? Qi Yun sat on the seat, pushed out the tip of the ballpoint pen, and poked it on the back of his left hand.With a lot of force, a red mark immediately appeared on the girl's hand.She smiled and poked a few more times.It hurts a bit, but it goes away quickly.Qi Yun controlled his strength very well, and there was not even a bit of skin on the back of his hand.She likes to feel pain, but scars can be a bit of a hassle.

During evening self-study, Qi Yun was unconsciously dazed while lying on the table and looking at the two male students beside him who were playing Go.In the weeks since she transferred here, she'd heard a little about the two.The one holding the sunspot is called Su Wan, who is always indispensable in the world, a creature called the rich second generation.The one holding the white piece is called Li Cu. I heard that the family situation is not very good. His parents divorced half a year ago.In fact, she is not very interested in other people's family affairs, and the same is true of "Qi Yun" in her memory.How many weeks has it been?Since she died and became "Qi Yun".

Things from the past don't matter much.Anyway, it's just a silly story about a girl who was born without feeling pain, who almost lived in a hospital since she was a child, and jumped off the top floor of the hospital one day.In the end, I didn't feel any pain at all, just a blank in front of my eyes, and everything was over.After recovering, I found that I was in another hospital, lying on a hospital bed with white sheets.It was a hospital I had never seen before, and more importantly, my wrist hurt a little.

Her head was a little dizzy, and a lot of memories that didn't belong to her were mixed in it.It took her a short while to figure out the current situation before she was sure that she became this girl named "Qi Yun".This child has the superpower of passing on his five senses to others since he was a child, but sometimes it doesn't work.But it was the ability to be ineffective at this time that made her a "weird" in everyone's eyes.Even if she could control her abilities a little later, she already lost a single friend.

Perhaps because of this, Qi Yun became a troublesome adolescent girl.Depressed, often self-harming, and contemplating suicide whenever he has free time.The situation this time was that Qi Yun had cut his wrist again, and he bled so much that he almost died—to be precise, he was already dead, so she was allowed to enter this body.

She doesn't feel too much guilt about occupying someone else's body. Anyway, it's something the original owner didn't want, so there's nothing wrong with taking it over and using it for a while.A body that feels pain is great, and she loves it.In order to prevent Qi Yun from being gloomy as usual, her parents took her to move house and school.She knew it was meaningless, but she had no intention of stopping it.The next "Qi Yun" may make them more worried, so it doesn't matter if you can follow them as much as possible.

In the new school, Qi Yun's performance has been normal.After all, it wasn't an infectious disease in her previous life, and she didn't spend too much time in contact with people.Qi Yun's appearance is not bad either, fair skin and delicate facial features make people's first impression of her always the same.The smooth black hair falls over the shoulders, so it can be regarded as cute without any special make-up.Wearing a slightly loose long-sleeved jacket to cover her wrists, no one can tell that Qi Yun is a girl who tried to commit suicide not long ago by cutting her wrists.

Qi Yun's popularity in the class is still very good, and within a few weeks, she got along with everyone, and the ones she talked to most were Li Cu and Su Wan who were playing chess.In fact, Qi Yun did it deliberately, just because their names reminded her of something she missed.The reading material when I was bored in the hospital in my previous life──"Tomb Raiders Notes for Youth Chapter Shahai".At that time, she asked someone to bring it here for her, so she remembered it very deeply.These two people were so similar to the description in the book that she almost thought they were characters from the book.

Li Cu didn't know what trouble he caused this morning, so much so that the head teacher called his parents.Now the class teacher is talking to his father in the corridor, the situation is probably not very optimistic.Li Cu played chess with Su Wan absent-mindedly, his eyes wandering outward from time to time.Seeing that Li Cu seemed worried, Qi Yun who was lying on the table lazily said, "Yali, what trouble did you get into?"

Li Cu didn't answer, looking at the corridor outside, he shrank his neck.On the other hand, Su Wan put down the sunspot in his hand, turned his head and said to Qi Yun excitedly, "You haven't heard? Yali, he..."

"Aren't you going to leave?" Li Cu interrupted Su Wan who was about to talk, looking very restless.Glancing down the hallway again, he added, "I think I have to slip."

Qi Yun didn't care much, but Su Wan didn't seem to agree with Li Cu's decision, so Li Cu had to explain a few more words.Listening to his description of his father, Qi Yun felt something was wrong.I always feel that there is some deja vu or something, but I can't tell what went wrong.It wasn't until Li Cu borrowed money from Su Wan to slip away that she came back to her senses.

"Yali, wait! I'll give you this too, and I won't need so much recently." Qi Yun took out a few red tickets from his wallet and stuffed them into Li Cu's hands.Qi Yun's family is still rich, not to mention that she is not like ordinary girls who would go shopping for clothes and jewelry, and it is true that she does not need so much.

Li Cu was taken aback for a moment, but seeing that his father and the head teacher outside the corridor had almost talked, he could only thank him quickly, and then slipped out.A few minutes later, Li Cu's father's roar resounded through the sky from outside the corridor.Qi Yun hurriedly covered his ears with his hands, and looked at Su Wan only to find that he even had earplugs ready, so he smiled and gave him a thumbs up.After letting go, he heard the roar of Li Cu's father again, but Qi Yun no longer covered his ears.

It was loud and deafening.But it doesn't matter!Live again, why care so much?Qi Yun suddenly laughed, making Su Wan think that she was under too much pressure.

Li Cu didn't come to school the next day, and the head teacher said that he had lung disease and would have to take a break from school for a few weeks.Qi Yun suddenly remembered what was wrong that he felt before, isn't this the beginning of Sha Hai?Doesn't Li Cuo have the same name, but really Li Cuo from the sea of ​​sand?She always thought that Li Cu's nickname came from that work, but now it seems that she got into the book herself.In order to prove his guess, Qi Yun didn't go home directly after school, but went to Xiehe Hospital.

She is very familiar with Qi Yun in the hospital, and she knows exactly what expression and words she should use to get these people to agree to her entering Li Cu's ward.The uniform on her body also gave Qi Yun a lot of credibility. The people in the hospital fully believed that she was a good friend with Li Cu in the class, but at the same time they thought that she and Li Cu were a young couple secretly dating.This kind of misunderstanding allowed them to talk to her more, and Qi Yun was very satisfied with the result.

Li Cu didn't seem to wake up in a short time, and Qi Yun didn't plan to run into his parents, so he left soon.After that, she would come to see her every day, and told her family that she was visiting her classmates. Qi Yun's parents also felt very relieved.Qi Yun didn't know the meaning of what he did, maybe it was a kind of expectation?Looking forward to all that is to come.

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