The sound of the flashlight falling to the ground was extremely ear-piercing in the empty space. Wu Xie turned around in a jerk, as if all the pores in her body had exploded.He tossed the ghost seal to the fat man and rushed towards the direction of the sound in the dark. After a long fight, it is common to move forward in the dark. Besides, in this kind of ghost place, either the living are attacking people or the zongzi is cheating corpses. He has a hunch that this is not zongzi. Most likely...

It seemed that I was about to lose consciousness, but the pressure on my neck disappeared in an instant!Wu Jie rolled to the side and coughed vigorously, but felt that her body seemed to be much lighter. She was shocked and touched her back. Oops, the black gold ancient sword is gone!

Wu Xie forced her to carry the black gold ancient knife. Such a heavy weight made her spine ache, but now it's gone! !It's gone! ! !It seemed... Wu Jie tore off the strong light tube pinned to her belt and shone it, only to see that the knife on her back was held in the hands of her attacker, and the scabbard was on Wu Xie's heart!

The cyan unicorn tattoo exudes yin energy all over his body, and his mind seems to be in a state of chaos, except for those eyes, which faintly reveal murderous aura.

"It's me!" There was a little tremor in Wu Xie's sonorous and forceful voice, and his hand holding the ancient black gold knife also trembled slightly following the sound.

"You?" Chaos's sanity seemed to be a little clearer, and the murderous look in his eyes gradually faded away.

This is Zhang Qiling, the man who replaced Wu Xie into the Bronze Gate ten years ago, and the guy who almost screwed her head off yesterday.Wu Jie looked at Zhang Qiling in the rearview mirror with lingering fear. The feeling that her head was almost moved was still lingering around her neck. head!

In fact, Wu Jie is not the only one who looks at people through the rearview mirror, and Wu Xie who is sitting next to the little brother is also the same.After coming out of the tomb, he kept looking at the two people through the rearview mirror. Wu Jie sat in the front row because of fear, and the younger brother sat next to him without saying a word.The two of them didn't say anything, just like two ice sculptures stuck in the car. The temperature in Changbai Mountain was not high before, but now it's even colder.

The car drove to the service area after running at high speed for a period of time. The fat man was the first to jump out of the car to stretch his muscles.Immediately afterwards, Wu Xie and Wu Jie also got out of the car, while the younger brother was still sitting in the car and fell asleep.What kind of world is behind the bronze door? When did the little brother come out? How did he come here these years?Too many questions are circling in Wu Xie's mind, but even if he asks the little brother so blatantly, he can't find out why, the little brother won't tell you anything.

Wu Xie quietly took out a pack of cigarettes and handed it to the fat man sitting on the steps. He only kept one for himself. He had quit smoking for a long time, and he would occasionally get addicted to cigarettes. The fat man smoked one knowingly, and took out the lighter He helped Wu Xie light it, and conveniently hid the pack of cigarettes.

"Are you going back to Beijing or Guangxi this time?" Wu Xie rolled his eyes, and he realized that he was smoking less and less like a man now, and he always smoked slowly.

"I think..." the fat man paused, and opened his eyes slightly to look around, like an owl clock. "Go to Hangzhou for a few days, then go back to Panjiayuan to get some things, and then go back to Guangxi."

"Okay, it doesn't matter how long you stay here." Wu Xie smiled and pressed the cigarette butt to the ground before he finished smoking, and stepped on his feet, "It's better to eat fatter, you look thinner ..."

The fat man has indeed lost a lot of weight. He is no longer puffy, but strong.

"Hey, let me say Wu Xie, I'm really pampered in Guangxi when you are a fat man." The fat man shook off the cigarette butt, "You are a person who exercises!"

"Yes, yes." Wu Xie agreed.

"Speaking of which, Wu Xie, you didn't plan to explore high-end points again?" The fat man knew that Wu Xie had rarely been involved in high-end competitions in recent years, but instead took the little girl to play in the mountains and rivers. Similarly, digging a hole here, wandering around, digging a hole there for fun, seems to be a guide for a sightseeing group.

"How high-end is it?" Wu Xie tilted his shoulders.

"The kind that narrowly escaped death." The fat man clapped his hands, "How about it, think about it?"

"Old." Wu Xie patted the fat man's shoulder with a half-smile, but at the same time he sighed softly. 30 is almost 40, even if not old, but not so young.

"Oh, I said, are you going or not?"

"For now, I don't want to go." Wu Xie waved his hand and walked straight towards the car.

How could Wu Xie not want to go, it's just that there are too many things at hand, and the little brother hasn't settled down yet, so many things have to be pushed back.


After returning to Hangzhou, Wu Xie spent several days with the fat man, but the little brother disappeared after half a month in Wu Xie's house, and he left clues as to where to go.

Shennongjia?Looking at the map left by my brother in his hand for a while, Wu Xie's eyes caught sight of a pile of letters on the counter. It seemed that Wu Jie had dropped them there before he left in the morning. There was a particularly red corner of the letter inside. He thought it should be a red bomb or something, but when he took it out, it turned out to be something from Wu Jie's school, but it was signed by him.

what is this? !Wu Xie opened the envelope, and suddenly saw the word "Persuade" glowing red!Parents need to be interviewed!

"You have to make it look more like a lie!" Wu Xie shook her head, the red letter could smell the oil paint, besides, the letter of withdrawal was written by hand.

Wu Xie didn't go to the school, he just sat in a tea house where he could watch a play, drinking tea while waiting for the sender to appear.The stage was singing hoarsely, and the people in the audience listened with half understanding. After an unknown amount of time, a young man in a pink shirt sat down quietly.

"Master Wu, it's so hard to make an appointment..." He picked up the melon seeds and knocked them on the table, but Xie Yuchen didn't mean to break the melon seeds.Wu Xie is really difficult to make an appointment at some times, for example, during the winter and summer vacations, he actually knows what he is doing, but if he occasionally wants to drink tea with him, he really has to play tricks to poke Wu Xie's weakness.But this time, before Wu Xie Wu Xie could answer, he continued by himself: "Brother, are you back?"

"Yeah." Wu Xie nodded slightly, "But I disappeared a few days ago."

"Not necessarily." Xie Yuchen took a sip of tea, he felt that Wu Xie must know something.

"I really don't know where I went!" Wu Xie didn't seem to realize that when he said this, the tone of his voice had already betrayed him.

Wu Xie, over the years, I haven't seen how much your lying skills have improved.Xie Yuchen was playing with the melon seeds. If he hadn't received some trouble, he wouldn't have come to ask for confirmation.

The author has something to say: _(:з」∠)_I want to write a trailer, but I feel like someone who doesn’t have inventory like me. The trailer seems unreliable, so~~sad

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