? "Oh! This picture is not bad, you have a good eye." Before Qi Yun had time to cut the picture, the black glasses had already moved over.Looking at his photo on the phone's wallpaper, he nodded seriously.

"What's the narcissism? It's not very good-looking." Qi Yun pretended to be nonchalant, but his ears were a little red.It was somewhat embarrassing to be caught using his photo as a tablecloth, she muttered as she quickly opened the folder.

"I still look good in person! I understand." The black glasses patted Qi Yun's shoulder, but only got a blank stare.

In order not to continue to digress, Qi Yun quickly talked about what happened at that time.When Li Cuo and Liang Wan went to Hangzhou to find Xie Yuchen, someone stuffed a note, and then saw these things and videos in the warehouse in Beijing.I also talked about the explosion in the warehouse and the train ticket sent by the person on the other end of the phone. There was only a momentary pause when I talked about calling to deliver antipyretics.

"...Whoever believes this is stupid, but I really don't understand what they want to do." Qi Yun handed the phone to the black glasses and asked him to confirm the contents inside.She really didn't understand what those people wanted to do, just like she had never understood the plan of Wu Xie and others.But Qi Yun was sure that he had absolutely no relationship with Hei Glasses, because she also remembered afterwards that Hei Glasses once said in the book that he was the last member of their family.These people are really bad people who make fun of relatives that they no longer have.

"So it was you who made the prank call before." Black Glasses took the phone and flipped through the pictures for a while, then suddenly asked, "Where's the phone they gave you?"

"Throw it on the train, who knows what's in it." Qi Yun shrugged and spread his hands.The reason why she brought that mobile phone back then was just to make them think she "believed".Although he had seen a lot in the hospital in his previous life, Qi Yun was not so afraid of corpses.But she also didn't want someone to send a bunch of corpses to her home just to intimidate her, the space alone was too much to deal with.

After hearing Qi Yun's answer, the black glasses didn't show any agreement or disapproval.He just patted her head and said, "You haven't given the real reason yet?"

Qi Yun always felt that the frequency of being touched on the head was a bit too high.Although she has almost mastered her abilities at the moment, she can't be said to be able to retract and release them freely.When encountering big mood swings, there are often situations where abilities are activated uncontrollably.But Qi Yun didn't get out of the way, maybe because the warmth from the opponent's palm made her feel a little bit reluctant.

"Because it's fun, I'm here to join in the fun." Qi Yun blinked, and the smile on his face was as bright as the morning sun.

Black Glasses took Qi Yun to find Li Cu and the others. It might not be accurate to say that, but in fact he didn't take her, or even let her follow.But Qi Yun didn't care too much, anyway, it's a good thing he wasn't thrown out.Qi Yun said that she was here to join in the fun, which is not wrong at all.With her luggage on her back, she unsteadily followed the footsteps of the black glasses in the desert.The movement was not fast enough, so he had to hang far away, but luckily he did not lose track.Before the entrance revealed by the collapse of the sand dunes, she heard Li Cuo and Su Wan shouting something.

Qi Yun got in, just in time to see the heroic scene where Su Wan set fire to the white snake to save Li Cuo.The reason for saying heroic is that he himself was burned, and he looked extraordinarily funny with his scorched black hair.The burning giant snake threw away Li Cu and Su Wan, and started on a rampage.Liang Wan and Yang Hao are gone, and their mission is not here.Qi Yun saw the black glasses sitting on a rock, holding a bottle of spray in his hand.

"Are you all right?" Qi Yun looked at Li Cu's trembling legs, and he didn't understand how they could do this in such a short time.

"What a guy!" The doubt in Qi Yun's eyes annoyed Li Cu smoothly, and he didn't bother to wonder why Qi Yun was here, and just yelled at her.If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was a girl, he would have punched him in the morning.

"I'm relieved to see you are so energetic." Qi Yun walked over and touched Li Cuo's head, and was slapped away without any surprise.

Li Cu glared at Qi Yun angrily, but before he could say anything, the black glasses who had been watching the play for a long time had already opened his mouth.

"Oh! But little girl, I'm so worried about you being so energetic." The black glasses played with the aerosol bottle in their hands, and sighed pretendingly.

What is there to worry about?Qi Yun raised his eyebrows and was about to speak when Li Cu was already angry at the black glasses.As soon as the black glasses appeared, Li Cu's anger seemed to have an outlet to vent.He walked towards the black glasses and gave him a hard push.Qi Yun refused to comment on Li Cu's chest attack, and turned to Su Wan to ask about what happened to them before.

After Su Wan said a few words, he was attracted by the popular science classroom with black glasses.When Qi Yun saw that the black glasses were talking about snakes and Wu Xie—and now Li Cuo had to be added—the scientific stories he had to tell, he could only walk around boredly.Even a top student has subjects that she likes and dislikes, obviously the topic they are talking about is not something she is interested in.After finally finishing the complicated topic, Li Cu punched Su Wan.This punch hit the face so hard that Su Wan fell to the ground.

When encountering this kind of thing, the reaction of normal people is mostly to be stunned, and then step forward to persuade them to fight.Qi Yun felt that her reaction was quite normal, she rushed to stand in front of Su Wan without hesitation, and said to Li Cuo seriously: "Yali, you can't hit Su Wan, he is your only little angel !"

Li Cu wanted to punch her in the face for an instant.If it was Yang Hao, his anger would have punched him down long ago.But even though Li Cu was angry, he still had a sliver of reason.You can't hit women, you can't hit women... Li Cu took two deep breaths, and finally couldn't help but push Qi Yun hard.

"You all already know that, right! Isn't it fun to treat people like monkeys!"

Li Cuo couldn't hold back the strength in his hands due to his anger, Qi Yun was pushed staggeringly, and took a few steps back.Unable to stabilize his figure and was about to fall, he bumped into the arms of the black glasses who happened to be walking.She was a little surprised now, doesn't the black glasses don't like to get involved in children's disputes, don't they all rely on kicking to resolve disputes?Qi Yun was actually waiting for the quarrel to break up and everyone would be beaten together, but she didn't know how to say that.

"Calm down, Yali, hug your little angel and run away, uncle is going to beat someone up!" Qi Yun shouted, and was slapped heavily on the head.When she raised her head, she saw a grin in black glasses, without the slightest bit of helplessness on her face.

Qi Yun thought that he would say something like "I just helped you, so I will repay her kindness like this", but unexpectedly, the black glasses pinched her cheeks, pulled her cheeks to both sides, and said with a smile, "You know it quite well!"

She knows a ball of yarn!Qi Yun struggled for a while, but did not break free.He swung out the electric shock baton in his sleeve, and was about to hit the black glasses when the other party let go of his hand pinching her cheek, and pinned her hands behind his back with two or three strokes.Qi Yun really felt that he was quite weak, especially when facing the black glasses.

"You two are flirting and flirting!" Li Cuo, who had been ignored for a while, finally couldn't help roaring.

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