? After getting off the plane and stepping on the land of Beijing again, Qi Yun took a deep breath.The air was full of dust, but she smiled.In order to meet Yuchen, he flew from Beijing to Hangzhou, was sprayed with anti-wolf spray, and then flew back to Beijing.It sounded crazy, but she was very happy.For her now, happiness is the most important thing.

Shaking his head, the ponytail behind his head swayed, Qi Yun stepped out of the airport, but didn't intend to go home.Stretching out his hand to touch the note in his pocket, Qi Yun walked to a nearby store and bought a can of anti-wolf spray.Same as Xie Yuchen's business card, the note also had an address written on it.Qi Yun didn't know when the note was stuffed into his pocket, and of course he didn't know who gave her the note.But out of curiosity, she decided to take a look at the place where it was written.

Qi Yun followed the address on the note to a warehouse in the suburbs of Beijing.It's not like the place that Wu Xie and his group would prepare, it's too spacious.There are no houses or businesses nearby for cover, making it inconvenient to carry out underground work.If not them, who would it be?Qi Yun glanced at the warehouse door, which was locked with an iron chain and a huge lock.She walked around the warehouse again, only to find a transom window a few meters high.

Qi Yun tried to jump, but couldn't make it.I looked around again, and there were no tall enough trees like Su Wan's.After thinking for a moment, she began to search around.A few minutes later, Qi Yun arrived under the transom on the side of the warehouse with a rope and iron hook found from a nearby truck.After tying the iron hook to the hemp rope, Qi Yun flicked the rope.It's not easy to climb up with this.

As it turns out, it's not that simple.The plot of the main character in the movie is all deceptive. At least Qi Yun threw it under the warehouse for more than 30 minutes in a daze before the iron hook finally hooked on the window sill.But what comes next is the big game.Qi Yun tugged on the rope to make sure it was still strong and the hook was stable, and then carefully climbed up the wall.

It was a physical effort, so that when Qi Yun found out that the transom was not locked, he unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.Her hands were already numb, and the palms of her white and tender palms were worn to pieces by the thick hemp rope.Although willpower can make people a lot stronger, it can't transform Miss Jiao's body into a rough man overnight.Open the transom and look in, the warehouse is pitch black.Boxes of unknown contents were piled up all over the place, filling up the entire warehouse, large and small.Qi Yun was hanging by the window looking for where to step down, but he caught a faint light from the corner of his eyes.On and off, flickering as if to guide her.

Qi Yun stepped on several boxes and got off the ground, followed the direction where he saw the light just now, and found a laptop computer that was turned on in a small area surrounded by several large boxes.I don't know how long the computer has been left, and the screen saver has been automatically turned on.The animation of the starry sky was flickering, and intermittent light came out from the gap where Qi Yun came in.Qi Yun looked around, and the direction she came from seemed to be the only entrance and exit in this crack.

Walking over and moving the mouse, a blank desktop and the only folder placed in the center of the screen appeared on the screen.Qi Yun murmured that this person must be obsessive-compulsive, and opened the folder.There were a few scanned pictures and a video file in the folder, Qi Yun glanced quickly and found a photo of black glasses inside.She clicked on the picture and found that it should be a scanned file of an old photo.The black glasses in the photo look about the same age as now, wearing the clothes of the early Republic of China, and there is a line of words written in Mongolian on the side, the handwriting is a bit blurred.

The reason why Qi Yun could tell it was Mongolian was because her parents had found a teacher to teach her when she was a child.Said that their ancestors were Mongols, let her learn a little bit, don't understand things passed down by their ancestors in the future.Qi Yun is also well-behaved, and has studied hard for several years.Then something happened, so I stopped studying.

Zooming in on the picture, Qi Yun stared at the line of writing for a while, barely making out what was written on it should be "Qiqihar".What's this?Place name?

After not dwelling on it for too long, she clicked on the next picture.It was a scanned file of a family tree. Although it was well preserved, it could still be seen from the degree of yellowing that it was not young.Qi Yun found his father's name on it, and also noticed a name circled in red——Qiqihar.From the point of view of relationship, he was his great-grandfather's cousin, an elder who was too far away.

It turns out that Qiqihar is a personal name, so it refers to the black glasses?The man specially asked her to come here just to tell her that the next time she sees the black glasses, she has to scream... No, it's too far away, she really doesn't know how to shout.Qi Yun was troubled by the title, and clicked on the next few pictures.

Some of the pictures in the back are photos, and some are scanned files of data.There are information about Gutong Jing in it, but not all of them.The content is varied, but the common point is that they are all related to black glasses.Qi Yun couldn't help being curious, did the black glasses know that someone was checking him?Or should he say, did he know that the other party had already collected so many pieces of information?After looking at the picture with doubts, Qi Yun turned on the phone network, shared it with his laptop, and uploaded the file to his mailbox.

After checking the progress of the upload, Qi Yun opened the video.The quality of this video seems to be not very good, the picture quality is not high, and there are always rustling noises.The video shows an empty room with pure white walls, a bit like a hospital.The initial picture was a little tilted, and the person who shot the video seemed to have noticed it, and straightened the camera with his hands.Then seeing that the picture was straight, the man walked around to the camera and coughed.It wasn't until his face appeared in front of the camera that Qi Yun realized that it was her father Qi Lang's face.

In the video, Qi Lang looks haggard.He closed his eyes, as if he was struggling with something, and finally made up his mind, and said in a dry voice: "Ah Yun, maybe you find it hard to believe, but what I'm going to say next is true. In fact, you are not I am the daughter of your mother and I, but was fostered by a certain elder. We don’t know about your life experience. Over the years, I have only found a little information in private..."

Qi Lang intermittently talked about what he knew. More than ten years ago, the man named Qiqihar came to their husband and wife holding her who was still an infant.At first they didn't think too much. After all, they had been married for several years and still had no children. They were only happy to have children for a while.After getting through the joints and Qi Yun's birth registration, the two gradually came to terms with it.

The man left after handing Qi Yun over to them, leaving behind nothing related to her life experience.What's more, Qiqihar never had any contact with them again.Although they are elders, the relationship between the two parties is far away, which is considered normal.However, the couple felt uneasy after all. After years of investigation, they finally focused on several places Qiqihar had visited in the past few years, and the desert in Badain Jaran was one of them.

Qi Lang asked her to find a flip phone from the box next to her, and call the number on this phone when she was in trouble.And told her to leave here as soon as possible. In order not to let the data flow out, the warehouse will explode in 10 minutes.

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