[Comprehensive] A Tsuna was in Yokohama

Chapter 100 The place where we met for the first time

After walking outside the port building, Chuya kept walking in front of Tsuna. He took out his mobile phone, made a call, and stopped after explaining something. He turned around and pointed at Tsuna. , Hook your fingers.

"Mr. Chuya?" Tsuna looked in the direction Chuya indicated, and suddenly realized, "I like pink."

I saw a bright pink locomotive parked in front of the port building. It looked unusually eye-catching. It was different from the one I bought in Sicily. Knowing that is definitely worth a fortune.

The port building is very fashionable and imposing. The front gate of the main building is unusually empty. Except for the guards with guns and the occasional port members who pass by, even if they are very interested in the port building, ordinary people have no courage to step into this area. The best location in Yokohama can only be seen from a distance, not up close. Not everyone has the courage to walk around the port building, but those who dare to park in the port carelessly, this color The only one who is bold is the cadre Nakahara Chuya.

Joke, the cadres of Zhongye bring unimaginable benefits to the port every day, not to mention not parking the car in the prescribed area, even blocking the port gate with the car, as long as the boss does not speak, it is completely OK matter.

A sturdy helmet was thrown towards Tsunaki, who subconsciously caught the helmet and put it on his head.

Zhong Yuan Zhong also straddled the locomotive at this moment. He turned the handle, and the locomotive made a rumbling sound of starting. He raised his finger and pointed to the vacant black leather seat behind.

Seeing this, Tsuna ran over, put one hand on Zhongye's shoulder, pushed hard, stepped over, and sat on the back skillfully.

Unlike before, before Tsuna had adjusted his sitting posture, Chuya raised the corners of his mouth and casually said that it was done, and stepped on the gas pedal with one foot, leaving no time for Tsuna to buffer, like an arrow detached from a bow, In a whoosh, it drove a long way.

Tsuna quickly hugged Chuya's waist with both hands to prevent being thrown out.

"Mr. Nakaya, drive slower!" Tsuna Yoshi complained.

"No! A man wants to drive the fastest car! Or do you not believe in my driving skills? Huh? Sawada Tsunayoshi!"

"No, no, I absolutely believe in Mr. Chuya!" In this speed full of excitement and passion, the boy forgot that he was different from before.

Forgot that as long as he lights a fire in his hand, he can not only run faster than a car but also fly, his white and tender facial skin is tightly attached to Nakahara Nakaya's bowed back, and the texture of the high-definition coat rubs against his face, Both hands tightly went around Chuya's waist, and they were clasped together.

"Idiot!" Zhong also cursed with a smile, the dark red color was completely wrapped together from the person to the car, and the gravity control combined with the high performance of the locomotive itself, they became a fleeting wind on the streets of Yokohama.

"Sensei Chuya and Tsuna just passed by, right?" Takeshi Yamamoto came out of a shopping store first with a big bag in his hand. With his excellent dynamic vision, his eyes quickly caught the passing figure of the other party.

Peng Gelie and his party are currently sightseeing in Yokohama under the warm reception of the Binhu duo.

"What are you talking about? How could Judaime appear here?" Hayato Hayato rolled his eyes. Mr. Reborn can tell him that Judaimu is now negotiating with the port and the leader of the port on the issue of Chuya in the Central Plains. Woolen cloth!Where did Xianxin come from wandering around the streets.

Thinking of this, Hayato's face became more and more serious. If the port leader dares to disagree with giving Zhongya Zhongya to Pengo Lie, by then, after defeating the Xanxus bastards, the port will be next!For this reason, he has to become stronger.

"You idiots! Don't forget about training just because you're playing here! We still have a tough battle to fight!" Hayato's gaze was blazing with fire. What a bunch of loose guys!Fortunately, there is his prison temple Hayato!

"How long are you going to hug, Sawada Tsunayoshi?"

Under the sun, the sea surface was sparkling, and the sea breeze carried a refreshing salty taste. The pink locomotive had already stopped.

This is Yokohama's wharf, which is an important import and export port for foreign trade. Cargo ships are docked not far from the coastline.

"We met here, Gang." Chuya turned his head, looked at the boy who was tremblingly retracting his hand, and was arranging his hair. He raised his hand and gently stroked the boy's messy hair with his palm. The head shape is like a hedgehog, but the hair is extremely soft.

"Well, I haven't been here since the first time we met." There was a trace of nostalgia in Gangji's eyes.

At that time, he was alone with a bag of breakfast in his hand. He originally planned to go back to the hotel after seeing the beautiful scenery of Yokohama Pier in the early morning, but he didn't want to meet Mr. Nakahara here.

"Am I scary? Gang?" Chuya's hand slid down from the top of the boy's hair to his chin, and the thin nails, which were slightly longer than his fingers, were slightly embedded in the boy's skin.

This kind of moderate force is not painful, but it feels a little tickling.

"No, Mr. Chuya is not scary at all." Tsuna said obediently, he didn't understand why Mr. Chuya suddenly brought him to this place.

