"What about you? Why are you going?" At the moment Qi Yun stepped out of the warehouse, Li Cu's voice came from behind him.The boy's voice was dry, with doubts in his nervousness.

Why?Qi Yun raised the corner of his mouth.

"Of course it's because it's fun." All she wanted was fun, and the degree of danger and possible endings were out of consideration.Sometimes it feels like this is why she came here, after all, she hasn't been this happy in a long time since that person left.

The next morning, Qi Yun sat on the bed, hugged the quilt, and stared blankly at his mobile phone.The mobile phone wallpaper has been replaced with a photo of the black glasses in the warehouse, even though she herself doesn't know why she did it.Maybe it's because they look too similar?Like to the extent of annoying.

Feeling dizzy, Qi Yun knew that he probably had a fever.She should go get some fever-reducing medicine, but she doesn't want to move.People who are sick are probably a little self-willed. Qi Yun just wants to lie on the bed and remember that damned liar.He promised that he would not die earlier than her, but in the end he didn't even let her ring the call bell.He disappeared into the world on his own, and even the hospital bed was taken up not long after.

Qi Yun always thought that he didn't care, even if he did, he was just angry that he lied to him.After all, that person is like a shooting star, still shining at the last moment across the sky.It can't be held in the hand, reason tells itself so.But the stabbing pain in her chest showed her stupidity. After so long, in a different world, she realized that she seemed to like him a little bit.

Really, there are enough stupid.

Qi Yun raised his head, but she didn't cry.If there was a cry, it should have been when he died.It's too hypocritical to be sad now, not to mention that he can't come back.Taking out the mobile phone he got from the warehouse from the backpack next to the bed, Qi Yun planned to use even more stupid actions to make himself forget about this stupid thing.

The phone rang a few times before it was picked up. Qi Yun listened to the sound of breathing coming from the other end of the phone, and said softly: "I want anti-fever medicine. There are no restrictions on the brand, as long as you can use it, you need it urgently."

The other party was silent for a while, did not answer, but hung up the phone directly.I can't take a joke.Qi Yun shrugged, stuffed the phone back into his backpack, and rolled a few times on the bed.Take a good rest when you are sick.Convincing himself with strange reasons, Qi Yun simply gave up going out to buy medicine, and fell asleep lying on the bed.

The doorbell is ringing.Since there had been no visitors to this house for several years, it took Qi Yun a few minutes to react with his head in a state of confusion.At this time, is there anyone here?Rubbing his eyes, Qi Yun staggered off the bed.She didn't even bother to tidy up her messy hair, so she just went over and opened the door.The door opened with a slam, and the girl with loose black hair looked out the door with deep black eyes.The young girl's skin was so pale that it was almost bloodless, but her face was abnormally red.The courier at the door was so startled that he almost dropped the package on the ground.

"Delivering?" Qi Yun held on to the door panel, feeling that the whole world was spinning.The situation seemed to be getting worse again, she rubbed her temples, trying to wake herself up.

The young courier looked at the sun high in the sky, and finally confirmed that there was only a sick girl in front of him.Nodding quickly, he took out a pen from his pocket.Seeing the other person's condition is really bad, I couldn't help but hesitate to say: "You don't look well, don't you need to go to the hospital?"

Qi Yun took the pen and signed the word "Qi Yun" on the receipt.After opening the package, I was stunned for a few seconds because of the contents inside.Then when she heard the courier's question, she smiled gently at the kind young man.

"No, but can you pour me a glass of water, please?"

With the help of the enthusiastic courier, Qi Yun quickly took the antipyretics.That's right, the contents of the package turned out to be several boxes of antipyretics.A phone call was sent, and these people are actually quite considerate.After bidding farewell to the kind courier, Qi Yun retreated to the bed after simply eating something.When I woke up again, it was already late at night.

The fever subsided a few hours ago, and it seems that the medicine those people sent is quite effective.Qi Yun shook his head, got out of bed and found the carton containing antipyretic medicine.Of course, not only to see which medicine is so effective, although this is also one of the reasons.But more importantly, Qi Yun didn't think they would be willing to pay the shipping fee and just send her a box of antipyretic medicine.But if those people are really so warm, she can only call again to thank them.

A train ticket was stuffed in the box, and the person who stuffed it could be seen to be in a bad mood. The ticket was ravaged miserably.Qi Yun glanced at the time, eight days later, the train to Inner Mongolia.She flipped through the ticket, feeling quite strange.Could it be that they can now determine what will happen eight days later?It is not so easy to control Li Cu and others to go to Inner Mongolia at a specific time, right?

Qi Yun thought for a while, and stuffed the train ticket into his backpack.His eyes glanced at the kraft paper that wrapped the medicine box, but he saw something seemed to be written on the inside of the paper.Qi Yun picked up the kraft paper, and saw a small string of numbers written in the corner with an oil-based pen.The handwriting was scribbled but not unreadable.

"Phone number?" Qi Yun blinked and looked again.After determining that this string of numbers should be someone's mobile phone number, it was recorded in the mobile phone address book.

He slept a lot during the day, and Qi Yun couldn't fall asleep for a while.After rolling around on the bed twice, she finally decided to prepare the equipment for going to the desert.There is no time limit for online shopping. Thinking of this, Qi Yun got out of bed and slipped to the computer, and opened the shopping website.

Eight days passed quickly, and in the end Qi Yun still didn't bring much.Most of the huge backpacks were filled with clean water—the last time I made preparations, I ended up dehydrating, which somewhat left her with a little shadow.During the period, she also called the number on the package, but the person who answered the phone surprised her so much that she forgot to speak.What did they give her the phone with black glasses for?Ask her to ask Black Glasses to buy her antipyretics?So he has no money?And why does this person answer all calls from unknown sources?Subconsciously hung up the phone, and the other party didn't call back, Qi Yun felt a little relieved.

At the ticket gate of the train station, Qi Yun saw Li Cu and Su Wan at a glance.She didn't know Yang Hao well, so she automatically ignored it.Anyway, everyone came quite together, and it seemed that her few words of innocuous advice could not change their decision.Thinking about it, without a specific description, it is indeed difficult for a few hot-blooded teenagers to shrink back.

Liang Wan was also there, but they didn't line up together, obviously they didn't come together.Due to the similar arrival times, there were only two or three people between Qi Yun and Li Cu and the others.She waved to several people, looked at Li Cu's dissatisfied expression, and smiled.

"meet again."

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