When Wu Xie got sick, he had a few days to spare. He found a recliner and lay in the yard with the natural wind blowing, just like an old man who has retired for several years.The fat man sent him an invitation card, inviting him to Guangxi to drink his son's full moon wine, which made Wu Xie sigh that time passed so quickly.

Wu Jie had no class today, so she just nestled in the shop in front of her and sorted out the rubbings. Doing this kind of labor-intensive work all the year round forced her eyes into a pair of glasses. After a long time, she let out a deep breath. Taking a deep breath, he took off his glasses, rubbed the bridge of his nose, and tapped himself on the shoulder along the way.This pile of rubbings, which was about as high as the counter, almost tortured her to the point where she wanted to "greet" Wu Xie after everything was done.But it's good to think about this kind of thing, if she really goes to greet Wu Xie, then her salary for this month will be deducted.

jingle bell ~ jingle bell ~

The landline in the counter that seldom spoke suddenly rang, and Wu Jie picked it up, looking for Wu Xie.

"Boss Wu, call!"

Hearing someone calling him in a daze, Wu Xie got up unhurriedly and went to the front to answer the phone. When he heard the voice on the phone was a long-term business partner, he sat down and talked with the other party in detail.Wu Xie would never let Wu Jie avoid talking about business. He hoped that she could be influenced by what he saw and heard so as not to suffer in the society in the future.But also because of the long-term influence, Wu Jie's personality is slightly more mature than that of her peers.

She doesn't get along with her peers, but she is very popular with the elderly.

When going to Guangxi, Wu Xie naturally brought a lot of gifts for the fat man. After all, it took so long for the fat man to have a family and a child, so he had to congratulate him no matter what.Fatty's wife is a Miao girl who looks like Xiaojiabiyu, she looks like the type that Fatty likes.And the fat man's son, looks like his mother, and his body follows his father.Wu Xie couldn't help laughing at him, saying that his family's next generation's genes were completely reversed by his wife.

The full moon banquet was held in the village of Miao's family, at the flowing water banquet, Wu Xie didn't eat much but was drinking with the fat man all the time.The wine brewed by the Miao family is really mellow, no wonder the fat man always said that he was fascinated by this mellow wine, and since then he has settled in Guangxi and is unwilling to travel around.Of course, except for digging zongzi.

However, Fatty's wife doesn't know that Fatty is a tomb robber, only that he sells antiques and has to go to Beijing every once in a while to take care of his voice.The fat man said, it's good like this, life is easy if you don't know anything.

"Wu Xie, we two brothers will not return today if we are not drunk." The fat man raised a full glass of wine and gulped it down.

"Okay, don't leave without drinking today!" Wu Xie raised his wine glass and knocked on the table, then drank it all in one gulp.But in fact, he was already very dizzy, the wine had a lot of stamina.

"Brother enough!" The fat man continued to pour the wine, he planned to pour a glass for Wu Jie, but he didn't expect the little girl to run off to play with a group of children, "Hey, I said you are so unkind!"

"She can't drink much." Wu Xie picked up the wine that the fat man poured into Wu Jie's cup, still gulping down.

"Wu Xie, you're wrong." The fat man was already a little upset, "This wine is my respect for the fat man, go and ask her to come back and drink!"

"Don't! I said, fat man, if you really get me drunk, I can't guarantee that I will do something beastly." The fat man poured another glass into Wu Jie's cup, and Wu Xie drank it again. Don't let the fat man have a chance to pour wine into Wu Jie's cup.

"You must have done something beastly to him, otherwise why would he listen to you so much?" Fatty's voice suddenly became softer, and he leaned into Wu Xie's ear and asked mysteriously, "Oh, what should you do with her?" It’s not really—is there anything?!”

"No matter how beastly I am, I will never lay hands on her." Wu Xie drank another cup, and then pressed the mouth of the cup with his hand to indicate that he should stop pouring it, and let him take a breath.

"You really don't look like a man!" He put Wu Xie on the shoulder and patted his chest.

"It's because you are a man that you won't do anything to the people here..." Wu Xie pushed the fat man away and pointed to his heart, but then pressed his index finger to his lips.Now that some things have already been said too much, let's stop here for the redundant nonsense.

The fat man was a little dazed by Wu Xie's words. He glanced at Wu Jie, who was fighting with a child, and then at Wu Xie, who was already drunk and shaking his head.It seems that this answer is a bit unexpected, but also a bit reasonable.That's right, Wu Xie is not a monk, so how could it be possible for him to get along day and night for so many years without any reaction at all.It's just... the fat man glanced at Wu Jie again, this little doll seemed to be completely - don't know?


Wu Xie was so drunk that she vomited a lot of things in a place before being escorted back to the room by Wu Jie, and Wu Jie's face was just a little flushed, showing no signs of being drunk at all.It was only after asking that she found out that she drank the Miao family's homemade wine all the year round, and had already developed a certain degree of immunity, and nothing happened after a few drinks.

"I said earlier not to drink too high, how can I carry you like this?"

Wu Jie helped Wu Xie to sit on the bed, but Wu Xie kept slipping and sat on the floor, and because of the stamina of the wine, he became very hot.As soon as he took off his coat, he finally felt a little cool, and a hot towel was applied to his face.

"Tutuotuo, just take it all off! Are you going to catch a cold again?" Wu Jie frowned angrily and helped him wipe some vomit left on his body. What she didn't like was the smell of alcohol , smelling it made her want to vomit, "You don't want to die, do you?!"

"That's right, why don't you die?" Wu Xie was a little annoyed when he heard that, he simply took off the T-shirt that was close to him, come on, come on, if it's too hard, who wouldn't?

Wu Jie stopped talking all of a sudden. Facing the drunken maniac, he would just continue to argue with you no matter what you said.He simply turned his head and washed the hot towel, ready to throw it to him to wipe it off by himself.But as soon as she turned around, she was attacked by Wu Xie: a kiss landed firmly on her lips, and her tongue even started to pry her teeth, and even the whole body was surrounded by his hands, tightening her tighter .Wu Jie wanted to talk, but Wu Xie kissed her even deeper, and he didn't give up until she was almost out of breath.

"I don't mind if you keep messing with me!"

Wu Xie's face was pressed against her hot cheeks, and she didn't intend to let go of her hands, because as soon as he let go, she would either raise her hand to hit him or run away.Wu Xie held her like this for a long time.Recalling the first time I hugged her, she only reached his elbow, but now she has grown to his chin.

"You've grown a lot taller..." Wu Xie's tone was very gentle. In fact, he always wanted to talk to her in this tone, but he had no choice but to talk to her, because he was really worried that she would be taught by him. Bad, after all he is not a good role model.

Hearing Wu Xie's words, Wu Jie's tears rolled down all of a sudden, she couldn't tell if she was angry or sad, but she just wanted to cry anyway.

"Be good, don't cry." Wu Xie held her head with one hand and hugged her shoulders with the other, letting her cry in her arms until she fell into a deep sleep.It was the first time he saw her cry like this, maybe it was because of guilt that he didn't take the next step, but just hugged her in a different position to make her sleep more comfortably.

Wu Xie didn't know how he suppressed his emotions and fell asleep. He only knew that it was still dark when he woke up, and Wu Jie was still sleeping under his arms. He occasionally turned over and found a comfortable position to sleep again.Stretching his hands around her waist from behind, Wu Xie pulled her a little under the quilt, then closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

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