"Really? But you were at that place at the time. You fell down, tripped over a box twice, and finally fainted when you saw my face. Why? By the way, someone yelled no Kill me?" Zhong also said, his body approached Gang Ji, the corners of his mouth curled up, with a malicious smile.

"This... I don't really remember." Gang Ji's eyes drifted towards the sea beside him, obviously recalling the scene when we first met, quite embarrassed, it was not a good memory, at least the way he looked at that time It's really embarrassing.

"Oh? Really? Is that really a pity? Do you need me to recall it for you?"

The dark red light enveloped Tsunayoshi Sawada's whole body, and Tsunayoshi Sawada floated in the air from the locomotive, then the gravity disappeared, and the boy fell heavily to the ground.

Seeing the young boy with an innocent face, Zhongya slowly got off the motorcycle. The sea breeze was blowing on Zhongye's black coat, causing the hem and cuffs to sway unstoppably. With a wicked smile, he walked towards the boy.

"Hey, kid, why are you running? Am I scary?"

The black lacquered hat was worn on the curly orange hair, and the shiny leather shoes stepped loudly on the cement and wharf of the port. What a familiar scene.

"No!" Gangji came back to his senses, he stood up slowly, different from the casual attire he wore that day, today he specially prepared a decent, handsome and slim outfit for him in order to visit the chief of the port. Black suit.

He tidied up his neckline, with a warm smile on his lips, so that he would not be as embarrassing as before. He is not the same anymore, he has become stronger, and the physical skills taught to him by Mr. Chuya make him even Without relying on the power of Vongola's blood, he could barely fight with Mr. Chuya, and with the power of his own blood, he became even stronger.

"Mr. Nakaya is not scary! Mr. Nakaya is the best person I have ever met, the cutest person." Tsunayoshi's voice was neither loud nor soft, but just happened to fall into the morning breeze in the sea breeze. In the ears of Chuya Chuya, who followed him.

"Tsk," Chuya put his hands in his pockets, tilted his head, the back of his ears blushed slightly, "what's wrong with you, what made you so thick-skinned?"

"It's better than when I was hit by a death bullet and my shirt exploded and I was left with only a pair of underwear." Gang Ji muttered in a low voice. He is a restrained person, but he was forced by the death bullet , it would be better for him to take the initiative to explain himself.

"What did you say?" Zhong also frowned, unable to hear the other party's muttering clearly.

"I said, Mr. Chuya, even if you reject my confession, I will not give up." Tsunayoshi said softly, "So, Mr. Chuya, please regard this as our first meeting scene, okay?"

Suits and leather shoes, romantic words, the most important thing is that he didn't faint from being frightened by Mr. Chuya in embarrassment.

"I don't want it." Zhongyuan Zhong also categorically refused, "In that case, it would be too boring."

"Mr. Zhongya." The young man's voice lowered, and the speed of his speech became slow, with a bit of softness, and there was a hint of coquettishness.

"Shut up!" Zhongya stopped, almost covered in goosebumps, folded his hands on his chest, his eyes followed the direction of the wind, "Let me tell you, the so-called confession must at least have enough foreplay, you know? It would be too heartless to say something suddenly."

Gang Ji was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood, is this what it means to see a real confession?

He had never regretted his recklessness more than now.

That's right, Mr. Nakaya is a person who values ​​form. Mr. Nakaya's clothes, house, and car are all stylish and have his own taste. His sudden confession is really brainless.

It's like feeding a Persian cat with pig feed, it would be strange not to be scratched by the cat's paw.

There were no flowers, no rings, and what's worse, the location hadn't even been carefully considered.

Yokohama pier.

This is the place where he and Mr. Nakaya met for the first time. Naturally, it is a place worth remembering and full of feelings, but he only realized it now, only after Mr. Nakaya pointed it out so bluntly. Why did Mr. Nakaya not agree to his confession?

Ahhh!He really is an idiot!He was so stupid, why didn't he consult the old fritter reborn who had many love experiences, that Italian man must have a lot of romantic and elegant ways of confessing.

"Sorry, Mr. Chuya." Tsuna bowed his head guiltily, not daring to look at the other party, "Please wait, after I defeat Xanxus, I will definitely satisfy Mr. Chuya!" This time was too hasty , the preparation for the next confession will definitely be the most exquisite!

What the hell is there without a tail?Zhong also raised his eyebrows, and then seemed to think of something, his face flushed, he raised his hand, his hand trembled a little with excitement, he stammered, "You...what nonsense!"

"Eh? I'm not talking nonsense." Tsuna was taken aback for a moment and then realized that Zhong was also wondering why he waited until after defeating Xanxus before confessing, so he quickly explained.

"Because, after defeating Xanxus, I can have more energy."

"Huh? So why do you need so much energy!"

"Of course it is to make Mr. Chuya completely satisfied, and I will devote all my energy to Mr. Chuya!" Sawada Tsunayoshi said sincerely, "Stay tuned, Mr. Chuya. "


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

5 bottles of Fengyin and Yayoi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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