The black blind man knew that if he continued to talk like this, it would be the result of an unhappy breakup, so he stopped talking, who told him that he owed him a debt of favor!If he doesn't fix his eyes, then nothing will happen.Alas, all debts are easy to repay, but debts of favor are the most difficult to repay.What's more, Heixiazi thinks that Mr. Zuka has gone too far in many things, so that it is still unknown whether he can save himself now.

He vaguely remembered that a few days ago, the black blind man went to Suzhou to find Mr. Zhong, only to find that his health was beyond recovery. In Mr. Zuka's own words, he had killed too much, and retribution came.Indeed, since he was fed the corpse turtle pill and failed to die, he slaughtered the Zhang family members who ruined his family step by step, and at the same time slowly found a way to restrain the corpse transformation in the process.It's just that the price he paid was too high. Using Gu to attack the poison, although he suppressed the corpse transformation, his life had already been eaten away to the point where there was not much left.

This reminded Heixiazi of his rhetoric back then. He said that he had to endure another 20 years, 10 years to clean up the herd of animals, and the remaining 10 years to pave the way for her.I just ask her to jump out of the siege and be an ordinary person with peace of mind, otherwise he will be too sorry for his wife who died in vain.Besides, he couldn't let his wife wait for him on Huangquan Road for too long. He was afraid that she would be scared, so he had better not live so long and go down to accompany her as soon as possible.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, do you need me to attend your funeral?" The black blind man took a long time to spit out this sentence.

"Then you have to think about it, I can't repay you the favor I owe you." Master Zuka said.

"It's okay." Hei Xiazi laughed, "Father and daughter pay back debts."

Many things are very coincidental, as if there is an arrangement in fate.Wu Xie hid her hands under the table, but her eyes were fixed on the three bracelets on the table. The things that Master Zhang wanted to get together were now lying on his desk.And he also calculated the result of the formula given to him by Master Zuka in the afternoon, which was equal to 1000.Wu Xie is really glad that his math level has not returned to elementary school status, otherwise he would really have to take this formula to the school to find someone to do the math.

1000, a key with three rings, the key refers to him, and the three rings should be the three on the table.Wu Xie stretched out his hand, hooked one of them and held it in his hand. Did Master Zunk leave him this formula to tell him that these three things must be brought into the bronze gate in order to end the bad luck that has lasted for thousands of years?If this is the case, then the reason why Boyouping didn't come out sooner was because he didn't bring this?Wu Xie pinched the bridge of her nose, wanting to say that she hadn't been able to see the situation on the ground and prescribe the right medicine, so the tens of thousands of assumptions here are just empty talk.

After taking a shower, Wu Jie walked out of the bathroom wiping her half-dry hair. She thought Wu Xie should go back to her room, but the bed was empty, and it seemed that she was still tinkering with something in the study.She wanted to walk to the study room with her bare feet, but she thought that she would be nagged by Wu Xie, so she put on her slippers and walked slowly.The door of the study room was open, Wu Jie didn't go in immediately, instead she knocked on the door frame a few times, and she didn't make a sound until Wu Xie reacted.

"It's getting late, I'll do it after I wake up." Wu Jie didn't go into the study, but stood still at the door.

"Okay." Wu Xie put the bracelet back on the table with a smile, then got up and left.

"Hey, why are you suddenly studying those three bracelets?" Seeing Wu Xie getting up, Wu Jie turned around and walked towards the room. Anyway, she is not fast now, and Wu Xie can catch up in a few steps.

"This is the key. If you don't study it, it won't work." Wu Xie caught up with Wu Jie. He held her arm, and then took a deep breath, as if he was about to do something. Like a major decision, "Mrs. Wu, there is something I want to tell you..."

"Do you want to say that you are going to Changbai Mountain?" Wu Jie took Wu Xie's right to speak calmly, but her heart was tight. It seemed that what should be said would not escape the fate of being said.


Wu Jie said the words first, so Wu Xie admitted it very frankly. It's okay, she already has a bottom line in her heart, and it's better than letting her know all of a sudden.But he didn't know what to say next, because the world behind the door was unknown to him, and he really couldn't guarantee whether he could return safely.And, there is always an eventuality.At this time, Wu Xie didn't dare to open his mouth to make any promises to her, because he was afraid that the hope he gave now would turn into endless disappointment in the end, and it would be her who would suffer at that time.

"...Since nothing can be changed, then you go, I'll wait for you to come back." Wu Jie bit her lips slightly when she said this, if she didn't bite her lips, she was afraid that her tears would roll down all at once .She quietly took a deep breath to calm her emotions. At this time, she could not make Wu Xie feel worried, so that he would not be able to complete his work with peace of mind.Turning around, she returned to her usual expression, as if Wu Xie was just going on a long trip and it was no big deal: "The worst plan is to wait for you for ten years, if my little brother can come out, you can too. Ah, Maybe when the time comes, I can take the baby to Changbai Mountain to pick you up."

"..." Habits are contagious, just like Wu Xie is biting his lip now.For some reason, after hearing Wu Jie's words, he actually smiled. He pointed to his temple and said, "My brain is not old enough to rust, so it won't take so long to get out of it." How about this, Mrs. Wu, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

"What are you betting on?!" Wu Jie looked at him cleverly.

"I will definitely come back before the baby is born." Wu Xie stretched out her palm as if swearing to the sky.

"Okay!" Wu Jie couldn't say anything at this time, so she could only accept this bet.I want to say that since Wu Xie has made a promise, she will wait for the promise to be fulfilled with peace of mind.

The author has something to say: The update here has slowed down, because I have already begun to conceive the ending.

Besides, I didn’t intend to write too much _(:з」∠)_The word count of about 10 is already the limit for me to write short stories. (OS: I originally planned to write a short story, but I didn't expect to write so much more, I didn't expect it)

Coupled with the fact that the two pits were dug together, I really couldn't bear it.

Ann, it’s the same sentence, the dug hole will be filled even if you kneel~ so don’t worry about not guaranteeing the quality because it’s about to end~

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