followed the fat man's footsteps and grabbed the gun, "We will follow you later."

"Okay." Xie Yuchen escorted the two women into the corridor closest to him, "Be careful."

"Wu Xie, your marksmanship is not bad, right?"

"What kind of marksmanship is needed to beat a dog!"

"Success, you hit the one on the right, and leave the one on the left to me! If you can't kill me, let the little brother go up and make up for it!"

Wu Xie, the fat man, and the little brother, the three leaned against each other in a triangle shape, ready to raise their hands to fight these two monsters at any time.Wolves are smart creatures, seeing them surrounded, naturally it is impossible to rush up and attack them rashly.They walked back and forth around them, sizing up the prey in front of them with haughty eyes, suddenly, they rushed forward, and the howling of wolves vibrated the entire tomb.Wu Xie was not intimidated by such a sound, he pulled the trigger decisively and fired several shots in a row, hitting the wolf's eye, but the last shot aimed at the heart missed and hit the wolf's tail.It was too late to refill the gun, but the blind wolf rushed towards him.


Blood splashed out instantly.

The heads of the two wolves rolled to the ground, and the little brother's ancient black gold knife was covered with blood.


Hiding in the corridor, Xie Yuchen and his party were running forward quickly. There was no trace of damage to this corridor, and it was obviously much safer than it was just now.But along the way, there is a melon that always makes him very upset. He stops every now and then to make a mark, and several times he wants to run back. Alas, if he can, he would rather knock her unconscious, which is more worry-free. .

"Wait, I'll make a mark." Wu Jie took out a highlighter and drew a circle on the wall.

"Let's go first, everyone is wearing locators, it's easy to keep up with us." Huo Xiuxiu pulled Wu Jie back, "Don't worry Wu Xie."


Before Wu Jie finished marking, there seemed to be dull footsteps coming towards them in front of them, and the speed seemed to be particularly fast.Gulu~ Wu Jie swallowed her saliva, and her hands shook uncomfortably.This smell is undoubtedly a beast.

"Xiuxiu, run back, don't look back!" Xie Yuchen was equipped with all the weapons as if he was facing a big enemy, and this time he would inevitably face the monster.

The author has something to say: I really don’t want to write a trailer trailer...

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