Wu Jie walked directly into the center of the tomb along the robbery hole left by Jude Kao, and saw the mess along the way, and even saw the zongzi that had been chopped into pieces.Her heart was trembling all the time, because she didn't want to see something she didn't want to see after going on.

Walking forward is the main tomb, Wu Jie's footsteps began to lighten up, she tried to call Wu Xie, but no one answered.But when she got close to the coffin, she was frightened by the flickering shadow and jumped back, almost reached out and drew the knife on her back and slashed at it.

"Just like you, you don't know how many times you should die in the fight." When Wu Xie heard her calling his name, he was relieved, but if she looked carefully, she would find that, in fact, his face It was always cloudy, "Who told you to come down?"

"Myself!" Wu Jie swiped the flashlight and heaved a sigh of relief after repeatedly confirming that Wu Xie was safe and sound.But the anxious and angry mood made her raise her hand unconsciously and hit Wu Xie in the face, but unfortunately Wu Xie caught her, "Do you know that I was in a hurry when they said they lost contact with you?" Crazy! I'm really afraid that something will happen to you! Then you still have the mood to scare me!!!"

"Now do you know how you felt at that time?!" Wu Xie let go, only to find Wu Jie standing in front of him in a daze.That's right, five years ago, he was also angry and anxious, and he slapped her directly.She had held her grudge for so long, but she never understood why he beat her.Now, she should understand, right?Because I am afraid of losing.

"I..." Under this situation, Wu Jie's language skills had a serious short-circuit, but before she could reply, the sound of the little brother knocking on the coffin brought her back to reality.

The little brother didn't have time to pay attention to what they were talking about. He walked around the coffin a few times, and finally found a mechanism in an inconspicuous pattern. When he probed with two fingers, the mechanism was completely broken, and the coffin was easily opened.With the opening of the inner and outer coffins, the coffin of the owner of the tomb appeared in front of the eyes, and the rest was to open the coffin to retrieve the contents.Pushing open the coffin lid, put on gloves, and took out the bamboo slips that were pillowed under the head of the tomb owner. Because the bamboo slips have become very fragile over time, they had to be careful in this series of actions.

Wu Xie spread the bamboo slips on the ground, such a brittle thing would definitely collapse when taken out, so he wanted to take the content out, but then remembered that he didn't bring anything like a mobile phone with him, so he looked at Wu Jie, but It was found that Wu Jie was staring at the bamboo slips intently, as if he wanted to memorize them directly: "Just take a picture of this thing and take it up. Once this thing hits the air, it will oxidize and shatter."

"Use the one on your back, it's faster." Wu Jie pointed at herself, yes, she only had a light source and a knife with her.

Maybe it was because she sorted out the rubbings and sorted out her own way, so Wu Jie didn't have to work hard to memorize the things on the bamboo slips. She didn't need to understand what was written on it, she just needed to write down all the words.It's just that when she was about to finish memorizing, she felt as if something had fallen on the back of her hand, and she was bitten hard before she could shake her hand.

"Hey, what the hell!!" Wu Jie flung the thing that bit her out with a flick of her hand, and fell to the ground with a slap.But before she raised her hand to look at the situation, her hand became numb, and she didn't feel a little bit.I scanned it with a flashlight, and it turned out to be a slug-like thing, "Blood-sucking worm?!"

Seeing the place where the light hit, Wu Xie was very surprised. This is not a blood-sucking insect, it is clearly a corpse that was smashed into a pulp by her!It quickly pulled out the rope it carried with it to trap her arm to prevent the poisonous blood from spreading too quickly, but before it could react, the little brother picked up the black gold ancient knife and used the tip of the knife to open her wound, and the blood gushed out instantly.

Wu Jie, who was about to lose consciousness completely, screamed out in pain when the younger brother made such a swipe, but when she realized that it was bloodletting to save her life, she could only grit her teeth and hold back.The little brother continued to make the wound bigger, Wu Jie took a deep breath, she was about to bite her lip but Wu Xie blocked her mouth with her arm.

"This will bite your tongue." Wu Xie held her tightly in his arms to prevent her from struggling because of the pain, and his arm was already bleeding from her bite.

Gradually, Wu Jie got used to the pain and slowly sat up, while Wu Xie was covering her wound with the bandage she carried with her.She moved her fingers a little bit. Fortunately, she didn't hurt her tendons, but she probably won't be able to use her hand for a while.

"Can you still move?" Wu Xie reached out to wipe off the sweat on her forehead, but accidentally wiped the blood on it as well, only to find that his body was stained with her blood at some point.

"Yes." Wu Jie nodded.

"Get up and get ready to run."

You have to run, if you don't run, you will become the ration of the turtle!Wu Xie and the others ran down the road, and many corpses rushed up along the way, but they didn't dare to approach them, as if they were afraid of the blood on their bodies.Of course, Wu Xie also found out, because when he threw the bloody coat to the ground, all the corpses backed away like crazy.

However, the blood on the clothes was not his.


People on the ground were not surprised to see them come back alive, because they have been out of contact for so long, and everyone thinks they will not survive.Wu Xie threw the bamboo slips to Lawrence, meaning that what he wanted was here.However, Wu Xie kept a hand, and he only brought half of it.

"Mr. Wu is really powerful." Lawrence flipped through the bamboo slips with gloves on, and confirmed that the medical records were correct. "I will keep my promise."

After receiving Wang Meng's confirmation that he had received the Atai people, Wu Xie led them to evacuate as soon as possible, but there was no obstacle at all along the way. It was obvious that they really kept their promise.

"Lawrence, did you really just let them go like this?" After letting them go, Lisa was still aggrieved, and after all her efforts, she only found broken bamboo slips, and she felt that she was at a disadvantage.

"I came here at the young master's order." Lawrence played with the bamboo slips, and instantly threw the bamboo slips to the ground.Yes, he only received a message to come and get it, but did not receive an order to take it back.Yes, why take it home?Lawrence raised the corner of his mouth. If Jude Cow died, everything would belong to the young master.

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